'If-v ,r. » -, / HISTORICAL] SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1903. THE SECTIOSI'--'S'II "*.,*<$ -fff?lf!? By FREPJSJHC J. HASKIN SLOPES ARE COVERED WITH ASHEN ROBES.' TOURISTS CLIMBING OVER THE RUINS OF ST. PIERRE. "NOTHING LEFT BUT SCORCHED"AND TUMBLED PILES OF WRECKAGE." , '; V^ iy |g Martinique, W. I., May 2.—It may be day, but none were left to tell of them. Thosei who tried to point out to them the if there were ntf-objections, -he-would boats. A scare is a part of nearly every plug passed above the zone, of rock pres­ the mouth of the Mississippi, "the Amazon, true that time heals all wounds but the The sole survivor, a burly negro, was dishonor of living lazily on funds raised, rather have the. money.- The only dif­ visit/ and the excursionist has hardly sure great enough, to compress the steam and other large rivers; the second stage- «nd of the first year since the deadly locked in a prison cell, and when liber­ to alleviate suffering were unheeded. Had ference . being that .the destitute . beggars had his money's worth unless he can into water, arid with this relief the liquid is that of baking, or tumefaction, by the •ruption of Mont Pelee finds Martinique ated was merely a dazed, chattering they not suffered? Were they not deserv­ of Martinique, instead of requesting the return with a tale .of hairbreadth escape flashed, into steam and the super-heated conduction of earth heat from the-' holi still mourning for lost St. Pierre. thing with little reason left, and alto-, ing of something: These were the ques­ cash, demanded it, •" "-•.;- .- i y-" •.'?._* from death. The curio venders earn large rock matter into gases, while the unox- interior upward; ther third stage is that] Nature is generally quick to spread her gether ignorant of the cause that had tions the busy bodies asked them. Cer­ Starving Them Into Their Senses; sums by selling bits of bone and blackened idized compounds leaped" into flame and of uplift, partly, thru .expansion from heat­ tainly they'had.suffered! Of course they spoons, knives, etc., supposed to have been smoke as they caught the oxygen of the ing from below; the fourth stage-is thaii green cloth over every scene of death, torn a city down above his head and sent The governor refused-=and the good-for- picked up in St. Pierre. Most of this stuff but the northern tip of the island re­ over 30,000 souls into eternity. were deserving! It is easy for some peo­ nothing element,.,-whioh-had been spoiled outer air. The lava was probably acidic, of unloading, degradation by rains anfli ple to argue for any course that will pro­ is manufactured. and when the imprisoned droplets of water river when the former sediments are lifted' mains as charred and ghastly as the All idea of what took place in St. Pierre by too much charity, refused. point blank expanded they formed bubbles, immense stump of an arm with its hand burned on that last morning is mere conjecture; vide free bread and free shelter! *T3y the to go to work, fie promptly cut their , Scientists Still Quarreling. above sea level to again become dry land; j time the new governor arrived from The scientists are still debating the quantities remaining in the form of vesic­ and the final stage is vulcanism, or ex­ ^ off. The slopes retain their ashen robes the~ imagination has to bridge between a, supplies off. A hot political: fight resulted ular pumice, a great amount of this being as religiously as widows wear their knowledge of what the place had been France, he found many of his subjects-or­ and the French minister of colonies had- cause of this eruption. Hardly any two travasation of the hot rock matter of the- ganized into a sort of beggar guild and de­ .blown into the fragments of which vol­ depths partially relieved from pressure byj, mourning weeds. There is not a blade of and the scorched and tumbled pile of to step in and.end.it. .Some of.those.po­ of them agree.. Professor McGee of the canic ashes consist. grass nor a sprig of green within the zone wreckage that now takes its place. • manding their support from charity or the litical meddlers who prolonged, the trou­ bureau.-of-ethnology holds to the theory the unloading. Recognition of this- cycla, where that consuming fire descended— The Blight of Charity. state or anything that would continue to ble by sympathizing - with and' encourag­ that the Pelee eruption was primarily an St. Pierre Consumed by Gas. has done much to systematize and sim-> just a gray waste overhung with the awe­ provide it for nothing. • ing the- loafers in-their unreasonable de-- explosion due to boiling going on in the plify knowledge concerning causes and! Ther are few Instances in history where When the imprisoned water burst into origin of volcanoes. some silence which always lingers where He did the fair thing. He offered to give mands ought to be- driven from the coun­ interior of the earth, the elements within the dead have been. the pity of mankind was so generally try for taking..advantage. of a .national possessing the power of expansion and steam,. the heavier gases were evolved, Professor Hill of the geological survey], aroused as in the case of stricken Martin­ each one" a piece of ground, to build a chemical reaction; in other words, im­ and while the steam shot skyward, carry­ says: "The causes of the volcanic errm-i And in the distance is the angry moun­ ique. Every civilized country united in small house on it, and furnish the neces­ calamity to furfher 'their, own ends. tain,' blustering and fuming like a bully The new governor'seems to be a strong prisoned elements seeking a vent. He ing volcanic ashes in vast dust clouds, tlon of Mont Pelee and of all other vol­ contributing to the relief fund. " Money sary tools and implements to start them says it seems evident that. the. lava mass, the gases rolled down the slopes, burn­ canic eruptions is still one of the great swaggering over the form of a prostrate was raised by every means from indi­ In "business. Would you believe that many man and will doubtless starVe the charity foe. It is all that Is fearful and terrifying subjects .into going back to work. of which the uppermost' crust, exploded ing as they went, while the heavier unsolved problems of earth physics, and vidual donation to governmental appro­ of the miserable; beggars had the gall to on May 5,' had coritfnued to rise in the masses of rock torn from the: throat of is a subject which can give origin to an and yet its hidden power, and the spec­ priation; from the charity bazaar to the refuse this magnanimous proposition? Since the destruction, of St. Pierre thou­ tacle of its awful force, holds one fascin­ Some claimed the locations offered them sands of sightseers have visited the scene. verit' after the temporary .shock of the the crater by the viscid flood were dropped infinite number- of theories and specula-* grand opera benefit. The strings of the initial explosion in April, and by May 8 for miles around. It seems evident that tlons-. ated to the spot. world's money bag were literally unloos­ were unhealthful, others said their houses The steamship lines' have transacted a large business by carrying excursionists it" had 'reached sucn a height in the throat the burning gas consumed St. Pierre, be­ - Each school has its adherents and near­ It is hard to realize that this ugly, un­ ed for the little island's sufferers, and were unsanitary, and still others claimed ; as to seek relief from the" immense pres­ sightly heap of mud-stained, ash-covered thousands of frightened refugees from that the government was not acting in from all points, in. the West Indies, from fore the red-hot rocks reached the town. ly- every adherent has some modification* the United States, and "from Europe. The sure of the lower earth crust.-' Coming up, The aerial thunderings spoken of were The public has the privilege of taking ruins is St. Pierre—beautiful, idyllic St. the vicinity of the volcano were fed and good faith and intended to seize their with the" high- temperature" of subterran­ Pierre—with its palms and vines and sheltered for months. crop's.: All " those who refused for one volcano in action presents a grand sight.' due to the escape of steam and other all the data and thinking out its own Volumes of steam. and~smoke pour front ean depths,' the mass, like other rocks in" gases from the crater info high layers of conclusion. The adherent of each school flowers. It seems Impossible that so much The supply, of funds seemed so Inex­ reason or another insisted upon being a"state of nature, was' saturated with color and motion and life could have been haustible that the poor began to feel the given the cash equivalent of what the the crater, and.at. night the heavens re­ the atmosphere and consequent electrical finds many faots in nature to substantiate flect the light' of its awful fire. There is water and charged with mineral sub­ disturbances. its ideas, but the investigation gradually} so quickly reduced to this shapeless, use­ world's pity was a good thing to live on. government intended to invest for them. stances ready.to flash-into gas or to oxi­ less waste. It afforded a rather similar case to the an element of danger in being sd close to , Vulcanism is one of the stages in a leads up to the fact that this earth is Why should they return to work when dize 'on contacts with the air.- The viscid a shrinking globe with a great hot un­ The scenes of that last hour in the money was given them so freely? The miserly young man, who, when 4 asked by this -terrible monster; .and the slightest normal cycle of continent growth.
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