
JI'LORIDA STATE UIIIVERntI BhST SLLLING RELIGIOUS fICTIOR. 1900-1953 By GERTRUDE PHILLIpS WILD.Eft A Paper Subm1tted to the Graduate Council at florida state University 10 partial 1I1l.tllllllent ot the requirlllllentll tor the degree ot v.a.ter ot Art•• Mloor pro~e ••or , \- I f.4,. c. ' Yt.. ~ .L ~ Repre.entat1ve ot Graduate Council /1 I, I ~ May. 1956 I I)/< 'I Dean of the Graduate School TABLE OF CON'rBN'J:S Page INTROroCTIOIi • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 RELIGIOU& FICTION ON BEST SELLER LIs m, 1900-1953 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 mE BlBLI CAL lIO VEL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.2 mE INSPIRATIONAL NOVEL • • • • • • • • • • • 19 THE CLEilI CAL NOVEL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 26 SUMWlY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 32 API'DIDIX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 37 BlBLIOGIIAI'!iY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .fo8 11 IIITRooocnOll It there ls need in llbrary llterature tor tuller expodt10n ot the "'D¥ values thet novels hold tor the reeding publlc there i. even greater need aaons librarlans tor a broader bocksround ot personal taailiarity wlth tlctlon, a deepened relponsivena.s to the qualitles and 1ntluence. ot the novelist'_ art. The apologetic a ttltude so commonl7 main­ tained toward the existence end reading ot novel. in publlc libraries is one ot the v.stll1a1 romaine ot traditional lIor.U.... In the present day, ot varlety and ..sterr in technique ot literary ax­ pression and broadening appreCiation ot l1tereture, the onl7 tict10n coll.ctlon thet demands apolol7 1_ on. in which trivial, inene, inter10r, and vulgar book. predominate. Througb the halt-century now olo.ing world revolut10n increa_e. in ..o.entua, and the portent., tragedie., contusions, end tear. thet ahedow the world are ranected in the creative art ot fiction as 1 t penetrate. with 1ns ight end power into man's external and internal violence and dis­ integration. This tiction 1. properl1 pert ot the llbrary's apparatus or publlc enlightenment, end libraries Ihould approve 1 t. values, as the;y should be proud ot the manitold 1ntluencas tor intellisence and imagination and S1JIIp!I th1 and simpl. ple.sure-­ surel1 a sreat I1tt--that thay are radiating through tiction.l Llbrariana have been slaw at tim.s, perhaps, to bec"",e eurtlcientl1 well aWare ot "the variety and .sterT in technique" represented in tiction end _utflcientl1 cognl&ant ot 'broaden Ins ot litereture in fictional torm.· Too otten perhaps, due to the pre.sure ot dutles, they have reUed on reviews and .elected Usts tor vicarious acquaintance with E. Seleotion~elen (2nd ed.,lIa;~~t,;., Service". no. 2; lew York: pp. 1507-08. 1 2 tile product in Ueu of a first hand uulnation of it. Such exaalnation would in no wise lessen in importence the re­ view. and lists. Because of tile multi tude of duties, 8.lI¥ selection aid has e Telue when used correctly. In tact, tIle.e lists can be made the basis for such personal examina­ tion of various types of books with whioh til. librarian neede greater familiarity. In recent years tbe writer has noted from time to time the recurrence on best ••Uer 11.t. of t1 tIes thet could be caUed, because of tile setting, characterization, and problems, religious fiction. The purpose of this peper i. to analyze tile titles of religious fiction for tile period 1900- 1953 witil view to determining how IIl!Ul7 ouch novels achieved best seller status; of escerta1n1ng what typas have been widely read; end with view of detem:ln1ng what in tile minds of autllors end reviewers we. tile need served and tile reason for their popularity. No attemp.t will be made to show that th.s. books ought to be read, that thay are outstanding literature, or tbet they will necessarily live--the aim i. to show the t tile religious novel is a force the t cannot be 19nored in the study of fiction and current trends in writing. Best seller 11sts were chosen as they tell what books were most popUlar in their respective years. Though they do not tell how many people read the books, tIley are selective as they do not include book club Belect10ns or II books anilabl" on librarr lIhelve.; but booa which ware boU&bt to .. thei .. own 8&ke. -Best ••11 ... - is a tal'll uaed SOli_hat 1001e17 br the Amerlcan publlc todar. Tet tew people reallze It. meaning or l1ll1tatlonl. It u.ual17 reterl to a cOllpa .... tive rating on a llst such a8 the b •• t selling tiction tor th. week. month. 0 .. 78"" compiled br lOme _&aline. MaIl1 pe.. iodical. publish be.t s.lle.. lists. 1'h•• e li.ts c.. pare the .alel at nrious booa troll book stores end othe.. outlet•• excluding book clubs. 1'he .a1es tlgure. are checud and the books re­ oeiving the largest DUmber at sales ... celve ranks according to their sales. A list 10 then dra'>n up listing the book. b)" order ot sal•• records tr... the greatelt down--these records &1'e then published as the best sellers ot the stated period. For the purpose at this paper the )"earlT Usts which have been oOllpiled br Pybliahers' Weekl,z2 '11111 be used as the B.st Sell.r Ll.t to which wa will reteI'. Alice P. Hackett has brought the.e ),""1'17 list. together in her books. Fiftx Xeare ot Be.t 8,11'£$. 1896_19,53 and SovIQ Xttrt ot Best Sellerp, lP~-1951.' To bring the informatlon up to date. the ,earlT Best Selle.. List in Publi.he.... Weekly 2Pybl1.11ers· W!It!kly. 1'he Amerioan Book Trade Journal (Sew York: R. R. Bowker Co.). 3A11ce Pame bcutt. Ftttl Y!I!lrs ot Best Sellers, 1895-l9~ (Jlew York: R. R. Bow er CO •• 1945). 'Allce Payee Heckett, van Years ot e.t 5 lers. tHtt?lIll SUpplement to tt ars or .t 3e .... 895- 9 New York, R. R. Bowker Co., 9 • • ror 1952 and 1953 have been used to supplement Mi88 Hackett's books. The Best Seller Lists mirror the public'S interest. These are lists not ot what people could or should reed, but of the books that they haTe bought to reed. A persOll is usually more careful in the .eleation or books he buy. than in those he borrows rrom libraries or rriend.. Books are brougnt to the public attention 1n Ivery way possible. However, the books on the best seller lists have not been chosen tor the reader by book club., but they have been bought by him or his own rNe will. This paper is not an attempt to show that these books which have appeared on the best Beller list. are outstanding as literary masterpieces, but tuat they .... et the needs of the averege reader and althougn they have not here-to-fore been classed as a type or novel, they mignt be recognized as such. Only best sellers w1th a decided re­ l1gious theme or philosophy are considered a. religious novels. From their contents religious fiction (novels) rall into three groups: (1) novel. with settings and/or char­ acters rrom e1 ther the Old or New Testament, " type or historical novel, the Biblical; (2) novels show1ng principles of Chrllt1an1t, in action, the InspIrational; and (3) novels dealing with ~~e lives of minister. or priests, the Clerical. This paper, therefore, i. an analysis of religious 5 fiction on the best seller lists, 1900-1953, with consideration of both the quantity and ~e quality of the novels and with Bome attention to the timeliness ot opinion expressed ror the reacUng audience to "hQm it was directed. Next, an e.xam1l1a tion will be made of th.. bookS by type. l'hen, a summary ot the rindings will be presented. In an appendix will appear a ohronological listing of the titles with notation to indicate the numerical rankIng in their popu1arit1 as compared with the other best sellers on that particular list, Bnd an alphabet1cal b1bl1ographical 11.ting of the thirty t1tle. with annotations. RELIGIOUS FIOTIoli Oll llESX BELLER LISXS, 1900-1953 During the period 1900-1953 there were thirty titles on the lUlIlU/il beet seller 11sts which might be termed religious r1ction. 7W81ve t1tles were listed more then onoe making a total or forty-rive listings tor the period oovered. Several authors, notably Sho1em A.eh, Lloyd C. Douglaa and Harold Bell Wright, had more than one t1tle 11sted. The total number or authors representeO was rUteen. Titles or this nature bad been quite popular in the closing years ot tba 1800's, but the turn or the century saw a slackening or re11gious interest es suoh and a changing attitude toward the churches. Critics charged the church with insensitiveness te social abuses. The religiOUS novels or the rirst pert or the twentieth centur,y dealt with problems or the individual and the need ror untried religion with 80cial oonsoiousness. me Doctor (on the best seller list in 1907), Xheir Yesterday. (1912), Ib& Inslde or the CUp (1913-1914), The woman Thou gavest Me (1913), end The Eyes or the World (1914) demonstrate the attitude or the churoh toward divorce, nationalism and social and economic problems as themes ot novels or this 6 7 period. The '1rst World War was slow to 1n!luence the re­ l1gious novel in the United States, but with the entrance ot the United States into the war, the problem. ot men became a popular theme. ~en a Men's a M!!!l (1916), ~ Major (1918), The Skz P,lot in No Man's Land (1919), The He-creat10n of Br!an Kent (1919-1920), and Simon Called Peter (1922) retlect thiS successful effort to regain selt­ respect in a home tront 01' ""1' setting.
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