WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 3 American Meteorological Society Award Certificates are given to projects for creative scientific endeavor in the areas of atmospheric and related oceanic or hydrologic sciences. Animal Sciences Westlake High School Lee Cohen (LEE CO-EN) Animal Sciences Ossining High School Pedro Montes De Oca Jr. (PAE-DRO - MON-TEZ- DAE- OCA ) Animal Sciences Fox Lane High School Marco Zanghi (Marco Zangee) Animal Sciences Ossining High School Julia Piccirillo-Stosser Sabrina Piccirillo-Stosser Kiara Taveras (Julia Piccirillo-Stosser, Sabrina Piccirillo-Stosser, Kiara Taveras) Environmental Sciences John Jay High School Akshay Amin (Ak shay Ah mean) Environmental Sciences Pelham Memorial High School Aidan Sisk Morgan McLean Bernadette Russo (Ay-Dan Sisk) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 4 American Psychological Association Award Certificates are given to students for their outstanding research in psychological science. Behavioral and Social Byram Hills High School Cooper Gray (Coop-er Gray) Sciences Behavioral and Social Croton-Harmon High School Vishwanka Kuchibhatla (Vish-wan-ka Coo- Sciences chi-bot-la) Behavioral and Social Dobbs Ferry High School Isabel Long (Is-A-Bel Long) Sciences Behavioral and Social Yorktown High School Kayla Mariuzza (Kayyylah Mehr-ee-utsa) Sciences Behavioral and Social New Rochelle High School Jillian Stokes (JILL-e-IN Stokes) Sciences WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 5 Association for Women Geoscientists Award A certificate will be awarded to female students whose projects exemplify high standards of innovativeness and scientific excellence in the geosciences. Earth Science Ardsley High School Alexandra Rivera (ALEX-AN-DRA RIV- ER-A) Earth Science Ossining High School Anne Stein Earth Science Somers High School Katherine Taylor (Cath-rin Tail-or) Earth Science Ardsley High School Tara Venkatadri (TAR-rah Ven-cah-TAH- dree) Plant Sciences Hastings High School Alexandra Campson WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 6 ASU Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiative Projects that determine innovative solutions to complex sustainability challenges will be awarded a certificate and a chance to win the Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives Grand Prize, a $500.00 cash award. Behavioral and Social Sleepy Hollow High School Emma Tucker Sciences Chemistry Ossining High School Skyler Jones Computational Westlake High School Joelle El Hamouche (JOE-ELLE EL HAH- Biology/Bioinformatics MOOSH) Engineering Byram Hills High School Dylan Mack (Dill-an Mack) Engineering John Jay High School Brenden Oates (Bren-den Oats) Environmental Sciences Pelham Memorial High School Eyuel Bekele (Ee-yew-el Beh-kel-eh) Environmental Sciences Somers High School Numan Maloney (New-mahn mah-lone-ee) Environmental Sciences Mamaroneck High School Rebecca Marcus (REBECCA MARCUS) Environmental Sciences Briarcliff Manor High School Farhaanah Mohideen (Far-haaa-na Mo- hee-deen) Environmental Sciences Mamaroneck High School Brian Pfeffer (BRIAN PFEFFER) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 7 Mu Alpha Theta Award The following students will be awarded a certificate for projects involving the use of mathematics in a challenging, original, thorough and creative investigation. Computational Ardsley High School Swetha Sriramoju (SWAY-THUH SREE- Biology/Bioinformatics RAH-MO-JEW) Mathematics Hackley School Jasmine Bayrooti (Jasmin Bayrooti) Mathematics Somers High School Alexander Chuang (Aleks-ander Chu-ang) Mathematics Somers High School Kevin Li (Kev-In Lee) Mathematics Byram Hills High School Brett Stafford (Brett Staf-ford) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 8 NASA Earth System Science Award A certificate will be awarded to students whose projects offer insight into Earth's interconnected systems. Animal Sciences Byram Hills High School Alexandra Remnitz (Al-X-and-ra Rem-nitz) Animal Sciences Ossining High School Dylan Spedaliere (Dyl-an Sped-a-lary) Engineering Somers High School Iain Janecka (Ee-an John-eh-ka) Environmental Sciences Sleepy Hollow High School Fabiola Salerni Karyme Briones (Fab-ee-ola Sa-lair-nee/ Karamay Brio-ness) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 9 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's 2016 Taking the Pulse of the Planet Award A certificate and medallion will be given to projects whose research emphasizes NOAA's mission of Science, Service and Stewardship in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts. Animal Sciences Ossining High School Maxwell Calman (Max Calman) Animal Sciences Harrison High School Julia Kischkat (Julia KISH CAT) Chemistry Yorktown High School Timothy Woodard Earth Science Westlake High School Christopher Bauco (CHRIS-TOPHER BOW-KO) Earth Science Somers High School Aidan Mahoney (Aye-Den Mah-Hone-ee) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 10 Ricoh America's Corporation Sustainable Development Award The following students will receive a certificate for outstanding efforts in addressing issues of environmental responsibility and sustainable development. Behavioral and Social Westlake High School Philip Markuszewski (FILL-IP MARK-OO- Sciences SHEF-SKI) Engineering Sleepy Hollow High School James Buzaid (James Buzz-aid) Engineering Pelham Memorial High School William Taubner (Will-ee-um Tau-bner) Environmental Sciences Mamaroneck High School William Cook (WILLIAM COOK) Environmental Sciences Ossining High School Romina Gamarra (Row-mee-na Gam-arra) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 11 Society for In Vitro Biology Award The next award is a certificate for 11th grade students in recognition of their outstanding research in the areas of tissue or cell culture of plants or animals. Cellular and Molecular Biology Mamaroneck High School Ali James (ALI JAMES) Cellular and Molecular Biology Scarsdale High School Jenny Liu (Jenny Loo) Medicine and Health Yorktown High School Saketh Anand (Sah-keth An-ahnd) Medicine and Health Pleasantville High School Anisha Chandy (Anisha Chan-di) Microbiology Rye Country Day School Madeline Mandell WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 12 Stockholm Junior Water Prize The following projects will receive a certificate plus a nomination to enter the state competition for their work in water preservation, purification or protection. Engineering John Jay High School Brenden Oates (Bren-den Oats) Engineering Ossining High School Elliot Ocheltree (EL-LIOT OAK-EL-TREE) Engineering John Jay High School Katherine Ricca (Katherine Reeka) Environmental Sciences Hastings High School Maya Foxman Environmental Sciences Ossining High School Catherine Kamp (CA-THER-IN KAM-P) Environmental Sciences Yorktown High School Annamarie Khandji (Annamarie Congee) Environmental Sciences Putnam Valley High School Hayley Lewis (Hay - Lee Lew- is ) Environmental Sciences Sleepy Hollow High School Daniel Livingston Environmental Sciences Blind Brook HIgh School Kieran Storch (Keer ann Storech) Environmental Sciences Carmel High School Isabela Yepes (ih-za-beh-la yeh-pez) Environmental Sciences Peekskill High School Jessie Zhanay (Jes-See Zah-nay) Environmental Sciences Peekskill High School Robert Chacha Nicolas Holman (Nih-ko-lus Hole-man and Rah-burt Chah-Chah) Plant Sciences Harrison High School Savannah Holmes (SAVANA HOMES) Plant Sciences Somers High School Caroline Smith (Care-oh-line Smith) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 13 US Metric Association Award Any project displaying a significant amount of quantitative measurement that best uses the SI metric system is eligible to win a certificate. Behavioral and Social Edgemont High School George Guarnieri (George Gwar Neerey) Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology Mahopac High School Jessica Finkler (Jes-si-ca Fink-ler) Cellular and Molecular Biology Putnam Valley High School Kaitlin Cohen Natalie Scanlon (k AI t - l ih n k OH - uh n ) Physics and Astronomy Horace Greeley High School Coleman Smith WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 14 Yale Science and Engineering Association Award One student in 11th grade will win a certificate and medallion for his or her top scores in the categories of Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, and/or Chemistry. Engineering Somers High School Noah Sanz (No-ah Sanz) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 15 United States Air Force Award A gift package will be given to top projects in the following categories: engineering, mathematics, computer science, life science and/or physical science. Behavioral and Social Yorktown High School Caitlin O'Donnell (Caytlin ODonnell) Sciences Earth Science Harrison High School Alex Kaplan (Alex Cap-Lan) Earth Science Edgemont High School Michael Winitch (Michael Win-itch) Engineering Fox Lane High School Jessica Burg WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 16 Innovations in Biological Sciences Research Award A certificate and $25 will be awarded to outstanding projects in the biological sciences. Cellular and Molecular Biology Sleepy Hollow High School Julia Friedman (Julia Freedman) Cellular and Molecular Biology Scarsdale High School Amanda Girardi (Amanda Ger-ar-di) Cellular and Molecular Biology Pelham Memorial High School Jonathan Girolamo (Jon Jur-all-uh-mo) Cellular and Molecular Biology Mamaroneck High School Tomas Grossmark (TOMASS GROSSMARK) Computational Lakeland High School Jothi Ramaswamy (Joh-thee Rah-ma- Biology/Bioinformatics swamy) Computational Briarcliff Manor High School Matthew Tu (ma-thyu tu) Biology/Bioinformatics Computational Yorktown High School Kenny Zhang (Kenny Zang) Biology/Bioinformatics Medicine and Health Fox Lane High School Caitlin Brown Medicine and Health Byram Hills High School Dana DOnofrio (Day-nah Dough-nah-free- O) Medicine and Health Byram Hills High School Lindsey Steeg (Lin-see St-eeg) WESEF 2018 AWARDS PAGE 17 Mianus River Gorge Ecology Award Donated by Mianus River
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