PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER EDITOR Jennifer Davidson Dennis Murphy Richard Hart Jenny Andersen 62 York St 79 Binalong Rd 20 Coleman St 99 Bent St Sandy Bay. TAS 7005 Old Toongabbie NSW 2146 North Fitzroy. Vic 3068 Northcote. Vic. 3070 Ph: (002) 23 6546 Ph: (02) 9631 0613 Ph: (03) 9489 8337 Ph: (03) 9482 3292 INTERNATIONAL PUPPETRY ORGANISATION UNION INTERNATIONALE DE LA MARIONNETTE FOUNDED IN l929 MEMBER OF IT! !UNESCO) EDITORIAL NOTICE BOARD On August 25t� there was a Unim� conference held in Melbourne and for the first time in many years, the whole executive was able to be m the same place at the same time. The occasion was used very productively, to talk about Unima's future and to make some exciting decisions. EQUITY In this magazine you will find proposals about a Unima Australia festival, and the launch of the EMPLOYMENT ALERT! Uni ma Scholarship.fund. There are many details to be worked out with both issues, so if you have any comments/suggestions, please send them to Dennis Murphy or, if you'd like your opinions to be made Expressions of interest are invited for A few Victorian Equity members public, send them to me before 24th November_ the position of Ar tistic Dire ct or have been meeting to organise some The conference attracted a pleasing number of old and new members, contributing of SPARE PARTS - a vibrant, informal information nights for performances, reports, questions and suggestions around the theme "What do we want from Unima?" members, run by members. The aim is Apart fro� a general_ co�census abo�t the value of h�lding a festival, other issues were brought up innovative puppet company. nt m the for ordinary members to inform other such .as - increasing our_ _1nvolvem� _As1a-Pac1f1c Unima Commission (and possibly hosting a meeting of the Comm1ss1on alongside a festival), and encouraging greater Australian membership of For further details ring members about the Industrial Unima. If you would like a copy of the minutes, please contact me before i 3th October, as I will be going (09) 335 5044 Relations bill and how it will affect us overseas from then until 24th November. and what we can do to minimise the A t�eme that has been running through reports from the Budapest Congress,and our own impact in our industry. The meeting will conference 1s that Unima needs an active membership in order to do anything. If we want a festival, it or write to will have to be organised by The Chairperson also provide a forum to find out more lots of people, not just a few. PO Box 897 information about the union or to share This is especially the case now Fremantle WA 6160 your secret gripe about the union. that Commonwealth Arts funding is being reduced Equity section does have paid across the board. It can be done - the Iida Puppetry organisers but, if you've ever· tried to Festival in Japan began as a THE WORKHOUSE talk to one of them, you would know very small volunteer-run event they are pretty busy. One of the major and now it is huge. In the last UNIMA Magazine aims of the IR bill is to reduce the rights Individual members there was a brief mention of a new of unions to organise members. The can initiate anything - recently only way to counter that is for us Michele Spooner started to small theatre which has opened in take up a collection to help Melbourne calledTHE WORKHOUSE. ordinary members to talk to others in providea year's training for an It is located at 145 Victoria Parade, the industry and encourage Indian puppeteer. It will only Collingwood and the official opening membership and sticking together. cost $300. This is an action was on 1st September. The director, That is the only way we will maintain truly in the Unima spirit. (See what we have and have any chance of also p.8 of this issue, Anita Sinclair, says that the space can regarding the Pakistan be used for any kind of small theatre achieving better conditions. Museum of Puppetry.) production, and she is receptive to any The magazine itself inquiries (PH: 03 - 9417 1211). You may have received a letter gets more and more if you are in the trial group. If you interesting because members In the last issue I incorrectly wrote that Anita used to run a theatre haven't and would be interested in are sending such great knowing more, contact Denise Rundle articles. Thank you all very called The House. It was actually much! called Living Room. (Ed.) on (03) 9529 4092 or Janet Dalgliesh The most basic way to on (03) 9459 1121. be active is to pay your Denise Rundle subscriptions on time, to save Richard hours of work in chasing them up, and to CONGRATULATIONS! increase the funds we have LESLIE TROWBRIDGE available to organise events to Murray Raine who has won such as workshops and ... the 1 996 Mo Award for best visual act PUPPET OPERA perhaps even a festival! in Australia. It is the first time a Jenny Andersen puppeteer has ever won this Leslie Trowbridge performed at the prestigious award which is named Noosa festival. He has been unable to after the character name of famous film his performances recently, due to Australian comedian Roy Rene. May it his photographer being ill and is DECEMBER MAGAZINE DEADLINE lead to many new and wonderful looking forward to getting back to 24th NOVEMBER, 1996 opportunities, Murray! video-production soon. EDITORIAL NOTICE BOARD On August 25t� there was a Unim� conference held in Melbourne and for the first time in many years, the whole executive was able to be m the same place at the same time. The occasion was used very productively, to talk about Unima's future and to make some exciting decisions. EQUITY In this magazine you will find proposals about a Unima Australia festival, and the launch of the EMPLOYMENT ALERT! Uni ma Scholarship.fund. There are many details to be worked out with both issues, so if you have any comments/suggestions, please send them to Dennis Murphy or, if you'd like your opinions to be made Expressions of interest are invited for A few Victorian Equity members public, send them to me before 24th November_ the position of Ar tistic Dire ct or have been meeting to organise some The conference attracted a pleasing number of old and new members, contributing of SPARE PARTS - a vibrant, informal information nights for performances, reports, questions and suggestions around the theme "What do we want from Unima?" members, run by members. The aim is Apart fro� a general_ co�census abo�t the value of h�lding a festival, other issues were brought up innovative puppet company. nt m the for ordinary members to inform other such .as - increasing our_ _1nvolvem� _As1a-Pac1f1c Unima Commission (and possibly hosting a meeting of the Comm1ss1on alongside a festival), and encouraging greater Australian membership of For further details ring members about the Industrial Unima. If you would like a copy of the minutes, please contact me before i 3th October, as I will be going (09) 335 5044 Relations bill and how it will affect us overseas from then until 24th November. and what we can do to minimise the A t�eme that has been running through reports from the Budapest Congress,and our own impact in our industry. The meeting will conference 1s that Unima needs an active membership in order to do anything. If we want a festival, it or write to will have to be organised by The Chairperson also provide a forum to find out more lots of people, not just a few. PO Box 897 information about the union or to share This is especially the case now Fremantle WA 6160 your secret gripe about the union. that Commonwealth Arts funding is being reduced Equity section does have paid across the board. It can be done - the Iida Puppetry organisers but, if you've ever· tried to Festival in Japan began as a THE WORKHOUSE talk to one of them, you would know very small volunteer-run event they are pretty busy. One of the major and now it is huge. In the last UNIMA Magazine aims of the IR bill is to reduce the rights Individual members there was a brief mention of a new of unions to organise members. The can initiate anything - recently only way to counter that is for us Michele Spooner started to small theatre which has opened in take up a collection to help Melbourne calledTHE WORKHOUSE. ordinary members to talk to others in providea year's training for an It is located at 145 Victoria Parade, the industry and encourage Indian puppeteer. It will only Collingwood and the official opening membership and sticking together. cost $300. This is an action was on 1st September. The director, That is the only way we will maintain truly in the Unima spirit. (See what we have and have any chance of also p.8 of this issue, Anita Sinclair, says that the space can regarding the Pakistan be used for any kind of small theatre achieving better conditions. Museum of Puppetry.) production, and she is receptive to any The magazine itself inquiries (PH: 03 - 9417 1211). You may have received a letter gets more and more if you are in the trial group. If you interesting because members In the last issue I incorrectly wrote that Anita used to run a theatre haven't and would be interested in are sending such great knowing more, contact Denise Rundle articles.
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