Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2000, volume 27, pages 121- 136 Sub symmetry analysis of architectural designs: some examples Jin-Ho Park Department of Architecture and Urban Design, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: [email protected] Received 1 December 1998; in revised form 28 April 1999 Abstract. An analytic method founded on the mathematical structure of symmetry groups is defined and some applications to the analysis of architectural designs are shown. In earlier work by March and Park, architectural designs were analyzed with respect to a partial ordering of subsymmetries associated with the symmetry of the square and then classified by lattice diagrams of the subsymmetries. The analytic approach dem- onstrates how different subsymmetries may be revealed in each part of the design and how various symmetric transformations combine to achieve the whole design. At first glance, the individual designs seem intricate and without obvious symmetry. However, an analysis of the sub symmetries and symmetric transformations clearly exposes the underlying structure. In this paper, the methodology employed in previous papers is substantially recounted, but new architectural examples have been added. The methodology of subsymmetry analysis In the methodology, various types of symmetry, or subsymmetries, are superimposed in individual designs and illustrate how symmetry may be employed strategically in the design process. An account of the mathematical structure of symmetry groups in analyzing architectural designs has been given over the last ten years by Lionel March in his graduate lectures at UCLA on the Fundamentals of Architectonics: Symmetry (reading materials for this course include Baglivo and Graver, 1976; March, 1995; + March and Steadman, 1971; see also Budden, 1972; Grossman and Magnus, 1964; Griinbaum and Shephard, 1987; Shubnikov and Kopstik, 1974; Weyl, 1952). His emphasis has two aspects. Analytically, by viewing architectural designs in this way, symmetry which is superimposed in several layers in a design and which may not be recognizable immediately may be articulated and made transparent. Synthetically, he believes that architectural design-at its best-and mathematical knowledge are intimately connected and that the design can benefit only by being conscious of group operations and spatial transformations associated with symmetry in compositional and thematic development. March (1995, page 16) cites F W J Schelling's remark given in his lectures at Jena in 1801 and 1804 (Stott, 1989, page 165): "Architecture necessarily proceeds in its constructions according to arithmetical or, since it is music in space, geometric relationships." t To begin with, it is necessary to provide an elementary account of the mathematical structure of a symmetry group, in particular the point groups in two dimensions. In two dimensions, there are two finite point groups: the dihedral group denoted by DI/ for some integer n, and the cyclic group denoted by en" The spatial transformations of the dihedral group comprise rotation and mirror reflection; yet the cyclic group contains rotation only. The point groups have no translation. The number of elements in a finite group is called its order. The symmetry group of DI/ has order 2n elements, whereas c" has order n elements. For example, the symmetry of the square which is the dihedral Jreat Britain 122 J-H Park Subsymmetry group D4 of order 8 has eight distinguishable spatial transformations which define it: Table 1. The ] four quarter-turns; and four reflections, one each about the horizontal and vertical axes diagram of itl and the leading and trailing diagonal axes. The cyclic group C4 has four spatial transformations: the four quarter-turns. Dn Order (D ) Now let us consider the lattice of sub symmetries of the square (figure 1). n The symmetry group of a square D4 includes not only reflections in its four axes but also rotations through 0°,90°, 180°, and 270°, respectively. Thus the symmetry group of the square contains eight transformations, and these are the elements ~f the group. The diagram illustrates all possible sybsymmetries: some with four elements, some with two, and just one, the identity of asymmetry, with one element. The structure of the diagram can be accounted for in two ways: from top to bottom, symmetries are 'subtracted' from the full symmetry of the square; and conversely, from the bottom to the top, subsym- metries are 'added' to achieve higher orders of symmetry. Such a reading is analogous to a lattice diagram of subsets of a set, or subshapes of a shape . • Figure 1. The lattice of subsymmetries of the square. At the top is symmetry D4 of order 8, below are subsymmetries of order •4, then below that again are subsymmetries of order 2, and finally ~ 14 subsymmetry C] of order one, the unit element. Starting from the top of the diagram, level 1 represents the full symmetry of the square D4 with four rotations and four reflections. Level 2 consists of two reflexive subsymmetries D2: one shows two orthogonal axes, and the other shows two diagonal axes at 45° to the orthogonal. Both these subsymmetries exhibit a half-turn through involved in : 180°. The third subsymmetry shows four quarter-turns C , or 90° rotations: it typifies 4 symmetry oJ the 'pin-wheel' symmetry used by architects. At level 3, there are five sub symmetries. ordered in tl Four with reflective symmetry D], two sub symmetries with a single reflective axis on the orthogonal, simple bilateral symmetry, and two sub symmetries with a single reflective Some examp axis on the diagonal. The fifth sub symmetry C; at this level has the half-turn rotation Pantheon at E only. At the bottom level is the unit element or the identity of the group C]. This element ThePantheo has no reflection axes, and no rotation smaller than the full-turn through 360°. plan of the I In general, the basic features of the subsymmetries of the regular polygons can be nation, it car classified. As with the example of the square discussed above, the subgroups may be within the p further differentiated according to axes into what I will call here its sub symmetries major decisi< [Economou (1997) gives a further mathematical discussion of the technical issues For further ( J-H Park Subsymmetry analysis of architectural designs: some examples 123 ich define it: Table 1. The relation between a regular n-gon, its symmetry group and order, and the lattice vertical axes > diagram of its subgroups. four spatial D" Order Polygon Lattice Dn Order Polygon Lattice diagram I). I CD,,) CDn) diagram four axes but D, ~try group of > e group. The : D2 4 D,OC, 16 D, Cs me with two, , Ds c, D, C. o the diagram f I ;§c, tracted' from top, subsym- D3 • analogous to I D) 6 D'OC3 D9 18 D, C9 C C, 3 .. &C, D. • DIO D4 8 D, DIO 20 D'~~ $tC, Cs , C, C, • Ds • D3~D' C. Ds 10 D,OCs D12 24 C, c3 ,C, C, • D6 • D,s D6 12 ~~~ DIS 30 C3 c, , Cs c3 , ~~~t, C, D'6 • D, • Ds Jrder 8, below n /"- /C'6 2,and finally D7 14 D'OC7 DI6 32 C, netry of the .D. wo reflexive · • 'c, wo diagonal urn through involved in making these distinctions]. A polygon with n edges has at most dihedral lS: it typifies · symmetry of order 2n. The subgroups of the symmetry group of a regular n-gon are )syrnmetries. ordered in the lattice diagram (table 1). e axis on the ! ?;Iereflective , Some examples of subsymmetry analysis urn rotation Pantheon at Rome [his element • The Pantheon was built by Hadrian and was completed by 121AD. At a glance, the ground 360°. t plan of the principal space is seen to be a simple centralized design. On closer exami- 'gons can be I nation, it can be seen that the underlying composition of the rotunda is based on a 16-gon )Ups may be within the perimeter circle (figure 2, see over). This foundational geometry guides the )symmetries , major decisions of the formal and spatial composition as well as the architectural details. mical issues For further architectural studies of the Pantheon, see Licht (1968) and Stierlin (1984). 124 J-H Park Subsymmetry Thus a i various subs of DI6 in me building in I the subsymn: For example, expressed in introduction around the a Room, the ( DI symmetr~ axial symme design is act the parts, inc of the cyclic, Unlike it sions, with ( being the su Dl6 tion of a per direct re1atio D4 ~c" c;. the Euclidea chus (D'Oog C4 the second c the1ess, he S1 D,lf recorded all( the Euclide C 1 10=1+2- special statu according to to make the feverunt per cycle des crib arithmetical discussion b~ He counts 8 into 16 parts. earthly wind the heavens) terms of 'qm Figure 2. Pantheon, Rome. Subsymmetry analysis (March, 1998). At the top, the symmetry DI6 of order 32 is manifest in the 16 divisions of the circle which determine the development of the the proporti detailed plan. DJ6 contains four dihedral subgroups: Ds, D4, D2, DJ (table 1). The Roman rational con' architects of the Pantheon did not choose to exploit the cyclic symmetries. With the eight of radius 4. ~ inscribed angular niches and the eight double columns in front of the small rectangular niches, a question r the diagram at the next level illustrates Ds symmetry. This represents the full symmetry of the 1arum et syn octagon. The diagram at the level below shows the D4 symmetry of the square. It includes four large rectangular exedrae, double columns, circular and rectangular floor pavings. The diagram based on fOl at the next level below indicates D2 symmetry consisting of two orthogonal reflective axes.
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