THE -.A-rrow 0 F PI BETA PHI VOLUME 71 SUMMER, 1955 NUMBER 4 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY J.67 ODic. 0/ Puhliralion.' 410 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, III. Conten t~ STAFF Fraternity Directory 222 Arrow Edi,or: AohE TAYLOR ALFORD (Mrs. Editorials 231 T. N .), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif. AlJlmna> Cillb Editor: V,RGINIA SHERMAN News from Lillie Pigeon 232 KOZAK (Mrs. Andrew).) . R.D. I, Kirk­ ville, N .Y. Holt House May Have a Ghost Chapu, ulter Edilor: MARJORIE BRINK, 4008 N . Pennsylvania, Indianapolis 5, Ind. Chapler Rush Captains 237 New/ from LillIe Pi~eon: LOUlSE WHEELOCK DOBLER (Mrs. Clare R. ), 3523 Federal Ave., Queens ( Pic/oria/) .... 240 Everett, Wash. ExchanXIJ and CoJ/ege Nolel: Runt WILSON Mortar Board ( Pictorial) 248 CoGSHALL (Mrs. W. B.), 2001 Emerson, Louisville, Ky. Chapter Letters . .. .. .. ..... 214 Prom Pi Phi Pens.' MARy ElI2ABETH LASHER BARNBl"I'S (Mrs. Kenneth A.) , 8 Cloister Ct .. Alumn~ Letters 267 Tonawanda, N.Y Arrow File: Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 410 In Memoriam 301 Standard Office Bldg., Deca tur, Ill. Official Calendars In Memoriam NOlirts: Send to Pi Beta Phi 302 ~ntral Office, 410 Standard Office Bldg., Dentur, III. Fraternity Supplies . ... Imide bacR cotler tlTH. AnoY is printed Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer b, Pi Beta Phi Fraternity at the press of Gto r~ Banta Publishina Co" "'0 Ahn.ip St., Menasha, Wis. SubJCription price IS S.. ,O a yUr, '0_ for sinll;le copies, '1),00 for life subscription, tlSend subscriptions, chanle of .ddrtss notice, and correspondence of a business nature to Pi 8c:ta Phi Centnl Office, Decatur 16. III. tlCorrespondence of .n editori.1 n.ture is to be addressed to the editor. Mrs. T. N. Allord, 9}0 Olive Ave., Coronado. Calif. Items lor publication should be addressed to the editor to arrive not later than July U. October 10, Janu'l1 U. March ,. «l,Membct of Pratt-rnity Magnines Associated, All matters per;:.lininlj: to national adverti sinll; should be directed to Fraternity M.,nines ASJOCiated. 1618 Orrinlton Ave., Evanston, III. CU!ntered u strond·clus matter at the p!?st office .t Decatur, Ill ... nd Menasha. Wis., under the act of March }. 1879. Accept.nce lor mailing at s~cu l rate of postage under the pro,.i.sions of Sec. }4-40 Par. (D) pro't'ided for in tbe .et of February 28. 192'. Printed in the United States of Ameria Jraternitlj DIRECTORY FOUNDERS OF n 'IB FRATERNITY Panny Whitenack- Libbey (1848·194 1) Fannie Thomson (1848·1868) Inel Smith Soule (1846.1941) NanC'J' Black- Wallace (184'· 1918) Margu~t Campbell (1846·19}6) Ad.a Bruen Grier (1848.1924) Libbie Brook Gaddis ( 18'0-19H) RoSl Moore (1848·1924) Jennie Horne Turnbull (I846·19l2) Emma Brownlee Kilgore (1848· 1924) jennie Nicol. M.D. (J84~ · 1881) CI.au Brownlee HUl chinJon (18'O·19}1) PRESIDI3NT BMERITUS Ma, L. Keller. Westhampton College, Uniycrsit, of Richmond. Va. HONORARY GRAND PRESIDBNT Am, Burnham Onk-en, a.lpin, III. HONORARY GRAND TREASURER Loi, Pranklin Stoolm.n (Mr•. A. W.), 1001 South Third St .. Chlmpai,lln. III. GRAND COUNCIL Gr4"t/ P"Jit/,,,, ........... Muiannc RCId Wdd (Mrs. Robert 5 . •. 2021 Belmont Rd .. N .W .. W'uh.ngton 9. D.l.. G,,,,,ti V;r"P"Jid,,,, ...•. .. Alice Weber M.ansticld (Mrs. Willilm H.) . 8 Long Mc.adows, St. Louis 22, Mo. G,4"d SUrI,,", .......... .. Virgini.a Voorhees Spc.aiter (Mu. James F. ). 241) Wuhington Bh"d., Kansas City, Ksn. G,4"d T"4Jllr" .......... O[i .. i.a Smith Moore (Mrs. Henry. jr.). 420 Pine St .. Tuarbn •. Tn. AnoW' Bditf}r .............. Adele Taylor AHord (Mrs. T. N.). 9}0 Olive Ave., Coronado 18 . C.alif. Di"O(Jr (JI RMJbi", tu,d Pltd" T,ai"i,,« . .....•. ... •..... Helcn Anderson Ltwis (Mu. Beni.min c.), 462' Washington Bl .. d .• Indi.anap('I lil '. Ind. Dir"'fJ, fJl H",,,uifJ" ..•... Ruth Willi.ams H.ansen (Mu. Paul), 3110 E.ile Pus Rd .. LouisyjlJe n. K,. COUNSELOR FOR CHAPTER HOUSE CORPORA TtONS Lolit.a Snell Prouty (Mrs. Fr.ank H.), 1760 Locust St .. Denver 20. Colo. NATIONAL HISTORIAN Mari.n K«k- Simmons (Mrs. Oli.-er 8.), ~15 Morninpide Dr .• K.nsas City. Mo. NATIONAL SU P ERVISOR O P CHAPTER HISTORIES Rose McColloch Dressler (Mrs. E. B.). 7240 M.diJO n. KIOus City 14. Mo. NATIONAL BOARD OF TRUSTEB FUNDS Cbtlh",,,,, .. Oli ... a Smith Moore (Mrs. Henry. Jr.). 420 Pine St .. Tnarhn •• Tn.: LoI.t. Snell Prouty (Mu. Pr.nk H .•• 1760 Locust St .• Denver 7. Color.do: Am, Burnh.arn Onken, Ch.pin, III .: M.ri.nne Re id Wild (Mrs. Robert S.>. 202' Belmont Rd .• N .W., Wuhinilon 9, D.C.; Mary Van Buren (Mrs.)' 262) M.nduille Canyon Rd ., Los Angeles oC9. C.alil. NATIONAL SUPERVJSOR OP CHAPTER ACCOUNTING Dorothea White Plint (Mrs. Leroy). 2849 N. Del.w.re 51 .. Indian.polis ,. Ind. Chapter Treasurer. send your monthly ~port. to BUHY Fraternity Accounting System, 2849 N . Delaware, Indianapolis S, Indiana PI BBTA PHI MAGAZINB AGBNCY Jaoct L. Pattoo, .10 Standard Office: Bid, .• Dec.tur, III . PI BBTA PHI CBNTRAL OPPlCS OirltlfW _I C,.,,1Il O#c#-Janct L. Plttoo. 410 Staodl.ld Office: Blda .• Dtcahlt. IU. S_~ ,b, Cbi/.". S,uJHJb;,-...conuct ),,(ember-LoU Pran.klin Stoolm.ao (lin. A.. W.), 1001 S. Third St .• CbampailD. !U. 222 THE ARROW Of '1 lETA PHI 223 STANDING COMMJTTSSS s.ut._Dt smool CO....uttM-CMt........ v~.~rackctt Green U'n.)!. 26'0 $utbulaad An.,.bdiaAapolla '. bul T,...... ,_Thuaa Gi!»oa Gra.bam (lfn. B.L J)H N.W. 18th ;)t.l .Oklahom. City 7, OJUa. S«1'''M7-School library. Edna Oboa Archibald (lus. Pred) 8JO W. uninrsity Parm, B.ltimore. Md. P."id']~ &/il., ./ Ultl, Pi" •• Nd'#-LoWsc WMdod:: Dobler (MIS. Clue R.). 3,2) P~enl An., E"uett, Wuh. PiJ.J, it"J _J e,.r/I.t-NdlU Hcmp1c Gibsoo (Mu. Prank B. ). ",.0 Post Rd ., Nuh"ille', Tenn. Oir,tI", ./ S",I,.,., SeJ; ••J-Marioa. ),(IIe:UU (lin.), Pi Beta Phi Sdtlcmtat School. Gatliobwa, TetID. M .. If ..,n, Art.""",, S4.;-Eliubfth Waitt Rue (Mrs. NelJoa B.), Pi Beta Phi Arrowenft Shop, Gat1inbur" Tenn, Holt Hou.. COD1D1Ju"--Cb';",,,__ ).t:autine Pitestoae Cook (Mrs. C. Ray), 81"3 Rkhmoad Ct., W'UW.tOl', Wis. T".. ,."r-M.d&e Elliott Pubu (Mrs. Chula M.l. 33"·I9th St., S.E. CNI.l R.pids, loW's, FIJ"J-loui5e Reid Campbell IMrs. Jnhn C.). Q26 E. Fint An .. Monmouth. III. Marian Jooes Tytt: (Mrs. W. H.), 214 Alb.ny Rd., LaillJ.too, Ky. Elizabeth POItOn Cla.tk (M,.. Wm. H.). 40, W. ht St., JOPlin, Mo. Commiu.. OD LoaD. Fu.ad-e.64i,"'''_Josephine McOnetty, 602 MclroK An. N., Se.ttle 2. Wasb. C..... ill" M,.,.6n,-LuciUe W.ite w.n (Mrs. Ricbard), Sweet Sprinas, Mo.; Edith Bacon Vinson (Mrs. Owen). P.O. Boll lit. Santa Monic., Calif. Commiu",- on Public Relatio~b..;,m._Be.trice Roehm Miller (Mrs. Doo.ld E.), 122, N.ocy Jo Place, Glendale 22, Mo. Cnmmicte. on Seholanhip-Cb4i,,,,.,,-Marie West Wever (Mrs. P.ul), 1412 Akin Dr., Ev.ns"ille, Ind. Allil'''''' eh"i,m." !O,.e.. """i .. ,, Ch"pun-Helen Lana Allan (Mrs. A. A. ). Apt. #207, 130 Oriole Parkw:lY, Toronto 7, Ont.rio, Can.d•• P,or;"" SlIp,Nlho'J Oil SrhoJ.nhip: Alpha Ba'I- Miriam Holden Do'M (Mrs. P.ul), 12 Wildwood Rd " Melrose. Mus. Alph. Well'--Betty M. Glass, 121 Old Loudon Rd'I..Lath.m, N,Y. Beta-Clo"er Johnson, 229 Race St., Pituburlb 18 J"" . Gamma- Elizabetb Mercu Sierxma (Mrs. Reynold C.),. 4'03 Co ventry Rd .. Richmond 21, V• . Delta- Janet Homu Scott (Mil. D ..id G.) 16616 Bdtmole Detroit H, Mich. Epailon- M.riIYD Sweet Kiene (MIS. Ralph B., Jr.,t'}OO4 West 711t St' Kansas City, Mo. Z.la- Ruth M.rtyo Bishop (Mrs. Robert 5.),1876 MOOtgomuy PI. J.cltJOoyille),1 PI •• Eta-Lucille Lorimer EnDI (Mrs. Glenn A.) 81) Weitt:m An., Jo1 .iet III. Theta-Marynett. Leitch Grant (Mrs. lloyd It). 706 West Third SI., Indi.nol., low •. lota-Ethelind. Parrub Amos (Mrs. Wmddl) 1)1) Darborn St., A.,.usta, KaD. Kappa:-Lucille Glazner Matkin (Mrs. Geot;1l:e H.), 222, San Felipe Rd .. Houslon 19. Tn. Lambd_B.rhlla Cto.I.od Lind (Mrs. William), 003 S.E. 74th Aft •• Portl.nd 6. Ore. Mu-M.rlaret: Neal Hundon (Mrs. J . Prua:b) , 310 West Rom. Ave .• Pboeai., Ariz. Commiua. on TMloden-Mllaaret: Strum AchCsoa (Mrs. Howard A., Jr.), Ape. 3 P, Parkw.y VilI'ae. Cr.nford, N.J. Commina. on Frat.miry Study IDd E... mm.tiOD-Cb.m._ -8etty Slo".1I Kin, (Mrs. Ludlow), R.R. # 3, Ri"er Ro.d. Bethesd. 14.. Md. P,ori"" S.'''''U.'I ." P,iII",,;', S'.J~ .."J 1!.x~.i.tfli.If: AJpha Bur--DorotbJ I. WilDer, 821 Beacon St., Boslon, Mil'. Alpha W.ac-M." Griffilh H.lbin (Mrs. loho). 2)7 Bedrord, Buff.lo 16, N.Y. B.~HdeD Lane G.ddard Pilhu (Mrs. S.r1 V.), 2738 Pilhood A"e., Toledo 10, Ohio. Gamma-Prances J.cobI T.usi, (Mrs. Jobn G.), 3326 N. Albemarle St., Atlin.aton, V •. Oalr_Dorothy Brown Lire (Mrs. lobn G.) '3'0 Kenwood A,e., Indi.n.polil Ind. Sp.no_Margaret: Pemberton McltinOt:y (AIrs. J.mes A.). 611 Hirth A"e., Co~umbi., Mo. Z .._M.bel Bennett GrBey (Mrs. Victor), 1674 Nocatee Dr., Mi.mi 4" Pla. Sr.- Edn. Bill Dunc.n (Mrs. Perrr E.). 2121 Illini Rd .• Sprinatield, III.
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