Essex County Council (Various Roads, Lambourne) (Restricted Road (Tawney Lane, Stapleford Tawney) (TemporaryProhibition &40mph Speed Limit) Order 201* of Traffic) Order 2019 Further to the notice published on 13 June 2019, notice is hereby Notice is hereby given thatthe Essex County Council intends, not less given thatthe Essex County Council proposes to make the above Order than seven days from the date of this notice, to make the above Order under Sections 81, 82(2), 83(2), 84(1) and (2) and Parts III and IV of under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Schedule 9tothe Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Effect of the order: To temporarily close thatlength of Tawney Lane, Effect of the order: To introduce a40mph speed limit on 1) A113, Stapleford Tawney in the District of Epping Forest, from apoint Lambourne, Epping Forest District, from apoint approximately 51 metres approximately 1760m south from its junction with Tawney Common for north east of north east property boundaryofNo.52 Ongar Road, north adistance of approximately 290m in asoutherly direction. The closure east for adistance of approximately 1212 metres (previously incorrectly is scheduled to commence on 19/09/19 for 6days, or where stated on stated as 346 metres). 2) Church Lane, Lambourne, Epping Forest District, avalid permit (EC30034823567 -UKPower Networks). The scheduled from its junction with A113 Ongar Road, south for adistance of dates may varyfor these works with appropriate signs showing and/or approximately 40 metres (both roads are currently national speed limit). displayed on www.roadworks.org. The closure is required for the safety ‘The Essex County Council (Various Roads, Abridge) (Restricted Roads) of thepublic andworkforce while overhead cablingworks are undertaken Order 2010’ and ‘The Essex County Council (A113 London Road, by UK Power Networks. Lambourne and Chigwell) (40mph Speed Limit) Order 2010’ are hereby An alternative route is available via Tawney Common, Epping Road, revoked. All restrictions contained within the aforementioned orders will Mount End Road, Mount Road, Colemans Farm Lane, Epping Lane, remain in force by virtue of this order. London Road and vice versa. Further details: Acopy of the draft Order,acopy of this notice, acopy The Order will come into effect on05/09/19 and may continue in force of the orders to be revoked, amap illustrating the proposal and the for 18 months or until the works have been completed, whichever is Statement of Reasons may be examined at all reasonable hours at Essex the earlier. County Council, County Hall Eblock main reception, Market Road, Chelmsford; Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, High Street, (Greensted Road, Ongar) (TemporaryProhibition of Traffic) Epping and at Chigwell Library, Hainault Road, Chigwell. These Order 2019 documents are also available via the Essex Highways website: Notice is hereby given thatthe Essex County Council intends, not less http://www.essexhighways.org/Transport-and-Roads/Highway- than seven days from the date of this notice, to make the above Order Schemes-and-Developments/Traffic-Regulation-Orders.aspx under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Objections: Anyone who wishes to object to the proposed order, Effect of the order: To temporarily close thatlength of Greensted Road, should send the grounds for their objection in writing to ‘TRO Ongar inthe District of Epping Forest, from its junction with Drapers Comments,NetworkAssurance, A2 Annexe SeaxHouse, CountyHall, Corner for adistance of approximately 100m in aneasterly direction. Victoria Road South, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1QH’ or e-mail to The closure is scheduled to commence on 29/10/19 for 3days, or where Traffi[email protected] quoting reference stated on avalid permit (MX0542872435 -Affinity Water).The scheduled TRAF/6989, by 4October 2019. dates may varyfor these works with appropriate signs showing and/or displayed on www.roadworks.org. The closure is required for the safety (DawsHill, Waltham Abbey) (TemporaryProhibition of the public and workforce while newconnection works are undertaken of Traffic) Order 2019 by Affinity Water. Notice is hereby given thatthe Essex County Council intends, not less An alternative route isavailable via Epping Road, Four Wantz Roundabout, than seven days from the date of this notice, to make the above Order High Street, Coopers Hill, The Borough and vice versa. under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The Order will come into effect on 19/09/19 and may continue in force Effect of the order: To temporarily close thatlength of Daws Hill, Waltham for 18 monthsoruntil the works have been completed, whichever is Abbey in the District of Epping, from its junction with Sewardstone Road the earlier. for adistance of approximately 700m in an easterly direction. The closure is scheduled to commence on 28/09/19 for 2days, or where stated on (Theydon Green, Theydon Bois) (TemporaryProhibition avalid permit (EP201EH2279761 -Essex County Council). The scheduled of Traffic) Order 2019 dates may varyfor these works with appropriate signs showing and/or Notice is hereby given thatthe Essex County Council intends, not less displayed on www.roadworks.org. The closure is required for the safety than seven days from the date of this notice, to make the above Order of the public and workforce while drainage investigation works are under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. undertaken by Essex County Council. Effect of the order: To temporarilyclose thatlength of Theydon Green, An alternative route is available via Daws Hill, BuryRoad, Rangers Road, Theydon Boisinthe District of Epping Forest, from its junction with The Station Road, The Green, Path (the Green To Carbis Close), Kings Head Hill, Green to its junction with Coppice Rowfor adistance of approximately Sewardstone Road and vice versa. 255m. The closure is scheduled to commence on 23/09/19 for 5days, The Order will come into effect on 19/09/19 and may continue in force or where stated onavalidpermit (EP201EH2280803B -Essex County for 18 months or until the works have been completed, whichever is Council). The scheduled dates may varyfor these works with appropriate the earlier. signs showing and/or displayed on www.roadworks.org. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while signage (Chigwell Lane, Chigwell &Slip Road From M11 to Chigwell relocation works are undertaken by Essex CountyCouncil. Lane) (TemporaryProhibition of Traffic) Order 2019 An alternative route is available via Coppice Row,The Greenand Notice is hereby given thatthe Essex County Council has made the vice versa. above Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The Order will come into effect on 19/09/19 and may continue in force Effect of the order: for 18 months or until the works havebeencompleted, whichever is 1. To temporarily close thatlength of Chigwell Lane, Chigwell in the the earlier. District of Epping Forest, from its junction with Abridge Road to its junction with Colson Road (northbound only), adistance of (A414 Edinburgh Way, East Road, North Place &Unnamed approximately 1235m. Roads, Harlow)(TemporaryProhibition of Right Turn 2. To temporarily close thatlength of Slip from M11 northbound to &30mph) Order 2019 Loughton, Chigwell from its junction with M11 to its junction with Notice is hereby given thatthe Essex County Council has made the Chigwell Lane, adistance of approximately 450m. above Order under Section 14(1) of the Road TrafficRegulation Act 1984. The closures are scheduled to commence on 16/09/19 for 3nights, Effect of the order: or wherestated on avalid permit (EP201EH2259850 -Essex County 1. To temporarilyprohibit vehicles from making aright hand turn on Council). The scheduled dates may varyfor these works with appropriate A414 Edinburgh Way, Harlowinthe District of Harlowinto the signs showing and/or displayed on www.roadworks.org. The closures are following roads:- required for the safety of the public and workforce while new road studs East Road, North Place, unnamed access road at Gates Ford and marking works are undertaken by Essex County Council. dealership, unnamed access road leading to HarlowGroup Offices and An alternative route is available via Abridge Road, High Road, Chigwell unnamed Access Road between Clement Clare International and Tesco Rise, Roding Lane, Palmerston Road, WestburyRoad, NorthEnd, Church Superstores. Hill, RectoryLane, Ibbetson Path, Barrington Green and vice versa. 2. To temporarily prohibit vehicles from making aright hand turn from The Order came into effect on 05/09/19 and may continue in force the following roads into A414 Edinburgh Way:- for 18 months or until the works have been completed, whichever is East Road, North Place, unnamed access road at Gates Ford the earlier. dealership, unnamed access road leading to HarlowGroup Offices and unnamed Access Road between Clement Clare International and Tesco (Sunnyside Road, Epping) (TemporaryProhibition of Traffic) Superstores. Order 2019 3. To temporarily introduce a30mph speed limit on A414 Edinburgh Way, Notice is hereby given thatthe Essex County Council intends, not less Harlow, both Carriageways from its junction with A1148 to its junction than seven days from the date of this notice, to make the above Order with West Road including the roundabout at its junction with River under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Way/Central Road, atotal distance of approximately 833m. Effect of the order: To temporarily close thatlength of Sunnyside Road, The Existing 40mph on the A414 Edinburgh Way, Harlowasdetailed in Epping in the District of Epping Forest, from apoint approximately “The Essex County Council (A414 &London road, North WealdBassett, 110m southofits junction with Springfieldfor adistanceofapproximately Districts of Epping Forest &Harlow) (40mph and 50mph Speed Limit) 30minasoutherly direction. The closure is scheduled to commence on Order 2017 willbetemporarilysuspended insofar as it relates to the A414 30/09/19 for 3days, or where stated on avalid permit (MX0542872096 - Edinburgh Way, Harlowonly.All other restrictions contained within the Affinity Water).
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