TODAY'S PRICES HOME EDITION Mexican notes, state pesos, 78c; bank tills, 918c; cloudy; New Mexico, Mexican gold, El Paso and West Texas, partly 5858e; nacionales, 1718J4c; bar Wednesday AH s:'ver, H. & H. qnotation, $1.014; copper, $26: srrains, fair; Arizona, fair. (Food forecast for wheatless.) , ti gher; livestock, higher; stocks, higher. ELMjteS)CHEBFALD meals 10 PAGES TODAY 1 SINGLE COPT FIVE CKNX3 LATEST NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. DELI VEILED ANYWHERE. TOe MONTH EL PASO. TEXAS. TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 20. 19 8. ERMANS SURRENDER BY AGREEMENT FORECAST MANPOWER KAISER USES WOUNDED MEN; limine ITHER SIDE FIRE! SOISSONS LINE WEAKENING; IN U. S. WILL AS AMERICAN! BILL WITHOUT 'W ALLIES CLOSE IN ON NOYON SHOT 20. is Canny, Holland. Aug. 20. BE PROBED LONDON, Eng. Aug. It of Fresniers. Arbe de the AMSTERDAM, Cologne, the Ger- western outskirts of Lassigny La Rue soldiers, like Gens, ORFIGHT'AMENDM ENT in that des Boucandes. the southern outskirts TAKE 60 PRUSSIAN! mans are weaker on the western front of Ovral, Le Hamel, the southern out- von Blume and von Liebert, do not than even the allies claim, says the skirts of Dresllncourt and Pamprez. seek to belittle the significance of the Federal Bureau Inaugurates Daily correspondent The Although the advance was a small army Mail's at one it Is regarded as Important as It American on the west front. House Military Committeemen Predict Measure Will Be Hague. He does not vouch for other carried the French line further down Gen. von Blume, who Is on the re Nationwide Investi sections of Germany, bat gives this the slopes of Lassigny Massif. tired list, writes an article on the Reported Substantially as Submitted by war Depart resume of conditions in the Cologne The French also moved up the val- appear gation Today. F RDMT DF NEW FREHGH ATTRBK ley of the oise. the line being between subject which in the Rein ment; Labor's Protest Against Proposed "Work or district: five and six miles from Noyon. Ische Westfaelische Zenuag, of Essen. Conscription. All leaiez from the front have English Advance Their Line. He frankly admits that "we Fight" Feature Calls It Labor been reduced one half. have to recognize that'the Ameri- familieJasked Hen arc sent to the front from North of Roye the French have very the hospitals before completely taken the Bracquemont and Fendu cana, all In all, have done EXTENDS FIFTEEN D. C, Auk. 20. Or Morrison replied that profiteers often woods, and have occupied the greater smart work, and It would be a to furnish data OH ILES WASHINGTON, - do not nav enoue-- to their workmen fit. emphatic oppo- Letters from the front have part of Beuvralgnes, according to ad- tery serious thing If the German and representative Greene retorted vices. reported they array command had to face an Articles F to the work or fight amendment army been discontinued. Deserters are It is also that 22 Essential Food tion that deserters from the are shot. pun- have made progress to the southeast American fighting army of mil- manpower bill extending TNo being aent to the front from Everywhere, With Maximum Ad- in the new Predict Amendment. ishment camps. of Beuvralgnes. lions." Percent Higher Good Progress Made ages, was presented to the ' After the hearings committeemen Almost immediately the article Are 3 the draft predicted the bill would be re- Wounded horses are hurried The British lines were advanced after vance to a Depth of More Than Four Miles; 25 More that Ber-vju- ln appeared, semiofficial statement ouFe .military committee today by ported shortly, substantially as sub- west with bandages still In place. in the neighborhood of Vlenx a Than on June 15. Morrison, secretary of the by war department and The correspondent adds that it is and Ontteratecn, In the Lys was issued to the effect That the ex Americans Awarded Distinguished Service Cross F'ank mitted the reported the Germans have stolen salient, according to the state- aggerating reports going about re- American Federation of Labor. The without "a work or fight" amendment. prisoners army D. Aug. JO. Scores of protests against or food parcels sent to French ment, which ears that 182 Ger- garding the size of the American WASHINGTON. C For Heroic Fighting, Gen. Pershing Reports. b.il probably will be presented In a work In order to feed laborers who are mans were made prisoner. in Europe merit no credence, and only investigation of the fight amendment are reaching mem inadequate food. few days. bers of the senate committee. Chair- striking because of The text of the statement reads: exist In Yankee imagination and en cost of living was started today by ITrl the American Army on the TTTASHINGTON, D. C Aug. 20 Reserves Not Exhausted. "A operation was tente propaganda." VV. Mr Morrison referred to the proba- man Chamberlain has received tele The situation on the main fighting successful minor the bureau of labor statistics to ob- w Vsele Front. Aug. 20. (By The Stories of gallantry and hero grams from practically every state carried out by us last evening at Discusses Tonnage Situation. Ameri- ble international effect of the work front in France is summed up by the Vleux right tain data for use in making wage ad- Associated Press.) Sixty Prussians ism displayed by Individual federation of labor as well as from correspondent with the French and Outtersteen. to the The statement said further that In cr f.pht provision. officials of international unions, urg Renter of our recent advance in that sector. "the tonnage question, which Is al justments. Six agents began the In- have been taken prisoner by the can soldiers and marines their -- armies as follows: It Trenld make the world and ing elimination of the provision. One Our line was brought forward to the ready acute, will become still more repre- stand which stopped the Germans on "We have arrived at the stage in Berquin-Out-terste- quiry in Baltimore, calling on Americans near Flamette. north of our allies believe onr men ore of the most vgorons protests came neighborhood of Vleux acute for the entente when America Marne, are beginning to reach the Is nat this battle corresponding to that road. 182 sentative families in different parts Fismes. without either side firina; the klacten." he said. from officials of the United Mine which Germany reached at the end of We took prisoners. has to ship her crops to Europe. war department in official dispatches. asked by the government, which Workers. long, Raids On Germans Snccessfnl. Gen. Liebert, who was for- of the city. shot. Is not exercised orer the Indus- March and early in June after ion Gen. Pershing's comnaaniqae for yes- asking Speaking in the house today repre- bloody and exhausting advances on "Last night the enemy four times mer German commandant at Lodz, Information will be gathered The Intelligence officer who trial conscription. Who Is sentative Johnson, of Washington, op- opposing num- posts by and who now Is military critic of terday announces the award of the legislation It the Col- the heels of inferior attacked established us north from the families regarding: their questioned the Prussians asserted of- for this Is posed drafting men as yonng as 18 bers. of Chilly. - On each occasion he was the Tagellebe Rundschau, of Ber- distinguished service cross to 2S orado Fuel company or the great years. hoped to see the annual expenditures for food, that ther had agreed to surrender Be said he "We counted firmly on the arrival repulsed. lin, telle the pnblic that the Amer- elothln-- r housing, ficers and SMB. four of whom lost steel trust r house adopt as amendment placing of the moment wnen the reserves "We successfully raided a German ican army has actually become a fuel, furniture if the anoortnnlty arose. their lives in the acts of bravery He asked if. In ease the amendment the minimum age at 20 years. would post Bray. and miscellaneous expenses. A prisoner believed if democracy be able to check the German west of bis; factor, and the debarkations - gathered by said he that which won the amor. is adopted, soldiers of advance and prepare the flank at "Our patrols made progress daring In France are proceeding regu- From data already the the battle line recedes to Germany Those Who Were Honored. would be used as strike breakers. tacks which have restored the initia- tne night in tne area oetween tne larly. bureau, an Increase of 3 percent over proper, the fighting spirit of the Ger Those who live to wear their "If enacted, the amendment would PLENTY OF LIME PROMISED tive to as. The enemy In turn, is us- - Lawe and the Lys rivers, now are says the prices prevailing on June IS is mans oe crosses every profiteering and - Gen. von Liebert the French 22 win stimulated. are: be used by unfair -- ins: weapon against us. His re or paradis-Merviiieros- o. shown on essential food articles a Miles Deep. CoL Adams. compare he argued. It Is being QUICKLY FOR WAR PURPOSES that east tne and British owe their recent successes prices British Gain Four Lieut. Frank H. serves are not. yet no may trans-Atlant- ic month later. The of several London, Ang. 20. According George F. RoaeBe. com-Mn- r. Aug. 20. exuansieo. Germans Raid Americana. to their ally, without Eng, Mai used today by the Bethlehem San Francisco. CaL, Lime still possess SO fresh divisions, as articles decreased. The fine cuts of to the advices reaching London Cant. Clarence R. Heabser. Understand, I want it made in any quantity needed for war pur- Washington.
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