A collection of papers on drug issues in Ireland Item Type Report Authors Moran, Rosalyn;Dillon, Lucy;O'Brien, Mary;Mayock, Paula;Farrell, Eimear;Pike, Brigid Citation Moran, R. et al., 2001. A collection of papers on drug issues in Ireland. Dublin: Health Research Board. Publisher Health Research Board, Drug Misuse Research Division. Download date 04/10/2021 03:48:06 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/338538 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse Drug Misuse Research Division The Health Research Board ~-~:~~,:: -: ~',:,-;~~~~::: - -"--'1 17:5f>: [.:. (o • ....Lll.1! I • .:. r.• '..J j ! : ',,:,. t_.; '.:1 : !)",.;., I :....-~ .•• ',·0 15050 ;i I -----.• ---....•. -.----.-... -- . i 0 5 SE P ~nl" . ~ .~'. "';~ :: $ • '. , " ',.: I ",_":"', A Collection Of Bap.ers-'-~~~~~;: ,)~~.' On Drug Issues In Ireliiria--"-- .-... -.. - with Brigid Pike Drug Misuse Research Division The Health Research Board, Dublin 2001 Citation: Moran, R., Dillon, L., O'Brien, M., Mayock, P. & Farrell, E. with Pike, B. (2001). A Collection of Papers on Drug Issues in Ireland. Dublin: The Health Research Board. Published by: The Health Research Board An Bord Taighde Siainte 73 Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: 00-353-(0)1-6761176 Fax: 00-353-(0)1-6611856 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hrb.ie ISBN: 1-903669-02-2 © The Health Research Board, 2001 Contents List of Tables vii List of Abbreviations ix Acknowledgements xi Introduction by Rosalyn Moran xiii Chapter 1 National Drugs Strategy and Structural Mechanisms Rosalyn Moran and Brigid Pike 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 National Drugs Strategy 1996 - 2000 2 1.3 National Drugs Strategy 2001 - 2008 3 1.3.1 National Drugs Strategy Review - The Process 3 1.3.2 Objectives, Aims and Key Performance Indicators 4 1.4 National Development Plan 2000 - 2006 8 1.5 National Co-Ordination and Implementation 9 1.5.1 Central Co-Ordination 9 1.5.2 Key Government Departments and Agencies' 13 1.5.3 H.esearch cmd Inform<ltion 21 1.6 Regional/Local Co-Ordination and Implementation 25 1.6.1 Regional Drug Task Forces 25 1.6.2 Local Drug Task Forces 26 1.6.3 Young People's Facilities and Services Fund 32 1.6.4 County ICit)' Development Boards 36 1.6.5 Regional Health Boards 36 1.6.6 Community and Voluntary Sectors 39 1.7 Evaluation of National Strategies 41 1.7.1 Social Inclusion and Evaluation of Drugs Initiatives 41 1.7.2 National Drugs Strategy 2001 - 2008 41 1.7.3 . Local Drugs Task Forces 42 1.7.4 Young People's Facilities and Services FWld 44 1.8 Conclusions 44 1.9 References 45 (iii) Chapter 2 Drug-Related Infectious Diseases Lucy Dillon and Mary O'Brien 48 2.1 Introduction 48 22 Prevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV among Drug Users 49 2.2.1 HIV 49 2.2.2 Hepatitis B 57 2.2.3 Hepatitis C 58 2.2.4 Summary 60 2.3 Determinants of Dmg-Related Infectious Diseases 60 2.3.1 Injecting Risk Behaviour 60 2.3.2 Sexual Risk Behaviour 63 2.3.3 Summary 64 2.4 Consequences of Dmg-Related Infectious Diseases 65 2.4.1 Health-Related Consequences 65 2.4.2 Social Consequences 66 2.5 New Developments and Uptake of Prevention/ Harm Reduction and Care· 68 2.5.1 Harm Reduction Programmes 69 2.5.2 Testing and Treatment 73 2.5.3 Hepatitis B Vaccination 75 2.6 Conclusion 75 2.7 References 76 Chapter 3 Cocaine Use in Ireland: ~n Exploratory. Study - .- - Paula-Mayock -- - 80 3.1 Introduction 80 3.2 Pharmacologica I Dimensions of Cocaine and Modes of Use 82 Research Methodology 84 (iv) 3.4 Existing Data Sources.and Other Relevant Empirical Research on Cocaine Use 86 3.4.1 Law Enforcement and Supply Statistics 86 3.4.2 Drug Trea tment Figures 89 3.4.3 School-Going, College-Going and General Population Surveys 92 3.4.4 Morbidity and Mortality 94 3.4.5 Qualitative and Ethnographic Research 97 3.4.6 Conclusion 98 3.5 Views of. Service Providers and Key Informants on the Cocaine 'Problem' 99 3.5.1 Cocaine Availability 101 3.5.2 Nature and Extent of Cocaine Use 104 3.5.3 Implications for Drug Treatment and Service Provision 108 3.5.4 Conclusion 109 3.6 Exploratory Study of Social/Recreational Cocaine Use 112 3.6.1 Study Parameters, Research Instruments and the Recruitment Process 112 3.6.2 Data Analysis 114 3.6.3 Socio-Demographic Characteristics 116 3.6.4 Patterns of Cocaine Use and Routes of Administration 116 3.6.5 , Other Drug Use 117 3.6.6 First Use of Cocaine 118 3.6.7 Frequency and Contexts of Cocaine Use 120 3.6.8 Availability, Purity and Price of Cocaine 127 3.6.9 Perceived Attractive and Unattractive Aspects of Cocaine 129 3.6.10 Risk Perceptions and Self-Regulation of Cocaine Intake 135 3.6.11 Summary and Conclusion 138 3.7 Cocaine Use in Ireland: Discussion and Conclusion 141 3.8 References 143 (\') Chapter 4 Women, Children and Drug Use Eimear Farrell 153 4.1 Introduction 153 4.2 Historical and Cultural Background 154 4.3 Epidemiology of Female Drug Use 155 4.4 HIV / AIDS, Women, Children and Drug Use 156 4.5 Drug Use among Female Prisoners 160 4.6 Pregnancy· and Drug·Use· 161 4.7 Children and Drug Use 165 4.8 Demand Reduction (Prevention, Treatment and Care) and Female Drug Users 168 4.9 Barriers to Service Access 171 4.10 Conclusion 173 4.11 References 174 Notes on Authors and the Drug Misuse Research Division 178 Health Research Board Publications since 1997 181 -- ------_. --~-- . (vi) List of Tables Chapter 1 National Drugs Strategy and Structural Mechanisms 1.1 Outline of Structural Mechanisms to Deliver National Drugs Strategy 2001 - 2008 10 Chapter 2 Drug-Related Infectious Diseases 2.1 Ireland 1985-1999. HIV -Positive Cases by Risk Category. Numbers and Percentages. 51 2.2 Ireland 1997-1999. HIV Sera-Positive Intravenous Drug Users by Gender. Numbers and Percentages. 54 2.3 Ireland 1994-1999. Summary of Research Findings On the Prevalence of HIV Infection among Particular Cohorts of Drug Users. 56 2.4 Ireland 1998-2000. Summary of Research Findings on the Prevalence of Hepatitis B Infection among Particular Cohorts of Drug Users. 57 2.5 Ireland 1995-2000. Summary of Research Findings on the Prevalence of Hepatitis C Infection among Particular Cohorts of Drug Users. 59 2.6 Ireland 1982-1999. AIDS Cases and Deaths by Risk Category. Numbers. 67 Chapter 3 Cocaine Use in Ireland: An Exploratory Study 3.1 Ireland 1990-1999. Quantities of Cocaine and Other Drugs Seized by An Garda Siochana. 87 3.2 Ireland 1990-1999. Number of Drug Offences by Type of Dn'g. 88 3.3 Ireland, 1995-1998. Drug Treatment Contacts. Cocaine as Primary and Secondary Drug of Misuse. Numbers. 90 3.4 Ireland 1997-1998. Residents of Health Board Areas Presenting with Cocaine as Primary and Secondary Drug of Misuse within each Health Board Region. Numbers and Valid Percentages. 9] 3.5 Ireland, 1990-1998. Numbers of Drug-Related Deaths. 94 (vii) 3.6 Ireland 1994-1998. Psychiatric Hospital Admissions with Diagnosis of Cocaine Use (ICD 1O/FI4). 95 3.7 Ireland 1994-1998. HIrE Figures for Hospital Discharges with Principal and Secondary Cocaine-Related Diagnoses. Numbers. 96 3.8 Face-to-Face Interviews. 99 3.9 Telephone Interviews. 99 3.10 Issues Addressed During Face-to-Face and Telephone Interviews. 100 3.11 Lifetime, Recent and Future Use of Cocaine and Other Drugs (n=lO). 117 Chapter 4 Women, Children and Drug Use 4.1 Total Number of Known HIV Cases in Ireland: IDU Related, by Gender; and Children at Risk. Numbers and Percentages. Cumulative Figures January 1986-December 1998. 157 4.2 Total Number of AIDS Cases in Ireland: IDU-Related, by Gender; among Children < 15; and among Children born to IDUs. Numbers and Percentages. Cumulative Figures January 1986-December 1998. 157 4.3 Total Number of AIDS-Related Deaths in Ireland: IOU-Related, and Gender; among Children <15; and among Children born toIDUs. Numbers and Percentages. Cumulative. Figures January 1986-December 1998. 158 4.4 Ireland 1996-1998. Number of IDU-Related HIV Cases among Women, and.Number of. '-'-- -NewCliildhood C~;~s~Nu~bers and Percentages. 159 (\' iii) List Of Abbreviations DMRD Drug Misuse Research Division DoTSR Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation EDDRA European Database on Demand Reduction Activities EHB Eastern HealU1 Board EMCDDA European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ERHA Eastern Regional Health Authority ESPAD European Schools Project on Alcohol and Drugs EU European Union GUM Genito-urinary medicine HAART Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Treatment HBY Hepatitis B virus HCY Hepatitis C virus HIPE Hospital In-Patient Enquiry Scheme HIY Human Immunodeficiency virus HRB Health Research Board ICD International Classification of Diseases IDG Inter-Departmental Group on Drugs IOU Injecting/Intravenous drug use or drug user lSI' Integrated Services Process· KPI Key Performa nee Indica tor LDTF Local Drugs Task Force MHB Midland Health Board MWHB Mid Western Health Boa rd NACD National Advisory Committee on Drugs NAPS National Anti-Poverty Strategy NDP National Development Plan NDST National Drugs Strategy Team NDTRS National Drug Treatment Reporting System NEHB North Eastern Health Board NPIRS National Psychiatric In-Patient Reporting System NUl National University of Ireland NWHB North Western Health Board' PPF Programme for Prosperity and Fairness (ix) RDTF Regional Drugs Task Force REITOX European Information Networkon Drugs and Drug Addiction SEHB South Eastern Health Board SHB Sou thern Health Board UNDCP United Nations Drug Control Programme YPFSF Young People's Facilities and Services Fund VEC Vocational Education Committee WHB Western Hea Ith Board (xl Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank very sincerely those people working in the drugs area who gave generously of their time to provide information regarding recent developments in their areas of work.
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