■a - MANCHKSTKK IIKUAI.D. \Vi->Iiii-m I i\ . Aiii; :l. I'.iii.! A Party chairmen Crossroads — Mortarty wins s u m m e r r e a i 14 months later I come under fire twilight game ... p a g e 11 ESTATE p a g e 3 ... page 15 Cloudy tonight Manchester, Conn. and Friday Thursday. Aug. 4, 1983 HOME OF THE WEEK — See page 2 Singie copy: 25<t Morirt: i,f itKi W'sifh lit sporisorted by (he Mancbosler Heratd MmthtBtn Mtmlh 27 LOCUST ST. MANCHESTER Tasteful colonial decorating and large windows add to the charm and warmth of this older home. Three/four bedrooms, oversized din­ ing room, formal living room, kitchen with custom wood cabinets, Storm sets one full and two half baths. Colonial clapboard, wood shingles and large front porch. Energy efficient too! A pleasure to seel $71,900. CALL NOW two blazes ERA D.F. REALE, INC By Sarah Passed department reported via radio to . - -. ..... ,• . , Herald Reporter Chief Joseph V, Rivosa that REAL ESTATE Northeast Utilities said it was A sudden thunderstorm moved unable to dispatch a service truck 6 4 6 -4 5 2 5 into the Manchester area this immediately to the scene. morning. Lightning struck in at “ Whatever happens, happens,” least seven places throughout the firefighter told the chief. town, setting fire to a house on “ They’re not interested.” McKee Street and an electrical Their main concern, attending transformer on East Middle firefighters said, was that the Turnpike. flames would burn through the Nobody was injured in either pole’s cross bar or the possibly live incident. wires, causing them to fall into the John Bukowski, 4, and his road. grandmother, Agnes Kolodziej, of Police blocked off the road 76-68 M cK ee St., heard a loud crack around the fire. The firefighters "INDUSTRIAL ZONE" from the first floor apartment of abandoned the scene briefly to A FRIENDLY LITTLE HOUSE - f i » » 8 room lovely older colonial, large rooms. 4 their house at approxim tely 8:40 answer another call on Kennedy Durable aluminum exterior siding eliminates painting. bedrooms, dining room with fireplace, large a.m. They saw pieces of the Street. They returned after There are two bedrooms downstairs, comfortable living lot. garage. Presently used as a rooming chimney fall to the ground outside, room, eat-in kitchen, enclosed porch. Potential for two determining that all was well on more rooms upstairs. Lovely yard and attached oarage. hniiQP * according to Mrs. Kolodziej. Kennedy Street. Only $64,900. Only $72,900.00 John's mother, Martha Bu­ kowski, climbed the stairs from THEY SAID THE fire was her apartment on the second floor probably feeding off oil inside the to check the dam age and found the transformer. The oil, they said, attic in flames, she said. normally acts as a coolant in the Town fire department trucks transformer. a if lll' 204 Scott Dr., Manchester *119,000 "A Pleasure To Show!” w ere on the scene within five As a result of the incident power It’s sleek and sophisticated, planned for people minutes, according to neighbor was out along undetermined with "champagne taste." This distinctive Colo­ Two-story Colonial with “Lots of Paul Rosetta. Firefighters brought lengths of Greenwood Road and nial with 11 rooms is a dream come true. Your gu­ hoses up through the house into the Charm!” 3 bedrooms. Den, Fireplace, East Middle Turnpike. PEOPLE PLEASER ests will oohh & aahh at the sight of the 16x32 attic. Northeast Utilities servicemen Are you getting married soon? Looking for a piace that pool with Cabana & shower. The extras could fill Newer roof, 2 car garage. Lovely yard. No one was injured in the blaze. arrived on the scene at 10:56. witi tit your wailet? How about this three bedroom Cape a book. You won't find a more luxurious home for Mrs. Kolodziej, Mrs. Bukowski your family. NORTH COVENTRY Conveniently located. Don’t wait on this The town fire department re­ Cod. it has a finished basement, fireplaced iiving room 7 room Ranch on 2.4 acres. 2 full baths, free and her son were the only occu­ ceived seven calls resulting from and garage. See it today. $66,900. beauty! Herald photos by Tarquinio pants of the house at the time. Mrs. standing fireplace, woodstove heats entire this m orning’s storm, all within an tMe can help you become e Bukowski's husband and two FRCC house. 18x18 barn, rec room, borders river for hour, according to a department $ 73, 900. ■US!'. '^ Town firefighter John Biebeck, left, daughters were away from home "REALE" PROFESSIONAL! MARKET fishing, swimming, canoeing. $67,900.00 spokesman. A Northeast Utilities Call 646-4525. and ask for Oan. SENTRYEVALUATION 'S' . breaks through attic window at when the lightening struck, Mrs. spokesman estimated 3,000 people Real Estate Services inc Bukowski said. TEDFORD 76-78 McKee St., above, to vent were left without power in the D.F. REALE, INC. 223 Em I C«nt«r SL, MMichMt«r i<3 <0id STRAND REAL ESTATE The fam ily was able to return to Greater Hartford area for varying Real Ealele 046 Hartford Tpko. RIa. 30 Vamon flames and smoke in a fire caused the house later this morning. Mrs. 1 rS Umlm It., Cl. hffZI REAL ESTATE, INC. 156 EAST CENTER ST. periods of time. 29 Connacticul Blvd.. Eaat Hartford by lightning from this morning’s Bukowski said half of the attic has 646-4525 60 Poquofiock Ava., WIndaor No estimates were available for ■■ALiaTATI 647-9914 . MANCHESTER. CT. 646-2000, thunderstorm. Carl Piacentini, been gutted but everything else is ------------------------------------- ..................................... ■< Manchester alone, but a company below left, prepares to sa^hrough intact. No estimate of damage was spokesman said power lines in ? available this morning. the roof to increase ven^ation. A Bolton were out along more than 15 roads. Another spokesman re­ FOR RENT Northeast Utilities transformer on LIGHTNING STRUCK utility ported 23 customers were without wires along the north side of East (Former Worth's Building) . .' A dSX''. East Middle Turnpike, below, also pow er for an hour in Andover along OaUand Middle Turnpike just east of stretches of Island Road, Mathe- burst into flames during the storm. Greenwood Road approximately 20 minutes later, according to witness Jam es D. Cyr. Cyr said he Please turn to page 10 Terrace is housesitting for his boss at 7791 East Middle Turnpike, less than .-air*’ 100 yards from a burning electrical transformer on a utility pole *^“ “ '"***" in our communitii makes Oakland Terrace so special. Comfortabh, private across the street from where the Inside Today but >t,ll Incuu-J idealiv close to miv’or shoppina lightning struck. t n il<•! s iiMif onlv minutes from downtown Hartford. Firefighters on the scene specu­ 20 pages, 2 sections lated the bolt sent a surge of power Com e and see while they Ipsll through the lines where they cross Advice ............................................. Spacious 2 Bedroom Units • Garage & Futf Area.................................... Manchester Basement • Appliances & Central Air • Energy the street to the transformer, Business.......................................... •Walk to Buckley School Efficient • C.H. I.A. Approved. which burst into flames. Classified......................... i •16x32 Sabrina inground pool Priced Affordablv at $67,900 The town fire department does Com ics............................... not attempt to extinguish fires in Entertainment.............. •Immaculate “V" shaped Ranch VERNON OPEN HOUSE: WED.-FRI. 3-7 PM v '< < electrical lines, according to two Lottery........................... •3 bedrooms New U&R 6 room Colonial, spacious Obituaries......................... • 3000 sq. ft. • SAT.-suN. 1-5 rmfs'. firefighters who stood by the scene Opinion.................................. •2 full baths living room with fieldstone fireplace, Available for immediate occu­ with an engine. They said they Peopletalk ........................... •Beautiful Florida room ONtY S% DOWHt cannot risk fighting the flames Sports........................ ......... 1 formal dining room, kitchen with di­ pancy. Excellent location. All utili­ without knowing whether the wires Television......................... •Extra Large treed lot nette area, 3 large bedrooms, 1’/i ties. Won’t last... Call today. Only are live. W eather.................................... •Fenced back yard baths, complete city utilities, move $1200“ per month. 9Vs% An unidentified member of the •Large garden area CHFA AHirovad right in. Fixwl Rot* •$83,500 oAlaitin & cffotHman, On Vatarem no money EDCORMAIN down Drop in jobless Agsociatea UsaM U&R REALTY CO. JUST OFF 1-66/EXIT 94 604 MIDDi.K TIJRNPIKR KAST 643-2892 283 MAIN STREET 174-6 O AK LAN D S TR E E T JACKSTON/OHOWCAOE MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT 08040 MANCHESTER, CT. 646-4040 Robert D. Murdock. Rosllor Araa Co<t« 203440-4144 646-1316 rate is predicted WASHINGTON (UPI) - New week ended July 16, a drop of claims for state unemployment 106,000 from the previous week. THE EXPANDABLE CAPE $64,900 benefits declined in late July, the West V irginia rem ained as the Labor Department said today, and state with the highest rate of Limited — CHFA 9 % % MORTGAGES — Limited a key senator predicts the nation’s insured unemployment, which unemployment rate will fall to 9.8 measures those covered by unem­ percent or lower when the govern­ ployment insurance who are col­ ment issues a new rate Friday. lecting benefits. Sen. R oger Jepsen, R-Iowa, Jepsen said that "unless we see chairman of the Joint Economic another record-breaking jump in Committee, made the optimistic the size of the labor force, as we did forecast Wednesday in anticipa­ in June, the unemployment rate tion of the July unemployment should fall, perhaps to 9,8 percent figures to be released by the Labor or even lower.” Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unem ploym ent in June was a seasonally adjusted 10 percent of Fo r the Record BOLTON l/asoa the civilian work force, but there MANCHESTER $114,908 were still more than 11 million Americans actively looking for The headline on the front page of CUL-DE-SAC STREET CUSTOM work.
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