10, 6- NEW-TORS DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 1000. _/5T M XfU*EM E N T ~f '" 01 AM!-:XI</.'i\> ri)«!'\U>sr THKITRLS \\n Ilirs-UNDER THE DIRECTION OF SAM S. & /./;/:• SHftil-RT IXC. NEW YORK'S L£A NgJTHEATftE]_ L i — — K.e. i:« r^v^- B'wuj-. lOtti M » \u25a0 Sam \u25a0 iWalter N. \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Only Tclo. -I Mats. S. ft • Tri* "\u25a0_ rj Mats. Tele. EMPIRE . 1 r.ttTS I riAlV*^ Wed. and Lee Shu- r'Ai/ifavv I Lawrence, HEW A^kUDAM UhMl ELLIOTT'S i w-. Mufray | CASINO M.tlne. Mad. I***"\u25a0 O Sat., 2:15. bert Inc.. COMLOY Manager. Kv* »:13. Matinees "R?5 Bryant. »nd B'»ay St. Saturday. Bqr. IB'way and SOth St." I Wed. Mat., Lessees. Tele. 6104 "Mis Best Play in Years" wSs&> W»^ »U »ffw»»- THKATIUI. Hill. and 30th ' $1 |4w.bst..B>ft«th_A-V'l'.p*.ljyy_«_?*iLAiyz-W_|| M— 3J>th. bet. A «th Aw.i s«t.. Ev i«:ls. I » 2:15. Evgsß:*s. I .50. i:\gs 8:15. I .- Bryant. •T>Ki.ifiiirrn- CO3IE»Y. HERALD. 7th iivß. B'wa.r—— t SEATS pre«. SUCCESSFUL S:3o. « 1 2:SO. 4 WEEKS IN ADVANCE. Mats. Wed. &Sat.. 2:15. Wed. Mat. Best Bests $1.50. CHARLES FUOHMASJ i><* WEEM SE.ITS FOUR WEEKS FORBES-ROBERTSON— SAM BERNARD . VIOLA ALLLN Otfl6th WEEKVtf gi fZ. S\ IX ADVANCE. J OH^ DREW -^——• — 1 InIlia Greatest Success. In a New Comedy with Music. And Star 'Cast. Including And His London Company in JAMES O'NEILL—\VILLL\MFAKMJM. [Walker WHBTESIDE] MINNA OALE. INCONSTANT GEORGE TFQyjOi~WfZIRD;| In F. Marlon Crawford's riay. (LIEBLER & CO.. MANAGERS.) I By th« Authors of "Love Watches." V. \u25a0 i!«r jThe Passing of ths Third Floor | ** Back! RIinCAM 44th St.. nr. B'way. Eva. 8:13. i>Ell:it Or r - Book by J. Hartley Manners. nuu3Uii _ WlliOH."\u25a0'• E ; Music by Julian Edwardea. ; INISRAEL TOPlilt GREAT Mats. Wed. ard Sat> 2:13. By Jerome K. Jerome. |ffIE~WHITE~SJSfjng ZANGWILI/S PLAY ' MADE THESE—THREE GENTLEMEN' LAUfiH. -™ Tb atr n lTorn St. Jane*' and Terry's Theatres. ALAN DALE Sam Bernard a Real Actor Now. — '"ON TiiE EVE' SCORES"— M YORK r ;- It was surprise of the me. I BUN: "Miss" Allen never better than In The "Btrona; and convincing;." Tribune. MEW w^*«^^T^T^ Over 300 Performances. the thine that t:ot 1 MELTING POT had one of the surprises of my life. Ihaven't re- White Sister. "Curtain calls by the score."— Clot)*. covered from It willtake days to make mo I "A piece— bis; with the spirit of violent un- lt«»et. Tele. i- i Mats. Wed. fed quite settled. IB ft O If THEATRE. West 4'M St. Eloquence born of spiritual intensity. One comes rest." Stir. — TV Kv<nin s 8:16. Mntlnees It a IIARRIS presents »2>« • Sat.. 18. C. from better patriot, a better citizen of the HENRT TO-SBOBROW fV?>ir CHARLES DABNTOX, EVE. WORLD Nothing II\u25a0 \u25a0•*\u25a0#\u25a0%fin IV bbs 1\u25a0 \u25a0 Sat., — ii*. »at A T Thurß. and worLd, a kindlier more being. We be( * I, NIGHT Prynnt, \\><l. Mat. than In Bernard re- and hopeful I S.I liAKI will p-e,,^ ; - \u25a0 funnier the scene which Mr. to managers, the Ev«« '-4;a. -vof- Way— nest S. an hearses the nctors in a home-made play baa been leave congratulate the author and company given play S:li. J $1.50. seen since the pood old days of Weber and Fields. 2d BIG MONTH the upon the pleasure by a RAYMOND p* HENRY B. HARRIS which—has at once vital meaning and practical suc- l^B ACTON DAVIKS. EVE. SUN—Bun— Bernard and presents cess. EDITORIAL IX COLLIER'S WEEKLY. THE WHITNEY in Kitty Gordon score two Imp1 hits— easily the fun- U§a IilIL Sal £ OPERA CO. musical play year niest of the Casino success as Tele. ' ' ' i*wFields, Morton, as a whir-tic. SEASON'S t . 'I By Martha from th* German of clenn THE I 101 , Ij . Lessee. Leouold Kampf. All. Bryant. Rr/\aHu/av THAT WILL BE ABOUT FOR YOU. MOST APPEALING II DrOaCIVVaV Mats. Wed. IX Evirs. 'JiTheo.,_B^way._cor._4lst." ——— * &Bat. Wei HEDWIC REICHER H!TChOOOH F. CHOCOLATE ATTRACTION Trie. «\u25a0_ | Mats. I 6:13. Mat.. $1.00. AND 30 OTHERS 2•»^"' Lew Fields1 | Wed. and • "Triumph for Hedwlg Relcher."^T!mea. Murray Bat.*:!* lew TUC MAMMOTH"I \ "Of her success— one may speak in superla- "soldier iierald SqJ - ELSIE IFIELDS' lilt PRODUCTION. tive terms." World. Ev«;a. » B'way and_ Bstn .^t [' Mat. "Miss Relcher's acting; was perfect." COHAN'SsnrsicAi. n*A\- Acclaimed the lUcseftt Sur<**« la Years, sad the 6:15. | $1.50. Tribune. — Lara-r*t MIDHiGKT SONS "Miss Belcher cheered." Post. Orchestra Ever Eneacnl fur Comic LEW FIELDS PRESENTS . ' THE MAM WHO Opera la This .Country. A RlKirer Feast than the Latf 11-F B way'44th st" EvS»- "20. \u25a0 Celebration. OWNS srnAcs' MlSIC has caught the TOWN. MOST NEW YOKKY SHOW INNEW YORK. CRITERION BROADWAY ••.SEATS FOUR WEEKS THE ROSE FERQ£SON IN ADVANCE. ' (ION.) SUCH A TED Al Fields & Dave Lewis. Wil- SPECIAL:"" TO-MORROW RI6RT — OF MARKS' The i:»»Ku!.-ir Performance Will Ec- Preceded SEiSr TO-NIGHT 5.30 — ALGERIA CONrpPT red Clarke Co., Mayme m——^— » & Tele. |—^— Prlres 25c. to LITTLE '* ™*- Buckley. *>y a One Act Military Playlet. tir $1.50. ZZr!j.\nu-r\ h Snyder & *>E-O1pQnp LNLIJL.I>U Evs. 8:13. Music by Book and Lyrics by TO-MOHTi Blllle Seaton and 6 more head- Morn-Mom- Matn. Wed. Herbert. QUEEN Une * ing- I"''!- Aye.j Victor Glen MacDonoujfh. By CHANNINO POLLOCK. 25c. $1.00. ct»- I . Wof Bth and Sat.. 2:16. r.Oc. 7.-»c. I \ THE v ' Staged by (Amends HERBFRT Ned 8 WEEKS IN OUTPOST VICTOR fide. Wed. $1. W'ayburn. BEATS SELLING~ ~ ADVANCE. By F. V* ForOTostCooptflD^. \ Mat.. m^mmm mmm mmm B'way JAMES J. ARCHIBALD. J Exceptional Cast of Nearly 100 Singers. V?lUnir? Eves. t< :!.'\u25a0- IIllOmi!Ofl B'way and C«th.Cflth. Tel.TsL ."5464.'>4«4 Cols.Cola. — # HERALD "'Th*. ShubcrtCo., Wed. HENRY B. presents «irs Rote of Algeria Doom* in i Mai*»«tir»I'iajeSllC 1 Mats. LlNbULtiby. HARRIS ORCHESTRA' Broadway." Props. j &Sat.. 2:15. — I ohß M *p*nnw, way &• SHIOULt/.OlOjfll^T^a vim^ | Tele. 3300 IB BOtn St.I' Wed. Mat. WEDMESDAY BARGAIH SEATS »C 506 Chiaffarelll. Fluti- Ks^2 ELEANOR RC3SON) Cols. I $1.00. HAT. t Clarinet; Ba«Ss, - - j Borrxlkin. Trsssa 14 a an<l MFTKOPOIlUCIUViIUL.IOIS Sd Avc Ev«3 8:15. WALTER M. LAWRENCE Presents POPCXAR pRITV, \u25a0\u25a0 Mats. We.i. and Bat.. 2:15. IFunniest farce in New York ROBERT .Me. .%>-!> n. THE D*W* OF iTO-MOBHOW Hurtle A Seaman Managers - (L'tbUr *Co.. Managers.) TU^TRE *'**4* B'way. EvML hUIUII sharp. MaU. TOl,am BILLY UIETY Wed. and Bar •••« I By George J'" " $ FAVERSHAM A CITIZEN'S HOME I Cameron. EOESOM ° "**x VAinKVIIJE ANT* In a Victorian Farce. TO-DAY P- m. i MovcvG picti;ki^. and His Company. Including JULIE OPP, in DOMESTIC DRAMA IN FOUR ACTS. CLEANEST HIT* IdHEW YORK AND HIS BY H. H. BOTD. OCT. 18 \u25a0\u25a0 CECIL SPOONER COIIAX HARK present THE RIiVGMA&I THE WORLD WIFE " ** Itoll $ VArDEVILLK AMD Xto ll VAUDEVILLE AND WINCHELL SMITHS COIIEUT TKIC3IPW o^/1 Eft By Charles Frederic Kledlinger. TOnAVI/ m P.M. ? MOVING «VO-fIAVUna. THE BGBLE SPANIARD PICTURES. P M MOVING PICTURES. By W. Somerset Mausrham "EDESON A COMEDIAN OF THE MANSFIELD CLASS."— THE -V. Y. COMMERCIAL 83th Ft - nr" E'way. fi\j<»a^.wi\RRICK Eve. 8:30. *' * - *~' Last Matlnee Saturdajp _ 2. • r V""' 'SSfewi'^y * 5R §?»«• 15 FORTUNE -v 7Rlfl 713U5P TO-.MOBKOIT XlfillT. ,,., ' IJin litilLHANDSOME SOI'VKMKS iM...^n ,ihs.k». m CE D t B >EATii"\u25a0 LAST X Kmm-^g^gtgrj The Sunrise a- New Spectacular KJ!is&ig£ «£-t. CHARLESWEEK K&£? IHUNTERWITH JOHN B\RKTMORK of Era \ s?i. FROHMA.V presents 42d We,: KE^JEKIHTIESSED WOHSE3S COMPARABLE COLOSSALLYTO MESSRS. SHUBERT & ANDERSONS TRIFOLIATE THEATR!CAL TRIUfIPH Dbehtyl^lilU-ISII St.. of B»/»" Haffie Williams Eves. S:l3. Mats VM. A Sat 'S In Michael Morton's Comedy Drama. LAST WEEK DETECTIVE SPABXES JOSEPH BROOKS present* MOHD3Y, OCT. 18 SSK. LILLIAN ™W THE HARVEST MOON RUSSELL la a Comedy by EDSIUXD DAT KNiCKEfiBOCXEB Matinee Saturday. 2*\u25a0 "WORTH DOUBLE THE MIEY."-Rinll THE THE BEST OF ALLMUSICAL COMEDIES. WIDOW'S BIGHT CHARLES FROHMAN present* THE LIBERTY THEATRE. Special. DOLLAR TUESDAY. OCT. 19111. FREDERIC THOMPSON present* PRINCESS IjPl With the B*st Cast of 100 Ever Seen. rabi h EOOTH TARKIXOTOS - "Makes the Berlin and Munich Pro- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 WORLD'S ductions Look Like 30 Cants." \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 HAF.F.T LEON WIL9O» GREATEST SHOW IN ITS MIGHTIEST —Alan Dais. En::- V.RITTEN AND PRODUCED BY R- H. BCRXSIDE; VOEGTLIN; MUSIC AND LYRICS BY MANUELPLAYHOUSE SEATS 8 WEEKS " " INVENTED AND SCENIC EFFECTS BY ARTHUR '^ KLEIN. IX ADVANCE. MM>A: i.* - RKAI> THE :<IEW RKAI» THE (SIM) RK \l» THE 45th St • nr - AY *RKVIEW. THE SIMMY KEVIKW. ItKAD SI'XDAY ItKVIEW. LYCFUM*" l/t(Uli B>walr Eve.. 8:13. x Mats. Thurs. & Sat. at 2 13 SPRINGTIME ' THAN Evening Seats on Sale Iborsday, Oct. M. ; "BETTER RAFFLES"— °' '' CHARLES FROHMAX present^ 1i CARNEGIE HAIL. in NEW PICPIT THEATRE. Broaawar and 60th 9trMt :MUBIC:IWE YORK AND LONDON UIfIULL Eve».
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