16408 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 4, 2017 / Notices 600 World Trade Center; Norfolk, 5, United States Code, Appendix). The (2) Cyber Security. The Committee Virginia 23510. The Port of Virginia’s National Maritime Security Advisory will discuss and receive a brief on the Web site is: http:// Committee operates under the authority current efforts to implement cyber www.portofvirginia.com/. of 46 U.S.C. 70112. The National security strategies. This meeting will be broadcast via a Maritime Security Advisory Committee (3) Cascadia Horizon. The Committee web enabled interactive online format provides advice, consults with, and will discuss and receive a brief on the and teleconference line. To participate makes recommendations to the results of the Coast Guard’s via teleconference, dial 1–855–475– Secretary of Homeland Security, via the participation in the Cascadia Rising 2447; the pass code to join is 764 990 Commandant of the Coast Guard, on National Level exercise. 20#. Additionally, if you would like to matters relating to national maritime (4) Public comment period. participate in this meeting via the security. Public comments or questions will be online web format, please log onto A copy of all meeting documentation taken throughout the meeting as the https://share.dhs.gov/nmsac/ and will be available at https:// Committee discusses the issues and follow the online instructions to register homeport.uscg.mil/NMSAC by April 25, prior to deliberations and voting. There for this meeting. If you encounter 2017. Alternatively, you may contact will also be a public comment period at technical difficulties, contact Mr. Ryan Ryan Owens as noted in the FOR the end of the meeting. Speakers are Owens at (202) 302–6565. FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section requested to limit their comments to 5 For information on facilities or above. minutes. Please note that the public services for individuals with comment period may end before the Agenda of Meeting disabilities, or to request special period allotted, following the last call assistance at the meetings, contact the Day 1 for comments. Contact the individual individual listed in FOR FURTHER The Committee will meet to review, listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION INFORMATION CONTACT below as soon as discuss and formulate recommendations CONTACT section above to register as a possible. speaker. Instructions: You are free to submit on the following issues: Dated: March 29, 2017. comments at any time, including orally (1) Security and Partnerships in the at the meetings, but if you want Port Of Virginia. The Committee will V.B. Gifford, Jr. committee members to review your receive a presentation from the Port of Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Director of comment before the meetings, please Virginia providing review of how the Inspections and Compliance. submit your comments no later than Port of Virginia is partnering to [FR Doc. 2017–06656 Filed 4–3–17; 8:45 am] April 20, 2017. We are particularly implement security strategies. BILLING CODE 9110–04–P interested in comments on the issues in (2) Container Security, Non-Intrusive the ‘‘Agenda’’ section below. You must Inspection/Radiation Portal Monitors. include ‘‘Department of Homeland The Committee will discuss, receive a DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND Security’’ and the docket number briefing and provide recommendations URBAN DEVELOPMENT [USCG–2017–0203] in your submission. on Customs and Border Protections [Docket No. FR–6025–N–01] Written comments should be submitted efforts to implement non-intrusive using the Federal eRulemaking Portal: inspection in US ports. (3) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The Mortgagee Review Board: http://www.regulations.gov. If you Administrative Actions encounter technical difficulties, contact increase in the use of unmanned aerial Mr. Ryan F. Owens. Comments received vehicles within ports has introduced the AGENCY: Office of the Assistant will be posted without alteration at need to provide guidance on how to Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing http://www.regulations.gov including identify and report potential suspicious Commissioner, Department of Housing any personal information provided. You activity associated with these vehicles. and Urban Development (‘‘HUD’’). The Committee will discuss, receive a may review a Privacy Act notice ACTION: Notice. regarding the Federal Docket briefing and provide guidance. Management System in the March 24, (4) Seafarer Access. The Committee SUMMARY: In compliance with Section 2005 issue of the Federal Register (70 will receive a follow-on brief from a 202(c)(5) of the National Housing Act, FR 15086). discussion at the last October 2016 this notice advises of the cause and Docket Search: For access to the public meeting. description of administrative actions docket to read documents or comments (5) Regulatory Update. The Committee taken by HUD’s Mortgagee Review related to this notice, go to http:// will receive an update brief on Board against HUD-approved www.regulations.gov, and use ‘‘USCG– regulatory efforts to date. mortgagees. (6) Public Comment period. 2017–0203’’ in the ‘‘Search’’ box, press FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Enter, and then click on the item you Day 2 Nancy A. Murray, Secretary to the wish to view. The Committee will meet to review, Mortgagee Review Board, 451 Seventh FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. discuss and formulate recommendations Street SW., Room B–133/3150, Ryan Owens, Alternate Designated on the following issues: Washington, DC 20410–8000; telephone Federal Officer of the National Maritime (1) Extremely Hazardous Cargo (202) 708–2224 (this is not a toll-free Security Advisory Committee, 2703 Strategy. In July, the Coast Guard tasked number). Persons with hearing or Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., the Committee to work with the speech impairments may access this Washington, DC 20593, Stop 7581, Chemical Transportation Advisory number through TTY by calling the toll- Washington, DC 20593–7581; telephone Committee to assist in the development free Federal Information Service at (800) 202–372–1108 or email ryan.f.owens@ of an Extremely Hazardous Cargo 877–8339. uscg.mil. Strategy Implementation Plan. The SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice of Committee will discuss and receive an 202(c)(5) of the National Housing Act this meeting is in compliance with the update from the Extremely Hazardous (12 U.S.C. 1708(c)(5)) requires that HUD Federal Advisory Committee Act, (Title Cargo Working Group on their efforts. ‘‘publish a description of and the cause VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:21 Apr 03, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\04APN1.SGM 04APN1 asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 63 / Tuesday, April 4, 2017 / Notices 16409 for administrative action against a HUD- Cause: The Board took this action two real estate properties, and the approved mortgagee’’ by HUD’s based on the following violations of mortgage loans secured by those Mortgagee Review Board (‘‘Board’’). In HUD/FHA requirements alleged by properties, on its 2012 and 2013 balance compliance with the requirements of HUD: BancFirst (a) failed to properly sheets; (b) falsely certified to HUD/FHA Section 202(c)(5), this notice advises of notify HUD/FHA it had acquired CSB that City First had complied with all actions that have been taken by the Bancshares, Inc. and its subsidiary bank, HUD/FHA regulations in its 2014 Board in its meetings from October 1, Bank of Commerce; and (b) falsely annual certification; (c) failed to notify 2015 to September 30, 2016. certified to HUD/FHA that it had HUD that City First entered into a complied with all HUD/FHA regulations consent order with and paid a fine to I. Civil Money Penalties, Withdrawals in its March 1, 2016 annual the State of Illinois, Department of of FHA Approval, Suspensions, certification. Financial and Professional Regulation, Probations, Reprimands, and Division of Banking; and (d) failed to Administrative Payments 3. Bank of England, Little Rock, AR notify HUD that City First entered into [Docket No. 16–1669–MR] 1. AmCap Mortgage, Ltd., Houston, TX a settlement agreement with and paid a [Docket No. 15–1889–MR] Action: On August 25, 2016, the penalty to the Department of Business Board voted to accept the terms of a Oversight for the State of California. Action: On June 16, 2016, the Board settlement agreement with Bank of 6. First Heritage Financial, LLC., voted to accept the terms of a settlement England (‘‘BOE’’). Pursuant to the terms Trevose, PA [Docket No. 16–0000–MR] agreement with AmCap Mortgage, Ltd. of the settlement, BOE was required to (‘‘AmCap’’) that required AmCap to (a) (a) pay a civil money penalty in the Action: On August 25, 2016, the pay a civil money penalty in the amount amount of $6,500; and (b) refrain from Board voted to accept the terms of a of $262,500; (b) pay an additional making any claim for insurance benefits settlement agreement with First Heritage $75,000; and (c) refrain from making and/or indemnify HUD/FHA for the life Financial, LLC (‘‘First Heritage’’). The any claim for insurance benefits and/or of the loan on all losses associated with settlement agreement required First indemnify HUD/FHA for all losses one HUD/FHA insured loan. The Heritage to (a) pay a civil money penalty associated with three HUD/FHA insured settlement did not constitute an in the amount of $120,500; and (b) loans. The settlement did not constitute admission of liability or fault. refrain from making any claim for an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action insurance benefits and/or indemnify Cause: The Board took this action based on BOE’s alleged violation of HUD/FHA for the life of the loan on all based on the following violations of HUD/FHA requirements by its failure to losses associated with 36 HUD/FHA HUD/FHA requirements alleged by verify and adequately document the insured loans.
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