PRB-nt33/A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA RAILWAY DEPARTMENT (RAILWAY BOARD) REPORT BY THE RAILWAY BOARD ON Il\JDIAN RAIL,}! AYS FOR 1932-33 Volume I ..:.!. ~:'-...~ ~':\. , -~ i I DELHI: MANAGER OF PUBLICATIONS 1934 ~; " ~~: ------~~-----------------------' P"ice Rs. 5-4 or 8s. 6d. Government of India Pablications are obtainable from the Manager of Publications, Civil Lines, Delhi, and from the following Agents :_ EUROPE. OI'l'lOB o. TIIB mGH COMllISSIONER FOR INDIA, btDU Hausa. At.DWYOH. I.oXDON, W. 0. 2. And at all Booksellers. INDIA AND CEYLON : Provincial Book Depots. , iuDlUS :-Superintendent, Government Press, Mount Road. Madru. BOMBAy:-Superinteu.dent, Government Printing and Stationery, Queen's Road, Bombay. 811m ,.,.Library attsohed to the Olli .. of the Commissioner in Sind, Karaohi. UlOTED PROVIllOBS o:r AOB4 AND OUDB :-SUperintendent of Government Press, United ProviDoei 01 As,a aDd Oudb, Alhr,habad. PUlf.JAB :-Superintendent, Government Printing, Punjab, Lahore. BUlWA "..,.superintendent, Government Printing. Burma, Rangoon. CuTBAL PBQVINCES AliD BBRAB :-Soperintendent. Government Printing, Central Provinces, Na.gpur. As.... :-Superintendent, Assam Seotetariat Press, Sbillong. Bma AND ORI .... :-Superintendent, Government Printing. Bihar and Orissa, P. O. Gulzarhagll. P.tna. NORTa- WEST FROR"nEB PROVINOB :-Manager, Government Printing and Stationery. Peshawar. Thacker, Spink &; Co., Let, Calcutta and Simla. Frontier Book &; Stationery Co •• Rawalpindi. W. Newman & Co., I.td., Caloutta.. ·Hossenbhoy Karimji &; Sons. Karachi. S. K. Lahiri 01; Co .. Caloutta. The Englisb Bookstall, Karaohl. The Indian School Supply Dep6t, 309, Bow Bazar Rose & Co., Karaohi. • j Street, Calootta. Kosle & Co., Karaobi. Bhtterworth & Co. (India), Ltd., Caloutta. Ram Chandar & Sons, Ambala, Kasauli. M. C. Sarcar & Sonl, liS, College Square, Caloutta.. The Standard Bookstall, Qoetta and LahoM. Standard Literature Company, Limited, Calootta. U. P. 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Calcutta. The ~dian ~y Book Dep6t, JoJIondur City-·Duya. KamalA Book Dep6t, Ltd., IS, College Square. Oaloutta. gllDJ. Delhi. , The Pioneer Book Supply Co., 20, Shib NBrain Das Manager, NewaJ Kishore Press, Lucknow. Lane, Oalcutta. The Upper India Publishin,ot Houae, Ltd., Literature • P. C. Sultar & Co., 2, Shama Char~LO ~e Street, Palace, Ammuddaula Park, Luokno". Oalcutt.. Ra! Sahib M. Gulab Singh 01; SODS, MolId.I.Am Pr-. -Bengal Flying Club, Dom Dum Cantonment. Labore and Allahabad. KaIi Charsn 01; Co •• Municipal Market. Calcutta. Ramo Krishna 01; Sona. BooksslJe.. , Anarksli, Labore. N. M. Roy Ohowdhury 01; 00., 11, Oollegs Square, Students Popular Dep6t. Auarkali, Labore. Caloutta. The Proprietor, Punjab Sanskrit Book Depat, Said- Grsntha Mandir, Outtsck. mitha Street, Labore. o B. O. Basak, Esq., Proprietor, A1bart Library, Doooa. The Insorr.nce Publicity Co., Ltd•• Labore. HiggiDbotbama, Medres. The Punjab RelIgious Book Society. Labore. Rochouse and SODS, Madras. The Commeroial Book Co., Lahore. G. A. Nateson 01; Co., Publishers, George Town, Madru. The University Book Agenoy, Kaohari Roed, Labo"," P. Varsdachary 01; Co •• Madras. Manager of the Imperial Book Depat, 63, Chandni City Book Co., Madru. Ohawk Street. Delhi. Law Publishing Co., Mylapore, Madru. J. M. JaiDa 01; Bros., Delhi. The Eooklover'a Resort, Taikad, TrivancJ.rum. South Fono Book Agency, New Delhi and Simla. India. Oxford Book and Stationery Oompany, Delhi. Lahore, E. M. Gopalakrlshna Kone, Pudomandapam, Madore, Simla, Meerut and Oalcutta. Central Book Depat, Madorr.. Mohanlal Dossabhai Shabo Rajkot. Vijapur 01; Co., Vizagapatsm. Sopdt., Amerloan Baptist Misaion Press, Rangoon. Thacker & Co., Ltd., Bombay. Burma. Book Club, Ltd., Rangoon. D. B. TaraporeveJa Bona 01; Co., Bombay. • S. O. Talukdar. Proprietor, Studente 01; Co., Coooh Ram Chandra GoviDd 01; SoDS, Ka!bedeVl Road, Behar. Bombay. The Manager, The Indian Book Sbop, Benarea Oity. N. M. Tripathi & Co., Booksellers, Prin0e89 Street, Nandkishore & Bros., Chowk, Benares Olty. Kalbadevl Road, Bombay. The Srivilliputtur eo.operative TradIng Union, Ltd., New and Secondhand Bookshop, Kalbedevi Roed, o. Brivillipnttor (S. L R.). Bombay. .' Raghunath Prasad 01; SODS, Patoa City. J. Yo Pandia & 00., Bomba.y.· ,'... ';fhe Students' Emporium, Patna. A H. Wheeler 01; Co., Allahabad, Caloutta and Bombay. K. L. Mathur 01; Bro... Gozri, Patoa Oity. :&mbay Book Depat, Gngoon, Bombay.. .""': Kamala Book Stores, Baukipor. Patna. Bennett Coleman & Co., Ltd., The Times of India Preas, 'G. Banerjea & Bros., Ranohi. Bombay. M. O. Kothari, Raipore Roed. BarodA. The Popular Book Dep6t, Bombay. B. Parikh 01; 00., Baroda. Lawrence 01; Mayo, Ltd •• Bombay. The Hyderabed Book Dep6t, Chadergh.t. H,derabsd The Menager, Oriental Book Supplymg Agsnoy, 15, (Deooan). Shukrswar. POODa City. ami L T ak-'o- P 0 ~. hi Rama Krlsbna Broa., Opposite Biahlambag. Poona City. S. Krislmasw ~ Co., epp ........ • ., ~no DO. S. P. Booksta1J, 21, Budh~, Poona. poly Fort. The International Book Service, Poona 4. Standard Book ond Map Agenoy, Book Sellers and Mangaldss 01; SoDS, Booksellera and. Publishe... Dhage Publishers. Ballygonge. 'l'aIao, Surat. 0 • Karnatalra Pub1ishiog Hoose, Hengl<m> City. The Students Own Book Dopat, Dharwar. Bheema Bona, Fort, Bangalore City. Shri ~~'b.!:'atak&. Postaka Dhanll ...... Malam. Superintendent, Bangalore P ..... Lake View, Myoore The English Book i>epat, Ferozepore. Road, BangaJote City. 0'. AUBIIT m PALlI8Tll<B .-Bleimav.lry, Jernaalem • • Agents for PabUoationa on aviation only. [ ii ] Books and Technical Papers published by the Railway Board. BOOKS. (1) Report by the BaIln)' Board OD IndIan Ballwaya. PublWled yearly, Prlce-Volumel-llepori.l1I• ...a-o or 7•• 6if. 'Volame n, RI. 6-8..0 or 91, (2) Claaalfled LIst and Dlatrlbutfon Return of Officers of all Indian BallwaYB. PubUshed ball-yearly. Price Be. 1.J.2.0 or a •• (S) Hlstory of IDd1aD RaUlnLYB. CODltzucted and In progreu corrected up to 31st Harch 1028, Publllhed qulnquozmlallT. PrIce lla. &-$-0 or 81. (") HIstory of Servlcea of tho Offictll of the Engineer and Supcrlor Revenue EStabllshment of State RaUwan. Pnbllahed reariy. Price RI. 23-8-0 or 87•• (5) Pocketed.lUon of the 8chedu1es of d]mem!oDl! for the 5' 6' gauge (reprlDted In 19S5), price Re.l each, S' 81' gauge (revlaod 1930), prlce Be. 1 earll, 2' 0' gauge (reviaed and reprinted edition. 1930). price Annas 6 each. and 2' 0" gauge, 1922, price Re.l each. (6) Ilanual of InstructiODI for the lDIItalIatiOD and MalnteDance of Signalllng and Interlocklng, 1920, price Re. 1 each.' -. (7) Manual of Instructions tor the Installation and MaIntenance of Block SJ.gnaIllng APparatus, 1982, price Re. 1 e.ch. TEOHNICAL PAPERS. (8) Over 285 papers have been published by the BaUway Board's office. The papers comprise:- (a) Origloal descrlptlOD:S of railway workll and studies of railway problems In India Bnd elsewbere. (6) Beprlnbl of artIclOl from foreign engineering magazlDea. (c) Beprlnts or abstracts of reports received by the Government of India on subjects OODDected with raUwaya.. A oomplete 11at of the papcn can be obtained gmtif from the OhIef ControUer. Standardisation. Central StandlrdJ omce for RaUW&ya. S1mla/New Delhi. A few of the more Important Technlcalpapers are mentioned below:- Autllor. No. '12 The design of well fonndatlonsfor brldges (CompUed.) ,. U.8 StatJstllS of railway working expenditure G. DEUCHARS. It 158 RIver tralnlng and control on the gnlde bank S)'lltem F.l.E.SPRJNG.. " 215 The Hardlnge BrIdge over the Lower Ganges at Sara 8m ROBERT GALES. u 219 TechDleal edncatlon In relAtJon to raUwa}'llln America • n. L. COLE. Jot 289 The central control systems for the-schcdullDg of operations In looomoUve repalJa wOlkshops in England. H. B. SAUNDERS. to 242 Railway Statfatlcs and the Operating Omcer llAJOB F. H. BUDDEN. •• 2f3 How to Judge the prMPeetA of newrallwa:yB LT .• COL. L_ B. HOPKI:NS. or 2« Sleeper apaclng and the effect of the New Perm1ss1ble .A%le-load! A. F. lURVEY. It 245 Report of the Indlan RaUway Bridge Committee on track stresses • •• 247 1st and 2nd interim reporta of the Indian Ball,"y Bridge CommIttee on Impact and revision of the l3tldge rules. 10. 249 Operatlng StatlatJdI and the Dlv.lalonal Omcer llAJOB. ]1'. H. BUDDEN, •• 250 A%1e-I08ds. Wheel D1ameter andrallbeads dlmenalODS. 251 A. R. E. and maintenance of Way Assoclatlon's Impact testa on Ballway BrIdges. (ReprlDted.) .. Description of the plannlng, Progress, Coallna' and EngIne Repair. Schedule Syatem.introducedontbeG.I.P.ny.l.ooo.sbopsatParei • .]1'. G. S. MARTIN. ,. 256 Notes on the preparation of railway
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