Important Bird Areas in Europe – Bulgaria ■ BULGARIA IRINA KOSTADINOVA White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus in Atanasovo lake (IBA 036). (PHOTO: SVETOSLAV SPASOV/BSPB) GENERAL INTRODUCTION immediately south of the Stara Planina mountains; (4) the high mountains of Rila, Pirin and Rhodopi in the south-west, with the Bulgaria covers 110,994 km2 and is bounded to the east by the Black highest point at 2,925 m; and (5) the Black Sea coast, which is mostly Sea, to the south by Turkey and Greece, to the west by Yugoslavia flat but with some sea cliffs in the north. and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and to the north There are 50 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Bulgaria (Table 1), by Romania. The country can be divided into five main regions: covering a total area of 7,002 km2, or 6.3% of the land area of the (1) the fertile plain of the River Danube along the border with country (Kostadinova 1997). The IBAs lie mainly along the River Romania; (2) the Stara Planina mountains, a 600-km-long chain Danube and the Black Sea coast, as well as in the central and eastern running east–west across the country, with the highest point (Botev) Stara Planina mountains and in the south-west of the country. The at 2,376 m; (3) the central plain and valleys of the Maritsa river first pan-European IBA inventory (Grimmett and Jones 1989) Map 1. Location, area and criteria category of Important ROMANIA Bird Areas in Bulgaria. 32 33 30 31 39 48 6 7 9 8 25 50 BLACK 17 24 SEA 2 18 49 38 47 46 5 45 1 29 44 Highest category of criteria met by IBA YUGOSLAVIA 11 43 4 A (36 IBAs) 28 36 37 35 B (14 IBAs) 10 34 42 Area of IBA (ha) 16 23 41 8,700 to 156,000 15 22 26 27 40 1,990 to 8,699 21 500 to 1,989 3 20 13 to 499 13 14 TURKEY 19 REPUBLIC OF 12 0 45 90 MACEDONIA FORMER YUGOSLAV GREECE km 111 Important Bird Areas in Europe – Bulgaria Table 1. Summary of Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria. 50 IBAs covering 7,002 km2 IBA National 1989 code code1 code International name National name Administrative region Area (ha) Criteria (see p. 11) 001 BG001 — Rayanovci meadows Vlazni Livadi Rayanovci Sofia 1,500 A1, B2 002 BG002 — Tchuprene Tchuprene Montana 1,990 B2 003 BG003 — Tissata Tissata Sofia 1,450 A3, B2 004 BG004 — Dolni Bogrov–Kazichene Dolni Bogrov–Kazichene Sofia 1,000 A1 005 BG005 — Zimevitza meadows Vlazni Livadi Zimevitza Sofia 500 A1 006 BG006 — Orsoya fish-ponds Ribarnici Orsoya Montana 360 A1, B2 007 BG007 — Ibisha island Ostrov Ibisha Montana 70 A1, B2 008 BG008 — Island near Gorni Tzibar Ostrov do Gorni Tzibar Montana 60 A1, A4i, B1i 009 BG009 — Funiyata Funiyata Montana 13 B2 010 BG010 — Pyasachnik reservoir Yazovir Pyasachnik Plovdiv 4,000 A4i, A4iii, B1i 011 BG011 BG019–021 Central Balkan Centralen Balkan Khaskovo, Lovech, Sofia, 73,262 A1, A3, B2, B3 Plovdiv 012 BG012 — Krumovitza Krumovitza Khaskovo 3,500 B2 013 BG013 BG013 Studen Kladenetz Studen Kladenetz Khaskovo 18,000 A3, B2 014 BG014 — Madjarovo Madjarovo Khaskovo 8,700 B2 015 BG015 — Konush reservoir Yazovir Konush Plovdiv 30 A1, A4i, B1i, B2 016 BG016 — Plovdiv fish-ponds Ribarnici Plovdiv Plovdiv 98 A1, A4i, B1i 017 BG017 BG001 Belene islands complex Complex Belenski Ostrovi Lovech 1,714 A1, B2 018 BG018 BG002 Vardim island Ostrov Vardim Lovech 458 B1i, B2 019 BG019 — Byala Reka Byala Reka Khaskovo 18,000 A1, A3, B2 020 BG020 — Radinchevo Radinchevo Khaskovo 5,000 B2 021 BG021 — Southern Sakar Yuzen Sakar Khaskovo 45,000 B2 022 BG022 — Rozov Kladenetz reservoir Yazovir Rozov Kladenetz Khaskovo 600 A1, A4i, B1i 023 BG023 BG003 Ovtcharitza reservoir Yazovir Ovtcharitza Khaskovo 630 A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i 024 BG024 — Mechka fish-ponds Ribarnici Mechka Ruse 800 A1, A4i, B1i, B2 025 BG025 BG014 Lomovete Lomovete Ruse 4,320 B2 026 BG026 — Derventski Vuzvishenia Derventski Vuzvishenia Burgas 20,000 B2 027 BG027 BG004 Malko Sharkovo reservoir Yazovir Malko Sharkovo Burgas 380 A4i, B1i 028 BG028 — Tzerkovski reservoir Yazovir Tzerkovski Burgas 500 A1, B1i 029 BG029 — Kotlenska mountain Kotlenska Planina Burgas 156,000 A1, B2, B3 030 BG030 BG012 Kalimok complex Complex Kalimok Ruse 1,000 A1, A4i, B1i, B2, B3 031 BG031 — Stenata Stenata Ruse 15 B2 032 BG032 — Pozharevo island Ostrov Pozharevo Ruse 170 A1, A4i, B1i, B2 033 BG033 BG008 Srebarna lake Ezero Srebarna Ruse 1,445 A1, A4i, B1i, B2, B3 034 BG034 BG005 Mandra–Poda complex Complex Mandra–Poda Burgas 2,270 A1, A4i, A4iii, A4iv, B1i, B1iv, B2, B3 035 BG035 BG007 Burgasko lake Burgasko Ezero Burgas 2,800 A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i 036 BG036 BG010 Atanasovo lake Atanasovsko Ezero Burgas 1,950 A1, A4i, A4iv, B1i, B1iv, B2, B3 037 BG037 — Pomorie lake Pomorijsko Ezero Burgas 850 A1, A4i, B1i, B3 038 BG038 — Provadijsko–Royaksko Plato Provadijsko–Royaksko Plato Varna 100,000 B2, B3 039 BG039 — Hursovska Reka Hursovska Reka Varna 20,000 B2 040 BG040 — Strandja Strandja Burgas 116,136 A4iv, B1iv, B2, B3 041 BG041 BG015 Ropotamo complex Complex Ropotamo Burgas 4,800 A1, A4i, B1i, B1iv, B2 042 BG042 — Chengene Skele Zaliv Tchengene Skele Burgas 160 A1, B2 043 BG043 BG018 Emine Emine Burgas 100 A1, A4iv, B1iv, B2 044 BG044 — Kamchijska mountain Kamtchijska Planina Varna 55,000 A4iv, B1iv, B2, B3 045 BG045 BG022 Kamchia complex Complex Kamchia Varna 3,000 A4iv, B1i, B1iv, B2, B3 046 BG046 BG011 Yatata Yatata Varna 154 B1i, B2 047 BG047 — Varna–Beloslav lakes complex Varnensko–Beloslavsko Ezero Varna 2,300 A1, A4i, A4iv, B1i, B1iv, B3 048 BG048 — Suha Reka Suha Reka Varna 15,000 B2 049 BG049 BG006 Shabla lake complex Shablenski Ezeren Complex Varna 3,100 A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, B1iv, B2 050 BG050 BG009 Durankulak lake Durankulak Varna 2,000 A1, A4i, B1i, B2 1. Kostadinova (1997). Sites identified in the previous inventory of IBAs in Europe (Grimmett and Jones 1989) but no longer considered to be IBAs BG016 Gintzi; BG017 Cape Kaliakra. identified 22 IBAs in Bulgaria, and field surveys during the last ORNITHOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE eight years, combined with literature research and collaboration with other organisations in 1997, have resulted in a further 32 IBAs There are 140 species of European conservation concern (SPECs) being identified in this review (Table 1). Three of the original (1989) which regularly breed in Bulgaria. Five of these are globally IBAs (former sites 019–021) have been merged into one site (Central threatened (Pelecanus crispus, Aythya nyroca, Aquila heliaca, Falco Balkan, site 011) in this review, and two of the original sites (former naumanni and Crex crex), three of them are near-threatened sites 016 and 017) no longer qualify as IBAs, after comparison of (Phalacrocorax pygmeus, Haliaeetus albicilla and Aegypius improved and updated information against the current (revised) monachus), and a further 81 have an unfavourable conservation IBA criteria (see Table 1). status in Europe (Tucker and Heath 1994). Thirteen other globally 112 Important Bird Areas in Europe – Bulgaria threatened species occur mainly on migration and in winter, and Table 4. Species of European conservation concern with significant an additional 14 species, which have an unfavourable conservation breeding populations at Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria (meeting status in Europe due to the state of their European wintering any IBA criteria). populations, occur regularly in winter in Bulgaria. Minimum Proportion (%) of Twenty-nine sites qualify as IBAs because they support national breeding national population important numbers of species of global conservation concern, i.e. population breeding at all IBAs they qualify under criterion A1 (Tables 1 and 2). Of particular note Species 1 (pairs) 2 in Bulgaria is the occurrence of more that half of the European wintering Phalacrocorax pygmeus Pygmy Cormorant 60 78 population (and almost all of the Bulgarian wintering population) Pelecanus crispus Dalmatian Pelican 80 100 of Branta ruficollis at two IBAs, Durankulak lake (050) and Shabla Ixobrychus minutus Little Bittern 200 94 lake complex (049). Nycticorax nycticorax Night Heron 560 98 Twenty-three of the IBAs in Bulgaria support important Ardeola ralloides Squacco Heron 500 29 congregations of waterbirds (Tables 1 and 3), mainly in winter or Ciconia nigra Black Stork 150 53 while staging on migration. Nineteen of the 23 qualify on the basis Plegadis falcinellus Glossy Ibis 200 6 of their globally important congregations of waterbirds (A4i Platalea leucorodia Spoonbill 100 57 Tadorna ferruginea Ruddy Shelduck 50 34 Table 2. Important Bird Areas in Bulgaria that are important for Aythya nyroca Ferruginous Duck 150 29 species of global conservation concern (meeting criterion A1). Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture 100 39 Circaetus gallicus Short-toed Eagle 50 44 Species IBA code Accipiter brevipes Levant Sparrowhawk 20 35 Phalacrocorax pygmeus Pygmy Cormorant 006, 007, 015, 016, 017, 022, 023, 024, 030, Buteo rufinus Long-legged Buzzard 200 24 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 042, 047, 049, 050 Aquila pomarina Lesser Spotted Eagle 60 42 Pelecanus crispus Dalmatian Pelican 008, 023, 024, 030, 032, 033, 034, 036, 037, Aquila heliaca Imperial Eagle 20 10 041, 043, 047 Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle 130 21 Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose 028, 030, 032, 034, 035, 036, 049, 050 Hieraaetus pennatus Booted Eagle 30 57 Aythya nyroca Ferruginous Duck 006, 024, 030, 036, 049 Falco tinnunculus Kestrel 1,500 3 Oxyura leucocephala White-headed Duck 034, 035 Falco cherrug Saker 30 3 Aegypius monachus Cinereous Vulture 019 Alectoris graeca Rock Partridge 1,000 7 Aquila clanga Greater Spotted Eagle 036 Coturnix coturnix Quail 7,000 8 Aquila heliaca Imperial Eagle 011, 029 Crex crex Corncrake 8,000 1 Crex crex Corncrake 001, 004, 005, 029 Recurvirostra avosetta Avocet 300 1003 Numenius tenuirostris Slender-billed Curlew 034, 036, 042 Charadrius alexandrinus Kentish Plover 200 39 Sterna sandvicensis Sandwich Tern 100 10 Table 3.
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