National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 LIST OF DOCUMENTATION System and/or File Title: Defense Contract Action System (DCADS). FY 1990 Number of Pages I. NARA Documentation 1. List of Documentation (Folder 1) 1 pg. 2. User Notes (Folder 1) 2 pg. 3. Supplemental User Note (Folder 1) 1 pg. 4. Record Layout (Folder 2) 3 pg. II. Agency Documentation 1. Correspondence Concerning the Transfer of Data and 3 pg. Documentation (Folder 3) 2. Letter of Transmission and Supplementary Materials for FY 7 pg. 1990 Data (Folder 4) 3. Record Layout for FY 1989 DCADS Master File (Tab A) 3 pg. (Folder 5) 4. DD Form 350 dated October 1989 (Tab B) (Folder 6) 1 pg. 5. DD Form 1057 dated October 1989 (Tab C) (Folder 7) 1 pg. 6. DoD Defense Acquisition Management Data System 70 pg. Purchasing Office List, as of December 20, 1989 (MN01)(Tab D) (Folder 8) 7. DoD Procurement Coding Manual: Volume 1, Commodities 85 pg. and Services Reported on DD Form 350, revised as of October 1989 (MN02)(Tab E) (Folder 9) 8. Defense Contract Action Data System Code Translation 20 pg. Manual, Fiscal Year 1990 (MN04)(Tab F)( Folder 10) Total 197 pg. III. NARA Processing Materials 1. Automated Validation of Electronic Records (Folders 11 -13) 2. File Sample Printouts (Folders 14 - 15) Accession No.: NN3-330-96-003 Prepared by: J. Powell, Archivist Date: November 20, 2006 Page 1 of 1 NARA's web site is http://www.nara.gov NARA Reference Copy Page #1 College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 User Note #1 The record layout that the Office of the Secretary ofDefense sent with the DCADS Master File for FY 1990 does not match the records. I discussed this problem with Mr. Raymond Morris from the Office ofthe Secretary ofDefense, WHS-DIOR, Procurement and Economic Information Division. He explained that DCADS data collection requirements change on a regular basis and that the layout of data gathered in previous years is changed so that it is comparable with data gathered in the current year. The record layout that was sent with the records probably matched the data as it looked at a later date. The record layout filed in the folder labeled, "NARA Documentation, NN3-330-95-004, Record layout", is the correct record layout. We were able to arrive at this record layout by showing Mr. Morris successive AERIC Dataset Contents Reports as we made changes that he suggested to the record layout. As you can see from the final AERIC Dataset Contents Reports and the AERIC Validation Statement, this record layout does correspond very closely with these records. Mark Conrad, Archivist 29 May 1997 National Archives and Records Administmtiot! NARA Reference Copy Page #2 College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 User Note #2 The NARA Processing Materials for the DCADS Master File, FY 1990 does not include an AERIC Record Layout or an AERIC Validation C,pecklist. These are filed with the NARA Processing Materials for DCADS FY 1989. The same AERIC Record Layout and AERIC validation options were used for both DCADS FY 1989 and DCADS FY 1990. Mark Conrad, Archivist 29 May 1997 Natiotzal Archives and Records Administratiotl NARA Reference Copy Page #3 National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 Supplementary User Note Defense Contract Action Data System (DCADS), FY 1990 (Records of Prime Contracts A warded by the Military Services and Agencies) NN3-330-96-003 Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Record Group 330) In November 2006, staff created a public use version ofthis file, which masks the following fields: Field Name Record Position Description ESTTIN 177-185 Establishment taxpayer id number PNTTIN 186-194 Parent taxpayer id number The public use version file: XMIS# Dataset Name 091454 DCADS.FY90.PU Lynn Goodsell, Archives Specialist Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division (NWME) November 17, 2006 NARA 's web site is http://www.archives.gov NARA Reference Copy Page #4 FY 1990 •- 1995 (DCADSOCADS MASTER FILE) DD3S0DD350 FIELD RECORD #OF ITEMM NAME fQS.POS. ~HAR. DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIOU DEPT 1 In Reporting Department Code A2 RPTNO 2-5 4an DD350 Report NumberDD1057NumberIDDIOS7 Line A3 POFKEY'POFKEY 6-116-1 1 6an Contracting Office Code (Dept,c.o.)@ept,c.o.) A4 POFNM:POFNM 12-43 32an Contracting Office Name POFPLACE 44-50 7an7m POF-ST(2an),POF=ST(2n), POF.CITY(San)POF-CITY(k) IDKEY 51-6051-60 lOanloan DEPT(ln), C.O.(Se.n),C.O.(San), RPTNO(4an) IDKEY="OOOOOOOOOO"ID~Y=''OOOOOOOOOO" for DDIOS7DD1057 Data M1HKEYM'fHKEY 61-64 4n Month Key (FY.MM)(FYMMJ Oct';'Oct A 01, etc. CHGMTH 65-68 4n Date ofLast Change (FYMM) . BlB1 CNTNUM:C"UM 69-83 15an Contract Number B2 MODNO 8484-102.. 102 19an19m Mod Order or Other ID Number B3 ACTDATE 103103-108 .. 108 6n Date of Action (YYMMDD) B4 DLVDATE 109-114 6n Completion Date (YYMMDD)CIYMMDI)) BSAB5A ESTKEY 115-123 9an EstablislunentEstablishment Contractor I.D. Code HQKEY 124-132 9an Headquarters Contractor I.D. Code HQNMHQW 133-162 30an Headquarters Name ULTKEYULTKE3Y 163-171 9an Ultimate (parent)(Parent) Contractor I.D.I,D. Code BSBB5B CAGE 172-176 San5a.n Commercial and Government Entity Code BSE ESTTIN 177-185 9n Establishment taxpayerTaxpayer 10ID Number B5F PNTTIN 186-194 9n Parent Taxpayer 10ID Number B6A LPLAKEY 195-201 7an Location Code B6B LSCWKEY.LSCWKEY 202202-203..203 2an2m StatelCountryl\VaterStatdCountryNater Area Code LSCWNM 204-213 lOa10a State/CountyStatelcounty Name LPARTKEY 214-220 7an?an Part of Co~t~lLocationCod-eLocation Code LPARTNM 221-240 20a Location Name LCOPKEY 241241-245 ..245 SanStin CountylProvinceCounty/Province Code LC()PNMLCOPNM 246-267 22a CountylProvinceComtyProvince Name ACTIONS 268-276 9n Number of Actions B8 DOLLARS 277277-287..287 lInlln Total Dollars (Whole Dollars) RANGE 288-289 2an Dollar Range (A)10K-24,999;(A)lOI(-24,999; (B)25K-49,OOO;(B)25K-49,000; (C)50K-99,999; (D)100K-199,999;@)lOOK-199,999; (E)200K-299,999;@)200&299,999; (F)300K-499,999;(G)SOOK-999,999~(€93 OOK-499,999;(G)SOOK-999,999; (H)1000K-l,999,999;(H)1OOOK-I,999,999; (11(Tl)2,000K-2,999,999; )2,OOOK-2,999,999; (I2)3,OOOK-4,999,999;02)3,000K-4,999,999; (J)5,00OK-9,OOO,OOO;(~5,000K-9,000,000; (K)10,000K(K)lO,OOOK-l9,999,999;.. 19,~99,999; (L)>=20,OOOK(L)>-20,000K I NARA Reference Copy Page #5 11 April!April 10,19970, 1997 , ............ -T .... , .. ..... , ... __ , , ,rt • '""1.01"1 "'1-"',",,"";"'11,",,1"""'''''1\ t ~ I"" "" I , I ... ' .... FY 1990 - 1995 (DeADS@CADS MASTER FILE) DD350DD3S0 FJELD RECORD #OF /i ITEMTTEM NAME fQS.POS. CHAR,CHeaB. DESCRIPTIDESCRIPTIONON B9·B9 FMS 290 1ala Foreign Military Sale (Y,N) (Y,N) BIOB10 MULTYR 29129 1 18 la Multi-Year Contract (Y,N) BllB11 MYCTRCT 292-306 lSn15n Total Multi-Year Value (Whole Dollars) B12A FSCKEY 307-310 4an FSCPSC or Service Code - FSCNM 311-360 SOan50m FSC or Service Description B12BB12B DCPCD 361·363361-363 3an DoD Claimant Program Code Code B12C SYSKEY 364-367 4an System or Equipment Code SYSNM 368-397368-397, ~ 30an30m System or Equipment Description Description B12D SIC 398·401398-401 4n Standard Industrial Class. Code B13 KCA 402 Ianliill Kind of Contracting Action (1-8,A-G) (1-8,A-G) aDAODA 403 In Other Defense Agencies Indicator (0-7) Clc1 SYNOP 404 la SynopsisSYnOP~S (y,N) (Y,w C2c2 NOTSYNOP 405 18la Reason not Synopsized (A,B)(qB) C3c3 EXTCMP 406-407 .2an2~ Extent Competed (A,BI-B6,C,D)(A,Bl=B6,C,D) C4c4 SHIPUSsmus 408 In Sea Transportation (Y,N,U) XCOMPLNDXCOMPIND 409-410 2n Pos1Pos1=Indicator for InclusionlExclusionInclusiodExclusion fromfiom the Competitive Dollar Base (0-9) . Pos2=FPS Indicator'indicator (l==Foreign,(l=Foreign, 2=Possession,3=State)2==Possession,3=State) CScs TYPECNTryp:SCNT 41141 1 . la Type of Contract (A,J,K,L,R,S,T,U,V,Y,Z)(4J,UKs, T,U,V,Y,Z) C6 OFFOFFSOLICSOLIC 412 Ian1U Offers Solicited (" ",1,2) C7c7 OFFRECVDOFFRECVL) 413 Ianlan Offers Received C'(I' ",1,2)",1,2) C8 SOLICPROC 414 1Ianan Solicitation Procedure (A-H,J,K,M,N) C9c9 AUTHNOCMP 415-416 2m2an AuthorityAuthonty for Other than Full & Open Competition CIac10 STATREQ 417 la.la Subject to Labor Standards Statutes (A,B,C,D,Z)(&B,C,D,Z) Cllc11 CCP 418 1ala Certificate ofCurrent Cost or Pricing Data.Data (y,N,W) (Y,N,w) el2c12 CTRCTFINCTRCTFZN 419 1a la Contract Financing (A,B,C,D,Z) el3AC13A NUMFOREIGN 420 In Number of Offerors C13B BUYUS 421-422 2n Buy America.nAmerican Act Percent Difference C13D IMPORT 423-424 202a Country Code for Imported Components, Item C12C =:= A C13D FORPROD 425-426 282a CountryCuuntry Code for Foreign Product, Item C12C-BC12C -B 1 NARA Reference Copy Page #6 2 April10,April 10,1997 1997 FY 1990 - 1995 (DCADS(DeADS MASTER FILE) DD350 FIELD RECORD #OF ITEMI~M NAME POS.~QS, CH&R.~HAR, DESCIUPTIONDBSCRIPTION D1Dl TW-EBUSTYPEBUS 427 la Type ofBusiness (A3(A,B,C,D,F,L,M,N,P,Z)# C,D,F,L,M,N,P,Z) D2 NOTSDBUS 428 1ala Reason not Awarded to Small Disadvantaged Business (A,B,C,D,Z) D3 NOTSML .~ 429 la Reason not Awarded to Small Business (&B,C;D,Z)(A,B,C,D,Z) D4A SBSET 430 1ala Type of Small Business Set-AsideSel-:Aside (A-E) D4B SDBSET 434311 la Type of 3maU~ma1l Disadvantaged Business Set-Aside Preference (A-E) D4C NBCUSETHBCUSET 432 la HBCUMHBCU/MI Set-Aside (AX)(A-C) D4D PREFER 433 la Other Preference Program (kB,C,Z)(A,B)C,Z) LSA 434 In Labor Surplus Area Preference (1.5)(1 -5) Coded 5 ifLSAif LSA Indicator is in DIORDLOR Global Locator and not ReponedReported as an LSA Set-Aside D4E PREMruMPREMIUM 435-437435-437 3n Premium Percent D5 ETHNIC 43843 8 la Ethnic Group D6 WMNBUS 439439 la Women-OwnedWomen=Owned Small Business (y,N,U)(Y,N,U) D7 SBIR 440 1ala Small Business Innovation Research Program (A,B,C) D8 SUBPLAN 441441 la Subcontracting Plan for Small and Small Disadvantaged Business (A-D) D9 DEMO 442 la Demonstration Program Test (Y,N)(Y,?N) DIOD10 SIZESlDSIZESTD 443 la Size of Small Business Business DllD11 EMGS:MLEMGSML 444 1ala Emerging Small Business (Y,N) (Y,N) El eAASCAAS 445 la ContractinsAdvisoryContracthgAdvisoq &.& Assistance Services (Y,N) E2 SAVALUE 446-453 8n Set-Aside Value (Whole Dollars) E3 ~TLOWNEXTLOW 454-461 8n Next Low Offer (\Vhole(Whole Dollars) 462 la Blank Note:NA: DDI057DDlOS7 data records are identified by ten zeros in IDKEY.
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