I l it f D X T , m e n : w , w u r . • 1 J Manchester Etentng TferaW Averaga Dally drcnlation For the Mwita ht Blaich, IMS The WwcaaB^''^ Ihreeast of U. S. W Vatbii. John Read, fourth grade pupU at 9,138 Scattered very light M owern' the South achbol and'htudent aeci, Member ef (he AiidU early tonight, clearing befiM a d a y - About Town reUry of the War Saving atampa, HALE'S SEL F SERVE break; Sunday fair land eealer. «.,X— reporU that the lichool haa been Bsnan of OinalatloBa 100 per cent In Ita aalea for the The Original la New Efigiand! ,1. ^ I __ / _________ UautMunt Robert K. Holmej laat three conaecutive raontha. Manchester^A City of Villa^ Charm and K n. HolmeaVare th« paranU o t twlaa, a boy aiid girl, bom at The SalvaUon Army Songster VOL. LXnr., NO. 171 (O lsaaU ed m . MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURiIa^ APRltl;<^^21, 1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTt th« Hartford hoapltal. Aprtl Brigade will omit Its rehearsal SATURDAY SPECIALS! \ Mm. HoImM was Um fo n n e r MIh this evening. DorotHy Anderaon, daughter of Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Mr, h ad Mra, Charlea Aadoraon of T-5 John R. Dixon, aon of Mr. Slaaon avenue, Hairtfdroi Lieuten­ and Mra. J. A. Dixon of Oreena- That Will Enhance ant Holmaa. who la the adn of Mr. boro, N. C„ and huaband of Mra. Betty Bhie, and, Mm. John 'L. Holffiea of 47 Kamryn Dixon of thla town, la Chapter Oak atreet," ia atationed at ourrently atationed at the Redistri­ No. I V i Can 25c r o r t M oultrie, S. C, bution Station. Camp Butner. N. Pears Your Costumes C.. where he will apend two weeks The Girla’ Friendly Society of ^ before reporting to hie new m - Premier Mary'a Fpiacopal 6hurc^,wtll ,niei^ aignraent m the United States. T-5 \ a t the church M ondayteyehing f<* Dixon was returned recently to the Apricots No. 2 '/, Can 35c a buaineaa meeting, and go bowl­ United States after having serv^ ing afterwarda. ^ \ 34 months In the' Persian Gulf Command theater of operations, rroMe a Blackwell t t where he served as a heavy main­ tenance mechanic. He holds the Lh. Jar Pre^earl Harbor ribbon, European- Marmalade 25c ue COSM ETICS theater ribbon and baa a Good HelMia RabeoalctB Conduct Medal. Harriett Hubbard Ayera Max tractor Fardley Advertisement— Bradshaw's Honey Laclen LeLong — Btc. Market garden fertiliser—$8.25 Triiiitkn Gets Seventh Wur Loan Poster Arthur Drug Stored per 100 lbs. Engllind’s. Manches­ • "■-■•’"21c 2t>..l.r41c 25 Miles Separate ter .Green—Phone 3451 —Free Da- oviet Battle llvery. D rom edary A REMINDER! Ginger Bread Mix I.ge. Pkg. 19c Reds and Yankees, TALL GKDAM Into Five Suburbs; Whea You tlcMl Hor* BINGO Siinaweet • Moscow^ Declares INSURANCE TONIGHT Prune Juice Qt. 27 c '\ --------- < --------------------------- :------------------------- Ftrt • Theft • Automobile ORANGE HALL H unt’a % Shell City’s Center or Furniture Our Counters Are Covered With A Choice Selection Of Hats i.a^w ord from Su. Firm C oiitrol preihe Headquarters ------------------------------------ --------------- CALL Tomato Juice 46 Oz. Can 27c Puts \Two Forces 40 Beiiiuii, Stranskerg,' Fu- l i . Will Be Kept ALEXANDER ASHES add RUBBISH 1 i Oa. Can Gampbell'a To 4 ^ Dliles _ from New Record Rockets Aid ersteiiwalde, Koenigs- REMOVED Black Straws Crocheted White Straws Cans Juneture; Three Arm­ ByBig Four WiisterhauSRii and Zos- JA R V IS Tomato Juice 3 25c W'ith Veils and Other Trims Mostly With V eik , In Bombing Plane to Fly M AUBXANDEB 9TBBKT TELEPHONE 8962 ies DrivcXJVear Redoubt seii Scenes of iFighting WaaMag* a*4 Sauiaja Collettes omaa din ■aaldmaa m s GAVELLO a E. SCHULZ Many Changes in Dum- -35-Mile Smash Sev­ I No. 10 Qin Paris, April 21.—(/F)—U. Nazi Capital In 372 Feet Juice 85c S. Third Army 'troops, smash­ hartoii Oaks Propos­ ers Virtually All South­ ing into Czech(»lovakia, als Due to Be Ap­ Mo8(|uito8 Hit Berlin ward Avenues of Re­ No. t Can Premier to $1.49 $1.98 to $3-98 tured Asch today in a drive Flying Fortress Experi- DON WILLIS N O TIC E! toward the munitions cities proved by Sponsors. Six TiiiieH ill Night aa ' ment Watchetl by Gen­ treat from Nazi Capital Pure Orange Juice 23c of Pilsen and Prague. At the Cliiiiux of Day-Long eral Spaafa; ISormal GARAGE Same time Moscow\ dispatch­ San Francisco, April 21— — lA»ndon, April 21.—(/P)— Fishing, Hunting and Trea- The Big-Four nations spon.soring Blitz on Railways. Takeoff 800-900 Feet. The Germans said today Complete Auto Serrlee es declared .Soviet and Amer­ the San Francisco Security con­ pim ing on land of the Man­ Soy Beans for Succotash ican outriders were\but 25 that massive Russian forces 18 Main St, TeL 8085 milea apart south of Berlin. i The ference are expected by diplomats London, April 21. (A*! R.A.K% A U. S. Bomber Base in E ng­ were envelopinjf B e r I i q chester Water Company is No Points! ^ w la te st word a t supni)t{ne licadquar- here to keep a firm control over Mosquitos set a record for bomb­ land. April 21.- lA*) Aided by through suburhs on the east, Strictly Forbidden under V* ters put the two forces i^^hin 40 amendments to the Dumbarton ing Berlin last night, hitting the rockets, Capt. Richard C. Holqb nortli and southwest, and to 45 miles on a linkup. \ Oaks proposals for world organiza­ penalty of the law. besie.ged Reich capital six timea of Grass Valley, Calif., took a Hammer Toward Rcdoii^t tion. But m.any changes are due were shelling the I’otsdamer HOSPITAL 2 Can. 29c to be made with the agreement of aa the climax of a day-long blitz Fl.ving Fortress off the.ground re­ platz in the center of the' Nibiet Corn Three Allied Armies the the Big Four. on German rallwaj’s by more than cently after a run of only 372 feet. iXPENSE IS NO Manchester Water Co. French First and the U. S. Sev­ 3,000 planea. doomed city. Soviet forces, by The conference opening next The normal takeoff requires 80U enemy account, had fought their Wm. FouMs, Jr., Pres. No. t ban Hoaeiy Brand enth and Third - hammered sdiith- Wednesday will see the first work­ Three timea were the moat Ber­ or 900 feet. Gen..'^:arl Spaatz saiy LONGER A DRAIN ward toward the Nazis’ Bavarian- lin ever had been raided in one way into Berlin suburbs at flva ing out of the principle of big the experiment. places Bernau. Straii.sberg, Fuer- ON THE Austrlan redoubt, and fought pow er responsibilliy which Is to be With the three survivors of the famed Mt. Suribachi flag-raising Incident as.his guests. President night before. Laat night’a attacka. Six rocket* of the type used by Cream Style Corn within 70 miles of Munich and dO made without loss of a single air­ Btenwalde. Koenigs-W\isterhausen written into the world organization Truman gets the lir.st of the Seventh War Loan posters, oasea on Joe Rosenthal’s pictiire. From the British Royal Navy planes were and Zos.sen. fABOLY INCOME! from Lake Constance. itself-the principle that on final left are PhM. 2-c.John H. Bradley, Appleton. Wis,; Secretary Morgenthau. standing behind him; Presi­ craft, brought to 76 the number of mounted under each wing. Holub 2 Cana 29c Asch, Just inside the ol^ Czec decision., the piajor nations should dent Truman; Pfc. Rene A. Gagnon,. Manchester. N. H.; Pfc. Ira H Hayes, Bapc.hule, ,Ariz. (AP wire- raids on Berlin in the * Isat 68 conceived the idea. His only pas- The Russian drive to Bernau, S o Per Day and Up border, fell to Third ArmyXunit at all times corfeur. photo.) , nights. three miles from the city limits, will ray tor Sevnya • Ham aad BROW N'S at. Lawrreaea fighting to cut oft the redoubt from Thus it appeals unllkelv that the ; More than 600 Ameiican Fl.ving (Contlniied on Page Two) was announced by the Germaa Board . Operallaa Bodaa • Aaa- Czechoslovak war factbrles. A^h United States, Briti.sh, Soviet or Fortressea yesterday slammed 1,- high command. 'This action con­ bulanea . dnuadauala • Medt- Can 1 7 c is 600 miles from Pll.sen. L.ieut> hinese delegations will allow any 600 tons of bombs on seven ke.v stituted part of the northern en­ dnea aad Labomdacy. GARAGE Tender Peas Gen. George S. Patton’s troops far- ritical differences to develop Expect Order outpo.sta, in the city’s defoose peri­ velopment move jgainst Berlin. Mea, Wooca aad OhOdrea 16 Bralnard Place ther-aouth in Grafenworh were 58 p o n g them selves although In Japs Offer Stubborn m eter. ' Churchill Says Swiftly Penetmte Defense* birth to 75 yearn ef aga. Na. > Can St. Lnwreaea miles from Pilsen and 125 from elr behind-the-scenes negptia- U. S. Eighth Air Force head- a (Rear of the Gaa Co.) P rague. quarteiB announced its planes had In a awift penetratioi of Nazi tiimk they may haVe a tough time Soon on Vets’ defenses below the capital, other All Kinds of Geaeral .function Believed Imminent repncillng some of their views. dropped 51.385,550 pounds of A LLEN & Cut Grecm or high expiqsives within Berlin's World Lea»ue Riuislan forces advanejed to posi­ , Automobile Repair Work Red Army front dispatches said High Hope* for Sucres* Defense on Okinawa tions southwest of the capital, the Russian and U.
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