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World Bank Document

Govenfment of Uttar Pradesh Public Works Depdrtrent Lucknow, India Volume 5 Resettlement Action Plan Public Disclosure Authorized Phase II (Final) Annexes August 2003 Project Coordinating Consultants (PCC) Services (Loan No. 4114-IN) Consultancy Services for Uttar Public Disclosure Authorized PradeshState Roads Project A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Disclosure Authorized DHV Consultants BV Funding Agency In association with The World Bank Hakcrow and Partner-s Operations Research Group Public Disclosure Authorized Development Consultants Ltd. MDP Consultants (Pvt). Ltd. ... ~ , 5,,OPY _., Annex 1 Resettlement Action Plan (Phasel l) DHV in association with Operations Research Group August 2003 ANNEX 1.1 FINAL LIST OF ROADS FOR UPGRADATION.AND REHABILITATION (MAJOR MAINTENANCE) UNDER UTTAR PRADESH STATE ROADS PROJECT 11 PHASE I Name of Road Unk DescrIption i 3rks R m ZFName o Road |. Rod 0 e - . *l Fro m To ~~~~No. _ _t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _co_ Katra Jaialbad SW Katra-Jololobod- Jalolab-d Allohgoni SH29 1.851 kms BIlgran- Allohgonj Bilgromme MDR 14B.435 23.00 long I. Modlhoanj- ______ 26 Bongeirrmau IBongormou-Bilhourj Bilgromme Mallowan SH 38 Byposs Road IMallowan Bangarmou SH 38 Bangarmou Bilhour SH 40 _____________ ;Total _ _148.435 23.00 1.851kms _1 _ Bohraich-Gondo- Bahroich FaGaobd via SH 30 109.350 _ Route besill Nowobganj- Faizabod Gosaigan] SH 30 - 34.00 co mpete as Fa Oanzojd __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 28__00 __ po__rtion between Faizabad- iGosaigonj Reedgani SH 30 28.00 Azamgarh-Mou- 2. Azomgarh-mau- Reedgani Bansgonj. Sh 30 43.00 (100.30 ke is R sra-Phephno ___ ___ __ azar - 100.30__km)_is Rood-Mou-Rasro- I8Bnsgonj prpoedIb P.Rood-M pn -Roadr I Bazars ; [Azamgarh SH 30 33.00 | upgrodation in PhephnoRoad Bazar ~~~~~~~~~~~Phase-IL ' i______Total 109.350 138.00 _ Bhognipur Ghatompur SH 46 82.296 - Bhognipu-. i Ghatompur I Jahanabod SH 46 Ghatompur- Jahanobad Bakewar Route is 3.Choudhagro aaao aeo H4 Mode i.e. junction I Bakewor I Choudhogro 1 1 of NH2 I_ _ _ __ Mode _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .;Total 82.296 T. Jounpur J aunpurr (Junction NH (Junction SH 36 - 5500 156) MDR 69) __.4._m ;Jaunpur- Jaunpur Mohammodj MDR I lo3g Gua 1Mohammodpur- i (Junction ur (Junction 69 33.872 long Gaura- Route is I 85) ~~IBadshahpur69 i Azamgarh- i MDR 69) MDR 85) _____ _ I _ Bypass complete. Dohrigha Rod Mohmmd Azomgarh MDR 15.900 Ilur _ _ _ _ 69 _ _ _ _ _ Azamgarh Dohnghat SH 66 t 39.500 ___________ j____Total . 33.872 ! 60.900 ! 6.342 kms IVoranosi- 5. 1 Mohommadpur Varonasi u 6r.600 i Rood -8 5Ghazipur- Ghazipur Azomgarh 5 80 IAzamgarh Road MuaarrSH7 Muzaffamagar- I(bhukaren) uptoSjrn n | 5pu | 52..625 Saharanpur Road Junction NH upt juctonS __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 58 N 7 IMeerut-BFjnor- I N ibad118.00 8. Nazbodbad- Meerut azbabod SH 47 - 1Kotdwaro Road ________ T____ [ Govemment of Uttar Pradesh, Public Works Department. Lucknow. India 1-1 Project Co-ordinating Consultonts (PCC) Services for Uttor Pradesh State Roads Project Resettlement Action Plan (Phasel lj DHV in association with Operotions Research Group August 2003 Unk Descrption .5 ° I 3 Name of Road Remadcks 6~ From To Road 2 From To ~~~~No._ _ _ _ 3E _ _ _ Portion between Budoun to UP border will be taken up in Bareilly-Budoun- major ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Phase-ilafter Bareilly-Budoun- ~~~~~~Ino. mlrconstruction ofa 9. Sikondra Rao- Borefily Badoun SH 33 biidge over 45.00 new major Mothura-Bharotpur n~~~rver bridge over Road Ganges KochIo Ghot. as at present it isa single lane Roil cum Rood ______________ _ _______ ______ __________ Bridge. I ~~~Junctionwithh Panipat- Muzaffomog SH 47 via MDR 30.662 Muzaffmagr- or Zonsoth 14W 10. Zansoth-BqInor- UP Border Mzfao Khatimo~~Muzoffomor Road neUPnearBoirder Kairana orMuor fm SH1 2 55.574 I Total I 82.236 Portion between Beiroyon- Constructio Kannouj to Orai Lakhimpur- n of new (Junction of NH 11. Kannouj-ALroiyyo- Lokhimpur Sitopur SH 21 major 45.00 25) has been Joloun-Orai- bridge over, token for major Ponwari Road Shordo river. maintenance in _______ ______ ___________ ___Phase II. Bohroich- 1 12. Bachrowa- Bachorowo Fotehpur SH 13 | 72.00 Rood i Tehri-Pauri- 13. Thailsen-Kashipur- Kashipur Morodabad SH 41 43.572 I Morodobod Road i i I I ~~8.193 pkustwo os.j_ Total vr(ne 807.733 ot Bongemou: I over fver ondoeo i PHASE 11 Unk Descdptlon °° o a Name of Rood e j O ; o Remarks Zi 8Xg e_l From- To | Road N . Sitargonj-Pilibhit- Pilibhit Puronpur SH 26 34.90 Puranpur-Khutor- Puronpur IKhutor SH 26 1 37.50 I Bahrpoch- Khutar | Bahroich SH 26 - 191.80 Bairompur-Utroulo- Total 72.40 191.80 Basti Road : '_._I_I BIngarmau- Bangormou Asiwn iSH 40 29.70 - B-AswngMohmon wrLucknow IA via 'SH 40 42.80 - Lucknow RoodMoa Total 72.50 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Sitopur-Biswon- Sitapur Biswno via | SH 30 30450 Rood from Bahroich Govemment ot Uttar Prodesh. Pubic Works Department, Lucknow. India 1-2 Project Co-aordinoting Consultonts (PCC) Services for Uttar Pradesh Stote Roads Project Resetlement Action Plan (Phosel i1 DHV in association with Operotions Research Group August 2003 _ . ~~~~~~~~~~UnkDescflpffon Jl' BR Name of Rood n De cpt -le Remadxs From To Road No. ' A _ Tikoramode- 30.50 (Km 267 of SH 26) to Bahroich (km 267 of and one Balrompur is in good SH 26)-Balrampur B Ghogra River SH 3 . major conditon. so no Road iswan Chailori Ghat bridge . provision mode. over river .______ Ghagra Ramuwvpur Tikoromode SH 30 29.05 Tikoramode Junction of SH SH 13 4.00 Total 94.05 . Azamgorht Mou SH 34 44.70 Route from Bahroich BahraichGonda- a to Phephno will be Nowabgonj- Mau Rosrl SH 34 34,35 lete as 4. Faizabad-AkbOrpur- Rosra |Phepna SH 34 21.25 Bohroich to Azamgarh-Mau- has Rasra-Phep Totcil 100.30 . already been taken _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______________ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ in P h a se - 1. tI Gorakhpur (Harraya Sikarganj MDR 49 32.20 Chungi)j Sikorgonj I Shankarpur ODR 16.00 Approach to Ghagra river both New side Alignmen 5.5 Gorakhpur-Belghat- Kumariya Ghot Bhudhonpur ODR 10.8 IGhagra river - (start at bypass)ORj____ IShamkorpur- New 5Maharajganj- Bhudonpur bypass Alignrnen 8.31 Devpur-Ambari- t Bhudan~~StartofAiul Shohgoni Road EBhudonpur o Ahlraula MDR 97 15.85 bypasspur bypass byposs, Ahiroula bypass 3.37 |_ } End of AhiraLa 1Ambori MDR 97 15.85 , bypass __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ I_ _ _ _ Ambori Shahgonj |SH34 13.1 | I ~~~~~~TOtrJI 115.63 * Sheesma Dhora Monpur MOR 65 31.8,5 I Moradabad- Bozpur upto I Route is to be taken 6. i Bazpur-Kaladhungi Manpur Uttronchal MDR 49 10.30 upto Uttranchol IRoad [ Border , _ _ Border {Totoa __ |_42.15| ____Deonoi _ Solempur iSHOI 29.10 Salempur Bhogalpur I SH 01 16.70 R Bhogalpur Bridge Site | ODR 2.50 Gorakhpur to Blli 7. | Deoria-Ballia7. Road [_____________Bridge Site BeitharaBeth a Q~~~ODRSHOr 2.0complete4.50 j 1vmia eteasDer as Deoria Belthora Sik_nd_rpur I SHO - | to Gorkhpur is Sikondarpur Ballia !SH 01 33.40 jalredy upgraded. i ______________ _ |Total | 109.60 | - i |Budoun Sikandra Rao 33 1 97.00 PortiontSH between Ivia Kasgani' SH 33___ __ 97_00 Boreilly to Budaun Pibhit-Bareilly-Pilibhit-BareiIly- |SikandrSikandra RsRao !Maothura via [ 33 72.00 takenhas already in Phase-I been for 8. 8 adoun-Sikondra Ii I I Major maintenance 8Rao-Mathura- Mathura [UP Border SH 33 19.00 Majorbm intcdge Bhorotpur Rood I i I over Kacha Ghat over river ganga in Total | 188.00 upgradation portion Jagdiskpur- I . 4j §under- Phase - 1. 9PrItapgarh Road Jagdiskpur Pratopgarh , MDR 154E 78.00 Govemment of Uttar Pradesh, Public Works Department, Lucknow, India 1-3 Project Co-ordinating Consultants (PCC) Services for Uttar Pradesh State Roads Project Resettlement Action Plan (Phosel I) DHV in association with Operations Reseorch Group August 2003 c g Name of Road Unk Descdptlon ° Remarks z Name of Road III a °_ R___ Ws From To Road No. £0 °____126 Dhakwa-Patti- hko (rtpah 10. Protopgrh(Bela) Junction NH 56 (Protopgairh) MDR 98E 45.00 Road Junction__NH 56 ______viaPatti Bridge over river 11. Vnndowan- Mathura Naujheel 123 muna is ireody Moujheel Road by UPPWD through |_-_- State funds. Jololobad to Phitarogorh-Pilibhit- Allohganj is common which is in 12 Forukhabod-shohahahnpur- Shahjahonpur Forukhabad SH 29 S2.40 Phose-I ftr upgrodalion and os Etawah Road such length reduce ____________ _______ ~~accordingly. 13. Etah-Shikoohabod Etah Shikohabod MDR 73 S&W3.00 Road I___ 14. Joloun-Bhind Marg Jaloun Bhind SH 70 31.00 Road Faizabod Rae Boreli SH 15 108.60 j Meerut- Meerut Bulandshahar SH 18 76.00 161 Bulondshahar- Balondshahor 1Narora SH 18 59.00 . Narora-Budoun . Rood Total 135.00 Basti-Mehndowal- _ 1 17. Rawatganj-Tamkuhi Bosti Tamkuhi SH 64 168.60 _ Lokhimpur-Sitapur- t Inoimi-Sharonya-- O ai upto 18.! hardioi-kannouj- Kannoul 144.40 Belo-Auriya~-Jolaunr- 144 Oral-Panwari Rood Bahroich-bonda - i 7 19. State Highway no. Fatehpur Banda SH 13 76.50 . 113 i Sonepat-Boghpat- 2.Meerut- 20.1 Garm-tukhteshwar Meerut ' Garmukteshwar SH 14 42.00 State Highway 14 I Bulonshahor-Siana- _ S 65 2Gorh State Highwoy Bulondshohor 1Siona-Garh SH 65 |50.S -Bahraich-Bando 22.1 State Highway No.

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