ASSOC. R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL 130 SESSIONS ST. P ROVIDEN CE, RI 02906 Support Read -By Jewish More Thon Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOLUME LXI, NUMBER 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1978 12 PAGES 25¢ PER COPY British To Supply Synagogue Council Delegation Helicopters To Arabs Says It Has Made Breakthrough LONDON (JTA): Two British com­ NEW YORK (JTA): A 12 member and if possible, restoration. Deputy Foreign panies have concluded a deal to supply delegation of the Synagogue Council of Minister Boutras Ghali suggested the es­ helicopters to the Cairo--based Arab America (SCA) which returned last week tablishment of a Jewish museum in Egypt military industries organization. They are and agreed to the SCA's proposal that an Westland Aircraft Company, which from a two. week visit to Egypt and Israel believes it made a "historical international Jewish committee, as a first manufactures the Lynx helicopter, and breakthrough" in Jewish-Islamic relations step, seek to restore and preserve the an­ ~oils Royce, which supplies the engines. It in Egypt. The delegation headed by Rabbi cient synagogue and study of Maimonides ts reported that a token number of Saul I. Teplitz, the SCA's president, and in Old Cairo. The SCA obtained permission helicopters will be supplied directly to Rabbi Henry Si~grnan, executive vtce­ both from the Egyptian government and Egypt. But it is also planned to establish an president, said the visit to Egypt was the the leaders of the Karaite community to br­ assembl~ plant at Hclwan in Egypt', which first "by an official delegation representing ing to the U.S., on loan, for an exhibit and could bring the total number of helicopters the Jewish religious community in modern analysis a collection of ancient Karaite supplied to 200, worth an eventual 400 times." The SCA said Feb. 28 that the manuscripts and ceremonial objects. Egyp­ million Pounds Sterling. The Arab military delegation's visit in Egypt from Feb. 13-20 tian authorities agreed that some 40 Torah industries organization is financed by Saudi enabled it "to develop new religious and scrolls that had been confiscated by Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar cultural relations" with Islamic leaders customs officials several years ago would be and Egypt. It was established in the wake of "that will help heal wounds caused by returned to the local Jewish community. the 1973 Yorn Kippur War with the aim of TO RECEIVE AWARD: Senator Lila M . generations of alienation and conflict. making the Arab stat~s less dependent on Sapinsley will be the recipient of the While these relations arc no substitute for An SCA spokesman noted that the outside suppliers for arms and spare parts. coveted City of Peace Award, it has been ;,olitical agreements, they constitute the delegation in its talks with Egyptian leaders Under an earlier 40 million Pounds Sterling announced by Arthur S. Robbins, general including President Anwar Sadat and Vice human and spiritual infrastructure which deal, involving the British Aerospace Cor­ chairman of the Rhode Island State of Israel President Husni Mubarak stressed the un­ can speed the day of peace and, when it poration, another Egyptian assembly line is Bond Committee. swerving dedication of American Jews to comes, give it moral content and en­ producing swingfire anti-tank missiles. The presentation will be made at a the welfare and security of Israel. During an durance." The delegation found it ac­ The Arab military industries organiza­ cocktail reception in her honor to be held on hour-long meeting with Grand Imam Dr. complished more than it expected, accor­ tion also plans to establish assembly lines in Thursday, March 16 at 8 p.m. at the home Abdul Halim Mahmoud, Sheikh of Al ding to a spokesman. Dr. Soufi Abou­ countries other than Egypt. At a meeting in and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dwares. Azhar University, the delegation members Taleb, president of Cairo University, Abu Dhabi last week, the military in­ Mr . Robbins said that the tribute to also expressed their strong objections to the agreed to have visiting professors in various dustries organization decided to set up a Senator Sapinsley will also mark the kickoff use of Zionism as an epithet by Moslem fields of Jewish studies offer courses at the company for production of military elec­ of the 1978 Rhode Island Israel Bond cam­ leaders. T hey pointed out that to differen­ university while Egyptian Islamic scholars tronic equipment in . Saudi Arabia in paign. ti ate between Zionists and Jews as the will be made available as visiting professors cooperation with American concerns. Ac­ The leadership of the Rhode Island State Arabs do is false since all Jews are Zionists for American Jewish institutions of higher cording to this week's "Arabia and the of Israel Bond Committee, in addition to Mr . "in the sense that atta~hment to Fretz learning. Cairo University, th e largest in the G ulf," the new Saudi venture reflects disap­ Robbins, includes Richard l. Abedon, Barry Yisrael is a profo und expression of Jewish Arab world, has also agreed to hold by next proval of the organiza tion's Egyptian orien­ Cohen and Donald Dwares, vice-chairmen; religious belief and hope, linking a people, a year a Moslem-Jewish inter-religious tation on the part of the Arab oil states. The Rabbi Joel H. Zaiman, New England Rab­ faith and a land in an indissoluble uni ty ." dialogue similar to the dialogues that have prestigious magazine adds that the military binic Cabinet; Robert A. Riesman, National The delegation made the same point to been held for the last IO years between organization still faces substantial dif­ Campaign Cabinet of State of Israel Bonds, Sadat while also being firm in its expression world Jewry and the Vatican and the World ficulties and that despite a paper capitaliza­ and Hazel Grossman and Jeanne Weil, that only Israel can define its security needs Council of Churches. The university will tion of $1 .04 billion, it is under-financed. members of the National Women's and Americans have neither the moral right organize participation by Moslem scholars (By Maurice Samuelson) Executive Board. or ability to do so. The delegation said it from Al Azhar University and other Egyp­ was impressed with Sadat's genuine desire tian schools as well as Cairo University. for peace although he was firm in his in­ Zionist Congress Calls The delegation reported that Egyptian sistence that the Israeli settlements in the government officials agreed to allow Jewish Sinai were an obstacle to peace. The scholars to survey and catalogue man­ delegates said they told Sadat they were To Jewish World To m uscripts, synagogues, cemeteries and confident Israeli leaders would do other Jewish institution in Cairo and in everything possible to achieve success in the Strengthen Zionist Vision other locations in order to take the peace negotiations and urged Sadat to do the same. JERUSALEM (JTA): The 29th World Jewish people. Israel is the heart of the na­ necessary measures for their preservation Zionist Congress, at its closing session tion and its lifeblood is aliya. Aliya is the March I, called on the Jewish world to basic act of faith of the Zionist. At this intensify Jewish and particularly Hebrew time, we reach out to our brethren in the Hopes Meetings With Begin education and on the Jews of Israel "to Soviet Union and Syria, rejoice in the strengthen and maintain the Zionist homecoming of their vanguard and work Will Help Resolve Conflict vision." The call added: "Israel is the heart for the full restoration of their right to be of the nation and its lifeblood is aliya." The reunited with us. Zionism calls on all Jews 29th Zionist Congress, meeting in to engage in an all-out effort of'expanding By Joseph Polakoff Jordan, Israel and the residents of the West Jerusalem, reaffirms the identification of Jewish, Hebrew and -Zionist education WASHINGTON (JTA): President Bank can agree." He noted that·Gaza "had the Jewish people with Zionism, both in among adults and children alike. In par­ Carter said that he hoped his meetings with an affiliation" with Egypt and the West thought and deed, on the occasion of the ticular, this means the study of Hebrew. Israeli Premier Menahem Begin here March Bank.with Jordan and both are occupied by 80th anniversary of the Zionist movement Recognizing the centrality of Israel, we call 14-15 will lead to . "some agrecmen t" Israel. "We ought lo search out at the top and the 30th anniversary of the State of upon the Jews of the diaspora to visit Israel between Israel and Egypt, Jordan and "the level of government, some resolution of the Israel. We recall the words of our founder, as often as possible and to support it Palestinian Arabs that live on the West differences of specifics relating to Sinai and Dr. Theodor Herzl at the first Zionist through the dissemination of information, Bank" that will be a prelude to "ultimate also a statement of principles related to the Congress in 1897: 'Zionism i!r a moral, law­ enlighten the public regarding Israel's resolution" of the Middle East conflict. occupied territories of the West Bank and ful, humanitarian movement, directed achievements and problems and render Carter spoke in response to a question dur­ Gaza Strip," Carter said, "hoping at that towards the long yearned-for goal of our financial assistance through investments ing a nationally televised news conference time that Egypt and Jordan and the Palesti­ people,' and we reject the willful distortion and contributions.
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