OPERATING ENGINEERS. LOCAL 3 . ~637 Vol. 21 - No. 3 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFOR~IA ~ 151 MARCH, . 1962 -Safety, 'Feed' DraWs 6,31 Eureka Everit Has -Big Turnout . .._, The serious subject of saf~ty'· was blended with good fel­ low~hip .and exc.ellent food as a throng of 631 - Operating Engineers, their wives, contractors and others - turned out for a big event in Eureka. ·- · . I · It was the first Crab Feed_ and Safety Meeting -spon­ sored by the Humboldt-Del Norte Construction·safety Com­ mittee_for Local Unio:q. No . 3, with construction firms se_rvil1g as co-sponsors. .. There w~re talks by union ~nd management ·representa­ tives, plus the showing of the safety film, '~:Knowin·g . Is · Not Enough" - all in the interest of ad-vancing labor-employer efforts to cut back accidents and fatal- ities in highway construction and PROMO .f~:- SAFETY:-- He.re , are ·som·e ·of those who took part in -the big Crab Feed and Safety other p~ojects . " r:n~eting at.· Eureka. Fr.dm left: Warren LeMoine, district representative, of Operating Engineers And i 1) sur an c e- companies Locai 3;- D,ale Marr>the local 's safety representative; John·O' Bi-ien, director of safety for Bec h­ - their ·inlerest through 1 showed tel C.or:p:,: Dilh M_ ilthers. ,·· tin1eke¢per· aAd safety inspeCtor:. for-Bechtel Corp., Eureka; AI Clem, - · · the attendance of representatives · • .busi:ne~ . s : m~_ nagel of kscal :3 / ·an'd ~oe . ~oberts, r;epresen~ing State. Di\ds !~_....n .of l,ndustri_al Safety. _ . _ _ , .. ,... ,"-''-'""'-' ,. , .. , from . North~rnCahforma,South _ •.• .• • , _ .-.,_, 1, ·--F·, .. , .. , ~ y . "' .. -··--t~, as ~ far' ··" · ~ • ~~-~,.,_ ·:1 ~ '.<.~<f·.,_,,.~..,.... !<,;.,._._ .... ~ ~ . .. ;. _,_! -.. ~., .• t·- ~.~.::-~-:-, ·: t"~- :_'" -.-)11". ,-.;.."~"'~-"!·~~~. :~r-~.4~ ~~("'' ~.~-.:~·'1-t· v "',.-;:_.""·~ ~ ernx~ cali£6Fnla ~ ~a... ·..fr6fu - ;-- 1 L I ~J :epr~Sehf3ti!eS ·•w·y ··.=:~::A::;:. · ~· 4 The wives who worked with I • . the Operating E_ngineers in mak- NE_WELL J. CARMAN • • .t' . c· . f en' -5 . -~,On erenc;e_.. ing arrangements and preparing - '' the fo.od deserved a full measure t res.1 / ·, of credit for the success of the event, which was rounded out by Carman on Af·Cfem, -· five hours of dancing. For -e'xainple: Farm Labor More than 2,000 hours (man­ Dale Marr · hours and woman hours) went ·commission into· the preparation and serving .Newell J. Carman, general • 1n;,Q.pital - activity. : vi~e president and -regional di, The crowd en j o y e d 1,080 . rector of the International Some 3000 leaders. of lab-or, .Un­ ion of Operating Engineers, has· management, ·education and gov­ pounds of crab, 150 pou9-ds of ·, been-· named ·to the new Calif or·- · ernment were invited to partici' on Page 5 · ·. -Continued Iiia State Agricultural Labor pate in_ the President's Confer: . Commission. ence on Occupational .Safety mem- March 6 to 8 ,in Washington; ·h·cL ' -. ' Carman is one of four bers appointed by California's 'D_:C. :· . ·~ . -' Dea t aLms G. Brown. The . Both Dafe'·Marr, s·afety rep' _ -..: " · · Gov, Edmund would ask the -'resentatlve of Operating Engi- -· f .M "[[ Governor~ said he four .to recom,menP, a fifth mem- ··. neers Local · 3, and Business A. •_ .• Ql OUX · . · ber to him. · Manager AI Clem ·were among A. F·. (AI) Mailloux, secretary- , The commission , will study ·c;alifornians who received invi treasurer and business represen- . farm labor problems and then 'tatiohs 'from President Kennedy. tative of the San Francisco ~uild- .. submit. a report to the Governor ~-- Clem was the -nation's · capi- in ing and Construction Trades and · the State Legislature ·in · 'thrie for · the· ~igihth · • ·tal at the Council, died at .Sierra Hospital Jan~lary ,' 1963. Its creation was L·n· I in Sonora on March 8· He· wa~ authorized by the· 1961 Legisla- 'ferenceannual nationalof the AFL-CIOlegislative Build- con- ·.-'Ge·t: A_.. __ -: 'c ·_ qua· te.d··_ 60. ture. · 'ing . Trades ~ Department. He- ··Brother Mailloux was injured j_oined, Marr to give the union . · - - ' -· · OTHERS February 23 whim a horse fell·pn . Carman's. ·fellow · members in­ him at a ranch near Sonora .. '' who .:~:e:af:~~r~~~:::::: in part ~ of -FeG.tu.re Foi' -- M·e·rhbers, dud~ - Thomas L. 'Pitts, He was a V,ice president of the top Job of secretary­ President PatH Edgecombe, Re- . - , .· holds the California State Building and of the California La­ ·cording Secretary William. V. · -. · ' treasurer (SO the membership may know more of the background Constructi"qn -Trades Council, a ·bot~ Federation, AFL-CIO. Car­ ·Minahan, ~nd District Represen't, officers and the Executive Board members of the . · San-Francisco Housing Authority man is a ·vice president of the ative Warren Le Moine also at­ of the Engineers Local Union 3, the Engineer§ News will commissioner and a- forrrier San federation. Both he and Pitts tended the legislative conference. · Operating brief biographical sketch. We .Francisco Grand Jury member. San - Each year nearly two -miliion run a series of articles g.iving a make their headquarters in president, and Guy Slack, board A .member of the Ironworkers, American wo1:kers are disabled .. begin U?ith Paul Edgecombe, Francisco. · · he had been an officer. of the San 'for a day or 'more b'y injuries -member from District 1.) A general vice president of the . Engineers since 1957; Car­ · ~uffered on · t)le job. In 1960, Brother Guy Slack was born on Otir president, PaUl Edg~~ombe, Francisco Building Trades Coun- in­ nearly 1{000 persons were ' October 31, 1904. He started was . born in Salinas, Calif., on cil since 1947. man began his service as the t_ernational's __ . region·al director • killed. And it appears that vvor~ worki~g as a boiler maker in February ,9, ;_1915. H-e became a _ Survivors include his wife, · casualties will be as high or 1921 and from · 1924 to · 1928 mem~er of Lti2al- -3 inj~41 when Co,v.stance: and two grandchil· ·in 1951. The region now . in-~ . states: : . higher when the 1961 return,s .•served a hitch in the Navy. employed on .the consti·uctjon of dren. A son, William, an Air eludes 10 western are in. : In 1942, Brother Slack joined -F.riant Dam. He then ' moved to Force reserve officer, WqS kilhid POSITION .. ., "The rapid pace . of scientific the Operating Engineers' Local. the·.Bay· A\ea. wllere . h~ ··op~rq. ted · in a jet plane accident in· the He now· is sec.refary - tre~ su;er · -Continued on Page 7 Si~ri· a :r'oothilis - a-few- y~ars ago:· .. -· · :.._Continued on Page 3 -~ontinued on Page-2 -Continued on Page 7 _ . .-. \ . - • ' . • - I ., ':/.~ ,;·.. ~; '" , ' ENGINEERS · NEWS ' . ly t . u -alif rn-1a• . California eipployment in January was substantially higher than a year ago and unemployment was considerably lower, two State officials announced. John F, Henning, Director of Industrial Relations, stated that civilian employment totale<} 6,058,000 in January, up 143 ,000, or 21/z per cent, from a year earlier. Employment was report~d at the highest January level on record. • On a year-to-year basis, largest l~e: cal3 gairis we1;e made in manufactur­ ing,· up .47,000; government, up ,A·t Safet·y 40,000; services, up 32,000; and trade, up 30,000. In m'aufacturing, the· year-to­ Conference year gain has widened each Contimwd {rom Page l- month since employment topped and technological advance has year-earlier levels in September, minimized certain risks encoun­ 1961. tered by the working p~ople of AGRICULTURE the :r;J.ation ... (but) it has also Employment in. agriculture ON THE Guy F. Atkinson job in Ukiah, Operator/ Pat Furnish and Oiler Bob Schuman stand added new ·hazards to the old and. transportation-communica­ beside their big crane. Heavy rains have kept the projec;t bogged down in thick mud, as can ones," President Kennedy said · tion-utilities continued bel'ow a be seen by the deep tire ridges. ~ ~~ ·. · . · • .in a: letter to Secretm:y of Labor year ago .. .Nrthur J . .Goldberg last year. TOLL . - Between December and Janu­ Santa ·Rosa Report .. In citing the 1960 toll of ary, civilian employment dr()p­ nearly·14,000 killed and two mil­ ped by 134;000, which is less lion ' hurt at their jobs, safety .than "expected at this time of • exper.ts noted that only two, out year. Month-to-month declines included 'an 82,000 drop in trade ·roje.:l r ofr 10 accidents happened in• fac­ VI following curtailment of holiday I tories, whe~e the danger might peak ·activity, a 21,000 drop in By RUSS SWANSON and of the Army Engineers so that don't forge-t your time books so be·-expected to ·be the highest. LOU BARNF;S it will speed · the start of con- tha't you •Can keep accurate rec­ Thus the delegates to the construction, and a 20,000 con­ traction in manufacturing . At this writing, there ha·s be~n . struction. ., . , ords this coming season. · ..Was hington safety conference· We would like ·to remin'd the We have plenty of ·· forms in Within manu,facturin;, - sea­ noted only one call for 'bids in gave major attention to ways of brothers at this time not to for­ the office for those of you who sonal losses in canning, lumber- . the a1;ea in which we are .antici­ .reducing mishaps on jobs in ge_t to renew their original sign. have money coming due to over-. ing, and apparel, and slight de- . pating a good amount of, work. agriculture, construction;, trade ·up on the "out of . work" list. pa)iment of the.
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