Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17285-2 — Practice and Theory in the Italian Renaissance Workshop Christina Neilson Index More Information INDEX Abélard, Peter, 324n34 animation, Verrocchio’s interest in, 188–191 acanthus leaves motif, on Verrocchio’s tomb Anonimo Magliabechiano, 21, 248n32, of Giovanni and Pier de’Medici, 283n188 111–112 Antonio di Benedetto, 277n116, 285n200 Acciaiuoli, Donato, 29 Antoninus of Florence, 107, 133–134, 176, Adelard of Bath, 130–132 180–181, 191 Aesop’s Fables, 29 Antonio Dei, 16–17, 175, 330n13 Agamben, Giorgio, 165 aperture design, in Florentine tombs, 86, 88 Agnes of Montepulciano, 180 Apollonio di Giovanni, 67, 262n158 Agnolo di Polo, 52 aporia, Gospel representation of Thomas and, Alberti, Francesco d’Altobianco degli, 29 135–136 Alberti, Leon Battista, 25–26, 100 Aquinas, Thomas, 107, 133 on anatomy, 186 casting metaphor of resurrection, by, 146 on animation, 186, 337n95, 338n96 on Saint Thomas, 135 antiquity, study of, 97–98, 291n46 Summa Theologiae by, 133, 312n98 Della famiglia (On the Family), 10 0, Aragona, Giovanni d’, 100 296n120 Arasse, Daniel, 182–183 Della Pittura by, 186, 328n82 Archimedes, 246n16 De Re Aedificatoria by, 157 arcosolium tomb, style of, 87 De Statua by, 49, 319n161 Aristotle, 100–101, 103–104, 132–133, 147, 190 on disegno, 157 De Anima by, 132–133 Musca by, 25, 258n120 on marble, 161 On the Family by, 10 0, 296n120 Meteorology, 161, 325n55 on porphyry, 95, 293n80 Nichomachean Ethics, 100–101 painting by, 248n32 Physics, 147 porphyry carving by, 66 Arnald of Villanova, 193 on sculpture, 49, 164 Arnolfo di Cambio, use of glass paste for sculpture by, 248n32 Madonna by, 67–68 vernacular literary culture and, 28–29, 174 Arte dei Medici e Speziali, 21, 24, 257n93 Albertus Magnus, 110–111 Arte di Calimala, 16–17, 40, 120 Albizzi, Maso de Luca degli, tomb of, 86–91 artisanal epistemology, 34, 158–161, 263n174 alchemy, 193, 300–301n183, 340n132 artisanal literacy, 161 Aldobrandino da Siena, 134 artistic experimentation Trattato dei cinque sensi dell’uomo by, 134, perception and cognition in, 158–161 311n86 in Renaissance Florence, 56–73 Allegreti, Antonio, 108 Astesanus of Asti, 107, 299n171 Ames-Lewis, Francis, 97, 263n172 Summa de casibus by, 107 Ammirato, Scipione, 8, 290n33 Augustine (Saint), 131, 135, 146, 259n125, anatomy 307n54, 316n139 Renaissance artists and, 186–187 on the arrow of love, 162–163 Verrocchio’s interest in, 187 Confessions by, 162, 327n70, 327n71 animation, theories of, 186–191 Enchiridion by, 146 343 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17285-2 — Practice and Theory in the Italian Renaissance Workshop Christina Neilson Index More Information 344 INDEX Augustine (Saint) (cont.) Borghini, Don Vincenzio, 46, 266n24, 324n47 on touch, 131, 134–135, 162, 311–312n90, Bornstein, Daniel, 194, 336n69 312n96, 327n70 bottega authority, ducal tombs as assertion of, vernacular culture at, 28–29, 174–176 102–117 of Verrocchio, 51–56, 196 avello tomb, style of, 86–91 botteghe Avery, Charles, 71 vernacular culture in, 28–29, 174–176 Avogadro, Giovanni, 99 Botticelli, Sandro, 6, 24, 53, 268n36, 274n91, 279n135, 280n147 Baccio da Montelupo, 178 Botticini, Francesco, 53, 261–262n155, , Bacon, Roger, 131–132 274n93, 279n135 Opus majus by, 132, 307–308n59, 308n60, Bracciolini, Poggio, 130–131 308n61 Brigid of Sweden, 180 Baldovinetti, Alesso, 56–57 bronze Bambach, Carmen C., 156–157 casting and Verrocchio, 18–21, 35–37, 39, Banco, Nanni di, 35, 66 108–110, 159, 264n3, 320n167, Barberino, Andrea da, 25–26 324n42 Guerrino il Meschino by, 25, 258n122 in Christ and Saint Thomas (Verrocchio), Barberino, Luigi da, 105 35–37, 118–119, 122–123, 147–151 Barbo, Cardinal Pietro, 96–97, 176, in Florentine tombs, 88 294n88 foundry sources for, 318–319n161 Barbo, Marco (Bishop), 159–161 and metaphor of resurrection, 145–147 Barolsky, Paul, 138 technological innovation and collaboration Basso, Bernardino, 52 on, 71–73, 285–286n201, 320n170 Bearzi, Bruno, 148 works by Verrocchio in, see Verrocchio, Becchi, Gentile de’, 80 Andrea del, bronze, works of, by Belcari, Feo, 176 Brown, David Alan, 21–22 Bellincioni, Bernardo, 116 Brunelleschi, Filippo Bellini, Jacopo, 154 Crucifix by, 60, 172, 266n16, 329n8 Benintendi, Orsino, 53, 187–188, 278n127 design for Florentine Duomo, 1–2, 63, Bennett, Jill, 182–183 245n1 Bernardino of Siena, 107, 141–142, 179, humanist influence on, 131, 260n139 299n173, 315n118 Medici palace construction and, 106 Bernard of Clairvaux, 133, 182 Novella del Grasso Legnaiuolo by, 26–27, Bertoldo di Giovanni, 27, 285n201, 319n161 260n136 Biagio d’Antonio, 22, 53, 274n94 San Lorenzo, Old Sacristy, 80, 289n12, Bigordi, Giovanbattista, 278n127 289n13 Billi, Antonio, 106 San Lorenzo parish church designed by, Biringuccio, Vannoccio, 158–159 78–80 Bischeri family, 55, 278–279n132 technological innovation, experimenta- black chalk, 44 tion by, 60–61, 63, 282n168 sources of, 321n2 vernacular literary culture and sonnets by, Verrocchio’s use of, 44, 50, 152–155, 26–27, 29, 34, 260n135, 260n136, 163–164, 267n27, 271n68, 321n5 260n139, 260–261n140, 262n158, Blessed Andrea Gallerani, 180 263n167 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 28, 163, 195, 259n126 Bruni, Leonardo, 28–29, 74 Amorosa visione by, 163, 327n74 Buca di San Girolamo, 176–178 Decameron by, 25, 163, 182, 195, 258n116, Buggiano (Andrea di Lazzaro Calvalcanti), 82 259n124 Buonaccorso di Montemagno, 29, 101 Esposizioni sopra la Comedia by, 259n129 Treatise on nobility by, 101 Geta and Birria, attributed to, 263n167 Buonaiuto, Andrea di, 129 Bonaventure [Saint], 133–134, 138, 143, 145, Buoninsegni, Domenico, 112 309n77, 309n78, 309n79, 312n91, Buono, Marco del, 67 316n136 Buonomini of San Martino, 176–177 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17285-2 — Practice and Theory in the Italian Renaissance Workshop Christina Neilson Index More Information INDEX 345 Burchiello, 26–29, 33, 102, 175–176, 261n151 Colleoni, Bartolomeo, 24 Butterfield, Andrew, x, 15, 37, 122, 138, Colonna, Francesco, 95 247n21, 247n23, 247n27, 255n71, commonplace books, see zibaldoni 257n107, 265n8, 270–271n62, Compagnia dei Magi, 94, 194 289n10, 289n14, 290n28, 290n31, Compagnia di Gesù, 178 291n46, 291n47, 291n49, 293n66, Compagnia di San Luca, 21, 53, 257n93, 293n78, 300n177, 304n18, 304n22, 275n98, 283n188, 284n190 305n25, 308n22, 315n122 confraternities, crucifixes for, 176–178, Bynum, Caroline Walker, 193–195 193–195 Conrad of Offida, 180 Cadogan, Jean, 69 consumption, in Renaissance Italy, 101–102 Caglioti, Francesco, 80, 257n106, 310n186, copper, Verrocchio’s palla made from, 2–5, 338n100 246n13, 320n168 Calandri, Pier Maria, 3 Corti, Gino, 97–99 carta lucida technique, 47 Coscia, Baldassare, 88 cartolai, 29, 33, 53 Costa, Lorenzo, 152 cartolaio, Verrocchio as, 33 Covi, Dario, 14–16, 25–26 Catherine of Siena [Saint], 180 Credi, Lorenzo di, 52–54, 122, 247–248n27, Cavalca, Domenico, 179–180, 334n53 271–272n69, 264n3, 267n30, Trattato della pazienza by, 179–180 273n84, 274n92, 276n105, 276n110, Cavalcanti, Giovanni, 102 277n111, 277n113 Cavalcanti, Guido, 165 cristo vivo concept, 168–169, 172–174 Cellini, Benvenuto, 111, 116, 149, 190, in vernacular literature, 168–169, 195 271n62, 283n188, 300n183, 319n161, Cropper, Elizabeth, 152–154, 159–161 324n47 Crucifixes Cennini, Cennino, 47, 153, 187 Florentine confraternities possession of, Libro dell’arte by, 156, 267n27, 322n24, 176–178, 193–195 322–323n25 limewood, 265–266n16 Cento novelle, 25, 258n116 mixed materials in production of, chapbooks, see zibaldoni 329–330n8, 330n10, 331n26 Cherico, Francesco d’Antonio del, 33 moveable parts on, 177–178, 331n30 Christ, body of, processions, use in, 128, 176 Eucharistic transformation of, 193–195 ritual use of, 128, 177, 194, 332–333n35 mystical experiences with, 179–182 touch and, 128–129, 181–182, 306n43 Verrocchio’s interpretation of, 149–151, Culex, 25 169–176 Chrysoloras, Manuel, 116 d’Andrea, Giuliano, 55 Ciai, Giovanni, 182–183 Dante, 144–145 Cioni, Michele de Francesco, 16 on animation, 186 Cioni, Simone di Michele di Francesco, artists’ ownership of books by, 259n124, 45–46 259n125, 259n126 Cioni, Tommaso di Michele di Francesco, Classical Antiquity, ideas from, 26, 22–23, 53, 122, 187, 255n69, 255n72, 259n129 257n106, 288n5, 289n14, 328n91, Divina Commedia, 26, 28, 144–145, 186, 338n100 292n54, 327n68, 341n146 Civitali, Matteo, 67, 193–194 on marble, 161 Ciborium for the Host by, 193–194 oral readings of, 28 Clare of Montefalco, 180 Purgatorio by, 186, 337n94 Clark, Kenneth, 34 Rime petrose by, 161–162 cognition on transformation of matter, 161–162 perception and, 156–158 Vita nuova by, 165 through artistic practice, 158–161 on women, love and poetry, 165 Cole, Andrew, 251n46 Dati, Leonardo, 28–29, 175 Cole, Michael, 10 death masks, 72–73, 187–188, 338–339n105 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17285-2 — Practice and Theory in the Italian Renaissance Workshop Christina Neilson Index More Information 346 INDEX Dei, Benedetto, 21, 48 David by, 18–19 Memorie Istoriche by, 21, 48 Deposition of Christ by, 56, 59 della Robbia, Andrea, 177 Horse’s head, attributed to, 66–67 della Robbia, Luca, 1, 88, 90, 147, 176 humanist influence on, 34, 130–131 books owned by, 26, 259n126 Joshua by, 63 Buca di San Girolamo, member of the, judgment through practice, defense by, 176–177 159 Christ and Saint Thomas, model for, 121, Judith and Holofernes by, 61, 66, 70 147,
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