DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY NHS BOARD PUBLIC MEETING A meeting of the Dumfries and Galloway NHS Board will be held at 10am on Monday 5th February 2018 in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries. AGENDA Time No Agenda Item Who Attached / Verbal 10.00am 105 Apologies L Geddes Verbal 10.00am 106 Declarations of Interest P Jones Verbal 10.05am 107 Previous Minutes P Jones Attached 10.10am 108 Matters Arising and Review of Actions List P Jones Attached QUALITY & SAFETY ASSURANCE 10.15am 109 Patient Experience Report E Docherty Attached 10.30am 110 Healthcare Associated Infection Report E Docherty Attached 10.45am 111 Improving Safety, Reducing Harm Report E Docherty Attached 11.00am 112 Child and Young People’s Improvement E Docherty Attached Collaborative 11.15am 113 Stillbirth Rates 2018 E Docherty Attached 11.30am 114 Scottish Graduate Entry Medical School K Donaldson Attached Update 11.40am 115 Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 and the V Freeman Attached Scheme of Integration PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE 11.55am 116 At a Glance Performance Report J White Attached 12.05pm 117 Integration Joint Board Update J White Verbal 12.15pm 118 Update on Hospital Migration and Initial J Ace Attached Operational Issues FINANCE & INFRASTRUCTURE 12.25pm 119 Capital and Infrastructure Update K Lewis Attached 12.35pm 120 Financial Performance Update K Lewis Attached NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 1 of 2 Time No Agenda Item Who Attached / Verbal PUBLIC HEALTH & STRATEGIC PLANNING 12.40pm 121 Regional Planning Update J Ace Verbal 12.45pm 122 Vaccinations in Scotland - NHS Dumfries M McCoy Attached & Galloway Transformation Programme GOVERNANCE 12.50pm 123 Freedom of Information Year End Report L Geddes Attached 12.55pm 124 Board Briefing J Ace Attached 1pm 125 Committee Minutes P Jones Attached • Audit & Risk Committee Meeting – 2 October 2017 • Healthcare Governance Committee Meeting – 20 November 2017 • Person Centred Health & Care Committee 23 October 2017 • Staff Governance Committee Meeting – 25 September 2017 • Staff Governance Committee Meeting – 27 November 2017 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 126 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 127 • 9th April 2018 @ 10am – 1pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 107 DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY NHS BOARD NHS Board Meeting Minutes of the NHS Board Meeting held on 4th December 2017 at 10am – 1pm in the Conference Room, Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4TG. Minute Nos: 82--102 Present Mr P N Jones (PNJ) - Chairman Mrs P Halliday (PH) - Vice Chair Dr L Douglas (LD) - Non Executive Member Ms L Bryce (LB) - Non Executive Member Mrs L Carr (LC) - Non Executive Member Ms G Stanyard (GS) - Non Executive Member Mrs G Cardozo (GC) - Non Executive Member Mr J Beattie (JB) - Non Executive Member Dr K Donaldson (KD) - Medical Director Mr E Docherty (ED) - Nurse Director Mr J Ace (JA) - Chief Executive Mrs K Lewis (KL) - Director of Finance In Attendance Mrs J White (JW) - Chief Officer Ms C Sharp (CS) - Workforce Director Ms M McCoy (MMc) - Interim Director of Public Health Mrs V White (VW) - Consultant in Dental Public Health/Public Health Mr Stephen Hare (SH) - Newly Appointed Employee Director Mrs L Geddes (LG) - Corporate Business Manager Mrs L McKie (LM) - Executive Assistant (Minute Secretary) Apologies Mr A Ferguson (AF) - Non Executive Member PNJ welcomed Board Members and members of the public to the NHS Board Meeting, noting that it was JB’s last NHS Board meeting prior to his retirement at the end of January 2018. PNJ noted that JB had worked for 7 years as both Non Executive Member and Employee Director and wished JB all the best for the future. PNJ continued to extend the welcome to Stephen Hare, the newly appointed Employee Director, who will take up his role and that as a Non Executive Member from 1st February 2018. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 1 of 14 Update on Migration to new Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary Prior to the commencement of the agenda items, JW gave a presentation to NHS Board Members on the progress of the Migration to the New Hospital, following questions raised around validation processes for the new building by the Chairman prior to the NHS Board Meeting, to give assurance that all aspects had been considered and planned for prior to the migration and that the building had been signed off by the relevant authorities. Responses to the questions raised were covered in the key themes of the presentation. JW continued to advise NHS Board Members that a similar process to the Major Incident Command and Control structure will be used during the migration. This process has three levels within the command structure. The staffing rosters for the migration period were highlighted for the three commands as Operational, Tactical and Strategic. JA advised NHS Board Members that Dr Angus Cameron currently working as the West of Scotland Clinical Lead; had agreed to attend the migration weekend to support NHS Dumfries and Galloway with the transfer of patients at the strategic level. JW continued to note the planned route for the transfer of patients, highlighting that alternative routes were available should any problems arise. Further information was provided to Board Members on the traffic management arrangements and the process for assessment of patients on the day prior to their planned move. It was also noted that over the migration weekend, both Tactical and Strategic Commands will be utilising the new Patient Tracker dashboard, which gives a clear vision of patients in the old hospital, when they begin their transfer and when they arrive in their room at the new hospital. The system also identifies those patients being discharged prior to the move commencing. From 4th – 6th December 2017, the current Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary (DGRI) will run as normal on the Monday - Wednesday, noting that only emergency theatres will in operation from 4pm on 6th December 2017 until the new theatres are fully operational in the new hospital on 11th December 2017. NHS Board Members were made aware that at 8am on 8th December 2017 the Emergency Department would close on the current site and open at the new hospital. A Rapid Response Unit will be available at the current site after the department closes, to provide emergency care to members of the public who arrive. Road signs have also been erected to advise members of the public of the relocation of the Emergency Department. JW highlighted that from 7th December 2017 ward assessments would commence prior to migrating on 8th December 2017. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 2 of 14 Once the migration commences the current site will be known as Mountainhall Treatment Centre and the new hospital will become Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary. GS enquired to how many patients would either migrate to new hospital or be discharged; JW advised that she was unable to confirm the exact number of patients until the final patient assessments were completed. JW advised NHS Board Members that once patients were transferred families would be informed. LD enquired to the role of the volunteers over the migration period. JW confirmed that volunteers would be in place to support both patients and their families, especially during the evening visiting period, to help navigate to the ward areas on the new site. PNJ enquired to whether the independent tester has signed off the schedule of inspections that they were commissioned to undertake and give assurance that in their professional opinion that the new hospital is fit for purpose and ready for occupancy as a fully functioning district general hospital. JW advised that she would receive the final report today, which would include any outstanding items and was confident that the building would be ready for occupancy and the first patients transferring on 8th December 2017. PNJ further enquired to whether the Board had sight of, and recorded receipt of, the Building Completion Certificates. JW advised that all equipment has been signed of by suppliers, noting that the Medical Physics department were currently working through processes for both Radiology and Laboratories. JW continued to note that there had been continual meetings with environmental control bodies, highlighting that the water and air quality tests would be completed and signed off today. An update was given around telecommunication, WiFi and police airwave systems. Board Members were reminded of the challenges that have been faced around the WiFi and noted that the manufacturer has since been commissioned to retest the equipment prior to the completion certificate being issued and signed off on 6th December 2017. JW continued to highlight that she would be meeting with Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland and Fire Scotland colleagues to review the airwave requirements at a local level to ensure all requirements are available for the migration and longer term. NHS Board Members were reminded of the testing of the command and control structure in September 2017, with JW highlighting that she was confident that as a Board, we had planned all aspects of the migration and would be able to deal with any eventualities. PNJ praised the work completed, noting that NHS Board Members had been given the necessary assurance that all necessary steps have been taken and appropriate risk management arrangements have been adopted prior to migration on 8th December 2017. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 3 of 14 JA confirmed that Strategic Command would give the final authorisation for the migration to go ahead on 8th December 2017, once they receive the first update in relation to patients, transport, staffing and equipment. PNJ took the opportunity to thank staff for all the work that has been undertaken to get to this point and wished the teams luck for the migration.
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