Inside MICHIGAN Weather Mostly cloudy and mild to­ John F. Kennedy half dol­ STATE day. Scattered showers seen lars, p. 3; World News At A EWS for Thursday. Glance, p. 4. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Price 10i Defeated Bill Could Have Caused Tuition Hike t / * . ____________ , » U ____k*. cm * «nrim*nr irnnnr wuiamrc rhor The United States National Student Association listed four It would decrease from $25,000, where the deduction is $325 'There has been some sentiment among legislators that stu­ The United States National Student Association listed four to no allowable deduction at $60,000. By CHARLES C. WELLS reasons why it thought the amendment was desirable. dents should pay more for their education anyhow," he added. One MSU source pointed out ironically that the people iaRibi­ State News Staff Writer They were as follows: Those who would have really benefited would be the ones coff' s state would have received greater benefits than those Higher tuition rates for MSU students could have resulted attending private institutions where tuition is high, he said --It results in a direct saving to the taxpayer because it is liv ing in the M idw est. from the proposal to make tuition, deductible from federal in- MSU officials did not actively opposed the measure, however. subtracted before the tax is paid. The reason, he said, is that there are relatively few state The measure recently came up in the Senate Finance Com­ —The tax credit varies inversely with income. There would supported colleges and universities in Connecticutt. mittee as an amendment to President Johnson’s $11 billion tax be greater credit for those with incomes under $25,000 and tor Ribicoff, however,, said he did not think the deduction would cut plan. As proposed by Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn.), it those paying less for tuition and fees. make the difference between a person's being able to go to college would have allowed the taxpayer to deduct up to $325 of annual --It would include self-supporting students. or going into the labor force. tuition costs per child. It was defeated by a 10 to 7 committee —Tax credit is limited so that less dollar benefit is given It would be helpful to all such taxpayers, but probably not vote, but R ib ico ff thought it would p ass the Senate if it ev er got to upper middle income groups and none to high income groups. decisive for many,’ the senator said out of co m m ittee. ^ — ■ College Deduction Plan Vetoed Downed In Blasts Rock Embassy As Senate By Conflict Mounts On Cyprus Close Vote Opponents Ask NICOSIA, .Cyprus (AP)-Two manded punishment of the guilty. talked with the president of Cy­ had examined the bomb damage sharp explosions rocked the U.S. prus, Archbishop Makarios, at himself and he expressed regret Embassy Tuesday, wrecking an Witnesses said the explosions the presidential palace following to Wilkins. O verall Aid Bill were caused by bombs. the blast. Makarios, who also office and slightly wounding a They went off at tw o-m inute Marine guard. U.S. Ambassador Fraser Wil­ was visibly upset, had examined i n t e r v a ls as anti-American WASHINGTON .F— The Senate, the bomb damage himself and In W ashington, the U.S. govern ­ kins, his voice shaking with emo­ sentim ent mounted on this em ­ with a breath-taking 48-45 roll he expressed regret to Wilkins. ment expressed shock and de- tion, told newspien that he had battled Mediterranian island torn call vote, turned down Tuesday by conflict betwden its inhabi­ an effort to grant special income tants of Greek and Turkis de­ tax deductions to parents whose Answ ers C ensorship Charges scen t. ARCHBISHOP MAKARIOS children are in college. Wilkins had represented the The Johnson administration United States in efforts to get sco red a m a jo r victory in m u s­ President Archbishop Makarios tering sufficient forces to keep to agree to dispatch of a NATO the controversial provision from News Adviser Tells Role police force here to maintain Anti-Tax being w ritten intothe $11.6-billion order. American troops would tax cut bill. But it obviously took not like, they yel , suffer, and then the competency of a particular in­ State News advisor Louis J. make up about 2,000 of the so m e intensive behind-the- stru cto r. Berman answered charges that forget about it.” 10,000 man unit. “What would the instructor Committee scenes persuasion. Berman said he has made only the MSU student newspaper is be­ Earlier Tuesday Makarios re­ The suspenseful roll call was two policy decisions concerning do?” he asked. “ Would he write ing cen so red by him and other Un­ plied formally to the British- tied 44-44 at one point and again a letter telling what a good in­ iversity administrators. m a teria l printed in t h e State American plan for a western Wins Grant at 45-45. The “ no” votes against structor he is?” News. alliance army to keep the peace the proposal cast in the last min­ Berman spoke Tuesday to the The second policy decision is One is that no articles or let­ on Cyprus but the bearded chief The Off-Campus A n ti-T ax ute includ ed th ree of its c o - MSU Men’s Club luncheon at the that there will be no series or ters are printed which question of state seemed to be keeping Committee won a token victory s p o n s o r s — Sens. H ubert H. Union. He came to theStateNews articles exposing any department them guessing. Monday night at the East Lans- Humphrey, D-Minn. Robert C. in 1961 with about 40 y e a rs of later than two weeks before the It was made plain, however, ing City Council, Byrd, D-W. Va., and Frank E. newspaper experience in end of the term. This, he said, is that President Makarios and his Though it failed in its attempt Moss, D-Utah. Chicago, Muskegon and White­ Cowden in effect because those attacked fellow leaders of the Greek to get a blanket postponement on The final tally showed 26 Re­ MAKING BGSSIE GLOSSY - Cottle in the livestock pavil- hall. He is a past president of the would not have any chance to re­ Cypriot majority want the pro- the date of filing of the personal publicans and 19 Democrats ion are being cleaned with vacuum cleaners as farmers Michigan Press Association. ply before the term ended. jected army linked in some way property statements, it did draw favoring the proposal. They were spruce up ther stock for exhibit, during Farmer’s Week. There are usually two charges To Present “The second policy statement to the U.N. Security Council, a concession from City Assessor outweighed by 43 Democrats and leveled at the State News adviser, has cut down on the amount of The U.S. and British govern- • Frank A. Warden who said that 5 Republicans. he indicated. They a re that h e crusading that students want to After defeatingthatproposal by reads everything before;, it is (continued on page 9) (continued on page 8) Awards (continued on page 8) Sen. A b ra h a m A. Ribicoff, D- printed, and that he is President Conn., the Senate also rejected Alabama Schools John A. Hannah's personal cen­ Three Michigan farm leaders with a 47-47 tie vote a proposal so r. will receive MSU’sDistinguished by Sen. Winston L. Prouty, R-Vt., He said the first charge is not Service to Agriculture citations to allow tax deductions for work­ true because he often does not ing students. Are Powder Keg even get time to read the paper today. They are Edward J. Wright ' An undergraduate under after it is printed let alone be­ of Saginaw; Arthur E. Sackett, Prouty’s proposal would be al­ TUSKEGEE, Ala. ,f— Negroes at nearby Notasulga and Shorter fo re, Edmore; and E. J. Clabuesch, lowed up to $1,200 a y ear on his delayed their appearance at newly after state authorities closed de­ “ I so m etim es check it over and Pigeon. desegregated schools in two ru ral segregated Tuskegee High, were make notations with red pencil (continued on page 9) T. K. C'owden, dean of the Col­ communities. Tuesday in an at­ expected to complete the trans­ after it comes out,” he said. "The lege of Agriculture, will present mosphere so tense that one of­ fer by tomorrow. editor then looks over what I have the aw ards at 1 p.m in 109 ficial caled it “a powder keg.” checked and if he doesn’t agree, In T u sk eg ee, m eanwhile, th ere Anthony Hall as part of the 49th, Bill Limits But the 12 N egro te e n -a g e rs , then he agrues with m e.” w e re r e c u r r i n g rumors of annual Farm er’s Week. This is ordered enrolled at white schools " I often give the s ta ffe rs ad­ planned N eg ro demonstrations the 10th year the awards have vice, but I do not get mad if they against the closing of the school Colleges been given. don’t take it,” he added. where a mass white boycott last W right, a m em b er of the M ichi­ In the last two and a half y e a rs September left a student body gan Agricultural Co m m i s s i o n Packaging that I have been adviser, Presi­ of only 12 N eg ro es.
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