The Boys & Girls Clu B s of ro C h e s T e r P r e se n T s A Celebration of Service in honor of: Thomas C. Wilmot 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award Gala Saturday, November 6, 2010 The RoChesteR Riverside CoNventioN CenteR 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award Gala Saturday, November 6, 2010 The Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester is proud to welcome you to this celebration honoring Thomas C. Wilmot with our fourth annual AT&T Commitment to Community Award for his outstanding commitment and service to the Rochester community. We are here tonight to express our thanks to Tom Wilmot for his dedication and commitment to the greater Rochester community. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester takes pride in recognizing Mr. Wilmot with its 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award. We thank you for attending this evening and supporting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester. We make you look good. branding advertising communications web Proud to Support the Boys and Girls Clubs of Rochester Cheryl & I.C. Shah E. Philip Saunders 2010 Gala Co-Chairs 2010 honorary Gala Chairman 160 Cedarwood Office Park / Fairport, New York 14450 phone: 585.421.9481 / fax: 585.421.9953 / email: [email protected] / web: www.symbolicinc.com 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award Gala 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award Gala The Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester Thomas C. Wilmot The Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester is a local, autonomous, non-profit organization affiliated with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The Club is located in the southwest quadrant of Rochester, with satellite sites at Rochester City Schools No. 7, No. 29, Franklin high School and Seneca Manor public housing. our mission is to inspire and enable young people of all Commitment to Community Award Gala backgrounds to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. in an effort to accomplish our mission, Saturday, November 6, 2010 we implement after school programs which observe program standards nationally recognized to address the most critical issues affecting today’s youth. in an environment that seems more and more threatening to our youth, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester provides a tangible measure of hope. The Club is a safe haven for neighborhood youth who are exposed to many at-risk factors such as one of Tom Wilmot is President and Chairman of the Board of Wilmorite, a leading commercial real highest rates of teen pregnancy in the state, high poverty, high crime rates and substance abuse. The Club serves approximately estate development and management company that has developed 16 regional shopping centers 550 youth a day between the five sites in the City of Rochester. A hot, nutritional meal is provided everyday to all youth, 88% of whom qualify for free or reduced-price lunch at school. The underlying philosophy of our program design is based on in eight states encompassing more than 20 million square feet of retail space including the youth development research which demonstrates that youth who enter the world with a positive self-identity, competencies, eastview Mall and the Marketplace Mall. Tom began his career as an assistant project manager community and civic involvement, health and well being and a moral compass can become responsible, self-sufficient, for Wilmorite by overseeing construction of several regional projects. over the years, he successful citizens and leaders. The Club continues to see a growing number of youth graduate from high school and enter a higher institution or pursue a career of their choice. continued his dedication to the family business by creating and successfully managing other companies such as Page Airways, Genesee Management, Wilmorite Properties and Wilmorite The Club has a long history of providing high-quality educational programming. our Accelerated Reader program is one Construction. As Wilmorite’s Chairman, he oversees the day-to-day activities of the company of the best reading comprehension programs in the City of Rochester. Five years ago the Club implemented the Accelerated Reader (AR) program, a highly motivating after-school reading program, which is the backbone of our literacy efforts. The AR and takes part in every major business decision. program is centered on a computerized reading management system designed to encourage growth in reading skill and to foster an enthusiasm for reading. Participants enrolled in the program read over 5,000 books last school year. The five-year program during his career and the evolution of Wilmorite, the company has successfully constructed continues to have phenomenal success and support from the community. over 30 million square feet of premium retail, hotel, office, health, housing, airport and Boys & Girls Clubs programs and services promote and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling: convention facilities in nine states. Besides being a very successful businessman, Tom is an active • A Sense of Competence – the feeling there is something youth can do and do well member of the Rochester community serving as a member and former chairman of the Greater • A Sense of Usefulness – the opportunity to do something of value with other people • A Sense of Belonging – a setting where young people know they “fit” and are accepted Rochester Chamber of Commerce and as a Trustee of Rochester institute of Technology, • A Sense of Power or Influence – a chance to be heard and to influence decisions Nazareth College of Rochester, St. Bernard institute and the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center. he is also a member of the American Society of Civil engineers. Tom also is a member of the Board of Trustees Budget and institutional Advancement Committees for Syracuse University. Tom and his wife Colleen are proud parents of Paul, Thomas Jr., Loretta and Jim. 500 Genesee Street / Rochester, New York 14611 / 585.328.3077 / www.bgcrochester.org 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award Gala 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award Gala A Celebration of Service 2010 Gala COMMITTEE honoring e. Philip Saunders Thomas C. Wilmot Honorary Chair Cheryl & i.C. Shah A benefit for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester Co-Chairs Saturday, November 6, 2010 Francis R. Antonelli Jett Mehta 6:00 PM Gunther Buerman Parul Patel Reception Mike Green Mike Petix 7:00 PM Frank insero Todd Plouffé dinner Ben Marcello Gary Rogers SpOnsorS* GReeTiNGS FRoM The CLUB Award SPoNSoR LeiASiA CoLeMAN AT&T Mobility Upstate New York iNTRodUCTioN Dwayne MAhoNeY, executive director, Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester, inc. GOld SpOnsorS Tables Gala Co-ChAiRMAN’S ReMARKS M & T Bank American Rock Salt Cheryl & i. C. ShAh, Gala Co-Chairs harris Beach Bonadio & Company Thomas C. Wilmot District Attorney Mike Green WelcoMe PhiL SaundeRS, Saunders Management e.J. del Monte Corporation SiLveR SPoNSoRS eastcap mortgage eNTertaiNMeNT Tysy hUGheS Rochester Malls Genesee Regional Bank TiMoThY MitchUM IBeW Local 86 Bollywood FUSioN DanceRS Insero & Company Boys & GiRLS Clubs Dance GRoUP Jett Mehta Bid FoR KidS BRoNze SPonsors Jackson Welding & Supply Co. JeNNiFeR JohNSoN, Master of Ceremonies Cheryl & i.C. Shah LaBella Associates ChAiRMAN’S Award Western New York energy Mendon Capital i.C. ShAh, immediate Past Board Chairman Naomi Silver CoMMUNiTY APPReCiatioN AWARdS O’Connell electric Monroe Country district Attorney’s office RiT department of Criminal Justice United Way of Greater Rochester RiT/e. Philip Saunders College of Business SANdra dooRLeY dR. JohN KLofas, Ph.d. PeTeR CARPiNo Saunders Management Time Warner SPeCiAL ReCoGNiTioN Toshiba Business Solutions Ugly diSCo Trident Manufacturing AT&T CoMMiTMeNT To CoMMUNiTY AWARd Wells Fargo BeN marceLLo, AT&T director of Sales, AT&T Mobility Board Member *At time of printing ACCePTANCe oF AWARd ThoMAS C. WiLMoT DESiGN SPoNSoR VIDEO SPoNSoR VOTe oF ThANKS Symbolic, inc. South Coast Film & video MiKe PeTix, Chairman of the Board, Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester, inc. BALLOON BUST FoR RAFFLe PRizeS WiNe BEER Courtesy of Constellation Brands Courtesy of Wright Wisner MASTeR oF CeReMoNieS JeNNiFeR JohNSoN, Anchorperson, 13WhAM News 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award Gala 2010 AT&T Commitment to Community Award Gala This yEar ThE BoyS & GIrlS ClubS of Rochester is plEased TO recognIzE community based OrGanIzationS and lEadErS for Their continuEd SuppOrT bOARD OF dIrECTOrS of ThE Club MiChAeL J. PeTix - Chair MONROE COUNTy dISTrICT aTTORNEy’S OFFICE The Monroe Count district Attorney’s office has helped the Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester keep nearly 800 FRANCiS R. ANToNeLLi - vice Chair teens off the streets and involved in programs for the past five summers. Project Step Up has helped Boys & MiKe GReeN - vice Chair Girls Club staff to recruit some of the city’s most high-risk youth into programs that teach conflict resolution, Frank A. InseRo - vice Chair address barriers to employment, and improve physical fitness. The Monroe County district Attorney’s office staff has donated invaluable hours of volunteer time to club members who need a variety of services, ranging Todd PLouffé - vice Chair from homework to basic needs. Marcella Rawls - vice Chair WiLLiAM d. RiCe - Treasurer dEPARTMEnT OF CrIMINAL JuSTICE aT rIT Reading skills are a crucial piece of a child’s academic success. The department of Criminal Justice at RiT has eRNeST LoFToN, JR. - Asst. Treasurer supported the Boys & Girls Clubs of Rochester’s Accelerated Reading Program for the past five years, through NAoMi SiLVER - Corporate Secretary encouraging more than 900 club members to read nearly 10,000 books. This program has energized club i.C. ShAh - immediate Past Chair members’ willingness to read and has raised the average reading score to 90.5%. in the 2009-2010 program, 18 club members each read more than 100 books, including a record-breaking member who completed 200. Gunther Buerman Glen Jeter Rowena Monts Michael T.
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