CLUB SPORTS Analyzing the accuracy of a certain “National Treasure” With newfound club status, see ARTS&LIVING / PAGE 4 Club Cricket looks to continue Editorial: Inequitable health accommodations harm SEE SPORTS / BACK PAGE student outcomes see OPINION / PAGE 7 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF TUFTS UNIVERSITY EST. 1980 HE UFTS AILY VOLUME LXXIX, ISSUE 14T T D MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, MASS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2020 tuftsdaily.com TCA rallies, petitions for Students mobilize in New divestment from fossil fuel Hampshire for Sanders, industry Buttigieg, Warren Disclaimer: Hannah Kahn is a former New Hampshire was the first prima- executive audio producer at the Daily. ry election, which followed the Iowa cau- Hannah was not involved in the writing or cuses last week that similarly ended with editing of this article. Buttigieg and Sanders on top. In Iowa, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders won Buttigieg received 26.2% of the votes and the New Hampshire primary election on Sanders got 26.1%. Tuesday with 25.7% of the vote, followed In Iowa, however, Warren followed more closely by former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of closely behind Sanders and Buttigieg with South Bend, Ind. with 24.4% of the vote. 18% of the vote. Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar out- “In New Hampshire and in Iowa, it’s not performed expectations, coming in third what we were hoping for, but it is what it at 19.8%, while Massachusetts Senator is,” co-president of Tufts for Warren and Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President first-year Amanda Westlake said. Joe Biden faltered, winning 9.2% and 8.4% Westlake leads Tufts for Warren along of the vote, respectively. with Hannah Kahn, a senior. Despite the “We definitely are all very excited. loss in New Hampshire, Tufts for Warren Kicking off with two wins has really remains hopeful. shown us that we have the momen- “There’re still a lot of delegates left and tum going into both South Carolina and there’s still Super Tuesday left. There’s a lot Nevada, and then later, on March 3, of time left in the race,” Westlake said. states including Massachusetts,” first- Tufts for Warren, Tufts for Bernie and CONNOR DALE / THE TUFTS DAILY year Anthony Davis-Pait said, who helped Tufts for Pete have been working to mobi- Tufts Climate Action gathers in front of Mayer Campus Center to advocate for fossil fuel divest- found Tufts for Bernie last semester and lize Tufts students in addition to organizing ment on Feb. 12. remains involved in the leadership of the with the campaigns directly. organization. “The goal of the club is mostly, I think, to by Connor Dale President Anthony Monaco, Executive Vice Ben Cooper, a senior and the campus get people into New Hampshire, because it News Editor President Mike Howard and the Board of team coordinator for Tufts for Pete, reflect- was the closest place we could really volun- Trustees. ed on their candidate’s performance in the teer as Tufts students,” Cooper said. Members of Tufts Climate Action (TCA) The nationwide day of action was coor- New Hampshire primary election. Westlake echoed Cooper with similar rallied yesterday ahead of today’s day of dinated by Divest Ed, a national training “I think it was a really strong finish for action from Tufts for Warren. action by activists from over 50 colleges and strategy hub for student fossil fuel Pete. Definitely something that the cam- “We do tabling in the [Mayer Campus across the U.S. to demand that their uni- divestment campaigns. According to Divest paign needed to move forward into the Center] to try to get new members and versities divest their endowments from the Ed’s website, the “Fossil Fuel Divestment early states that will spread the message we also got up to New Hampshire. We’ve fossil fuel industry. Day” marks the beginning of a mass nationally. Overall, very excited to move TCA activists gathered outside of the escalation for the divestment movement forward,” Cooper said. see NEW HAMPSHIRE, page 2 Mayer Campus Center during open block. throughout 2020. As members of Bangin’ Everything At Tufts According to TCA member Maddy (BEATs) drummed on plastic pails, TCA Tennant, yesterday’s rally on campus was members Celia Bottger and James Morse, not only meant to express solidarity with a senior and a first-year, energized a small the nationwide collegiate divestment crowd of students and passersby, leading movement, but also to continue to exert them in chants which called on Tufts to pressure on the university as it begins the divest from its fossil fuel investments. process of reviewing its own investments in The activists then marched throughout the fossil fuel industry. the Campus Center with drummers from “We’re using this action to get students Tufts BEATs in tow, disrupting lunching as involved as possible in making the Tufts students and continuing their chants. administration realize that this whole cam- “We want divestment, we want climate pus cares about divestment and that it justice, and we want it now,” Bottger said. is really time to get the process going,” At the same time, other TCA members Tennant, a sophomore, said. canvassed the Campus Center, circulating Tufts decided last month to convene an a petition in which students could demon- investment advisory committee that will strate their support for divestment with the review the university’s investments in the additional option of indicating that they fossil fuel industry and advise the Board would not donate to Tufts until it divests of Trustees’ Investment Committee on its from fossil fuels. According to TCA mem- findings. ANTHONY DAVIS-PAIT / THE TUFTS DAILY ber Hanna Carr, a senior, the activists plan The Tufts for Bernie student group is pictured watching the results come in for the New on sending the signatures to University see DIVESTMENT, page 2 Hampshire democratic primary in the Olin Center on Feb. 11. For breaking news, our content archive and Please Contact Us NEWS............................................1 FUN & GAMES ........................6 recycle this exclusive content, visit newspaper P.O. Box 53018, tuftsdaily.com Medford, MA 02155 FEATURES.................................3 OPINION ....................................7 Rain [email protected] /thetuftsdaily @tuftsdaily tuftsdaily tuftsdaily ARTS & LIVING ......................4 SPORTS ........................... BACK 40 / 26 2 THE TUFTS DAILY | NEWS | Thursday, February 13, 2020 tuftsdaily.com THE TUFTS DAILY Georgetown divestment encourages TCA activists, hoping to RYAN SHAFFER Editor in Chief tuftsdaily.com EDITORIAL pressure Trustees Alex Viveros Nathan Kyn DIVESTMENT Managing Editors continued from page 1 Tys Sweeney Associate Editor Robert Kaplan Executive News Editor The decision to activate the Responsible Alejandra Carrillo News Editors Investment Advisory Group (RIAG), which Connor Dale Abbie Gruskin the Board of Trustees voted to establish Natasha Mayor Matt McGovern in November 2019, came on the heels of Sara Renkert Anton Shenk nearly seven years of student activism on Seohyun Shim the issue as well as a formal proposal sub- Daniel Weinstein Maddie Aitken Assistant News Editors mitted by members of TCA encouraging Carolina Espinal Alex Janoff Tufts to join more than half a dozen of its Renner Kwittken peer institutions in divesting its endow- Bella Maharaj Stephanie Rifkin ment from fossil fuels. Sarah Sandlow The administration is currently under- Amelia Becker Executive Features Editor going the process of identifying committee Sid Anand Features Editors Kenia French members for the RIAG. It will be ultimately Jessie Newman Sean Ong composed of three trustees appointed by Michael Shames the Board, Tufts’ chief investment officer, CONNOR DALE / THE TUFTS DAILY Fina Short Members of Tufts Climate Action and Tufts BEATs march with drums and petitions through the Jillian Collins Assistant Features Editors the vice president of finance or their repre- Emma Damokosh Mayer Campus Center on Feb. 12. Kevin Doherty sentatives, as well as two students and two Evelyn McClure Akash Mishra faculty members appointed by the provost, as some of Tufts’ peer institutions have announced that it will fully divest from the Dorothy Neher according to the Board’s policies. already made public commitments to fully public and private investments it has made Ryan Eggers Executive Arts Editor The convening of the RIAG and TCA’s divest their endowments from fossil fuels. in the fossil fuel industry within the next Tommy Gillespie Arts Editors Fossil Fuel Divestment Day action comes Just last week, Georgetown University decade. Georgetown will also discontinue Sami Heyman Steph Hoechst any new investments in fossil fuel com- Danny Klain Tuna Margalit panies and prepare to invest in renewable Christopher Panella energy and related fields, according to the Yas Salon Colette Smith university’s new policy. Megan Szostak Geoffrey Tobia TCA member Violet McCabe pointed to Devina Bhalla Assistant Arts Editor the fact that Georgetown and Tufts have similarly-sized endowments as a reason Hannah Harris Executive Opinion Editor Allie Birger Editorialists for the university to commit to divestment. Paloma Delgado Mason Goldberg As of 2019, Georgetown’s financial endow- Amulya Mutnuri Emily Nadler ment was approximately $1.9 billion, while Priya Padhye Tufts’ was around $1.87 billion. Michael Wilkinson Caroline Wolinsky Accordingly, McCabe, a sophomore, Carys Kong Editorial Cartoonists Annabel Nied hopes that Georgetown’s decision to divest Julia Zweifach will not only signal to the administration Jake Freudberg Executive
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