PS Form 004 (Revised Aug 2012) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT P/P/A IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING REPORT CY 2012 REGIONAL OFFICE : REGION I FINANCIAL STATUS (Php) AMOUNT DISBURSED CY 2012) REMARKS ANNUAL ACCOMP. TOTAL CY 2012 OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS TOTAL LGUs (Target % of PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TARGETS (1ST-4TH PROGRAMMED ALLOTMENT Sub-allotment Foreign- Universe) Accomp. Regional % of Utili- (CY 2012) QTRS.) AMOUNT RECEIVED Funds zation from CO or LGU Assisted/Grants (RECURRING) Funds (Specify) 6,687,365.42 6,684,365.42 6,640,365.42 GRAND TOTAL NON-NEGOTIABLE PROGRAMS/PROJECTS Outcome Area: Empowered and Accountable LGUs 1. Monitoring LGU Compliance to Full Disclosure No. of LGUs monitored on compliance 1,590 LGUs 100% 46,547.00 46,547.00 46,547.00 100% Policy (FDP) to FDP (3rd qtr., 2012 documents) (excl. ARMM) PACTS report from POs Provinces 4 4 IN, IS, LU, P Cities 9 9 IN-2, IS-2, LU-1, P-4 Municipalities 116 116 IN-21, IS-32, LU-19, P-44 No. of LGUs complying to the policy 1,590 LGUs 100% FULL COMPLIANCE (excl. ARMM) Provinces 4 4 IN, IS, LU, P Cities 9 8 IN-2 (Batac, Laoag), IS-2 (Candon, Vigan); LU-1 (CSF); P-3 (Alaminos, San Carlos, Urdaneta) Municipalities 116 86 IN-21 (San Nicolas, Bacarra, Nueva Era, Paoay, Currimao, Bangui, Banna, Piddig, Pasuquin, Pinili, Burgos, Sarrat, Pagudpud, Badoc, Dingras, Solsona, Vintar, Marcos, Dumalneg, Adams, Carasi); IS- 32 (Sta. Cruz, San Emilio, Tagudin, Caoayan, Sto. Domingo, Cervantes, Cabugao, Lildlidda, San Vicente, Alilem, Sugpon, G. del Pilar, Burgos, Quirino, Salcedo, Galimuyod San Esteban San Juan, Magsingal, Suyo, Bantay, Sinait, Santa, Sta. Catalina, Santiago, Narvacan, Banayoyo, Sta. Lucia, Sigay, San Ildefonso, Nagbukel, Sta. Maria); LU-19 (Santol, San Gabriel, San Juan, Naguilian, Agoo, Caba, Rosario, Bauang, Sto. Tomas, Burgos, Bacnotan, Bangar, Tubao, Sudipen, Balaoan, Bagulin, Luna, Aringay, Pugo); P-14 (Aguilar, Balungao, Bayambang, Binmaley, Bolinao, Burgos, Dasol, Lingayen,. Malasiqui, Manaoag, San Manuel, Sta. Barbara, Sta. Maria, Villasis) PARTIAL COMPLIANCE Provinces Cities 1 Pang-1 (Dagupan) FINANCIAL STATUS (Php) AMOUNT DISBURSED CY 2012) REMARKS ANNUAL ACCOMP. TOTAL CY 2012 OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS TOTAL LGUs (Target % of PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TARGETS (1ST-4TH PROGRAMMED ALLOTMENT Sub-allotment Foreign- Universe) Accomp. Regional % of Utili- (CY 2012) QTRS.) AMOUNT RECEIVED Funds zation from CO or LGU Assisted/Grants (RECURRING) Funds (Specify) Municipalities 30 Pang-30 (Asinga, Bani, Bautista, Binalonan, Bugallon, Calasiao, Infanta, Laoac, Mabini, Mangaldan, Mapandan, Natividad, San Jacinto, San Nicolas, San Quintin, Sto. Tomas, Sison, sual, Tayug, Urbiztondo, Agno, Alcala, Anda, Basista, Labrador, Mangatarem, Pozorrubio, Rosales, San Fabian, Umingan) FULL NON-COMPLYING/NON- None REPORTING LGUs Provinces Cities Municipalities No. of LGUs disclosing to their constituents 1,590 LGUs 100% NOTE: Specify means of communi- important documents (budget, procure- (excl. ARMM) cating to the public, e.g., bulletin ment, monthly cash flows, etc.) boards, newspapers, etc. Provinces 4 4 Bulletin Boards, LGU and FDPP Cities 9 9 Websites, Newspapers (National/Local) Municipalities 116 116 No. of LGUs provided with advocacy 1,590 LGUs - Not targeted for 2012 (quarterly) leading to FDP compliance (excl. ARMM) Provinces 4 IN, IS, LU, P Cities 9 IN-2, IS-2, LU-1, P-4 Municipalities 116 IN-21, IS-32, L:U-19, P-44 2. Seal of Good Housekeeping (SGH) No. of LGUs assessed and validated 1,641 LGUs 159.26% 97,522.00 97,522.00 97,522.00 100% on SGH (incl. ARMM) Provinces 3 4 IN, IS, LU, P Cities 3 9 IN-2, IS-2, LU-1, P-4 Municipalities 75 116 IN-21, IS-32, L:U-19, P-44 No. of qualified LGUs conferred with the 1,641 LGUs To be conferred - c/o CO Seal (incl. ARMM) SGH Bronze Provinces Cities Municipalities 1 P-1 (Balungao) SGH Silver Provinces 4 IN, IS, LU, P Cities 9 IN-2, IS-2, LU-1, P-4 Municipalities 115 IN-21, IS-32, L:U-19, P-43 3. Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) No. of LGUs awarded with FY 2012 PCF 515 LGU recpts. 98.39% 66,318.00 66,318.00 66,318.00 100% Subsidy (incl. 44 Regl. & Provinces 3 Nat. GPL recpts. Cities 6 6 IN-2 (Batac, Laoag); LU-1 (San Fernando); P-3 (Dagupan, Udaneta, San Carlos) FINANCIAL STATUS (Php) AMOUNT DISBURSED CY 2012) REMARKS ANNUAL ACCOMP. TOTAL CY 2012 OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS TOTAL LGUs (Target % of PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TARGETS (1ST-4TH PROGRAMMED ALLOTMENT Sub-allotment Foreign- Universe) Accomp. Regional % of Utili- (CY 2012) QTRS.) AMOUNT RECEIVED Funds zation from CO or LGU Assisted/Grants (RECURRING) Funds (Specify) Municipalities 56 55 IN-6 (Bacarra, Badoc, Dingras, San Nicolas, Solsona, Vintar); IS- 11 (Banta, Magsingal, Narvacan, Sinait, San Juan, Sta. Lucia, Sta. Maria, Sto. Domingo, Tagudin, Cabugao, Sta. Cruz); LU-10 (Aringay, Bangar, San Juan, Luna, Agoo, Bacnotan, Balaoan, Bauang, Naguilian, Rosario); P-28 (Agno, Aguiliar, Alcala, Anda,Asingan, Binmaley, Bugallon, Bani, Dasol, Infanta, Mabini, Mapandan, San Jacinto, San Quintin, Sison, Tayug, Urbiztondo, Bolinao, Calasiao, Lingayen, Malasiqui, Mangaldan, Mangatarem, Pozorrubio, Rosales, San Nicolas, Umingan, Villasis) Note: San Fabian, Pang. (Still No. of FY 2012 PCF recipients provided 515 LGU recpts. 100% waiting for the approval of DBM. with capacity interventions in the prepara- (incl. 44 Regl. & tion of required PCF documents within 3 Nat. GPL recpts. 30 days Provinces Cities 6 6 IN-2 (Batac, Laoag); LU-1 (San Fernando); P-3 (Dagupan, Udaneta, San Carlos) Municipalities 56 56 IN-6 (Bacarra, Badoc, Dingras, San Nicolas, Solsona, Vintar); IS- 11 (Banta, Magsingal, Narvacan, Sinait, San Juan, Sta. Lucia, Sta. Maria, Sto. Domingo, Tagudin, Cabugao, Sta. Cruz); LU-10 (Aringay, Bangar, San Juan, Luna, Agoo, Bacnotan, Balaoan, Bauang, Naguilian, Rosario); P-29 (Agno, Aguiliar, Alcala, Anda,Asingan, Bugallon, Bani, Binmaley, Dasol, Infanta, Mabini, Mapandan, San Jacinto, San Quintin, Sison, Tayug, Urbiztondo, Bolinao, Calasiao, Lingayen, Malasiqui, Mangaldan, Mangatarem, Pozorrubio, Rosales, San Fabian, San Nicolas, Umingan, Villasis) No. of FY 2012 PCF-supported projects monitored on the status of PCF implementation - Completed Projects - 37 IN-11 (Bacarra-5, Badoc-1, Dingras-2, San Nicolas-1, Solsona-1, Vintar-1); IS-11 (Bantay-1, Cabugao-1, Magingal-1, San Juan-1, Sta. Cruz-1, Sta. Lucia-1, Sta. Maria-1, Sinait-1,Tagudin-3); LU-6 (Agoo-3, Aringay-1, Bangar-1, Rosario-1); P-9 (Anda-2, Lingayen- 1, Calasiao-1, Mangaldan-1, Asingan-3, San Quintin-1) - On-going Projects 37 18 IN-1 (Batac-1); LU-9 (Bauang-2, Naguilian-1, Balaoan-1, Bacnotan- 2, Luna-1, San Juan-1, San Fernando-1); P-8 (Agno-1, Bolinao-1, Infanta-1, Aguilar-1, San Carlos City-1, Malasiqui-1, Mapandan-1, Tayug-1) - Complying w/administrative requirements - 56 IN-30 (Batac City-29, Laoag City-1); IS-2 (Narvacan-1, Sto. Domingo-1); P-24 (Alcala-4, Bani-2, Bugallon-1, Dasol-1, Mabini-1, Mangatarem-1, Pozorrubio-1, Rosales-1, San Fabian-1, San Jacinto-2, Binmaley-1, Sison-2, Umingan-1, Urbiztondo-1, San Nicolas-1, Villasis-1, Dagupan City-1, Urdaneta City-1) No. of LGUs recipients of FY 2011 PCF 397 LGU recpts. 52 100% Subsidy Provinces FINANCIAL STATUS (Php) AMOUNT DISBURSED CY 2012) REMARKS ANNUAL ACCOMP. TOTAL CY 2012 OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS TOTAL LGUs (Target % of PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TARGETS (1ST-4TH PROGRAMMED ALLOTMENT Sub-allotment Foreign- Universe) Accomp. Regional % of Utili- (CY 2012) QTRS.) AMOUNT RECEIVED Funds zation from CO or LGU Assisted/Grants (RECURRING) Funds (Specify) Cities 3 IS-2 (Candon, Vigan); P-1 (Alaminos) Municipalities 49 IN-11 (Adams, Bangui, Banna, Burgos, Carasi, Currimao, Dumalneg, Marcos, Pagudpud, Paoay, Sarrat); IS-21 (Alilem, Banayoyo, Burgos, Caoayan, Cervantes, Galimuyod, Gregorio del Pilar, Lidlidda, Nagbukel, Quirino, Salcedo, San Emilio, San Esteban, San Ildefonso, San Vicente, Santa, Santa Catalina, Santiago, Sigay, Sugpon, Suyo); LU-9 (Bagulin, Burgos, Caba, Pugo, Santol, San GAbriel, Sto. Tomas, Sudipen, Tubao); P-8 (Basista, Bautista, Burgos, Labrador, Laoac, Natividad, Sta. Maria, Sto. Tomas) No. of FY 2011 PCF-supported projects 629 projects 104 100% monitored on the status of PCF implement- ation - Completed Projects 102 IN-25 (Adams-5, Banna-1, Burgos-4, Carasi-3, Currimao-1, Dumalneg-3, Marcos-5, Pagudpud-1, Paoay-1, Sarrat-1); IS- 30 (Candon City-4, Vigan City-1, Alilem-1, Banayoyo-1, Burgos-1, Caoayan-1, Cervantes-1, Galimuyod-1, Gregorio del Pilar-1, Lidlidda-1, Nagbukel-2, Quirino-3, Salcedo-2, San Emilio-1, San Esteban-1, San Ildefonso-1, San Vicente-1, Santa-1, Santa Catalina-1, Santiago-1, Sigay-1, Sugpon-1, Suyo-1); LU-14 (Bagulin-1, Burgos-1, Caba-6, Santol-1, San Gabriel-1, Sto. Tomas-1, Sudipen-2, Tubao-1); P-33 (Alaminos City-8, Basista-4, Bautista-1, Burgos-5, Labrador- 2, Laoac-10, Natividad-1, Sta. Maria-1, Sto. Tomas-1) - On-going Projects 1 IN-1 (Bangui-1) - Complying w/administrative requirements 1 LU-1 (Pugo-1) Waiting for the approval from DENR of the Environmental Compliance Certificate - Just received the PCF subsidy last Oct. 12, 2012. No. of FY 2011 PCF recipient LGUs with 397 LGU recpts. 12 13 108.33% IS-13 (Banayoyo, Candon City, Cervantes, Gregorio del good practices documented Pilar, Salcedo, Sugpon, Vigan, Galimuyod, San Esteban, San Ildefonso, Santa, Santiago, Sigay) 4. Local Governance Performance Management No. of LGUs that communicated to their 1,590 LGUs 123.08% 37,451.00 37,451.00 37,451.00 100% Communicated ttru meetings, assembly, brgy. System (LGPMS) constituents their state of local govern- (excl. ARMM) fiesta, State of the P/C/M Address ance performance Provinces 2 3 IN, IS, LU Cities 5 5 IN-2, IS-1, LU-1 Municipalities 58 72 IN-21, IS-32, LU-19 No.
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