ISSN 0002-9920 Notices of the American Mathematical Society ABCD springer.com Highlights in Springer’s eBook Collection of the American Mathematical Society June/July 2010 Volume 57, Number 6 The Mathematical Side of M. C. Escher page 706 The Giant Component: The Golden Anniversary 2010. 390 p. 50 illus. in color. 2010. XII, 564 p. 62 illus., 2010. XI, 327 p. With DVD. 2nd ed. 2010. XI, 395 p. (Interdisciplinary Applied 14 in color. Hardcover Hardcover 179 illus., (Springer page 720 Mathematics, Volume 35) ISBN 978-1-4419-6262-1 ISBN 978-3-642-01372-0 Undergraduate Mathematics Hardcover 7 approx. $149.00 7 $89.95 Series) Softcover Graph Theory in the ISBN 978-0-387-87707-5 ISBN 978-1-84882-890-2 7 approx. $69.95 7 $49.95 Information Age page 726 Hadwiger's Visit Springer at the following conferences Conjecture and Seagull Packing page 733 Syracuse Meeting 2010 MathFest Meeting 2010 ICM Conference page 798 Springer will be attending the upcoming Springer will be attending the upcoming ICM Volume 57, Number 6, Pages 697–816, June/July 2010 MathFest meeting in Pittsburgh, PA from Conference in Hyderabad, India from August 5th-August 7th. Stop by the Springer August 19th-August 27th. 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All prices are net prices. 014700x Trim: 8.25" x 10.75" 104 pages on 40 lb Velocity • Spine: 1/8" • Print Cover on 9pt Carolina ,!4%8 ,!4%8 ,!4%8 THE FEATURE COLUMN monthly essays on mathematical topics www.ams.org/featurecolumn Each month, the Feature Column provides an online in-depth look at a mathematical topic. Complete with graphics, links, and references, the columns cover a wide spectrum of mathematics and its applications, often including historical figures and their contributions. The authors—David Austin, Bill Casselman, Joe Malkevitch, and Tony Phillips—share their excitement about developments in mathematics. Recent essays include: Marian Rejewski and the First Break into Enigma A Non-Commutative Marriage System in the South Pacific School Choice We Recommend a Singular Value Decomposition How Much Longer Can This Go On? Simon Newcomb and “Natural Numbers” (Benford’s Law) Mathematics and Climate No Static at All: Frequency modulation and music synthesis The Mathematics of Rainbows People Making a Difference Trees, Teeth, and Time: The mathematics of clock making AMS members: Sign up for the AMS members-only Headlines & Deadlines service at www.ams.org/enews to receive email notifications when each new column is posted. 5L^HUK-VY[OJVTPUN =PZPVUZPU4H[OLTH[PJZ -\UJ[PVUZ:WHJLZHUK /VTVSVNPJHS(SNLIYH .(-(:WLJPHS=VS\TL7HY[0 ,_WHUZPVUZ VM:LTPTVK\SLZHUK .(-(:WLJPHS=VS\TL7HY[00 4H[OLTH[PJHS;VVSZPU7O`ZPJZ :LTPJVU[YHTVK\SLZ 5(SVU<UP]LYZP[`VM;LS(]P]0ZYHLS" HUK,UNPULLYPUN 37VZP[ZLSZRP0UZ[P[\[LMVY0UMVYTH[PVU 1)V\YNHPU7YPUJL[VU<UP]LYZP[` 6*OYPZ[LUZLU;LJOUPJHS<UP]LYZP[`VM ;YHUZTPZZPVU7YVISLTZ4VZJV^9\ZZPH 7YPUJL[VU51<:("(*VUULZ*VSSuNL +LUTHYR3`UNI`+LUTHYR KL-YHUJL7HYPZ-YHUJL"4.YVTV] ;OPZTVUVNYHWOL_HTPULZZLTPPUÄUP[L 0/,:)\YLZZ\Y@]L[[L-YHUJL" ;OPZNYHK\H[LSL]LS[L_[PZHUL_WVZP[PVUVM OVTVSVNPJHSHSNLIYHJVUJLU[YH[LKTVZ[S` =+4PSTHU<UP]LYZP[`VM;LS(]P]0ZYHLS TH[OLTH[PJHS[VVSZPUHUHS`ZPZMVYZ[\KLU[Z VU[OLZLTPPUÄUP[L[OLVY`VMHZZVJPH[P]LHS ,KZ YLZLHYJOLYZHUKWYHJ[P[PVULYZHJYVZZZJP NLIYHPJZ[Y\J[\YLZI\[HSZVPUJS\KLZZVTL LUJLHUKLUNPULLYPUN,]LY`[VWPJJV]LYLK TH[LYPHSVU[OLZLTPPUÄUP[LOVTVSVN`HUK ¸=PZPVUZPU4H[OLTH[PJZ;V^HYKZ¹ OHZILLUZWLJPÄJHSS`JOVZLUILJH\ZLP[ JVOVTVSVN`VM3PLHSNLIYHZHUK[VWVSVNP ^HZVULVM[OLTVZ[YLTHYRHISLTLL[ WSH`ZHRL`YVSLV\[ZPKL[OLÄLSKVMW\YL JHSNYV\WZ;OLTHPUVIQLJ[ZVMZ[\K`HYL PUNZPUYLJLU[`LHYZ0[^HZOLSKPU;LS(]P] TH[OLTH[PJZ(S[OV\NO[OL[YLH[TLU[VM [OLKV\ISLZPKLKKLYP]LKM\UJ[VYZ:LTP,_[ HUK\UP[LKSLHKPUNTH[OLTH[PJPHUZ LHJO[VWPJPZTH[OLTH[PJHSPUUH[\YLHUK HUK:LTP;VYHUK[OLWOLUVTLUVUVM ^VYSK^PKL;OLNVHSZVM[OLJVUMLYLUJL JVUJYL[LHWWSPJH[PVUZHYLUV[KLSPULH[LK JVTVK\SLJVU[YHTVK\SLJVYYLZWVUKLUJL ^LYL[VKPZJ\ZZ[OLWHZ[HUKM\[\YLVM [OLWYPUJPWSLZWYLZLU[LKHYLM\UKHTLU[HS JVUULJ[PUN[OLT^P[O[OLTVYLJVU]LU TH[OLTH[PJZHZ^LLU[LY[OLZ[JLU[\Y` [VL_WSVYPUN[OLJVTW\[H[PVUHSHZWLJ[ZVM [PVUHSVULZPKLK,_[HUK*[Y;VY*VU[YH HUK[VJVUZPKLY[OLJVUULJ[PVUIL[^LLU WO`ZPJZHUKLUNPULLYPUN9LHKLYZZOV\SK TVK\SLZHSZVWSH`HWYVTPULU[YVSLPU[OPZ TH[OLTH[PJZHUKYLSH[LKHYLHZ;OLHPTZ OH]LHZVSPK\UKLYZ[HUKPUNVMSPULHYHSNL IVVR VM[OLJVUMLYLUJLHYLYLÅLJ[LKPU[OLZ\Y IYHPU9UHUKPUNLULYHS]LJ[VYZWHJLZ /(9+*6=,94656.9(-0,4(;,4(;@*A5, ]L`HY[PJSLZKVJ\TLU[PUN[OLZ[H[LVM[OL -HTPSPHYP[`^P[O[OLJVUJLW[ZVMJHSJ\S\Z =63<4,7(7796? 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Gui-Qiang G. Chen and Benoît Perthame 740 The Mathematical Dramatist: Interview with 706 726 Gioia De Cari Julie Rehmeyer 747 Tate Receives 2010 Abel Prize In the past thirty years or so, combinatorics and finite mathematics have become ever more prominent players in 748 Yau and Sullivan Awarded our discipline. Collaboration graphs, Google search algo- 2010 Wolf Prize rithms, queueing theory, random graphs, Internet routing, 750 Doceamus: On Buckets and and coloring problems are just some of the hot topics of Fires which we are all aware. There are many more, and these Herbert S. Wilf are all showcased in the articles of the present issue of the Notices. M. C. Escher’s art is well known to be mathemati- 753 AMS Homework Software cally inspired, and surely some of that inspiration is com- Survey binatorial. We believe that this material combines to make Elaine Kehoe an inspiring and informative issue. —Steven G. Krantz Commentary Editor 701 Opinion: MathOverflow Features Anton Geraschenko, Scott Morrison, and Ravi Vakil 706 The Mathematical Side of M. C. Escher The Calculus of 743 Doris Schattschneider Friendship—A Book Review Reviewed by Lawrence S. 720 The Giant Component: The Golden Braden Anniversary Joel Spencer 726 Graph Theory in the Information Age Fan Chung 733 Hadwiger’s Conjecture and Seagull Packing Maria Chudnovsky Notices Departments of the American Mathematical Society About the Cover . 725 EDITOR: Steven G. Krantz Mathematics People . 758 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: 2010–2011AMS Centennial Fellowship Awarded, Khot Wins Waterman Krishnaswami Alladi, David Bailey, Jonathan Borwein, Award, Tropp Awarded Popov Prize, Kreck Receives Cantor Medal, Susanne C. Brenner, Bill Casselman (Graphics Editor), Robert J. Daverman, Susan Friedlander, Robion Kirby, Mantegazza Awarded 2010 Balaguer Prize, Hersh Awarded Michler Rafe Mazzeo, Harold Parks, Lisette de Pillis, Peter Prize, Sloan Fellowships Awarded, Prizes of the Mathematical Society Sarnak, Mark Saul, Edward Spitznagel, John Swallow of Japan, CMS Prizes Awarded, Hertz Foundation Fellowships Awarded, SENIOR WRITER and DEPUTY EDITOR: Prizes of the CRM, Leitgeb Awarded Humboldt Professorship, Tygert Allyn Jackson Receives NAS Award, Nesterov and Ye Awarded John von Neumann MANAGING EDITOR: Sandra Frost Theory Prize, Rollo Davidson Prizes Awarded, Putnam Prizes Awarded, CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Elaine Kehoe Guggenheim Fellowships Awarded, Intel Science Talent Search Winners CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Randi D.
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