SAU (Cbb'D LOTS FOR SALE (CwM. MOTOncrctn. AUTOMOHLIS FOK CROSS-WORD PUZZLE * 1941 convertible coupe, maroon; Goren.on SILVER SPG.—Extra wide Jot ST 05OC STOCK Bridge rnzxie. zz uenomma- side Bast block of Colesville rd.: lovely view te HORIZONTAL. Answer t* nncnars Neither vulnerable, the weet: nice homes ell around: alto Ph<me Sunday, _ tlons. deals. FOR SALE (Cent.). FOR KENT party: no dealer*. 1 Ornamental -INVEST. PROP. _STORES days alter S p<m., T*. 7054. —« 25 * 10 9 8 N.W.-r-lst-fioor store in ss in. ensemble. eTrTgI UlclUlTiEl Pp] Halting place. PLAT, nr. 16th ant 17th AND F STS. sr ’41 4-door Satan; radio and toLOBED—4-FAMILY vacaftt. Call rent dept BTOCK Special r 0 A 27 One-masted <?A7 Y CaPitol sts.—Tenants pay for heat ant busy neighborhood; M St. n.w., RE. 6073. —12 heater. Mk. fin., tire* s»*L 6 Woman's title IliaIpIkIlI r? M. BERNSTEIN A CO.. 1415 K St. LOT, 193 ft., on Capitol Vieu agdmotor Utilities; rent, *1.296 per yr. LXNKD« LEO CORNER Mt, 8.700 coni; 30-day guar. *1-296. LOGAN 0Q7» —11 contains about 21.- HARLEY 1945 model 45. buddy _ 11 A B R DI. 8688: eves., EM. 4764 —9 n.w. ME. 6400. ave., nr. Forest Glen: 1111 18th *t. n-vr. DL 6800. Envelope urPlTMRlllLtT_ CO.. streets. F»ter, sewer miles, excellent condition, 704 MOTORS. 30 + AK962 O ST. N.W.—1st commercial; eoloret L ST. N.W.—Modem lst-floor store 000 ft.: trees, paved .8690. —i»'B i *09 1302 elec. CRANE * HELAN. Realtors Heron pi.. Alex., Va. TE. 2040. —10 surrounding TtsMunrtTnn: 03^f® apartment house. 5 apartments; rentec in busy neighborhood, ideal for delicates- gas, A 878 8L. 4000. eves, till 8. —-10 AJ8 British motorcycle, excellent con- BTOCK 1939 Special: good motor, body the sun. I k11r s a dTeI antelope. AAQ42 v now at *168.50 monthly; no leases; *16,- sen or restaurant; vacant. Call.rent dept., fI vI de dition. Call HE. 3103 before noon. 10* 32 Superior. <7J»4 600 1st trust available; complete price LEO M. BERNSTEIN At CO.. 1415 K St. HAWTHORNE—A stone* Caldwell 12 Avenging <7KQ102 act at once for this bargain — U 7.732.8 su. ft. on Beech « HARXJEY-DAV1DSON, new 1948 mo- L 1 I* Earth 0 *17,600: n.w. ME. 5400. velopment: 1942 Piney Branch rd. SH. 9040. HM|S|w|ilitpB£M 34 goddess 010984 w-“ AJ8 Ives., AT. 7021, SAM CHANTKER As CO. 8Uvei n w For sate'by OWNER: 37 Mi cents su tor. Model 45. 4531 14th st. n.w. —10 spirit. H A * ist-FLOOR. 30x00. active location In —14 BTOCK 1941 Super 4-door *edau: radio, £ W M Q[wM £ 36 Baby car- *7 * Q 851 NA. 3934. ft. GE. 6539 after 8 P.m. _ recently 14 R| T| L|I} |602 Jgonn_ave.. Soring. Md.; has been lge. volume goeerJ 1934 HABJLEY-DAVIDSON "74"; clean; at 81 Conjunction 0 N In group! morn- heater; bargain *1x195. R E N iIkIsBI E store for 15 years; excellent proposition ATTENTION, BUILDERS—Lots orerhauled. cheap. Call HI. 2791 *t. n.w. DO. 4465. riages. AKJ8 Naval ant —1° HAWKINS. 1333-5 14th 15 Confused AMs] INVESTMENT PROPERTY WANTED for proper party. Call rent dept.. LEO M of 6 or more, close to Hospital ings. I|R 0 A|R| 37 To revolve. <7 8661 1415 K at. n.w National Institute of Health: water ant BTOCK 1941 Century 4-door sedan: radio, murmur. imBTTMBATT BERNSTEIN A CO.. INDIAN 1940 “74": mechanically perfmst. nsw, 4 -FAMILY APTS., with individual heatini —11 sewer available. E. M. FRY. INC Real heater; 30,000 actual miles; Hke a k 1 38 Weird. OK62 DI ME. 5400. new tires, buddy seat, chrome tank; $460. *t. 17 To read with _D L Units. HARRY HORTON, Broker, 7240 Wis. ave. WI. 6740. * —14 *1 545. SI HAWKINS. 1333-5 14th T(S ym| l| —9 SPACE FOR RENT in the finest neighbor- tors, AT. u v 40 Prayer. 4k J 104 1661. ideally locate: 6330s. n w DU. 4455. flTi lIeTtWcIaIlI In1 WE HAVE A CLIENT who desires a 4, 6 hood for delicatessen and bakery; onu TIERS MILL RD.—3 acres, sedan Roadmastcr; profound 19tl Price, $4,500. CRANE 6 BTOCK 1941 convertible MIL L « To mature. The bidding: er 8 unit apt. that is in good conditlor reliable person need apply. 92. for homesite. car in excel, cond.; attention. AIbIo rTIe m Realtors, 8L. 4000, eves. ttlHJ TRAILERS. radio and beater; and located in a desirable section; price: HELAN, OX. 1008. East South West North SPACES for rent in activi D(.m all-aluminum lifetime *1.876. —10.. 18 Greek letter. I D E drips I lira44 fair on today’s market. R. O. DUNNE SEVERAL SHOP SPARTAN, the only BTOCK 1937 Special club coup*; as Is, I Dl ftl ttaa L«1 Lai 47 Ardor. <7 location. 323 Cedar at WOODMOOK. 8ilver Storing; $1,450— trailer constructed by an aircraft eo.: Pass Pass 1 Double AT 8500 2nd.-commercial read! *196. VALLEY GARAGE. 4300 Arkansas 20 Oozes. n.w'.. Takoma Park, DmC. GE. OoOO. —1- Wooded lots, ail utilities, paved st., other 1947 trailers from $975 to 49 HAVE CASH BUYERS for properties, largi also ave. n.w.. RA. 9870. —11 sketched. 2<7 2* Pass Pass on. WI. 1683: eves,. SALES. 23 and small, at Personal at. NEW GROUP OF STORES being planner to build ¥.1,600. BOULEVARD TRAILER 4-dr. sedan; radio Melody. today's prices. fast- OL_31«0 BTOCK 1939 Special 4 Burden. number. 52 Malleable Pass Pass given all listings. L. H. Maury in general Hyattsville area, adjoining 9505 Washington-Baltimore 61vd., Berwyn, *895. XAJGAN MOTC® CO., 24 Identical. large 3<7 Double ideal for drug, gro- HIGH-CLASS SUBDIVISION—Owner ure- 6162. and heater; 14th st. n.w. AD. 8926, DI. 3346 growing community; Md. Tower Va. ave. ME. 2818 —14 5 11 Thicket. metal. cleaners or most any pur- ters to trade entire-130 lots for 15 to 2£ Ford dealer. 2017 26 Removes the Destroyed P&ss HALL J. WAPLB CO. cery. hardware, TRAILERCOACH HEADQUARTERS for BTOCK 1941 Super sedan model *•51': Mr. Jacob, FRED A. SMITH, Realtor, unit apartment or will sell on reasonable 6 Pronoun. 13 Twilled wor- 54 The self. dubs. Bo pose. past 6 years. Your housing problem can radio, heater, defroster; excellent condition moisture from. Opening lead: King of n.w.. RE. 6661. —8 terms, best Arlington location; near Wash 1113 17th be settled Quickly from our several new inside and out; *1,375. No dealers. Can 7 Land measure. sted fabric. 57 Symbol for where ACREAGE FOR SALE, NEW PARK AND SHOP to be built or Golf and Country Club; improvements in 28 for In tournament play, each lines totaling 14 models. Among these floor be seen after 6:30 p.m. AT. 2354, 3217 Symbol corner of Riggs and Ager blvds., Frinct or available to all lots. KE1.LY & BRAN- 8'To immerse. 16 Cipher. ruthenium. a the 10-ACRE BUILDING SITES, ¥1.500 eacl needs and desires can be.filled Hth pi. SC. -9 _ hand constitutes match, dog adjacent Green Meadows; DI. 7740, WI. 6844. —10 plans your silver. file; Juat off Route 240, Vi way betweei Georges County, NER, immediately. Price, $1,895 to $3,496 BTOCK 1941 convertible coupe: 83.000 fl Ox of Celebes. 19 Likeness. 58 Note of scale. stores; reasonable rents tt ONE ACRE of wooded land on a ridg« the for scores are at times Rockville and Frederick, Montgomery Co. 11 modern Finance for 24 months if desired. Higgins actual miles; original finish and 29 To exalt lights part tenants; construction to atari with a outlook, in a neighborhood perfect 10 21 Size of 60 Butterfly. Md.; easy term*. OWNER, SL. 6533. —( responsible pleasant Campers, utility trailers and accessories. leather upholstery; new top. tires and of. Indefinitely type. quite vigorously waged and unnatu- in very near future. For plans and othei restricted to protect property values while TRAILER SALES. U. S. Route I, heater spirit MONTGOMERY and F. G. Counties located al RICHTER brakes: excellent motor: fine radio, em- IN information, call Mr. Young, SHANNON preserving country freedom: Phone TO. 6036. owner; *1.695. 31 To obstruct. ral methods are Md.—40 acres, Vi cleared, V, —10 Berwyn. Md. and defroster; private frequently $5,500; A LOCHS CO.. NA, 2346. Annandale. 8 miles from Washington 4202. —10 to a wooded; watered by many ever-flowlni H STS. N.W.—23-ft $400 down: 3 rears or 1947 AMERICAN. Howard, Schult, Zim- Phone ALex. 33 wind. ployed to push the enemy up NEAR 17th AND Price, $1,359;- BTOCK 1941 Super sedan, black; good Strong Wrings; bounded by 2 county reads; ad excellent for retail busi- balance. See MASON HIRST, Annandale mer and Travelo trailer coaches. Granite not able to ; store (very deep); condition: new tires: *1.000 cash, call 35 On the sum- contract they may bb vantageously located between Latirel an< $350 month Cat the end of Columbia pike. Phone luggage trailers and camping trailers. Im-j ness or for offices: per Va., at SH. 9085 bet. 6 and 7 p.m. —10 case hue Burtonsville, near a famous riding acad LEGUM A GERBER REALTY ALex. 5812. Closed Sundays. med. delivery Oak Grove Court Trailer, mit of. fulfill. An interesting Is Mr. Gerber, TRAILER CO., BTOCK 1940 club coupe, #850. 815 B at. emy; an ooportunity to create a gentle CO.
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