1 D I R E C T O R Y 3

1 D I R E C T O R Y 3

D i r e c t o r y 1 Michael Adamson Stephen Akers, M.D. Charles G. Alex, M.D. Department of Paediatrics 3 Cooper Plaza, Suite 312 Section Pulmonary/Critical Care, 111N A Monash University Camden, NJ 08103, USA Hines VA Hospital Clayton Rd. % 1-609-342-2478 Hines, IL 60141, USA 3168 Clayton, Vic, Australia % 1-708-343-7200 ext 1509 Haydee Abdala % 61-3-550-4487 Torbjörn Åkerstedt, Ph.D. & 1-708-531-7982 & 61-3-550-4124 R. Lamenha Lins, 305 CJ. 42 IPM & Dept. Clin. Neurosc. 80230 Curitiba - PR, Brazil Karolinska Institute A.D. Alexiev A.K. Admani Box 230 Inst. of Neuropsychiatry and Victor Abdullah, MB, FRCS Northern General Hospital 17177 Stockholm, Sweden Neurosurgery Herries Rd. 46-8-7286945 Department of ENT % Str. Georgi Sofiisky 1 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Sheffield, S57 AU, United Kingdom & 46-8-344143 31 Sofia, Bulgaria The Prince of Wales Hospital % 359-2-71-53-28 Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Joëlle Adrien, Ph.D. Muhammad J. Akhtar CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière Dept. of Psychological Medicine Peter Alföldi Christine Acebo, Ph.D. INSERM U288 District General Hospital Dept. of Physiology Bradley Sleep Research Lab 91 Bd. de l’Hôpital Harton Lane Univ. Medical School E.P. Bradley Hospital 75013 Paris, France Southshields, Tyne & Wear Dom Ter 10 1011 Veterans Memorial Parkway % 33-1-40-77-97-13 NE34 0PL, United Kingdom 6720 Szeged, Hungary East Providence, RI 02915, USA & 33-1-40-77-97-90 % 44-91-454-8888 % 36-62-12049 % 1-401-421-9440 & 36-62-26444 & 1-401-453-3578 Vinod Kumar Agarwal, M.D., MBBS Abdulla Al-Baker, FRCSE, FRCPI [email protected] Vasudha Apartments, plot-41, Hamad Medical Corporation Chris Alford Flat no. 020 P.O. Box 3093 Ximena Acevedo-Escobar Univ. of the West of England, Bristol Sector IX Doha, Qatar Bristol, United Kingdom Depto. de Farmacologia 110085 Rohini, New Delhi, India % 974-426607 % 44-272-655384 ext 4307 Universidad de Chile % 91-11-726-5032 & 974-425550 Facultad de Medicina & 44-272-750403 Correo 7 Stgo Emilia Agrafojo Md. Noor Alam, Ph.D. 70000 Santiago, Casilla, Chile Hervé Allain, Ph.D. Neuroscience Program Neurophysiology Research & 56-2-777-69-16 Lab. of Clinical Pharmacology UCLA School of Medicine VA Medical Center (151A3) Faculte de Medecine Brain Research Institute 16111 Plummer Street Peter Achermann, Ph.D. Ave. Pr. Leon Bernard CHS 73-346 Sepulveda, CA 91343, USA Institute of Pharmacology 35043 Rennes, Brittany, France Los Angeles, CA 90024-1761, USA % 1-818-891-7711 ext 7582 University of Zürich % 33-99-33-68-72 % 1-310-825-8153 & 1-818-895-9575 Winterthurerstrasse 190 & 33-99-33-68-90 8057 Zürich, Switzerland & 1-310-206-5855 Robert Albers, M.D. % 41-1-257-5954 Gary Allen & 41-1-257-5707 Pascal Agricole 1106 Pinehurst Dalhousie University [email protected] Schering S.A. Hays, KS 67601, USA Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Lys Lez Lannot % 1-913-625-4224 Adele Ackell, M.D. 59452 France & 1-913-625-3725 Peter Allen 721 Glenwood Drive, Suite 467 % 33-20-75-97-20 Chattanooga, TN 37404, USA & 33-20-80-23-44 Katherine Albert, M.D., Ph.D. PO Box 497 1-615-698-3423 % 504 E. 63rd St., #280 Haverford, PA 19041, USA Raúl Aguilar-Roblero, M.D., Ph.D. New York, NY 10021, USA % 1-215-687-0708 Ivan F. Ackerman, M.D. Instituto de Fisiología Celular % 1-212-746-2623 500 Vonderburg Drive, 211 West Universidad Nacional Autónoma & 1-212-746-8742 Richard P. Allen, Ph.D. Brandon, FL 33511, USA de México Hopkins Sleep Disorders Center % 1-813-689-1247 Apdo. Postal 70-253 Oscar Alcalde Neurology/Johns Hopkins University & 1-813-685-3735 04510 México, D.F., México Sleep Disturbance 5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle % 52-5-622-5650 VA Medical Center (151A3) Baltimore, MD 21224, USA Marion Adair & 52-5-622-5607 16111 Plummer Street % 1-410-550-0571 5771 Glenn Hollow Lane Sepulveda, CA 91343, USA & 1-410-550-2612 Norcroff, GA 30071, USA Acacia Aguirre, M.D., Ph.D. % 1-818-891-7711 ext 7585 Laboratoire d’Étude du Sommeil & 1-818-895-9575 Roger Allen, M.D. Kirstine Adam CNRS (URA 1159) Department of Thoracic Medicine The Birches 47 Bd de l’Hôpital Alcione Alcantara Goncalves The Prince Charles Hospital 41 St. Ronan’s Terrace 75651 Paris Cedex 13, France R. Mandaguaris, 420 Rode Road, Chermside Innerleithen % 33-1-45-70-32-22 17600 Tupa - SP, Brazil 4032 Brisbane, Qld, Australia Peeblesshire, Scotland % 61-7-350-8406 EH44 6RB, United Kingdom Naseem Ahmad Khan & 61-7-359-5756 % 44-896-830-817 Michael Aldrich, M.D. Brain Research Center & 44-896-830-907 Dept. of Neurology J.N. Medical College Consuelo M. Almenar University of Michigan 202002 A.M.U. Aligarh, India Glenn Adams, M.D. TC1920-0316 Neurology Sleep Disorders Unit 1895 Floyd Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0316, USA Instituto Dexeus Thomas G. Aigner Sarasota, FL 34239, USA % 1-313-936-9045 Paseo de la Bonanova 61 % 1-813-366-5864 5900 Ryland Drive & 1-313-936-8763 08017 Barcelona, Spain & 1-813-365-4276 Bethesda, MD 20817, USA [email protected]. % 34-3-212-1354 % 1-301-530-7390 umich.edu Jose Adams, M.D. Lorraine Dolores Almendarez Mount Sinai Medical Center Robert Aisenberg, M.D. David Alessi, M.D., FACS San Diego State University 4300 Alton Road 1030 President Avenue 8631 West Third Street, #625E 441 “L” Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33140, USA Fall River, MA 02720, USA Los Angeles, CA 90048, USA National City, CA 91950, USA % 1-305-674-2727 % 1-508-676-3411 % 1-310-657-2253 % 1-619-474-1984 & 1-305-674-2306 & 1-508-677-0167 & 1-310-657-7914 & 1-619-552-7536 2 W F S R S Stephen Alan Almira, Ph.D. R. Michael Alvarez, D.D.S. Sonia Ancoli-Israel, Ph.D. Lajos Angyan, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. 1101 Beacon Street 2188 Peralta Boulevard, Suite D Department of Psychiatry (116) Inst. Physiol. Brookline, MA 02146, USA Fremont, CA 94536, USA VAMC Univ. Medical School % 1-617-527-0693 % 1-510-713-6797 3350 La Jolla Village Drive Szigeti Ut 12 & 1-510-793-3582 & 1-617-566-1719 San Diego, CA 92161, USA 7643 Pecs, Hungary % 1-619-552-8585 ext 3828 % 36-72-324-122 Fernando Alvariño Helena Almirall, Ph.D. & 1-619-552-7536 & 36-72-315-714 Depto. de Farmacologia y Dept. of Psychology [email protected] Terapeutica/Facultad de Medicina Marc Ansseau, M.D., Ph.D. University of Balearic Islands Hospital de Clinicas C. Valldemossa KM 7.5 Thomas F. Anders, M.D. Psychiatric Unit Piso 1 CHU du Sart Tilman (B-35) 07071 Palma, Balears, Spain 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay 1712 Redwood Lane 4000 Liège, Belgium % 34-971-173147 % 598-2-47-27-07 Davis, CA 95616-1020, USA % 32-41-66-79-56 & 34-971-173184 & 598-2-47-17-83 % 1-916-734-3914 eandbsrrpø@ps.uib.es & 32-41-66-72-83 Rosana S. Cardoso Alves, M.D. Bodil Andersen, M.D. Flavio Aloe, M.D. Edmundo Anteola, M.D. Rua Capote Valente, 763 Dept. of Psychiatry Alameda Jau, 1791 05409 São Paulo - SP, Brazil Pulmonary Medicine Assocs., Inc. Odense University Hospital 01420-002 São Paulo - SP, Brazil % 55-11-853-3675 28901 Clemens Rd., #111 5000 Odense, Denmark % 55-11-280-9519 Westlake, OH 44145, USA % 45-65-90-81-07 & 55-11-280-9519 Gerusa Alves da Silva, M.D. % 1-216-892-4655 & 45-65-90-81-74 & 1-216-892-4658 Joao Nutti, 443 AP 32 Paulo Alterwain, M.D. 14085-510 Ribeirao Preto - SP, Brazil Michael W. Anderson, Ph.D. Ral Antic, MBBS, FRACP Blvd. Artigas 266. Ap. 201 % 55-16-627-1892 & 55-16-633-1144 4320 Wornall Road, Suite 514 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay Dept. Thoracic Medicine Kansas City, MO 64111, USA Royal Adelaide Hospital & 598-2-47-1783 Veronica M. Amado % 1-816-756-2466 North Terrace 5000 Adelaide, SA, Australia Humberto Altier, M.D. SQS 315 Bl. A/201 & 1-816-756-5015 70384 Brasilia - DF, Brazil % 61-8-224-5372 Depto. de Farmacologia y Ingrid L. Anderzen & 61-8-224-0884 Terapeutica Jose Luis Amaral Batista FOA Hospital de Clinicas John Antrobus R. PE. Anselmo, 117 Facultad de Medicina 17290 Sundbyberg, Sweden 13090 Campinas - SP, Brazil Department of Psychology Piso 1 % 46-8-6631500 City College of New York 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay Antonio Ambrogetti, M.D. New York, NY 10031, USA % 598-2-47-27-07 Miriam Andrade, M.Sc. Sleep Unit % 1-212-1690-6700 & 598-2-94-34-16 Departamento de Ciências Biologicas Royal Newcastle Hospital & 1-212-650-7340 2300 Newcastle, NSW, Australia FCL - UNESP Kenneth Z. Altshuler, M.D. % 61-49-236000 Av Dom Antonio 2100 Ursula Anwer, M.D. 19800-000 Assis, São Paulo, Brazil Department of Psychiatry & 61-49-236520 119 Belmont University of Texas % 55-183-222-933 Worcester, MA 01605, USA Southwestern Medical Center Maria Vittoria Ambrosini & 55-183-225-743 % 1-508-793-6641 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Medicina Sperimentale e Scienze & 1-508-793-6695 Dallas, TX 75235-9070, USA Biochim. Stefan Andreas, M.D. % 1-214-688-3856 Universita degli Studi di Perugia Cardiology & Pneumology Siva Appavoo, M.D., FRCP[C] Via del Giochetto Robert Koch Str. 40 1902-170 Hargrave St. Yelena Altshuller, M.S. 06100 Perugia, Italy 37075 Göttingen, Germany Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3H4 Department of Psychiatry % 39-75-5853479 & 39-75-5852067 % 49-551-396351 Canada SUNY at Stony Brook % 1-204-947-1937 Stony Brook, NY 11794-9101, USA Roberto Amici, M.D.

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