Chelsea Theater Center is a free professional theater designed to serve and develop unknown writers while simultaneously de­ veloping new audiences for the theater. It is concerned with any play of contemporary interest; from plays of protest to kitchen drama, from commercial come­ dies to political satire-if it has a bag, it is an eclectic one. Established in 1965 off off-Broad­ way, the Chelsea Theater Center, 3 years and 39 plays later, takes up residence in a new theater at the Brooklyn Academy of Music Chelsea Theater Center for its fourth season, 1968-69. @.li: li:lfu® mrr©©JlillWffi\ &~cdl®11lfuW ©~ ~m~fi© The Chelsea Th eater Center Plays-in~ Workshop program serves as a testing ground for author, director, performers and audience--a place w here an artist, well-known or unknown, may work, without pressure, on a project of in­ terest. The program is directly related to CTC's policy of discoverin g and de­ veloping new work s. In workshop, physical production is minimal and re­ hearsal time for each work is limited. The author has a chance to see his play mounted, utilizing professional actors, sound and lights. From a Play-in-Work­ shop, the script, reworked during or after the production, may then move Robert Kalfin to a more complex presentation. In the Artistic Director past, CTC has mounted the same work Michael David as a read ing, a workshop and then a Executive Director full production, sometimes with a year or more in between. Chelsea Theater BOARD OF DIRECTORS Oliver Rea, Chairman Center is interested in developing play­ Robert E. Armstrong w ri ghts as well as plays. George A. Bari HONORARY The over-all program gives CTC, and Susan Bloch ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ben Edwards Harold Clurman everyone else, a chance to become Henry Guettel Barbaralee D. Diamonstein familiar with a work and its problems, Robert Kalfin John Houseman several times, if necessary, and hope­ O mar K. Lerman Ju les Irving fully without the pressu re of sleepless Ernest Levenstein Richard Kirschner nights in New Haven and thousands of Helen Merrill Sidney Lanier Anthony Perkins Lawrence Sch ubert Lawrence, Jr. dollars going down the drain if the O liver Rea Milton Lyon author doesn't create by tomorrow's Ira T. Wender Robert Whitehead opening. Mrs. Charles Yearwood Fred Williams Th1JNDER ll~ THE INDEX BIG CITY EREAKDO~~ by by PHILIP DEAN HEN'RY ZEIGER Directed by. Directed by fi® Gladys Vaughan Isaiah Sheffer ]F)ll~rr~fc 9~ Lighting Designer Design Consultant IF©rr11llf[ffi. George Peck Eoin Sprott (four new Plays~in-Workshop) Stage ;,ranager Lee Caldwell Fourth Season 1968~69 Saturday, Dec. 14 thru Monday, Dec. 16 Assistant Stage Nanager CHRISTOPHE Suki Dewey by John Gay Sound Electrician Saturday, Dec. 21 thru Monday, Dec. 23 Suki Dewey Ed Dougherty THE BLOOD OF THE PIG AND THE BITE OF THE DOG by Elizabeth Levin Thursday, Jan. 23 thru Saturday, Jan. 25 ~OMMUNITY KITCHEN by Alex Foster THUNDER IN THE INDEX Thursday, Jan. 30 thru Saturday, Feb. 1 "Ay me, what act, THE WATCH-PIT That roars so loud, and Thunders by Kit Jones in the Index?" · Hamlet, III,iv. ALL PERFORMANCES Joshua •...... •.......•.........• Philip Dean* ADMISSION FREE Dr. Goldn:an ...•...•...•••.•••••.• Ed Seamon* Curtain Time: 8:30p.m. Nurse ....•.................•...•. Pat 0' Tool# Attendants .•.............••.•..•. George Peck The Third Theater Robert vlilde in the Brooklyn Academy of Music 30 lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, New York Reservations: ST 3-5111 -interrr.ission- STAFF FOR CHELSEA THEATER CENTER Production Man.Jfll.'t George Bari Pmducrion Auociare Clinton J<~keman BIG CITY BREAKDOWN Aclmino.wative Auist.tnt Verdelle Standard Lighring Design George Peck Tenant .....••..•..•.•••••.•.•...• Aston Yount Lirerary .mel Re)f!.Jrch Advisor (Dr~maturg ) lee Caldwell Superintendant ••..•..••.• ~ ..•..•• LeeR?Y G~les Design Consultant Eoin Sprott Girl ••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••. Lesl1e R1. vers* Volunteer Assistant June Jerome ... J~.rr. Rose ••••••••.•••••••••••••••• Hy Anzel..,.. ~ The Third Theater stage designed by Inspector························Wil Alber~ Robert Mitchell in association with Potter· .• ··• • • · · · · • • • • · · • ········Allie WoodS''= MacFayden and Knowles, AlA. Scenic Rebel· .•• ·· .• ···••·• • · • • · • ·······Daniel Goldman* units designed by Eoin Sprott. lighting Guitar: James Slon:an bv George Peck. *Equity r\~ember appearing through the courtesy of Actor's Equity Association. AU CONTRIBUTIONS AU TAX DEDUCTIIlf. THUNDER IN THE INDEX PHILIP DEAN (playwright, Joshua) his BIRD OF DAWNING SINGETH ALL NIGHT LONG, first seen at th~ Chelsea Theater Center, ended its run last week at The American Place Theater. GLADYS VAUGHAN (director) has dire.cted the New York Shakespeare Festival prod~cti9ns of CORIOLANUS, MACBETH, WINTER'S TALE and James Earl Jones in OTHELLO,• Her numerous New York credits include the New York premiere of Bre·tht' s BAAL as well as OTHEL'LO ·in repertory for Circle-in-the-Square, twoH>rorks-in-progress for thec·"Amer.ican Place Theater and Brecht's EDWARD II · for the Theater of Ideas. Miss: Vaughan, .. who spent a year studying British Repertory Theate·r under a Fulbright Grant, has also directed for .. the Front Street Theater in Memphis, the Washington Arena and the American. Theater Wing. ED SEAMON (Dr. Goldman) rec~ntly appeared as. The Scotsman in ·chelsea · ·. Theater Center's opening production, CHRISTOPHE • . · · .~ PAT O'TOOLE (Nurse) presently studying with the Tucom. Theater Workshop, she last appeared off-off Broadway a·s Alice in DANCE OF DEATH. In reg­ ional theater, Miss O'Toole has played Catherine in THE HEIRESS, Aima in SU~R AND SMOKE and Tracy in THE_PHILADELPHIA - . ST~Y. , _.· . ''':·'-:.. .. :-- J. '~ .. ·, . , .. .. - BIG CITY.~· BREAKDOWN ·.-... •'· HENRY ·'ZEIGER {playwright) •' Playwr.ight, novelist And critic; his play ·. FIVE ·DAYS, produced a1t Chelse~ :tAe.at~r Center .. in.l965 (CTP'S first pro­ duction), was ~lso seen onJvGinl~T~·; in Boston and is inclutl~~.· tn Beacon Press' ttBes:t,--Plays -of 1955-56." H1..s ,work, MR HUBERT, playea1 1.n London in 1966. Mr. Zeiger's books include THE CASE AGAINST ADOLF ~lCHM0N~ 1 LYNDON B. JOHNSON: MAN AND PRESIDENT· and ROBERT F. KENNEDY:' A BIOG~PHY. A graduate of the Yale School of Drama, he writes drama criticism for · The -- New L.eader ,. The New Repu_blic .,and . ShQ.:W magazines. .... ,.~ ' ... ''t - ·~ .·..1 • • .. ISAIAH SHEFFER· (director) · has been a WBAI:·-.Drama Critic s.ince .1962. His bi-weekly program, ·ttTheater Review with. n~a~ah Sheff~r,., '!: . ~- ~.. heard regular­ ly on WBAI. Mr. Sheffer is a director, prOd\l.c.er, writer tl,I;lcl' ~qt~r and . · has staged many .Off-Broadway product.ion.s, ·.among theni THE.. ,T,HE;A.~~- ·10F PERETZ · !: (1963), Brecht's THE EXCEPTION AND THE RUlE (1965-67}_ . ~nq '· .11161le· l .. De Ghel­ dercde's CHRONICLES OF HELL (1967). He was also the au~hor · and . director of the award-winning documentary film THE LAST CHAPTER. Mr. Sheffer is .presently an Assistant Professor of Theater Arts at Columbia and directs the Columbia University Summer Theater. He is also a producer-director at the newly-organized DMZ Political Cabaret and a contributor to the New Leader and Midstream. ASTON YOUNG {tenant) past director of the summer stock program at James Weld~o . Johnson Theater Arts Center, his Off-Broadway credits include OLD GLORY at the American Place Theater, BENITO CERINO at Theater DeLys, THE TRAILS OF BROTHER JERO and STRONG BREED. Seen on TV's EDGE OF NIGHT, Mr. Young appeared in CTC's past production PSALMS ARE PSUNG ON PSUNDAYS. .' ' ,. ~ . -· .. .. LEEROY GILES (superintendant) his past New York productions include ANOrHER SIDE OF TOMORROW; MAN, I REALLY AM; COLO~ US COLORED; CASTE LIFE .·. ~Ey~w and Mr .• Gile · ~:· Monologue. GO DOWN DEATH w~s : seen as a showcase pro- ,, .. · duct· ~on .. at the Am~r~can Co~un~~Y Theater. · Tr~uned ·at Ac~or' s Mobile Thea­ ter and A.C.T., h~s TV cred~ts ~nclude ··a Channel 13 educational series, . ~ENN STATION •. ~e ~as a. member of the AJASS Repertory Theater a.nc;l <;ippeared ~n the 1964...,'6.5 product~on) NATURALLY. · ... •. -. .. ~ . .\. LESL!E RIVERS (girl) recently in th~ .. premiere of THE'.. VI~LAGE~: -\A ···PARTY as Bella at Princeton's 'McCarter rheatre, she . appearetl in-·:th~' New· ·rork .'.Theatre-in-the-Streets tours of: ·Moliere's THE BUNGLER' cind=an '"adapta.tion .... o:f Chekhov' s CHANE LEON • . She was · ·5 :~~eJ;1 in the Chicago cofupan.y or: Douglas . turner Wa~~ · 's HAPPY ENDING and DAY> 9F ABSENCE. Her TV credits include N.Y.P.D. ahd DIRECTIONS. · ·{·, . HY ANZEL (Mr. Rose) seen on Broadway in SEIDMAN AND SON; BLOOD, SWEAT AND STANLEY POOLE; OKLAHOMA; ,BEGGAR'' S HOLIDAY and . LITTLE MUR~ERS, ... , he has appeared on the Los Angeles stage in A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE and THE LOVE OF FOUR COLONELS. His mant film and TV credits include BEAU JAMES, '· . ·· .. ·BLACK ~UESDA!l. ' TH~ .. TEN CO~WIANDMENTS and .fLAYHOUSE." .. ' 9;Q, ~.·{ 1;30~ r ~~OPE SHOW and ,: ..H1e ~,ACK~ .. · G~~pqN . SHOW: respectively. ... ·.. : · ... ..• ·. ,_,_. ... ,. vliL ALBERT (inspector) recently seen in CTC 's produc·tions THE BLOcb · OF THE PIG AND THE BITE OF THE DOG and CHRISTOPHE, he spent the 1967-68 season with the Pittsburg ~ Playhouse Repertory where he played King Henry in HENRY IV, Part I; Majon Petkaf in ARMS AND THE MAN and Frankie in THREE MEN ON A HORSE. Last seen on Broadway in FADE OUT., .f.f\DE, TN, among his Off-Broadway credits are MEDEA and DINNY AND T·HE WI'PC-HE&·.-:-=He .. has also played feature roles for two years on CBC-TV • . .. ,.~ ALL:IE: WOODS (Pott~r) member of ·,t.h~ : ::~~~;i.dent acting· compari~<h.r · .t.h~ :: Negro · .EnseiT).ble, he has appeared in NEC · pr~ductions ef SONG oF · ..r .HE J,USITAt-i.IAN BOGEY~ DADDY GOODNESS, KONGI' S HARVEST.; .·and recently, GOD' I$.
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