Facebook 770 Broadway New York, New York

Facebook 770 Broadway New York, New York

770FACEBOOK BROADWAY 11TH770 BROADWAY FLOOR, 13TH FLOOR AND ROOF NEW YORK, NEW YORK AUGUSTSEPTEMBER 13, 201924, 2019 1519044-00 VIEW 3 4T H A V E N U E 80' - 0" VIEW 2 WANAMAKER PLACE E 9TH ST 325' - 8 1/4" E 9TH ST 60' - - 0" 60' Y " 6 BLOCK 554 A 1 4 / T W 5 H D 8 LOT 1 - - A A - ' V O 5 E 8 R 1 770 BROADWAY 4 1/16" - 185' B 15 STORY 170' - 0 1/2" 337' - 1 1/2" E 8TH ST E 8TH ST 60' - - 0" 60' T S E T T VIEW 1 E NORTH = 30 Y A F A L SITE INFORMATION ADDRESS: 770 BROADWAY , NEW YORK, NY 10003 BOROUGH: MANHATTAN ZONING DISTRICT: C2-2 ZONING MAP: C12 TAX BLOCK: 554 TAX LOT: 01 NUMBER OF STORIES: 15 VIEW 1- COOPER AND ASTOR PLACE, 2019 PAGEPAGE 11 2 OF 2719 15190441519044-00-00 | 08/22/201909/18/2019 | 08/22/19 VIEW 2 - 9TH AND UNIVERSITY, 2019 VIEW 3 - 9TH AND BROADWAY, 2019 _BUILDING LOCATION 770 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK CLOSE UP - NORTH FACADE CLOSE UP - EAST FACADE CLOSE UP - WEST FACADE CLOSE UP - NORTH FACADE CLOSE UP - EAST FACADE CLOSE UP - WEST FACADE PAGEPAGE 11 3 OF 2719 15190441519044-00-00 | 08/22/201909/18/2019 | 08/22/19 _BUILDING FACADES CLOSE UPS 770 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK BROADWAY AT EAST 8TH STREET, 1925 (NYPL) BROADWAY AT EAST 9TH STREET, 1999 LPC DESIGNATION PHOTO PAGEPAGE 11 4 OF 2719 15190441519044-00-00 | 08/22/201909/18/2019 | 08/13/19 _HISTORIC IMAGES 770 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK COOPER AND ASTOR PLACE, 1915 (ARCHITECTURAL RECORD) COOPER AT EAST 7TH STREET, 1925 (NYPL) PAGEPAGE 11 5 OF 2719 15190441519044-00-00 | 08/22/201909/18/2019 | 08/22/19 _HISTORIC IMAGES 770 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 4T H A V E N U E 80' - 0" NORTH ELEVATION VIEW E 9TH ST WANAMAKER PLACE 325' - 8 1/4" E 9TH ST 60' - - 0" 60' 13TH FLOOR Y " 6 BLOCK 554 A 1 4 / T W 5 11TH FLOOR H D 8 LOT 1 - - A A - ' V O 5 E 8 R 1 770 BROADWAY 4 1/16" - 185' B 15 STORY STREET VIEW- NORTH ELEVATION 170' - 0 1/2" 337' - 1 1/2" T E 8TH ST ES 8TH ST 60' - - 0" 60' E T T E Y A NORTH = 30 F A KEY PLAN L EXISTING LOUVERS TO BE REMOVED AND Level Roof Envelope 223' - 10 1/2" REPLACED BY GLASS WINDOW. EXISTING LEVEL 16 FRAME TO REMAIN. SEE EXISTING ELEVATION 218' - 10 1/2" PICTURE # 4 ON 13TH FLOOR EXISTING 22' - 1" - 22' OPENINGS SHEET. Level 15 Envelope 201' - 9 1/2" 52' - 11" - 52' UPPER TIER 15' - 10" - 15' Level 14LEVEL Envelope 14 185' - 11 1/2" 15' - 0" - 15' Level 13LEVEL Envelope 13 170' - 11 1/2" 14' - 0" - 14' Level 12LEVEL Envelope 12 156' - 11 1/2" EXISTING LOUVERS TO BE REMOVED AND 14' - 0" - 14' REPLACED BY GLASS WINDOW. EXISTING Level 11LEVEL Envelope 11 FRAME TO REMAIN. SEE EXISTING 142' - 11 1/2" ELEVATION PICTURE #1 ON 11TH FLOOR 14' - 0" - 14' EXISTING OPENINGS SHEET. Level 10 Envelope 128' - 11 1/2" Level14' 5 1/2" - 9 Envelope 114' - 6" 114' - 3 1/2" - 114' MIDDLE TIER Level14' 5 1/2" - 8 Envelope 100' - 0 1/2" Level14' 5 1/2" - 7 Envelope 85' - 7" Level14' 5 1/2" - 6 Envelope 71' - 1 1/2" Level14' 5 1/2" - 5 Envelope 56' - 8" Level 14' - 10 1/2" 4 Envelope 41' - 9 1/2" 17' - 17' - 11 1/2" Level 3 Envelope8" - 56' 23' -LOWER TIER 10" Level13' 0 1/2" - 2 EnvelopeLEVEL 2 10' -10' 9 1/2"- 0" Level10' 9 1/2" - 1 EnvelopeLEVEL 1 0' - 0" NORTH ELEVATION EXISTING PAGE 6 OF 27 1519044-00 | 09/04/201909/18/2019 _EXISTING NORTH EXTERIOR FACADE 770 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NEW YORK 4T H A V E N U E 80' - 0" NORTH ELEVATION VIEW E 9TH ST WANAMAKER PLACE 325' - 8 1/4" E 9TH ST 60' - - 0" 60' Y " 6 BLOCK 554 A 1 4 / T W 5 H D 8 LOT 1 - - A A - ' V O 5 E 8 R 1 770 BROADWAY 4 1/16" - 185' B 15 STORY 170' - 0 1/2" 337' - 1 1/2" T E 8TH ST ES 8TH ST 60' - - 0" 60' E T T E Y A NORTH = 30 F A KEY PLAN L NEW GLASS WINDOWS TO BE INSTALLED. SEE TYPICAL ELEVATION 5A ( PROPOSED) ON 13TH FLOOR EXISTING OPENINGS Level Roof Envelope SHEET. 223' - 10 1/2" 22' - 1" - 22' Level 15 Envelope 201' - 9 1/2" 52' - 11" - 52' UPPER TIER 15' - 10" - 15' Level 14LEVEL Envelope 14 185' - 11 1/2" 15' - 0" - 15' Level 13LEVEL Envelope 13 170' - 11 1/2" 14' - 0" - 14' Level 12LEVEL Envelope 12 NEW GLASS WINDOWS TO BE INSTALLED. 156' - 11 1/2" SEE TYPICAL ELEVATION 2B ( PROPOSED) ON 11TH FLOOR EXISTING OPENINGS 0" - 14' Level 11LEVEL Envelope 11 SHEET. 142' - 11 1/2" 14' - 0" - 14' Level 10 Envelope 128' - 11 1/2" Level14' 5 1/2" - 9 Envelope 114' - 6" 114' - 3 1/2" - 114' MIDDLE TIER Level14' 5 1/2" - 8 Envelope 100' - 0 1/2" Level14' 5 1/2" - 7 Envelope 85' - 7" Level14' 5 1/2" - 6 Envelope 71' - 1 1/2" Level14' 5 1/2" - 5 Envelope 56' - 8" Level 14' - 10 1/2" 4 Envelope 41' - 9 1/2" 17' - 17' - 11 1/2" Level 3 Envelope8" - 56' 23' -LOWER TIER 10" Level13' 0 1/2" - 2 EnvelopeLEVEL 2 10' -10' 9 1/2"- 0" Level10' 9 1/2" - 1 EnvelopeLEVEL 1 0' - 0" NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED PAGE 7 OF 27 1519044-00 | 09/04/201909/18/2019 _EXTERIOR FACADE -- NORTH PROPOSED 770 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 4T H A V E N U E 80' - 0" WANAMAKER PLACE E 9TH ST 325' - 8 1/4" E 9TH ST 13TH FLOOR - 0" 60' Y " 6 BLOCK 554 A 1 / W 5 D EAST ELEVATION VIEW 8 LOT 1 A - ' O 5 4 8 11TH FLOOR R T 1 770 BROADWAY 4 1/16" - 185' H B A 15 STORY V E 170' - 0 1/2" 337' - 1 1/2" STREET VIEW- EXISTING EAST ELEVATION( PARTIAL) E 8TH ST E T 8TH ST S 60' - - 0" 60' E T T E Y A NORTH = 30 F KEY PLAN A L EXISTING LOUVERS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED NEW GLASS WINDOWS TO BE INSTALLED. SEE BY GLASS WINDOW. EXISTING FRAME TO REMAIN. TYPICAL ELEVATION 5A (PROPOSED) ON 13TH SEE EXISTING ELEVATION PICTURE # 4 ON 13TH FLOOR EXISTING OPENINGS SHEET. FLOOR EXISTING OPENINGS SHEET. Level Roof Envelope Level Roof Envelope 223' - 10 1/2" 223' - 10 1/2" Level 16 216' - 9 1/2" Level 15 Envelope Level 15 Envelope 201' - 9 1/2" 201' - 9 1/2" LEVEL 14 Level 14 Envelope Level 14 Envelope 185' - 11 1/2" 185' - 11 1/2" 185' - 11 1/2" Level 13 Envelope Level 13 Envelope 170' - 11 1/2" 170' - 11 1/2" Level 12 Envelope Level 12 Envelope 156' - 11 1/2" 156' - 11 1/2" Level 11 Envelope Level 11 Envelope 142' - 11 1/2" 142' - 11 1/2" Level 10 Envelope Level 10 Envelope 128' - 11 1/2" 128' - 11 1/2" Level 9 Envelope Level 9 Envelope 114' - 6" 114' - 6" Level 8 Envelope Level 8 Envelope 100' - 0 1/2" 100' - 0 1/2" Level 7 Envelope Level 7 Envelope 85' - 7" 85' - 7" Level 6 Envelope Level 6 Envelope 71' - 1 1/2" 71' - 1 1/2" Level 5 Envelope Level 5 Envelope 56' - 8" 56' - 8" Level 4 Envelope Level 4 Envelope 41' - 9 1/2" 41' - 9 1/2" Level 3 Envelope Level 3 Envelope 23' - 10" 23' - 10" Level 2 Envelope Level 2 Envelope 10' - 9 1/2" 10' - 9 1/2" Level 1 Envelope Level 1 Envelope 0' - 0" 0' - 0" EAST ELEVATION EXISTING EAST ELEVATION PROPOSED PAGE 8 OF 27 1519044-00 | 08/22/201909/18/2019 EXISTING AND PROPOSED EAST EXTERIOR FACADE 770 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 4T H A V E N U E 80' - 0" WANAMAKER PLACE 13TH FLOOR E 9TH ST 325' - 8 1/4" E 9TH ST 60' - - 0" 60' 1 Y " 11TH FLOOR 6 A BLOCK 554 1 / W 5 WEST ELEVATION VIEW D 8 LOT 1 A - ' O 5 R 8 1 770 BROADWAY 185' - 4 1/16" B 4 T STREET VIEW- EXISTING WEST ELEVATION( PARTIAL) 15 STORY H A V E 170' - 0 1/2" 337' - 1 1/2" T E 8TH ST ES 8TH ST 60' - - 0" 60' E T T E Y A NORTH = 30 F A KEY PLAN L EXISTING LOUVERS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED NEW GLASS WINDOWS TO BE INSTALLED. SEE BY GLASS WINDOW. EXISTING FRAME TO REMAIN. SEE TYPICAL ELEVATION 5A (PROPOSED) ON 13TH FLOOR EXISTING ELEVATION PICTURE 4 ON 13TH FLOOR EXISTING OPENINGS SHEET. EXISTING OPENINGS SHEET. Level Roof Envelope Level Roof Envelope 223' - 10 1/2" 223' - 10 1/2" Level 15 Envelope Level 15 Envelope 201' - 9 1/2" 201' - 9 1/2" Level 14LEVEL Envelope 14 Level 14LEVEL Envelope 14 185'185' -- 1111 1/2"1/2" 185'185' - 11- 11 1/2" 1/2" Level 13LEVEL Envelope 13 Level 13LEVEL Envelope 13 170' - 11 1/2" 170' - 11 1/2" Level 12LEVEL Envelope 12 Level 12LEVEL Envelope 12 156' - 11 1/2" 156' - 11 1/2" Level 11LEVEL Envelope 11 Level 11LEVEL Envelope 11 142' - 11 1/2" 142' - 11 1/2" Level 10 Envelope Level 10 Envelope 128' - 11 1/2" 128' - 11 1/2" Level 9 Envelope Level 9 Envelope 114' - 6" 114' - 6" Level 8 Envelope Level 8 Envelope 100' - 0 1/2" 100' - 0 1/2" Level 7 Envelope Level 7 Envelope 85' - 7" 85' - 7" Level 6 Envelope Level 6 Envelope 71' - 1 1/2" 71' - 1 1/2" Level 5 Envelope Level 5 Envelope 56' - 8" 56' - 8" Level 4 Envelope Level 4 Envelope 41' - 9 1/2" 41' - 9 1/2" Level 3 Envelope Level 3 Envelope 23' - 10" 23' - 10" Level 2 EnvelopeLEVEL 2 Level 2 EnvelopeLEVEL 2 10' -10' 9 1/2"- 0" 10' -10' 9 1/2"- 0" Level 1 EnvelopeLEVEL 1 Level 1 EnvelopeLEVEL 1 0' - 0" 0' - 0" WEST ELEVATION EXISTING WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED PAGE 9 OF 27 1519044-00 | 08/22/201909/18/2019 _EXISTING AND PROPOSED WEST EXTERIOR FACADE 770 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK EXISTING LOUVERS TO BE REPLACED BY NEW METAL AND GLASS WINDOW EXISTING MULLION TO EXISTINGREMAIN FRAME AT TO ALL BE TIMESREUSED 1- A----931 NEW METAL AND CLEAR GLAZING ASSEMBLY.

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