Libraries of the World (revised 2/14) Libraries on the Web http://lists.webjunction.org/libweb/ International Federation http://www.ifla.org/III/index.htm of Library Associations and Institutions Food and Agricultural http://www.fao.org/waicent/portal/Virtualibrary_en.asp Organization of the United Nations - Virtual Library Ohio State University http://library.osu.edu/sites/faes/ Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Library USDA National http://www.nal.usda.gov/ Agricultural Library United Nations http://www.unesco-ci.org/cgi- Educational, Scientific, bin/portals/libraries/page.cgi?d=1 and Cultural Organization - Libraries International Food Policy http://www.ifpri.org/library/library_menu.asp Research Institute Library International Rice http://ricelib.irri.cgiar.org/ Research Institute Library List of International Libraries from: Libraries of the World http://www.ifla.org/VI/2/p2/national-libraries.htm Country Library Name Address Phone Website Number National Library Sheshi +355 42 Skenderbej 23843; Tiranr 24373 Albania Bibliotheque BP 127 El +213 Nationale Hamma 630632 Algeria Algiers Biblioteca Casa Bauró +376 E mail: [email protected] Nacional Placeta de 826445 http://www.bibliotecanacional.ad d'Andorra Sant Esteve, Andorra la Andorra Vella Biblioteca Av. Norton +244 Nacional de de Matos 2337317 Angola Caixa Postal 2915 Angola Luanda Page 1 of 18 Biblioteca Buenos 54 1 806 [email protected] Nacional Aguero Aires 6165; 806 http://www.bibnal.edu.ar/ Argentina 6157 National Library 72, Terian +374 10 http://www.nla.am of Armenia Street 589 042 Yerevan 375009 Armenia Aruba National 13 George +297 582 Library Maduro 1580 Street Aruba Oranjestad National Library Parkes Place +61 2 6262 Email: [email protected] of Australia Canberra 1421; 6262 http://www.nla.gov.au Australia ACT 26OO 1269 Österreichische Josefplatz 1 +43 1 Email: [email protected] Nationalbibliothe 1O15 Wien 53410 /200 http://www.onb.ac.at/ Austria k 1 National Library Xaqani E-mail: [email protected] Azerbaijan of Azerbaijan küçesi 29 National Library 32 Justice +880 2 E-mail: [email protected] of Bangladesh Sayed 9129992, http://www.nanl.gov.bd Sher-e- 9112733 Bangla Nagar (Agargaon) Bangladesh Dhaka 1207 National Library 370601 : +1 809 Service Baku 436 608; Coleridge 426 1744; Street 426 3981 Public Services Division Bridgetown Barbados 2 National Library 9 +7 172 27 http://natlib.org.by/ of Belarus Chyrvonaar 82 11 mejskaja St 220636 Minsk Republic of Belarus Belarus Bibliotheque Boulevard +32 2 519 http://www.kbr.be/ Royale Albert 1er de 55 40 Belgium l'Empereur 4 Page 2 of 18 1OOO Bruxelles National Library PO Box 287 +501 2 Service Belize City 34248: Belize Bliss Institute 34249 Bibliotheque PO Box 401 +229 212 http://www.bj.refer.org/benin_ct/tu Benin Nationale Porto Novo 585 r/bnb/Pagetitre.htm Bermuda Library 13 Queen +1 809 295 Street 3104 Par-la-Ville Hamilton Bermuda HM 11 National Library PO Box 185 +975 2 of Bhutan Thimphu 22885; Bhutan 24314 Biblioteca y Calle Archivo Nacional Bolivar Bolivia de Bolivia National and Zmaja od University Bosne 8B Bosnia & Library of Bosnia PO Box 361 Herzegovin and Herzegovina 71000 a Sarajevo Botswana PO Box +267 352 National Library OO36 288; 352 Service Gaborone 397 University of Botswana http://www.ub.bw/library/ Botswana Library Services Biblioteca Avda Rio +55 21 262 Email: [email protected] Nacional Branco 219 8255 http://www.bn.br Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil Brazil 20040-008 'St Cyril and Bul. Vassil +359 2 Methodius' Levski 88 882811 National Library 15O4 Sofia National Centre 50 G. M. for Information Dimitrov and Blvd., Bulgaria Documentation PO Box 559, Page 3 of 18 Central Sofia-1000 Technological Library Bibliotheque BP 1095 +257 2 Nationale du Bujumbura 25051 Burundi Burundi National Library Street 92 of Cambodia Don Penh District Cambodia Phnom Phen Bibliotheque BP 1O53 Nationale du Yaounde Cameroon Cameroun Library and 395 +1 613 996 http://www.collectionscanada.ca/ Archives Wellington 3566 Canada/Bibliothè Street que et Archives Ottawa K1A Canada ON4 Bibliothèque +1 514 873 Email: [email protected] nationale du 1100 http://www.biblinat.gouv.qc.ca Québec/National 2275 rue Library of Holt Québec Montréal (Québec) Canada H2G Canada 3H1 Biblioteca Av. +56 2 http://www.bibliotecanacional.cl Nacional de Libertador B 3605239 Chile O'Higgins 651 Santiago Chile 1400 National Library 33 +86 10 Email: [email protected] of China Zhongguanc 6841 9260 http://www.nlc.gov.cn/ China, un Nandajie People's Beijing Republic of 100081 Biblioteca Calle 24, Tel: +57 1 Nacional de No.5-60 3414029 Colombia Apdo 276OO Colombia Bogota Congo Bibliotheque PB 1489 +242 833 People's Nationale Brazzaville 485 Page 4 of 18 Republic Populaire Cook Islands PO Box 71 +682 Cook Library & Rarotonga 26468 Islands Museum Society Biblioteca Apdo.10.008 +506 221 Nacional San Jose 2436; 221 2479; 233 Costa Rica 1706 Cote Bibliotheque BPV 180 +225 32 38 d'Ivoire Nationale Abidjan 72 (Ivory Coast) National and Ulica +385 1 Email: [email protected] University Hrvatske 6164 111 http://www.nsk.hr/ Library bratske zajednice bb PO Box 550 10000 Croatia Zagreb Biblioteca PO Box +53 7 81 http://www.bnjm.cu/bnjm/espanol/ Nacional "Jose 6881 6224 index_e.asp Cuba Marti" Habana Cyprus Library Eleftheria +357 22 E-mail: Square 303180 [email protected] Cyprus 1011 Nicosia National Library Klementinu +42 2 24 Email: [email protected] in Prague m 190 22 08 03 http://www.nkp.cz Czech 110 01 Republic Prague 1 Royal Library PO Box +45 33 93 Email: [email protected] 2149 01 11 http://www.kb.dk/ DK-1016 Copenhagen Denmark K Biblioteca Cesar Nacional Nicolas Penson Dominican Santo Republic Domingo Biblioteca 12 de Nacional del Octubre 555 Ecuador Apdo 67 Ecuador Quito Egyptian Sharia National Library Corniche El- Egypt Nil Buleq Page 5 of 18 Cairo Biblioteca Calle +503 21 Nacional Delgado y 6312 8A Avenida Norte El Salvador San Salvador National Library Tonismagi 2 +372 6307 Email: [email protected] of Estonia Tallinn 403 http://www.nlib.ee/ Estonia EE0100 National Library PO Box +251 1 51 and Archives 1907 70 20 Addis Ababa Institute of Addis Ababa http://www.ies-ethiopia.org/ Ethiopia Ethiopian Studies University Faroe Foroya POB 61 +298 http://www.flb.fo/ Islands Landsbokasavn Torshavn 11626 The National PB 15 +358 0 http://www.nationallibrary.fi Library of (Unioninkatu 1911 Finland 36) FIN-00014 University of Finland Helsinki Bibliothèque Tolbiac +33 1 53 http://www.bnf.fr nationale de Quai 79 53 79 France Francois Mauriac 75706 Paris France cedex 13 Direction PO Box +241 73 25 Generale des 1188 43; 73 02 Archives Libreville 39 Nationales, de la Bibliotheque Nationale et de la Documentation Gabonaises(DGA Gabon BD) National Library PMB 552 +220 28 Reg Pye 312 Lane Gambia Banjul National Library Gudiashvili +7 8832 Email: chkenk@iberiapac-ge of Georgia St 7 995360 Georgia Tbilisi Page 6 of 18 38000 http://www.nplg.gov.ge/ National Parliamentary Library of Georgia Deutsche Adickesallee +49 69 http://www.ddb.de/ Bibliothek 1 1525 1002 D60322 Frankfurt am Germany Main The National Aven +30 1 http://www.nlg.gr/ Library of Greece Panepistimio 3614413 (Ethnike u 32 Bibliotheke tes C 10679 Greece Hellados) Athens Nunatta POB 1011 Atuagaateqarfia/ DK-3900 Gronlandske Nuuk Greenland Landsbibliotek Biblioteca 5 Avda 7-26 +502 2 Nacional de Zona 1 22443 Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala City Bibliotheque B.P.561 +224 46 10 Guinea Nationale Conakry 10 Instituto Complexo Nacional de Escolar '14 Estudos e de Pesquisa(INEP) Novembro' (National Bairro- Institute for Cobornel Guinea- Studies and Bissau Research) National Library PO Box +592 2 1O24O 62699 Guyana Georgetown Bibliotheque 193 rue du +509 Nationale Centre 232148 Port-au- Haiti Prince Biblioteca 6a Avda Nacional de 'Salvador Honduras Mendieta' Honduras Tegucigalpa National Budavári +36 1 175 Email: [email protected] Hungary Széchényi Palota F 2721 http://www.oszk.hu/eng/ Page 7 of 18 Library épület 1827 Budapest Landsbokasafn Arngrimsgat +354 Email: [email protected] Islands National e 101 R 5635600 http://www.bok.hi.is/ and University Reykjavik Library of Iceland Iceland National Library Belvedere +91 33 479 Email: [email protected] Calcutta 1381/4 7OOO27 Indian National +91 11 Scientific 14 Satsang 6863489 Email: [email protected] Documentation Vihar Marg http://www.nlindia.org/ Centre POB 10513 (INSDOC) New Delhi 110067 E-mail: [email protected] Indian Madurai 625 +91 452 Agricultural 104 822956 Research Library Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Agricultural College & India Research National Library Jln. Salemba +62 21 Email:[email protected] of Indonesia Raya 3154864; http://www.pnri.go.id/ No.28A 3154870 Jakarta Pusat P.O. Box Indonesia 3624 National Library SH Bahonar +98 21 Email:[email protected] of Iran Street 8881966 http://www.nlai.ir/Default.aspx?ali Tehran as=www.nlaiir/en Iran 19548 National Library Bab-el- +964 1 http://www.iraqnla.org Muaddum 4141303/4 Iraq Baghdad 141314 National Library Kildare +353 1 http://www.nli.ie/ of Ireland Street 6618811 Ireland Dublin 2 Jewish National PO Box +972 2 Email: [email protected] and University 34165 660351 http://sites.huji.ac.il/jnul/ Israel Library Jerusalem Page 8 of 18 Biblioteca Viale Castro +39 6 4989 Email: [email protected] Nazionale Pretorio 105 http://www.bncrm.librari.benicultu Centrale OO185 rali.it/ "Vittorio Roma Emanuele II" +39 55 Piazza 244441 http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it Biblioteca Cavalleggeri Nazionale 1 Centrale 50122 Firenze Italy (Florence) National Library 12 East +1 876 Email: [email protected] of Jamaica Street 9672496 http://www.nlj.org.jm Kingston Jamaica West Indies National Diet 10-1 +81 3 3581 http://www.ndl.go.jp/en/index.htm Library Nagatacho 2331 l 1-Chome Chiyoda-ku Japan Tokyo 1OO Department of POB 6O7O Libraries, Amman Documentation Jordan and Archives National Library Pr.
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