DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ISTo. 162 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1899 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY CHAKLES D. WALCOTT, DIRECTOR Olf NORTH AMERICAN GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, PETROLOGY, AND MINERALOGY FOR THE YEAR 1898 BY FRED BOUG-HTOISr WEEKS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1899 CONTENTS, Page. Letter of transmittal.......................................... ........... 7 Introduction................................................................ 9 List of publications examined............................................... 11 Bibliography............................................................... 15 Classified key to the index .................................................. 107 Indiex....................................................................... 113 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Washington, D. C., June 30,1899. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a Bibliography and Index o'f North American Geology, Paleontology, Petrology, and Mineralogy for the Year 1898, and to request that it be published as a bulletin of the Survey. Very respectfully, F. B. WEEKS. Hon. CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director United States Geological Survey. 1 I .... v : BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF NORTH AMERICAN GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, PETROLOGY, AND MINERALOGY FOR THE YEAR 1898. ' By FEED BOUGHTON WEEKS. INTRODUCTION. The method of preparing and arranging the material of the Bibli­ ography and Index for 1898 is similar to that adopted for the previous publications 011 this subject (Bulletins Nos. 130,135,146,149, and 156). Several papers that should have been entered in the previous bulletins are here recorded, and the date of publication is given with each entry. Bibliography. The bibliography consists of full titles of separate papers, classified by authors, an abbreviated reference to the publica­ tion in which the paper is printed, and a brief summary of the con­ tents, each paper being numbered for index reference. The extent of papers less than a single page in length is indicated as £ p., 5 1. (lines). Index. The subject headings, their subdivision and arrangement, are shown in the Classified Key to the Index. They comprise geo­ graphic, geologic, mineralogic, paleontologic, and petrologic subdivi­ sions. Under Economic Geology is given a list of the useful minerals and ores described in publications examined; under Mineralogy, a list of minerals described in such publications; under Paleontology, a list' of genera and species of fossils therein described, and under Petrology, a list of rocks described, reference being made in each case, by author's name and number of article in the Bibliography, to the paper in which the fossil, mineral, or rock is described. The Index has been added to by a list of chemical analyses of rocks and minerals and a list of names of geologic formations described in the publications examined. 9 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. Alabama Industrial and Scientific Society: Proceedings, Vol. VIII, 1898. Tusca- loosa, Ala. American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Proceedings, Vol. XXXIII, Nos. 8-27; Vol. XXXIV, Nos. 1-7, 1898. Boston, Mass. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings, Vols. XLVI and XLVII-. Guide to locations illustrating the geology, marine zoology, and botany of the vicinity of Boston. Fiftieth anniversary meeting, Boston, Mass., 1898. Salem, Mass. American Geographical Society: Bulletin, Vol. XXIX, 1897; Vol. XXX, 1898. New York, N. Y. * . American Geologist, Vols. XXI-XXII, 1898. Minneapolis, Minn. American Institute of Mining Engineers: Transactions, Vol. XXVII, 1898. New York, N. Y. American Journal of Science, 4th ser., Vols. V-VI, 1898. New Haven, Conn. American Museum of Natural History: Memoirs, Vol. I, Part III; Bulletin, Vols. X-XI, Part I, 1898. New York, N. Y. American Naturalist, Vol. XXXII, 1898. Boston, Mass. American Paleontology: Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 9, 1897; No. 10, 1898. Ithaca, N. Y. American Philosophical Society: Proceedings, Vol. XXXVI, Nos. 157-158, 1898. Philadelphia, Pa. American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions, Vol. XXXIX, 1898. New York, N. Y. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7th ser., Vols. I-II, 1898. London, England. Anuales des Mines, 9th ser., Vol. XIII, 1898. Paris, France. Appalachia, Vol. VIII, No. 4, 1898. Boston, Mass. Association of Engineering Societies: Journal, Vol. XX, 1898. Philadelphia, Pa. Angustana Library Publications, No. 1, 1898. Rock Island, 111. Boston Society of Natural History: Proceedings, Vol. XXVIII, Nos. .7-14, 1898. Boston, Mass. Botanical Gazette, Vols. XXV-XXVI, 1898. Chicago, 111. British Association for the Advancement of Science: Report 1897, -1898. London, England. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences: Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 5, 1897. Vol. VI, No. 1, 1898. Buffalo, N. Y. California Academy of Science: Proceedings, Geology, 3d ser., Vol. I, No. 4, 1898. San Francisco, Cal. California, University of, Department of Geology: Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 4, 1898. Berkeley, Cal. Canada, Geological and Natural History Survey: Report, new ser., Vol. IX, 1898. Montreal, Quebec. Canada, Royal Society: Proceedings and Transactions, 2d ser., Vol. Ill, 1898. Mont­ real, Quebec. Canadian Institute: Proceedings, new ser., Vol. I, Nos. 2-r6,1897. Transactions, Vol. V, Part II, 1898. Toronto, Ontario. 11 12 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. Canadian Mining Review, Vol. XVII (except No. 4), 1898. Ottawa, Ontario. Cincinnati Society of Natural History: Journal, Vol. XIX, No. 4,1898. Cincinnati, Ohio. Colorado College Studies^ Vol. VII, 1898. Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado Scientific Society: Proceedings, Vol. V; Bulletin, Nos. 1, 3-6, 8-10, 1898. Denver, Colo. Colorado, State Bureau of Mines: Keport, 1897 and 1898; Bulletin, Nos. 1-2,1898. Denver, Colo. Cornwall Eoyal Society: Transactions, Vol. XII, Part 3, 1898. Penzance, England. Dennison University, Scientific Laboratories: Bulletin, Vol. X, 1897, Vol. XI, Arti- ticles 1-6, 1898, Granville, Ohio. Dublin Royal Society: Proceedings, Vol. VIII, Part 5,1897, Part 6,1898; Transac­ tions, Vol. VI, Nos. 1-7, 1896, Nos. 8-13,1897, Nos. 14-16, Vol. VII, No. 1,1898. Dublin, Ireland. Edinburgh Royal Society: Proceedings, Vol. XXI, 1897; Transactions, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3, 1896, Part 4, 1897, Vol. XXXIX, Part 1, 1898. Edinburgh, Scotland. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society: Journal, Part 1,1898. Raleigh, N. C. .Engineering and*Mining Journal: Vols. LXV-LXVI, 1898. New York. Essex Institute: Bulletin, Vol. XXX, 1898. Salem, Mass. Federated Canadian « Mining Institute: Journal, Vol. II, 1897, Vol. Ill, 1898. Ottawa, Ontario. Franklin Institute: Journal, Vols. CXLV-CXLVI, 1898. Philadelphia, Pa. Geological Magazine: Decade IV, Vol. V, 1898. London, England. Geological Society of America: Bulletin, Vol. IX, 1898. Rochester, N. Y. Georgia, Geological Survey: Bulletin, Nos. 3 A-4 A, 1896, No. 5 A, 1898. Atlanta, Ga. Gronland, Expedition der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin, 2 vols., 1898. Berlin, Germany. Hamilton Association: Journal and Proceedings, No. XIV, 1898. Hamilton, Ontario. Harvard College, Museum of Comparative Zoology: Bulletin, Vol. XXVIII, No.5, Vol. XXXI, Nos. 5-7, Vol. XXXII, Nos. 1-8, 1898. Cambridge, Mass. Hawaiian Experiment Station, Lavas and soils of the Hawaiian Islands, 1898. Honolulu. Illinois, State Laboratory of Natural History: Bulletin,- Vol. V, Articles 4-6, 1898. Peoria, 111. Indiana Academy of Science: Proceedings for 1896 and 1897. Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana, Department of Geology and Natural Resources, 22d Annual Report, 1898. Indianapolis, Ind. Iowa Academy of Science: Proceedings, Vol. V, 1898. Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa, Geological Survey, Vol. VII, 1897, Vol. VIII, 1898. Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa State University, Laboratories of Natural History: Bulletin, Vol. IV, No. 2, 1897, No. 3, 1898. Iowa City, Iowa. Johns Hopkins University: Circulars, Nos. 134-138, 1898. Baltimore, Md. Journal of Geology, Vol. VI, 1898. Chicago, 111. Journal of Morphology, Vol. XIV, No. 2, Vol. XV, No. 1, 1898. New York, N. Y. Kansas Academy of Science: Transactions, Vol. XV, 1898. Topeka, Kans. Kansas City Academy of Science: Transactions, Vol.1, 1898. Kansas City, Mo. Kansas, University Geological Survey, Vols. III-IV; Mineral Resources of Kansas for 1897, 1898. Lawrence, Kans. Kansas University Quarterly, Vol. VII, Nos. 1-4,1898. Lawrence, Kans. Leland Stanford University, Contributions to Biology from Hopkins Seaside Lab­ oratory, XIV, 1898. Palo Alto, Cal. London Geological Society, Journal, Vol. LIV, 1898. London, England. London, Royal Society, Vols. LXII-LXIII, LXIV, Nos. 402-405, 1898. London, Eng­ land. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. 13 London, Zoological Society, Transactions, Vol. XIV, Parts 5-8, Vol. XV, Part 1,1898. London, England. Manchester, Geological Society, Transactions, Vol. XXVI, Parts 1-3,1898. Manches­ ter, England. Maryland Academy of Sciences, Transactions, pp. 395-400,1898. Baltimore, Md. Maryland, Geological Siirvey, Vol. II, 1898. Baltimore, Md. Mexico, Institute Geol6gico, Bulletin, Nos. 10-11,1898. City of Mexico. Mines and Minerals, Vol. XVIII, Nos. 6-12; Vol. XIX, Nos. 1-5,1898. Scranton, Pa. Mining and Scientific Press, Vols. LXXVI-LXXVII, 1898. San Francisco, Cal. Mining Institute of Scotland, Transactions, Vol. XIX, Parts 1, 3-5, Vol. XX, Parts 1-2, 1898. London, England. Missouri, Geological Survey, Vol. XI, 1896; Vol. XII, 1898. Jefferson City, Mo. National Geographic Magazine, Vol. IX, 1898. Washington, D. C. Natural
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