THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA This book is due on the last date stamped below unless recalled sooner. It may be renewed only once and must be brought to the North Carolina Collection for renewal. u PuHis\e3bij T/^fl°RmCflR°UflA 5T?^ BOARD y7\E\Un This Bullelirvwillbe .ser\t free to arwj cifozerx of the State poi\ request! Entered as second-class matter at Postoffice at Raleigh. N. C, under Act of July 16,' 189b Published monthly at the office of the Secretary of the Board, Raleigh, N. C. Vol. 50 JANUARY, 1935 No. 1 Carl Vernon Reynolds, M.D. Acting State Health Officer ) MEMBERS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Carl V. Reynolds, M.D., President Asheville Ayden G. G. Dixon, M.D ; S. D. Craig, M.D Winston-Salem H. Leb Large, M.D Rocky Mount J. N. Johnson, D.D.S Goldsboro H. G. Baity, Sc.D Chapel Hill W. T. Rainey, M.D Fayetteville Hubert B. Haywood, M.D Raleigh James P. Stowe, Ph.G Charlotte Executive Staff Carl V. Reynolds, M.D., Acting Secretary and State Health Officer. G. M. Cooper, M.D., Assistant State Health Officer and Director Division of Pre- ventive Medicine. Warren H. Booker, C.E., Director Division of Sanitary Engineering. Ernest A. Branch, D.D.S., Director Division of Oral Hygiene. John H. Hamilton, M.D., Director Division of Laboratories and Vital Statistics. J. C. Knox, M.D., Epidemiologist. R. T. Stimpson, M.D., Vital Statistician. R. E. Fox, M.D., Director Division of County Health Work. FREE HEALTH LITERATURE The State Board of Health publishes monthly The Health Bulletin, which will be sent free to any citizen requesting it. The Board also has available for distribution without charge special literature on the follow- ing subjects. Ask for any in which you may be interested. Fever Adenoids and Tonsils German Measles Scarlet Smallpox Cancer Health Education Constipation Hookworm Disease Teeth Chickenpox Infantile Paralysis Tuberculosis Tuberculosis Placards Diabetes Influenza Fever Diphtheria Malaria Typhoid Typhoid Placards Don't Spit Placards Measles Diseases Eyes Pellagra Venereal Residential Sewage Water Supplies Flies Cough Fly Placards Disposal Plants Whooping Sanitary Privies SPECIAL LITERATURE ON MATERNITY AND INFANCY The following special literature on the subjects listed below will be sent free to any citizen of the State on request to the State Board of Health, Raleigh, N. C. months ; Prenatal Care (by Mrs. Max West) Baby's Daily Time Cards : Under 5 months ; 10, Prenatal Letters (series of nine 5 to 6 months ; 7, 8, and 9 months; monthly letters 11, and 12 months; 1 year to 19 Minimum Standards of Prenatal Care 19 months to 2 years. Breast Feeding Diet List: 9 to 12 months: 12 to 15 ; 2 to 3 Infant Care. The Prevention of months : 15 to 24 months years. Infantile Diarrhea years ; 3 to 6 Carolina Midwives. Table of Heights and Weights Instructions for North CONTENTS PACE Our New State Health Officer - 3 The State Health Department: Administrative Division * Division of Preventive Medicine.. » Division of Sanitary Engineering Division of Oral Hygiene ' State Laboratory of Hygiene Epidemiology ^ Division of J" Bureau of Vital Statistics " Division of County Health Work J* 14 The Beginning of Pre-School Clinics in North Carolina North Carolina Emergency Nursery School Program 15 16 In Memoriam: James M. Parrott, M.D Vol. 50 JANUARY, 1935 No. 1 OUR NEW STATE HEALTH OFFICER By The Editor DOCTOR CARL VERNON REYNOLDS of Asheville on Novem- ber 10 took the oath of office and immediately assumed his duties as Acting State Health Officer, succeeding Dr. James M. Parrott, who died November 7. Doctor Reynolds was unani- mously elected to the position by his fellow members on the Board. Doctor Reynolds is a native of Asheville. His father was a suc- cessful Asheville physician who died when Doctor Reynolds was only three years old. Doctor Reynolds obtained his literary educa- tion in the private schools of Asheville and Wofford College, Spar- tanburg, South Carolina. He received his medical education at the College of the City of New York, graduating in medicine there in 1895. After his graduation he took a postgraduate course in Lon- don, England. Doctor Reynolds located in Asheville for the practice of medicine, specializing in pulmonary tuberculosis. His skill in combating that disease has been widely recognized by the medical profession. An example of their confidence was his election as presi- dent of the North Carolina Medical Society, in which place he served with distinction in 1920. On beginning practice he at once became interested in health work. His first connection was with the city health department in 189 6. Following that period, for more than twenty years he served as city health officer of Asheville. in which capacity he rendered his city and the whole State important and permanent service. Some of his contributions to public health may be cited, as follows: He organized the first crusade against the common house-fly ever undertaken anywhere. He assisted in drafting the first milk ordinance for Asheville. He secured progressive sanitary laws. He put through the compulsory vaccination law requisite to school attendance. He secured the adoption of a bread-wrapping ordinance and one requiring the tuberculin testing of cows. He saw typhoid fever drop from an average of two hundred and seventy cases a year in the city of Asheville to about five while he was city health officer, and saw smallpox practically eliminated. We enumerate these things so that the people of the State may know they have a well-trained health officer at the head of the State Health Department—one fully worthy of confidence and support. The Health Bulletin January, 1935 The State Health Department What the State Board of Health Has To Otter To the People of North Carolina chief reason for the exist- sible for the activities in this division THEence of the State Health Depart- of the work. Of course, the State ment is that this division of gov- Health Officer is himself the executive ernment may render essential service officer of the State Board of Health. regulations, to the citizens of the State in the pro- He executes the rules and tection of their health and lives. In outlines the work, and gives orders to order to meet the complexities of mod- the heads of all the other departments. ern business and to render efficient He assigns work of a special character service in an economical manner, in to the proper department, and he re- response to the demands of this great ceives daily, weekly, and monthly re- progressive State, which has been ports, as may be necessary, from each rapidly increasing in population dur- one of the division heads. In this way and ing the past twenty years, it has been he keeps informed of the needs necessary to organize the work of the progress of all health work through- Board of Health into separate divisions out the State at all times. The finan- with a responsible director at the head cial affairs, or division and proration different divi- of each division. of expenditures of all the In order to set forth concisely and sions, are arranged in the administra- clearly just the character and scope of tive department. Contact with the the service and cooperation the State Governor, the Budget Bureau, and the Board of Health extends to the public, other necessary departments of course, the editor of The Health Bulletin State Government is made, of has asked the director of each depart- by the State Health Officer. As a mem- Health ment to prepare a statement carefully ber of the State and Provincial describing precisely what his depart- Officers Association of North America, Officer keeps in inti- ment is doing, or is prepared to do, the State Health state in advancing the cause of public mate contact with all other and with health. We are, therefore, setting boards of health in the Union Serv- forth below a statement from each one the United States Public Health of the division heads of the North ice in Washington as well as with Carolina State Board of Health. The such outside agencies as the very im- publication of these articles should portant International Health Board in supply valuable information to the New York. The State Health Officer is reading public, and especially to the responsible for all monies paid out by Board medical profession, health officials, all of the divisions of the State and other organizations, such as the of Health. The execution of all the women's clubs, teachers' associations, State Health laws devolving upon the and so on. State Board of Health is regulated Any individual or organization de- from the administrative division. In siring additional information concern- short, he is what his title designates, ing any of the departmental activities an executive officer in every sense of wishes to herein described, or who the word. of service, may ob- avail himself the PREVENTIVE tain additional information and a DIVISION OF prompt response by simply writing to MEDICINE the State Board of Health, Raleigh, This division comprises three dis- North Carolina. tinct and separate services, under the ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION supervision of a single director: first, School Health Su- The State Health Officer and the As- a department of sistant State Health Officer are respon- pervision; second, a department of January, 1935 The Health Bulletin 5 Maternity and Infancy; and third, a late the practice of midwives in such department of Health Education. counties. During the past ten years School Health Supervision about one-half of the midwives in the State have been eliminated, In this department a force of eight and the remaining ones specially trained nurses are constant- have been instructed until at present, for the ly at work throughout the school year most part, their work is in counties having no whole-time safer and more dependable.
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