Over 19,000 Flock to All-Campus Festival

Over 19,000 Flock to All-Campus Festival

GRIN AND BEAR IT: VOTE ‘YES’▶67050657(., UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.org 4VUKH`4H` The Student Voice Since 1967 .Q^M)ZZM[\ML SUN GOD 2009 NWZ!! 5]ZLMZWN =+;,8ZWN Suspects plead ‘not guilty’ at arraignment, remain in custody after court orders $1 million bail. By Sarah de Crescenzo Senior Staff Writer Five San Diego residents were arrested last week for the murder 13 years ago of UCSD School of Medicine professor David F. Hessler, then 30. Cold-case crime investiga- tors used an expanded fingerprint database to track down the suspects. Fingerprints collected at the crime scene on Nov. 14, 1995, were reexamined in February 2008, resulting in the identification and arrest of Buzie Gene Wiemer, 34. Over the next 15 months, detec- OVER 19,000 FLOCK TO ALL-CAMPUS FESTIVAL tives from the cold-case homicide team and investigators from the District Attorney’s Office gathered Students panic, clog wristband lines more information about the case, until noon; RIMAC Field still 1,000 which led them to identify four additional suspects. short of capacity by midnight. “Once we had a potential identi- fication of the first subject, we began By Reza Farazmand News Editor working vigorously to find the other suspects,” Lt. Terry McManus of the UCSD united for a day of revelry on May 15, when San Diego Police Department homi- thousands of students, alumni and assorted concertgo- cide unit said. ers poured onto campus for the 27th annual Sun God The other four suspects — Edul Festival. Jinnah Azeez, 34; Khoi Leron At 7 a.m. on the morning of the event, students Bruster, 32; Alvin Mamangun began lining up at the Ridge Walk tennis courts to claim Timbol, 32; and an unnamed their festival wristbands, eventually forming a line that 30-year-old man — are all San wound past Peterson Hall and Geisel Library. At one Diego residents. Investigators are point, it stretched as far as Earl Warren College Mall. withholding the name of the fifth A new wristband retrieval system was implemented suspect because he was a juvenile at this year in an effort to speed up the distribution pro- the time of the fatal shooting. cess. However, some festivalgoers waited in line for up Police said Timbol, 19 at the time to four hours while volunteers distributed wristbands at of the murder, is the man who alleg- 24 booths. edly shot and killed Hessler. “There were so many people,” John Muir College All of the men surrendered ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN peacefully when arrested last week, See FESTIVALpage 7 Performances by Girl Talk, Motion City Soundtrack, N.E.R.D and Augustana drew thousands of festivalgoers to RIMAC Field May 15. authorities said. At their arraignment Wednesday, the four identified suspects pleaded “not guilty,” and are currently being ;KP_IZbMVMOOMZ8ZWXW[M[6M_+]\[\W=+;a[\MU held in custody in lieu of $1 mil- lion bail. The budget revisions come In 1995, Hessler walked out- University warns that in response to a predicted bud- side of the University City home he reduced state support get shortfall of $15.4 billion, which shared with his fiancee at approxi- Schwarzenegger said led him to pro- mately 2 a.m., after being awakened will mean heftier student pose further funding cuts and short- by noises coming from the front fees, larger class sizes. term borrowing. yard. He confronted thieves break- Under the governor’s proposed ing into his SUV and was shot in By Joyce Yeh changes, the UC and California the chest. Staff Writer State University systems would face When police arrived at his a total of $1.1 billion in funding Huggins Street home in response Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger cuts. The UC system would lose to neighborhood reports of gunfire, predicted another cut of at least $510 million in the current 2008-09 Hessler was lying on the ground. He $765 million to the University of was pronounced dead at the scene. California at a budget-revision See BUDGETpage 3 According to police, the theives conference last Thursday. The were after the expensive computer announcement arrived just three equipment stored in Hessler’s truck, months after the state Legislature ▶▶▶ ▶ READONO N SACRAMENTO BEE/MCT approved a $115 million funding cut Page 4: Special election endorsements Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger released two versions of his lastest budget revision on May 11 — over a See MURDERpage 3 to the university. week before tomorrow’s special election — to demonstrate the severity of the state’s financial situation. -6*<:Cooperating :769;: Up Next: 05:0+, 65305, >,(;/,9 *VTPJZ Poll:What was your favorite part With the Man World Series *\YYLU[Z of the 2009 Sun God Festival? May 18 May 19 Between complying with Baseball: The Tritons broke 3PNO[ZHUK:PYLUZ H 74 L 59 H 72 L 57 admin and keeping the open the regional title game 3L[[LYZ[V[OL,KP[VY *SHZZPMPLKZ Student Center spirit alive, with eight runs in the ninth, May 20 May 21 *YVZZ^VYK Tell us at www.ucsdguardian.org. the co-ops tread a rocky road. 7(., advancing to nationals. 7(., H 70 L 56 H 69 L 56 5,>: ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 465+(@4(@ (504(3:;@3, BY CHRISTINA AUSHANA 4H[[OL^4J(YKSL Editor in Chief /HKSL`4LUKVaH Managing Editors 5PJVSL;LP_LPYH :PTVUL>PSZVU :TY\[P(YH]PUK Copy Editors (SSPL*\LYKV 9LaH-HYHaTHUK News Editor 1LZZL(ST Associate News Editors @LSLUH(RVWPHU 2PTILYS`*OLUN (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR Opinion Editor ;YL]VY*V_ Associate Opinion Editor 1HUHUP:YPKOHYHU Sports Editor 5LPS1VZOP Associate Sports Editor +H]PK/HY]L` Focus Editor 1VHUUH*HYKLUHZ Associate Focus Editors :[LWOHUPL;ZHUR :VUPH4PUKLU Hiatus Editor (SSPL*\LYKV Associate Hiatus Editors ,K^PU.VUaHSLa ,YPR1LWZLU Photo Editor ,TPS`2\ Design Editor *OYPZ[PUH(\ZOHUH Art Editor 7H[YPJR:[HTTLYQVOU Web Designer Page Layout 9LNPUH0W,TPS`2\4VUPX\L3HT:VUPH4PUKLU 1VUH[OHU:OHU5HVTP:OPMMTHU;LYLZH;YPUO Copy Readers 1VUH[OHU2PT2LSZL`4HYY\QV 5HVTP:^LV(UP[H=LYNPZ1V`JL@LO CURRENTS 4VUPJH)HJOTLPLY General Manager 4PRL4HY[PULa Advertising Manager (SMYLKV/=PSHUV1Y Advertising Art Director WYLZ[PNPV\ZMPYTZVYPUMPYTZV\[ZPKL :JOVVSZ *VTT\UP[`ZLY]PJL UL[ ¸:LUPVY:WYPUNPZHUVWWVY[\UP[` +HYH)\ Student Advertising/ .YHKZ-HJL+LJHKLVM [OLPY MPLSK VM PU[LYLZ[ 6UJL [OL ^VYRZ (TLYP*VYWZ HUK ;LHJO MVY MVYNYHK\H[PUNZLUPVYZ[VJLSLIYH[L 1\SPH7L[LYZVU Promotion Managers 4PJOHLS5LPSS Network Administrator 3V^LY>HNLZ:[\K`:H`Z LJVUVT`PTWYV]LZHUK[OL`HWWS` (TLYPJH YLWVY[LK H ZPNUPMPJHU[ [OLPY HJJVTWSPZOTLU[Z ^P[O JSHZZ :OH^U?\ Advertising Sales Rep MVY IL[[LY QVIZ [OL` T\Z[ SLHYU ZWPRLPUHWWSPJH[PVUZ TH[LZH[L]LU[ZZ\JOHZ.YHK5P[L Business Assistants (JJVYKPUN [V HU HY[PJSL W\I ZRPSSZ[OL`ZOV\SKOH]LILLUKL]LS H[ [OL )VVRZ[VYL HUK [OL KV^U :HS]HKVY.HSSLNVZ*OHYPZZH.PUU ;PMMHU`/HU4HNNPL3L\UN-YHUR7HR SPZOLK I` [OL >HSS :[YLL[ 1V\YUHS VWPUN PTTLKPH[LS` V\[ VM JVSSLNL 4PRL1\KNL[V:WLHRH[ [V^U 7HKYLZ IHZLIHSS NHTL¹ =PJL Advertising Design and Layout VU4H` JSHZZVM NYHK\H[LZ 4LHU^OPSL [OVZL ^OV NYHK\H[LK *OHUJLSSVYVM:[\KLU[(MMHPYZ7LUU` .LVYNL*OLU)YHUKVU*O\2PT*VVWLY1LUU`;PUN>HUN Distributors ^PSS UV[ VUS` OH]L H OHYKLY [PTL PU H IL[[LY LJVUVT` OH]L HSYLHK` .YHK\H[PVU*LYLTVU` 9\L ZHPK ¸;OL X\HY[LY VM L]LU[Z (SHYPJ)LYT\KLa*OHYPZZH.PUU:JV[[/H]YPZPR1VZO6[[VZVU MPUKPUNHQVII\[^PSSMHJLHKLJHKL KL]LSVWLK[OLZLZRPSSZHUKHYLHISL ^PSSHSSV^[OLT[VJVUULJ[^P[O[OLPY Marketing and Promotion Reps VMSV^LY^HNLZJVTWHYLK[V[OVZL [VH[[HPUIL[[LYQVIZ <*:+HS\TU\Z4PRL1\KNL^PSS MLSSV^JSHZZTH[LZHUK^PSSZ\WWVY[ +HYH)\;YHJ`/\H4HNNPL3L\UN2H[OSLLU5NV3PZH;H[ ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ W\ISPZOLK 4VUKH`Z HUK ^OVLU[LYLK[OLQVITHYRL[PUTVYL ;OV\NOJVSSLNLNYHK\H[LZHYLZ[PSS ZLY]LHZ[OLRL`UV[LZWLHRLYMVY[OL [OLPY[YHUZP[PVUPU[VHS\TUP¹ ;O\YZKH`ZK\YPUN[OLHJHKLTPJ`LHYI`<*:+Z[\KLU[Z WYVZWLYV\Z[PTLZ IL[[LYVMM[OHU[OVZL^P[OVUS`HOPNO \UP]LYZP[`»ZZLJVUKHUU\HS (SS 1\KNL»Z ¸6MMPJL :WHJL¹ ZOVY[ HUK MVY [OL <*:+ JVTT\UP[` 9LWYVK\J[PVU VM [OPZ UL^ZWHWLY PU HU` MVYT ^OL[OLY PU ^OVSL VY PU WHY[ ,JVUVTPJ YLZLHYJO ZOV^Z [OH[ ZJOVVS KPWSVTH [OL Z[\K` ZOV^LK *HTW\Z .YHK\H[PVU *LSLIYH[PVU ^HZWPJRLK\WI`*VTLK`*LU[YHS ^P[OV\[ WLYTPZZPVU PZ Z[YPJ[S` WYVOPIP[LK HSS YPNO[Z YLZLY]LK ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ UV[ YLZWVUZPISL [OL JVUZLX\LUJLZ VM NYHK\H[PUN PU [OH[ H JVSSLNL KPWSVTH PZ UV[ HU *YLH[VYVM[OLTV]PL¸6MMPJL:WHJL¹ PU 6UL `LHY SH[LY OL KL]LS MVY[OLYL[\YUVM\UZVSPJP[LKTHU\ZJYPW[ZVYHY[;OL]PL^Z L_WYLZZLKOLYLPUKVUV[ULJLZZHYPS`YLWYLZLU[[OLVWPU HKV^U[\YUPUJS\KLSV^LYLHYUPUNZ H\[VTH[PJ[PJRL[[V\W^HYKTVIPSP[` HUKZOV^ZZ\JOHZ¸2PUNVM[OL/PSS¹ VWLK [OL ¸)LH]PZ HUK )\[[/LHK¹ PVUZVM[OL<*:+.\HYKPHU[OL<UP]LYZP[`VM*HSPMVYUPH VY (ZZVJPH[LK :[\KLU[Z ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ M\UKLK HZSV^LYJSPTI\W[OLVJJ\WH[PVUHS (JJVYKPUN [V [OL 5H[PVUHS HUK¸)LH]PZHUK)\[[/LHK¹1\KNL ZLYPLZ MVY 4;= · PU ^OPJO OL ZVSLS`I`HK]LY[PZPUN-H[HUKMHNN` SHKKLYHUKH^PKLUPUNNHWIL[^LLU (ZZVJPH[PVU VM *VSSLNLZ HUK NYHK\H[LKMYVT,HYS>HYYLU*VSSLNL ]VPJLKIV[O[P[SLJOHYHJ[LYZ·HUK .LULYHS,KP[VYPHS! 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