S^- 'f Bear Bryant says •m yw - Bolton lake house lehind Weicker's he's retiring getting a new look bloodless coup . page 15 ,.. page 27 • • • |30^6 6 Manchester, Conn. Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1982 Mrralb Single copy 25<f Senate vetoes bid -'ll '■ stop gas tax WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Senate minutes before midnight he sial “ buy American” and labor un­ 5 Senate, working until early today, had filed a cloture petition to cut off ion protection provision. beat back Democratic attempts to debate. lOven if the cloture petition is ap­ create 700,000 public works jobs by The Senate was scheduled to vote proved Thursday, the Senate can altering next year's income-tax cut on the petition Thursday, t]ut Baker continue to debate the bill for up to and eliminating President Reagan’s held out the slim hope the Senate 100 hours before a final vote, proposed ‘nickel-a-gallon gasoline could approve the bill before then. although it is unlikely all the time tax hike. Both Baker and Reagan insist .vould be used. Leafy snow slide Senate Democratic Leader Robert Congress act on the gas-tax increase The Senate leaders hope the dual Byrd said his amendment to partial­ before the lame-duck session pressure of the Christmas holidays ly repeal and delay the 10 percent adjourns. and the need to approve an tax cut scheduled for July would The proposed tax increase to 9 emergency funding bill to keep the These kids sledding on Valley Street Hill raise more money than the gas-tax cents ^ gallon would raise about $5.5 government running passed Dec. 17 about 5 p.m. Tuesday seemed unconcerned increase and more fairly distribute billion a year through 1989 to fund will expedite deliberations. with the'sparse snow cover. Enjoying the hill the tax burden. needed repairs of the nation's roads, During the lengthy session are Greg Doane of 24 Trotter St., top; Jason The extra Income, he said, would bridges and mass transit systems. Tuesday, the Senate voted, 53-44, Field of 25 Orchard St., left, and James help create 700,000 jobs — twice the The administration says it would against Byrd’s proposal. McDonald of 111 Wells St., right; and Jason number of jobs the administration create about 320,000 jobs in the Rather than increasing gasoline Field below. said would created by the gas tax process. taxes that affect all Americans, increase. In addition. Reagan’s highway bill Byrd’s proposal would reduce the 10 Frustrated by a flood of other includes significantly higher taxes percent tax cut scheduled for next amendments, and attempting to for heavy trucks and new guidelines .luly 1 for people earning between thwart a threatened filibuster by for how much each state receives in $50,000 and $65,000 a year and defer conservative Republicans, GOP federal highway funds. The House- it for three years for those with in­ Leader Howard Baker notified the passed version includes controver­ comes over $65,000. Reagan may accept compromise ^ / WASHINGTON _(UPI) - Presi­ and agencies operating past mid­ What made the final vote sur­ dent Reagan might be willing to night Friday. prising was that minutes earlier, the The Senate Appropriations'Com­ E compromise and accept-.j f a ii o f a House had rejected, 215-191, along $5.6 billion emergency jobs program mittee planned today to begin draf­ partv lines, a motion bi^ Rep. Silvio the House passed as part of a crucial ting its own continuing resolution. Conte, R-Mass., to strip the interim government funding House Speaker Thomas O’Neill, Democratic jobs plan from the con­ measure. White House officials say. D-Mass., said he thought the Senate tinuing resolution. The House late Tuesday narrowly would accept half of the House plan. passed the measure with the White House officials said Democratic aides attributed the employment program the Tuesday, the president for the first close vote on final passage to opposi­ Democrats contend will generate time might be willing to accept a tion by Democrats to the 15 percent congressional pay raise approved C 447,600 year-round jobs, and sent it smaller version of the Democratic to the Senate. emergency jobs program, but not earlier and wrapped into the con­ The public works program would the entire $5.6 billion plan. tinuing resolution. create jobs to repair and modernize The program was nearly scuttled Of the 36 Democrats who voted prisons, sewers, public and military on the House floor by a con­ against final passage, 34 voted housing;., veterans’ hospitals, gressional pay raise. By a sur­ against the pay raise. railways and national parks. prisingly close 204-200 vote, the The program was attached to the House approved the continuing “ I hope the Senate and the presi­ dent do not close their hearts to the “ continuing resolution,” a stopgap resolution containing the jobs anguish of the unemployed.” O’Neill funding measure Congress must program and a $9,100 pay raise for said following the final vote. pass to keep federal departments members of Congress. Crippled man Inside Arab countries send Today needs Yule aid 'quake help to Yemen Advice ......................................... 25 ■ Area towns ..................................27 The Manchester Area Conference feet. A second operation is Business........ 29 A B U DHABI, United Arab foreign diplomats they feared the attending prayers in a mosque. scheduled for January." of Churches hopes to help more than C lassified........... ....................... 3-31 Emirates (UPliC - Arab regimes death toll would climb past the 1,000 The fatal quake struck at noon After the operation, he will need $250 families during the holidays C o m ics............. 26 poured - emergency aid into pro- figure - and perhaps as high as 2,- Monday in Yem en’s mountainous in­ through its annual Seasonal Sharing specially designed shoes. The Entertainment .............................24 Western Yemen today to help it 000. - terior south of the capital, Sanaa. In medical bills have been Appeal. L o tte ry ................... .................2 recover from an earthquake that T h e U.N. Disaster Relief just 40 seconds, INA said, it astronomical. His job is in question One of them is the family of a man Obituaries .................................... 12 killed at least 883 people, including Organization in Geneva, devastated 143 villages, destroying because he is less able to produce. whose physical handicaps have Opinion......... ................................. 6 150 children buried in their schools. Switzerland, said Tuesday initial es­ 15 in Dhamar province, the worst never stopped him before according MACG would like to be Able to Peopletalk ......................................2 With the death toll approaching 1,- timates were 12 villages destroyed, hit. to the MACC. With both feet serious­ help them provide Christmas for S ports..................................... 13-16 000 according to Arab news agen- 90 damaged and 60,000 left homeless Saudi Arabia, Yem en's largest ly deformed, he went through school their 2- and 4-year-old sons, perhaps Television .................................... 26 cies, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait in the mountainous nation south of bankroller, led the Arab aid effort even plgOaron the shoes he badly 4nd for the past 15 years has worked W ea th er.......................................... 2 and the United Arab Emirates all Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea. Tuesday by flying 16 planeloads of ne for the same company in a nearby ------- organized emergency relief aid for UNDRO said Tuesday, “ due to in­ medical equipment and supplies to Anyone who wants to help this town. Samples today the thousands of wounded and mis- accessibility of areas affected, Sanaa. News agencies said 12 doc­ About six and a half years ago he family and others may leave food T h e Manchester Herald today con- Sing, death reports were conflicting and tors accompanied the shipment, 5 met a girl at a church event. They and gifts at Manchester Mall, tlnues its program to bring copies of Only 24 hours after the quake, the ranged from 400 to 785.” joining 14 rushed to Yemen Monday. Heritage Savings and Loan Associa­ married and now have two sons. the H e ra ld to each hom e in Iraqi news agency IN A said Tuesday The news agency reports said the The Qatari news agency said the But now a slow, steady muscle tion on Main Street, or the Eighth Manchester. the casualty toll already stood at 883 dead included 150 children buried in tiny Gulf state sent one planeload of deterioration has develop^. He is District Firehouse. Checks may be dead and 1,143 Injured. their schools in Monday’s disaster m ^ ic a l equipment and readied a mailed to MACC, Seasonal Sharing, having trouble with both hands. Last But governm ent sources told and scores of people killed while second for today. year he underwent surgery on both Box 773, Manchester, CT. 06040. Banks' new offerings bringing new accounts Hale said. “ I think you’ll find that’s BUT HALE said his afiS^tlter . By Raymond T. DeMeo SBM, Heritage Savings & Loan which until now has offered every month it offers the accounts Association and Manchester State customers interest rates that the at 12 percent interest, figuring that what it’s going to be at most banks.” local banks are paying an artificial­ Herald Reporter ly high rate on the new accounts, Bank all offer a 12 percent interest banks couldn’t match. At 12 percent $15 million of the money entering The breakdown between new and because of “ the overzealousness on Local banks bustled with activity rate, for openers, on the new money- interest, however, the banks’ short­ the acrxHints during the course of a existing money entering the new a o the part of a new Hartford banks,” Tuesday as new high-yield savings market style accounts, which are term rates are several points better year will (x>me from existing ac­ counts wasn’t available at other that advertised the 12 percent rate accounts made their (M)ut.
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