Acknowledgements Captions to Distribution Maps My interest in this subject was given impetus in 2008 Map. 1: Shell-keeps. Map of sites included in the from on-site discussions with Jo Cox and John Thorp Catalogue (showing also Gisors, Normandy). (Keystone Historic Building Consultants, Exeter) Map. 2: Shell-keeps: Map of sites not included in the about Berkeley castle and its many problems of Catalogue. interpretation. From that experience grew the idea for Bibliography and References this general study of shell keeps and I am very grateful to them for their early encouragement. Alexander, M. 2006: The Early History of Guildford Castle (Guildford Museum Publications) Essential advice was received on places in Wales from John Kenyon, in Scotland from Geoff Stell and in Allibone, J. 1976: Alnwick Castle, Archaeological Ireland from Con Manning. I am grateful to Bill Journal, 133, 148-154 Woodburn, who drove me to Arundel, Lewes and Armitage, E. 1912: Early Norman Castles of the Farnham and provided stimulating discussion during British Isles (London. John Murray) our site visits. Oliver Creighton offered valuable on-site Arnold, C. J. 1993: Powis Castle: the development of discussion (as well as transport) at Trematon and Restormel. My visit to Cardiff was much improved by the structure, Montgomeryshire Collections, 81, on-site discussion with John Kenyon and June Beere. 97-110 Neil Guy shared new ideas about Berkeley with me Ashdown, C. 1911: British Castles (London. Adam & during a most stimulating site visit which he arranged Charles Black) with the support of Roland Brown, the Berkeley estate Babelon, J-P. (ed.) 1988: Le Château en France (Paris. manager. I have benefited from past discussions on Berger-Levrault) Totnes with (the late) Stuart Rigold, and on Launceston with (the late) Andrew Saunders. Baddeley, W St C. 1926: Berkeley Castle, Transac- tions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeo- Many colleagues have been most generous in sharing logical Society, 48, 133-179 their knowledge of particular sites, often in advance of the publication of their own research. In this respect, I Bailly-Maitre, M-C. 2006: Fortifications ou Structures warmly thank Neil Guy (on Lincoln and other sites), de Contrôle? Les reliefs aménagés du Massif de Brian Kerr (on Windsor), Robert Meeson (on L'Oisans, Château Gaillard, 22, 13-26 Tamworth) and Neil Ludlow (on Carmarthen). I am Barber. R. 2001: Henry Plantagenet (Woodbridge. grateful to the staff at Arundel castle for providing Boydell Press. 2nd ed) access to the shell-keep and for useful discussion of it. Berkeley 1938-39: Excavations at Berkeley Castle, Nick Baker and the library staff at Eton College made Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire me welcome during my research on Windsor castle. Jean Archaeological Society, 60, 308-339 Mesqui and Pamela Marshall shared with me their first-hand knowledge (with drawings and photographs) Beuchet, L. & Martineau, J. 2008: Archéologie of the castle at Gisors, in Normandy, which I have not préventive des Châteaux de la Bretagne Ducale: visited personally. John Kenyon and Neil Guy read the resultats récents et perpectives de recherches, whole text at draft stage and made many very helpful Château Gaillard, 23, 33-44 improvements to it in terms of information, sound ideas Böhme, H.W. 1991: Burgen der Salierzeit, 2 vols and bibliographical references. My sons, Ben and Joe, (Sigmaringen. J. Thorbecke) drove me to some places not easily reached by public transport, for which I am most grateful. For access to Booth, M. & Palmer, N. 1996: Warwick Castle, Trematon I am grateful to Jonathan Bulmer, and latterly Medieval Archaeology, 40, 289 to Julian and Isabel Bannerman. In the Michaelmas Borlase, W. 1769: Antiquities Historical and Monu- and Lent terms 2012-2013, I was given facilities in the mental of the County of Cornwall (London. Department of Archaeology at Exeter University, which Bowyer & Nichols; the 1769 (2nd ed), republished enabled me to produce a draft of this study. I am most 1973, by EP Publishing, Wakefield, with an grateful to Alan Outram for this generous support. Mike Introduction by P.A.S. Pool and C. Thomas). The Rouillard and Sean Goddard (also of Exeter University) first edition was dated 1754. produced the distribution maps with customary skill and Braun, H. 1936: The English Castle (London. B.T. helpfulness. Despite all the assistance I have received, Batsford) the errors, omissions and mad ideas, of which there are no doubt many, remain entirely my own. Brindle, S., (Ed.), 2016, Windsor Castle, A Thousand Years of a Royal Palace, Royal Collection Trust. Shell-keeps re-visited: the bailey on the motte? 58 Revision 23 - 01/07/2017 Brindle, S. 2012: ‘The keep at Conisborough Castle, Creighton. O. H. 2009: Designs upon the Land. Elite Yorkshire’, Château Gaillard, 25, 61-74 Landscapes of the Middle Ages (Woodbridge. Brindle, S. & Kerr, B. 1997: Windsor Revealed Boydell) (English Heritage) Cruden, S. 1960: The Scottish Castle (Edinburgh. Nelson) Brown, R. A., Colvin, H. M., Taylor, A. J. 1963 (eds): Dalton, P. 2004: Lincoln Castle and its occupants in The History of the King's Works. Volumes I and the reign of Stephen, in Lindley (ed.), 66-78 II: The Middle Ages (London. HMSO) Drage, C. 1983: Nottingham Castle, Château Gail- Bruand, Y. 1957-58: Le Château de Gisors, Bulletin lard, 11, 117-127 Monumental, 115-116, 243-265 Drage, C. 1989: Nottingham Castle. A Place Full Royal Brown, R. Allen 1954: English Castles (London. B.T. (Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, vol. 93) Batsford; and 1976, London. Chancellor Press) Drewett, P. L. 1992: Excavations at Lewes Castle, East Burls, R. 2005: The Courtenays and the re-establish- Sussex, 1985-1988, Sussex Archaeological Col- ment of the earldom of Devon in the fourteenth lections, 130, 69-106 century, Transactions of the Devonshire Associa- Emery, A. 1996: Greater Medieval Houses of England tion, 137, 139-170 and Wales 1300-1500, Vol. I. Northern England Butler, L. 1991: Sandal Castle, Wakefield (Wakefield. (Cambridge. Cambridge University Press) Wakefield Historical Publications) Emery, A. 2006: Greater Medieval Houses of England Butler, L. 1993: Pickering Castle (English Heritage) and Wales 1300-1500, Vol. III. Southern England Bythell, D. 1992: Durham Castle. University College, (Cambridge. Cambridge University Press) Durham (Durham. Jarrold Publishing). Farrant, J. H. 1996: ‘Lewes Castle Transformed, Châtelain, A. 1988: Les château-forts de l’an mil à 1600-1850’, Sussex Archaeological Collections, 1150, in Babelon (ed.), 31-46 134, 169-177 Chatwin, P. B., Architectural acct. of Warwick Castle, Faulkner, P. 1958: ‘Domestic Planning from the 12th (1956) [in Warwick Record Office.]. to 14th centuries’, Archaeological Journal, 115, 150-183 Christie, N., Creighton, O. et alii 2013: Transforming Townscapes. From Burh to Borough: the Archae- Faulkner, P. 1965: Berkeley Castle, Archaeological ology of Wallingford, AD 800 - 1400 (Society for Journal, 122, 197-200 Medieval Archaeology Monograph, No. 35) Godfrey, W. H. 1928: Lewes Castle (Sussex Archae- Clark, G. T. 1844: Military Architecture, Archaeolog- ological Society) ical Journal, 1, 93-107 Goodall, J. 2011: The English Castle (New Haven & Clark, G. T. 1867: Medieval military architecture in London. Yale University Press) England, Archaeological Journal, 24, 92-109, Goodall, J. 2013: The early development of Alnwick 319-339 castle, in Ashbee, J. & Luxford, J. (eds.), Newcastle Clark, G. T. 1872: Some Account of Guildford Castle, and Northumberland. 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Dictionary of National Biography, 6, 662-664 Corvisier, Christian. 1998: ‘Les «shell-keeps» ou Herring, P. 2003: Cornish medieval deer-parks, R. donjons annulaires, un type architectural anglo- Wilson-North (ed), The Lie of the Land: Aspects normand ?’, in Bulletin trimestriel de la Société of the archaeology and history of the designed de Géologie de Normandie et des Amis du Muséum landscape in South West England, 34-50. (Exeter) du Havre, t. 84, fasc. 3 et 4, 1997 (1998), 71-82 Shell-keeps re-visited: the bailey on the motte? 59 Revision 23 - 01/07/2017 Higham, R. A. et alii 1985: ‘Plympton Castle, Devon’, Jansen, V. 2002: ‘Henry III's Windsor: Castle Building Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society, and Residences’ in Keen, L. & Scarff, E. (eds.), 43, 59- 75 95-109. Higham, R. & Barker, P. 1992: Timber Castles Keen, L. & Scarff, E. (eds.) 2002: Windsor: Medieval (London. 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