REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA MINISTRYOF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER TO $funilerne;ren*n ffi ofiruiHa.rllfi tpry MR. MECHTILD ROSSLER u$ogsnr DIRECTOR OF THE ,t'* ru$.{:0C : J-.5"%^ WORLD HERITAGE CENTRE r:o$nn/ S.,l.l 7 PLACE DE FONTENOY ": }fr"), 75352PARIS 07 FRANCE CC AMBASSADORALEXANDER SAVOV PERMANENT DELEGATE OF BULGARIA TO UNESCO I, RUE MIOLLIS 75732PARIS CEDEX 15 FRANCE MRS. MARIA DONSKA GENERAL SECRETARYOF THE BULGARIAN NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR UNESCO MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS November2015 Subject: State of conservation report of Pirin National Park World Heritage property (Bulgaria) Dear Mrs. Riissler, In responseto a letter from the World HeritageCenter and in fulfrllment of Decision38 COM 78.73 of the World Heritage Committee from its 38thsession, held in Doha, Katar (2014), pleasefind enclosedthe Stateof conservationreport of Pirin National Park World Heritage Property,elaborated in compliancewith the indicative format for the submissionof stateof conservationreports by the Statesparties. In reply to the encouragementof the Committee to the State Partiesto ensurepublic accessto their stateofconservation reports in order to enhancetransparency ofthe pro"Lrr.r, relatedto the preservationof the UNESCO World Heritage Properties,on behalf of the Ministry of environmentand water of Bulgaria, I would like to authorizethe World HeritageCentre to upload the State of conservation report of Pirin National park World Heritage property for 2015 on the website of the World HeritageCentre and the World HeritageCintre's Stateof conservationInformation System whc.u I would like to take this ty to you for your kind supportfor the protectionof the World HeritageProperties Bul Sincerelyyours, IVELINA VASSILEVA MINISTER OF ENVIRONME WATER *5*& Sofia1000, Blvd.,,Mariia Luiza,,22 ii '-lfl Tel:(+3592; 940 62 22,Fax: (*ISSZ) 986 25 33 REPORTON THE STATE OF CONSERVATIONOF PIRIN NATIONAL PARK WORLD HERITAGE PROPERTY pirin National park World Heritage Property (Repubtic of Bulgaria) (Identification number 225) I. Executive summary @nmentandWater(MoEw)willtakeintoconsiderationtherequestof the World i{eritage Committee (WHC) and will put the draft management plan of Pirin National Park (PNP) to the proceduresfor Strategic environmental assessment(SEA) and Appropriate assessment(AA) along with the Bulgarian legislation, in which are transposed the- Directives of the European Union for strategic environmental assessmentand for conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna, also taking into account the IUCN's World HeritageAdvice Note on EnvironmentalAssessment. Pirin National Park Directorate (PNPD) carried out demarcation of the boundaries of Pirin National Park and World Heritage Property (WHP) and its buffer zone with lasting marks at the field. The activity was accomplishedin fulfilment of a recommendationof the joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN reactivemonitoring mission to the Property (2011) within a Project, funded by OperationalProgram Environment. All of the recommendations,given by the mission have been taken into considerationby the State Party, as most of them have been completed and others are still under implementation phase. The draft of the new managementplan of PNP is currently proceededunder the Protected areas Act and the Regulation for preparation of managementplans for protected areas in Bulgaria. The draft managementplan of PNP foreseeselaboration of a methodology for monitoring the impact of skiing and other activities that take place within the buffer zone on the sunounding WHP in order to ensurethat they do not negatively affect the outstanding universal value of the site. PNPD promotes and implementsthe Strategyfor sustainablenature tourism, developedunder the ParticipationProgram of UNESCO by completingactivities, envisaged by the Action plan - part of the Strategy. ln2014 and 2015 the MOEW has not registeredany new conservationissues, related to the protection and conservationstatus of the Property. All projects and investmentproposals in the buffer zone and in the WHP are proceededin line with the Bulgarian legislation and are subject of Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) and AA for their compatibility with the conservationsubject and objective of Pirin National Park as WHP and Natura 2000 site (regulatedby the Environmental Protection Act - EPA and the Regulation for the conditions and procedures for assessing the compatibility of plans, programs, projects and investment proposals with the conservation subject and objective of Natura 2000 sites - Regulation for Appropriate assessment). The control over the implementation of the approved projects and investment proposals is carried out by PNPD and MOEW. In2014 and 2015 the MOEW consideredand approvedprojects and investmentproposals, related mainly to ensuring the functioning of existing facilities, improving the safety of tourists, enhancingthe quality of the tourist servicesand improving of the environment. II. Responsefrom Renublic of Bulgaria to the World Heritage Committee's Decision: 38 COM 78.73. paragraph bv paragraph The World Heritage Committee, 1. Havins examinedDocument WHC-I4/38.COM/7B, 2. RecallineDecision 37 COM 78.17,adopted at its 37th session(Phnom Penh,2013), The Ministry of Environment and Water as the institution in charge of the managementof Pirin National Park and World Heritage Property also considered Document WHC- 14/38.COMl7B andDecision 37 COM 78.17 of the WHC, adoptedat its 37th session(Phnom Penh,2013), pointed in paragraphsI and 2 of Decision:38 COM 7B.73 of the WHC. 3. Notes the information provided by the State Party that further developmentsin the buffer zone of the property could be considered within the new management plan for Pirin National Park, and given the potential impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property, requests the State Party to ensure that the new management plan is subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) prior to being adopted, in line with the European Union (EU) SEA Directive, the BU Habitat Directive, and IUCN's World Heritage Advice Note on Environmental Assessmentl The draft managementplan of PNP witl be a subjectto the proceduresfor SEA and AA along with the Bulgarian legislation, in which are transposedthe Directives of the EuropeanUnion for SEA and for conservationof natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna, taking also into accountthe IUCN's World Heritage Advice Note on Environmental Assessment. 4. Also requeststhe State Party to expedite the implementation of the recommendations of the 2011 joint World Heritage CentrelIUCN reactive monitoring mission which have not yet been implementedoin particular to complete the process of the demarcation of the boundaries of the property, including its buffer zone; Below is presentedinformation on the implementationof the recommendationsof the 2011 joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN reactive monitoring mission to the Property and particularly the recommendationrelated to the completion of the process for demarcationof the boundariesof the property, including its buffer zone; 5. Further requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centren by I December 2015, an updated report, including a l-page executivesummary, on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above requests, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 40th sessionin 2016. Current report on the State of conservation of Pirin National Park as a World Heritage Propertyhas been prepared pursuant to $ 5 of Decision:38 COM 78.73 of the WHC. Information on the implementation of the recommendations of the 2011 joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN reactive monitoring mission to the property are indicated as follows: a) ensure effective wider regional planning for economic development, and ensure that no developmentsthat exceedthe capacity of the area are permitted' The regionalplanning in Bulgariais canied out underthe Territorial developmentAct (TDA). According to TDA for the territory of each municipality is elaborateda Master development plan (MDP). In the processof elaboration of MDP is canied out Strategic environmental assessmentand Appropriate assessmentfor its compatibility with the conservationsubject and objective of the respective protected area and Natura 2000 site. In the course of these assessmentsare envisaged measures which to prevent from future developments which may exceed the capacity of the area. The MDP of Bansko and Sandanski municipalities have been already proceeded in accordance to the environmental legislation by the competent territorial authority of the MOEW - Regional Inspectorateof environment and waters for the town of Blagoevgrad.For both master plans positive statementshave been issued. According to TDA the master plans of Bansko and Sandanskimunicipalities are about to be consideredand adoptedat sessionsof the respectivemunicipal councils. The master development plans of the other municipalities around Pirin National Park - Simitli, Kresna and Gotse Delchev are still being proceededalong with the Environmental protection Act and the Biological diversity Act. The MOEW can influence on the intentions of the municipalities, related to development particularly by subjecting their plans to the above mentioned assessments.In this regard it should be noted that the plans of Bansko and Sandanskimunicipalities are consistentwith the currently acting managementplan of PNP. b) promote and implement the 2010 Strategy for sustainablenature tourism as a viable alternative to ski-basedtourism development
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