3006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 February 1, 2007 fierce action of the Battle of the Bulge. Due to Colonel Kelly is survived by his loving wife ied ranging from facility planning, tele- his aggressive, fearless and superior leader- Maria, his two sons, Paul and John, his par- communications, and aviation to Baxter’s op- ship, Lt. James Megellas inspired his men to ents, John and Mary Rose, and his five sib- erations in South Africa, finally recommending excel. lings. Colonel Kelly honorably served America divestment of the company’s interest in that After serving four years as a rifle platoon and his family. My thoughts and prayers are country. General Johnson chaired Baxter’s leader during World War II, including many with them all. Crisis Management Team before retiring in combat jumps into Italy and Holland, James In conclusion, God bless our troops, and we 1990. Megellas left the active Army and served for will never forget September 11th. On a personal note, it was to my great 16 years in the Army Reserve. He retired after f pleasure and honor that ‘‘The General,’’ as we 20 years of service as a lieutenant colonel. called him, served on my Service Academy His awards and decorations include the Dis- IN MEMORY OF LIEUTENANT Select Screening Board to make rec- tinguished Service Cross, two Silver Star Med- GENERAL WARREN D. JOHNSON ommendations for nominations for the Air als, two Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Force Academy in Colorado Springs. He took Hearts, and he is credited with being the 82nd HON. MARK STEVEN KIRK delight in the many fine young people that our Airborne Division’s most decorated officer. OF ILLINOIS district produced and their sincere desire to During World War II, General James Gavin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serve our country. selected one 82nd officer—Lt. James Wednesday, January 31, 2007 General Johnson was a giant among men, Megellas—to receive the Military Order of having served in three wars, flying fighters and Willhelm Orange Lanyard from the Dutch Min- Mr. KIRK. Madam Speaker, LTG Warren D. bombers, going from prop planes to the Stra- ister of War on behalf of his division. Johnson of Winnetka passed away on January tegic Air Command, and serving as Director of To this day, James Megellas continues to 23, 2007, leaving behind a legacy of personal the Defense Nuclear Agency. He continued inspire. In February 2006, 61 years after that contributions to his family, colleagues, and the making contributions in civilian life by sharing momentous battle, James ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas nation. his leadership and understanding of the world. set foot on a battlefield with fellow 82nd Air- General Johnson was born in 1922, in We will never comprehend the influence and borne Division soldiers, this time in a current Blackwell, Oklahoma. He entered military serv- inspiration that General Johnson provided to theater of war—Afghanistan. James Megellas ice in April 1942 and graduated from officer those who had the opportunity to make his ac- was impressed with what he saw of the para- candidate school with a commission as sec- quaintance. To his wife Judy and his four sur- troopers and their work. He listened to their ond lieutenant in November 1942. He was first viving children, I extend my deep condo- stories of the past year of deployment and assigned to advanced training for the B–17 lences. To General Don Johnson’s many shared with them his own experiences during and then sent to Tokyo, Japan where he friends at the North Shore Senior Center, it World War II. ‘‘Maggie’’ continues to inspire by served from December 1946 until June 1949 was our pleasure to know such a fine indi- speaking to groups across the country about as a personnel officer in the Pacific Air Com- vidual and family man who will be missed by his experiences and is planning to observe his mand and the Far East Air Forces. all. 90th birthday in Iraq this March with the 82nd Johnson was next assigned as a B–36 crew f Airborne troops. member with the 11th Bombardment Wing of I urge my colleagues to recognize James Carswell Air Force Base, Texas. There he TRIBUTE TO ROCCO J. SOCCIO ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas by supporting this bill to began his long association with Strategic Air authorize and request the President to award Command. At Little Rock Air Force Base, Ar- HON. BILL SHUSTER him the Medal of Honor for his acts of valor kansas from May 1955 to July 1959 he served OF PENNSYLVANIA on January 28, 1945, during the Battle of the as a B–47 aircraft commander and director of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bulge. As time goes by, true heroes should operations for the 70th Strategic Reconnais- not be forgotten, so please join me in honoring sance Wing. Wednesday, January 31, 2007 this outstanding American hero. General Johnson was assigned as chief of Mr. SHUSTER. Madam Speaker, I rise f transportation at Torrejon Air Base, Spain and today to honor Mr. Rocco J. Soccio of Lewistown, Pennsylvania, who passed away HONORING COLONEL PAUL M. in January 1962, became commander of the Saturday, December 16, 2006, at the age of KELLY SAC base at Sidi Slimane, Morocco. In 1963, he became deputy director of 71 years. This distinguished man is survived Eighth Air Force Headquarters at Westover Air by a wife of almost 50 years, Barbara Kaley HON. JOE WILSON Force Base, Massachusetts. In 1966, Johnson Soccio, whom he married in 1957 and had OF SOUTH CAROLINA became commander of the 380th Strategic three children, Jan, John, and Vincent. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Aerospace Wing, SAC and in 1967 was given Lewistown is lucky to have had such a de- Wednesday, January 31, 2007 the responsibility for SAC wings. voted citizen to the community such as Rocco, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam In September 1969, he assumed the dual or ‘‘Rocky’’, as everyone knew him. For 30 Speaker, I rise today in honor of a true Amer- assignment of commander, U.S. Forces, years, he owned and operated the Parkway ican hero. Colonel Paul Kelly, of Stafford, Vir- Azores, and commander, 1605th Air Base Service Store and was a partner in the oper- ginia, and a former member of the South Wing, Lajes Field, Azores. ation of Riverside Wholesale for 13 years. He Carolina Army National Guard, died in Bagh- In June 1971, General Johnson became was also a manager and salesman for L&G dad when the Black Hawk helicopter he was deputy chief of staff for personnel at Strategic Athletic Retail Sports Store. But those are just in crashed. Air Command Headquarters and later became his contributions to the business community. Colonel Kelly served as a South Carolina chief of staff. Rocky Soccio also spent time as an educa- guardsmen from April 1986 until June 2001. He joined the Defense Nuclear Agency in tor and coach at Kishacoquillas High School. During his tenure, he held key leadership and May 1973 as deputy director for operations He taught history and driver’s education, and staff positions within the aviation program ris- and administration, and in October 1973 was served as the wrestling coach and athletic di- ing to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Colonel appointed as the director. General Johnson rector at the high school. The young lives he Kelly later transferred to the Virginia Army Na- also served as a member of the Aerospace contributed to were many and did not go un- tional Guard, with which he was serving at the Safety Advisory Panel to the National Aero- noticed. As recognition of his achievements, in time of his death. To date Col. Kelly is the nautics and Space Administration. 1965, Rocky was named the winner of Valley most senior officer to die in the Iraqi theater of General Johnson received numerous mili- Forge Freedom Foundation Public Teacher war. He was a mentor to many coming up tary decorations and awards. He was Award. through the ranks of military service. quadruplerated as pilot, navigator, bombardier Rocky Soccio also had a strong hand in the Colonel Kelly would have celebrated his and radar operator, and had more than 17,000 local government. He served on the Blue 46th birthday today. According to the Dayton hours of flying time in fighters and bombers. Cross Consumer Advisory Board for 34 years Daily News, Colonel Kelly was nicknamed ‘‘the Retiring from the United States Air Force in and also spent six years as a board member Senator’’ because he was always shaking sol- 1977, Don Johnson joined Baxter International on the Mifflin County Housing Authority. Rocky dier’s hands, no matter their rank. as a corporate officer. His activities were var- became chairman of the Municipal Authority of VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:50 Jun 06, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 2\LOC FILES\BR01FE07.DAT BR01FE07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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