E1232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 11, 2007 HONORING THE LIFE OF TOM joined Fairfax County Public Schools in 1989, the legislative process. H.R. 2316 shines a KOSSORIS piloting the Technology Tools class for Lanier bright light on lobbyists’ activities in order to Middle School in Fairfax, Virginia. Mrs. Siegel end the illegal practices that waste taxpayer HON. PAUL RYAN has been a dedicated educator at Lanier for dollars and bring disgrace to this institution. OF WISCONSIN the past 21 years. Under Democratic leadership, this Congress IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Teaching students for over three decades is moving America in a New Direction. Our pri- and on two continents, she has demonstrated orities put the interests of American families Thursday, June 7, 2007 her unequivocal passion for education. Over ahead of special interests. I am proud to sup- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Madam Speaker, her career, Mrs. Siegel found opportunities to port this legislation today and urge my col- Southeastern Wisconsin lost a truly dedicated actively serve in different educational systems leagues to do the same. teacher last week—Tom Kossoris, who taught in Virginia, New York and Europe. A proud f at Mukwonago High School over the past mother and grandmother, Mrs. Siegel will con- three decades. He passed away after a tinue her service to young people during her PERSONAL EXPLANATION lengthy battle with illness brought on by a retirement. She has fondly exclaimed, ‘‘my brain tumor. I would like to take a moment to role as an educator will remain, only my title HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY honor his memory and reflect on the lessons will officially shift from Mrs. Siegel to grand- OF CALIFORNIA he passed along to his students and others ma.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who knew him. Madam Speaker, in closing, I would like to Thursday, June 7, 2007 Tom taught history, political science and ec- take the opportunity to recognize Mrs. Cynthia onomics. He demanded a lot from his stu- Siegel for her enduring service as a teacher in Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, on June dents—setting high standards that challenged Fairfax County and abroad. I call upon my col- 5th, I was unavoidably detained and was un- them to excel. In an account that appeared in leagues to join me in applauding Cynthia able to vote on rollcalls Nos. 426–430. the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, his fellow Siegel for her efforts and wishing her many Had I been present, I would have voted in teacher, Bruce Lammers put it well, saying: happy years in retirement. the following: ‘‘Tom taught me to have students meet your f Rollcall No. 426, H. Res. 327—‘‘aye.’’ expectations. Challenge the kids academically, Rollcall No. 427, H. Res. 422—‘‘aye.’’ and the kids rise to your standards.’’ Tom PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Rollcall No. 428, H. Res. 430—‘‘aye.’’ combined this toughness with a dry sense of OF H.R. 2317, LOBBYING TRANS- Rollcall No. 429, H. Res. 451—‘‘aye.’’ humor and an unfailing commitment to his stu- PARENCY ACT OF 2007 AND PRO- Rollcall No. 430, H. Res. 452—‘‘aye.’’ dents’ education. VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF f Every year, Tom brought students to Wash- H.R. 2316, HONEST LEADERSHIP TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GENERAL ington to enhance and expand on what they AND OPEN GOVERNMENT ACT OF PATRICK HENRY BRADY had learned—showing them their government 2007 in action, as well as the site of so many water- SPEECH OF sheds and debates over the course of our na- HON. JOHN P. MURTHA tion’s history. I could count on hearing from HON. BETTY McCOLLUM OF PENNSYLVANIA Tom, who would ask for assistance with get- OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ting tours of the Capitol or other opportunities IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 7, 2007 to make his students’ trip memorable. He held Thursday, May 24, 2007 himself to the same high standards he ex- Mr. MURTHA. Madam Speaker, I would like pected of others—working tirelessly to make Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Madam to take this opportunity to congratulate Major sure students got the most out of their experi- Chairman, I rise in support of the Honest General Patrick H. Brady for his relentless and ence in Washington. Leadership Open Government Act and con- selfless service to this country. Major General Over the years he retained a love of teach- gratulate Speaker PELOSI for taking this impor- Brady should be remembered for his heroic ing, as well as an intellectual energy and en- tant step in changing the way business is display while serving in the Republic of Viet- thusiasm that he passed on to others. On top done in Washington. nam, where he went above and beyond his of his other teaching duties, Tom became a H.R. 2316 will bring real transparency to call of duty flying multiple missions into hostile driver’s education instructor, giving lessons lobbyists’ activities in order to break the cor- territory to evacuate severely wounded sol- before school on weekdays and on Saturdays. rupting influence that has been present over diers as an air ambulance pilot. It is estimated His sharp mind, his wit, and his determination the last decade in Congress. This bill requires that Major General Brady may have evacuated to bring out the best in students will be greatly disclosure of lobbyists’ contributions to mem- more wounded from the battlefield than any- missed by the whole community. bers, doubles the frequency of lobbyists’ re- one in American history, over 5,000. Major General Brady’s gallantry and her- f porting, and establishes a searchable public database of this disclosure information. It also oism has been well documented and he is the HONORING CYNTHIA SIEGEL increases criminal and civil penalties for those recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross, who violate the Lobby Disclosure Act and our Nations second highest award; two Distin- HON. TOM DAVIS bans the K street project. guished Service Medals; the Defense Superior OF VIRGINIA The Honest Leadership Open Government Service Medal; the Legion of Merit; six Distin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Act includes new requirements for Members of guished Flying Crosses; two Bronze Stars, Congress, including required disclosure of job one for valor; the Purple Heart; 53 Air Medals, Thursday, June 7, 2007 negotiations for post-Congressional employ- one for valor; and the Medal of Honor, the Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Madam Speak- ment, and establishes a public database for military’s highest decoration. While Major Gen- er, I rise today to honor Mrs. Cynthia Siegel Members’ travel and financial disclosure infor- eral Patrick Brady had a distinguished and for over 30 years of educational service to stu- mation. honorable military career, I speak today not dents in Virginia, New York, and Germany. This legislation is the second step in fulfilling only to honor those achievements and his 34- Originally from Long Island, Mrs. Siegel the Democrats’ promise to clean up Wash- year military career, but to recognize his serv- began her career in education in New York, ington. In the first 100 hours of the 110th Con- ice to our country while not wearing the uni- teaching for six years on the high school level gress we passed new House Rules imposing form. and two years for an education program at the toughest ethics standards ever. These Soon Major General Brady will step down CitiBank. Mrs. Siegel’s calling as a teacher rules banned gifts, meals and trips paid for by as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of didn’t leave her because of a geographic loca- lobbyists. The House has also voted to deny the Citizens Flag Alliance, after more than a tion. As the spouse of an Army officer, she pension benefits to Members of Congress decade of phenomenal service. Major General found herself in Germany and confronted with convicted of corruption. Brady’s outstanding ability enabled him to or- a base that lacked a teacher for the military The House of Representatives is the Peo- ganize and motivate nearly 150 organizations school there. She gladly stepped up and filled ple’s House. In order to ensure that we are whose sole focus is on passing a Constitu- that need. Upon her return to the U.S., Mrs. truly responsive to and representative of the tional amendment that would return to the Siegel worked for six years at the Washington people, it is critical that lobbyists’ do not have American people the right to protect their flag. Business School of Northern Virginia. She undue access to Members or influence over He has testified before Congress and worked VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:13 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\E11JN7.REC E11JN7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE June 11, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1233 closely with many Members of Congress to IN MEMORY OF WAYNE STEVENS the test after the San Simeon earthquake in gain support for an amendment that would December 2003. This earthquake caused ban the desecration of the American flag. I HON. DUNCAN HUNTER massive damage to Paso Robles and took the commend the Major General for his work and OF CALIFORNIA lives of two Paso Robles residents. The center am confident he departs knowing the mission IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES immediately served as a staging area as of the Alliance will continue due in no small Cassidy and other members of the Paso part to his involvement and diligence. Thursday, June 7, 2007 Robles Emergency Services coordinated initial I extend my best wishes to Major General Mr.
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