£>S:;i::' •>:#>:J i i $M ^X^J Tltie Mercjyhursf College Erie, Pennsflvaipi :w::>:i: \lol.57Not3 S*x£SS£ ®&m iridayf 3d, pi i 'yj'JAW/i'KOi : BS:. ^ i r^C-i^ r *3&jr d £&a 53 svs •x-:-: r * •<•_•_*_• "OTJJ _*_•*•*** ^3& "?Sj3 &&^sgs$ •:•:• p###9WV; A • V"fc%'* ggss 1:BBS^ S ESS* Tennis Court '">>>« ********. **»« Controversy Resolved r- *«•» By Karen Merkle dent use. MERCIAD News Editor^ Any student who wants to use The recent controversy over the the St. Mark's courts can call the _«•> new "campus parking lot, which athletic department to make an * * was formerly the outdoor tennis appointment. mv 1^ •A- jiH courts,, has been resolved, accor- He explained that the old Mer- ding to president of the college, cy h u r s t courts have long been a Dr. William P. Garvey. problem, citing their bad location The problem began last week, and worsening conditions. vmmBM'A^y :#5*B«W when a letter from the Mercy h u r s t Dr. Garvey and others have Women's Tennis Team appeared been concerned with the courts' on the editorial page of The location next to the baseball field. Merciad. 1 He said the possibility of injury Signed by Coach Ric Harden from a foul ball has always been and seven members of the team, great, and that "We've run out on >>xn the letter was an angry response to our streak of luck." '^>J the summer switch of the tennis There were also unofficial war- -**#¥$£ nings from the school's insurance courts behind the Mercy h u r s t S3&& Apartments into a new 120 space company about the possibilities if m< .. & parking lot. „ someone were to be hurt w % *aw m In the letter, the team said that accidentally. St. Mark's Tennis Courts because of the lack of tennis |frn addition, the condition of the conversion of the courts since are still needed in one location for courts," he added. courts for last week's match the courts has steadily decreased. the recent acquisition of St. a match. Dr. Garvey stressed that the against Grove City, "the embar- So, early this summer, Dr. Garvey Mark's Seminary has made four According to Dr. Garvey H a n d need for parking is specifically in- rassment iwe, (the team) faced, said, it was decided that the courts more courts available to the tennis E. William Kennedy, director of tense around the Mercyhurst will never be forgotten."* were unsuitable for-playing, and team. These courts, along with the student services, parking space is Apartments and the Campus All of this, according to Dr. that,£t r e p a i r s would run into two indoor courts, on campus, also in desperate need. Center, especially when events are Garvey, is "pure, unadulterated thousands of dollars. were believed by the administra- There was a definite ''parking being held in the gym. Since there always seems to be a baloney." "I'm annoyed with the tion to be sufficient. crunch" on campus, Kennedy But, Harden remains uncon- situation. I had no idea there was parking shortage at Mercyhurst, Coach Ric Harden replied that said. "We are very happy to have vinced that the conversion of the a problem," Garvey said, referr- this seemed a way to solve)two while! all four St. Mark's courts the parking, though not necessari- tennis courts was the best path to ing to the tennis team letter, a problems at once. are in good condition, six courts ly at the expense of the tennis choose. «* But now, he explained "the So in June, the decision was problem with St. Mark's has been made to turn the courts ^into a resolved." V parking lot, explained Garvey. Dr. Garvey explained that there At this time, Dr. Garvey said, was. some question about the the athletic staff was informed of Davor Photo Company availability of the four St. Mark's the plans for the courts. T i courts for the tennis team and stu- •f This was seen as a good time for To Create: S e n i o r Supplement By Brent Scarpo school year. Tom Buckley senior portraits and campus MERCIAD Staff Reporter seconded the motion. surroundings. The supplement Due to an $8,000 loss, the A roll call vote was taken, is free to all seniors who get Transportation Issue Mercyhurst yearbook no which showed 10 in favor, six their pictures taken by 'the longer exists. In its place, will against, and one abstention company. be the new Senior Supplement. response to Budget; Proposal Abe Orlick, President of Under Investigation Sheila Delaney, student B. The motion was carried. 1 Davor Photo Inc., agreed that That particular vote produc- he would, "photograph each * By Amy Wood w o r t h K announced that the activities com- government treasurer said, M ERCtAD Staff Reporter "Last year, we allotted about ed a number of results. Besides member of the senior class and mittee .will begin their interview not having a yearbook, Brooke submit color proofs of four Mercyhurst Student Govern- process for a freshman represen- $12,000, and made about ment* Vice-President Kathy $3,450. So, we lost approx- Buzard, former yearbook .'poses in the yearbook* attire tative on Monday, October 3. editor said, "I was a little and two poses in academic cap O'Conner opened Sunday night's Freshmen interested are encourag- imately $8,000." meeting with a proposal to paint The decision to discontinue upset, because I wasn't even and gown; to schedule ail ed to submit letters of intent. informed of the special senior portrait sittings and sup- the "Signature Wall" in the Stu- Jones also announced that there the yearbook occurred,:spring dent Union. This proposal was ac- term last year on May 22, at a meeting being called." ply the seniors with appoint- will be a dance held on Saturday, ment slips containing all pre- cepted and anyone interested in October 1, after the first home, special MSG meeting. Four Since the crucial vote, not Budget Proposals were sitting information required, helping the MSG officers paint football game. The disc jockey for : much has been said or done the Union wall are welcome to created: A, B, C, and D. concerning the issue, according along with designating the time the evening will be Aiitoinne and place of the appointment. join them on Sunday, October 2, Thompson. Budget A entailed raising the to sources. It wasn't* until directly following the 7:30 p.m. activities fee and discontinuing recently that] anyone knew of In addition, he will mail proofs Missy Hurlburt, student to seniors. Having additional MSG meeting. Refreshments will government representative, mov- the yearbook. Budget B entail- the new Senior Supplement. be served. ed not raising the activities fee Sheila Delaney, as well as Sue poses entails an additional ed that MSG establish a commit- % cost.' The cost for publication The, Thanksgiving holiday tee tot form a senior directory and discontinuing the year- Bennett, MSG secretary, had transportation proposal is still book. Budget C had a fee in- no idea of whether or not one of the directory will be absorb-' booklet. This booklet would take ed by Davor Photo in lieu of under investigation. With this the place of the discontinued Mer- crease and continuing the year- existed or was going to exist. proposal, MSG will provide a book, and finally, Budget D the services that would have cyhurst yearbook and would in- E. William Kennedy, direc- been given to a yearbook. The shuttle service using the school clude photos and addresses of had an increase in fee, while tor; of student services, told continuing the yearbook. The Merciad that the Davor number of copies of student bus to take people to Buffalo and- graduating seniors. This commit- directories will equal the or possibly Pittsburgh airports for tee is open to anyone interested. After much deliberation, Photo Company, in Bensflen, flights to areas far distances from Pat Reed, MSO J Represen- Pennsylvania, was'selected to number of seniors photograph- O'Conner announced that this ed, with an additional twenty- Erie. If this proposal is establish- year, both MSG and SAC plan to tative, made a motion to ac- do the 1983-84 senior portraits. ed, flight, arrangements would cept Budget Proposal B, which The company voluntarily said five copies being printed for print a newsletter to keep students the college, free of charge." also be made through MSG.? informed on events at contained no fee increase and that they would create a Senior SAC chairperson John Jones Mercyhurst. no yearbook for the 1983-84 Supplement, consisting of ++M*#Mt '<&, fcMmffim Our opinion September 30,11983 Page 2 • 222T m&m \ * Ww$. 33 f wm.™m n < ^ *r \ From t h e • dMnkn 5SS3-3& wHm WsmSk MO wMfi®& '•ssSSS Editarfe D e s k *.*•_• f J ««•> LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | The Merciad welcomes letters of expression from its readers in "Your Opinion." The following are guidelines when writing letters: i U • i 1. Please type all letters. % 2. Letters must be submitted Tuesday by noon of the publication week. 3. Refrain from using libelous statements. 3 4. Letter contributions will only be edited for grammatical or spelling errors 5. All letters must be signed - no excuses! 6. Please include a phone number or an address for verification purposes. It is impressive to see a student organization so full of energy OF THIS WaRLD,YOU D O N f S£fcl<X>SuV N^GCfllATe ARMS and creative projects for the benefit of the student body.
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