"Central Illinois' Only Professional Equity Music Theatre" Fifth Season .h July 7th Through August 27th, 1961 Air-conditioned Grand Theatre * On the Square * Sullivan ? Guy S. Llttle, Jt. Ptassnts ! '4 RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN'S 1 "FLOWER DRUM SONG' I August 22nd through August 27th, 1961 Who's Who in the Cast . SYLVIA COPELAND (Linda Low) re- RUSTY DORE (Sammy Fong) has been a creates the vital fun-loving Linda for the third popular performer on Broadway, TV, records, time, havinf peiformed this role previous1 at sup er clobs and summer stock. Rusty appeared the South hore Music Theatre and the dan- on sroadway with Mae West in her production nis Melody Tent in Massachusetts. Miss Cope- of DIAMOND LIL and toured the country aa land is. a versatile performer displaying talent the bookie in BELLS ARE RINGING.. We was . as a slnger. actress and pianist. Her many recently seen off-Broadway as Jake in THE cabaret and hotel singing- en agements have THREEPENNY OPERA at the Theatre DeLys taken her from Boston to ~razi?,with stops at and as the student in the Yiddish Art Theatre's Miami Beach. Puerto Rico and Haiti. Earlier production of FAMILY CARNOVSKY. Rusty this year. she sang at Julius Monk's "Upstairs has appeared in leading summer theatres at the Downstairs" in New York. Misa Cope- throu hout the U S as Prez in THE PAJAMA land appeared with Lena Horne and Ricardo GAM&. ~tchyin WISH YOU WERE HERE Montalban in the Broadway production of and Charlie in ANNIE GET YOUR GUN. AMAICA, along with Michael Wright (a Rusty is a graduate of C.C.N.Y. with a major in & UMMER OF MUSICALS favorite earlier s eech. His hit recording of "Little Girl' and this season.) At the Cleveland Plavhouse. she '%hy Was I Born?" is on the Luck Record performed leading roles in VOLPONE. LET'S label. MAKE AN OPERA and Leonard Bernstein's a; WONDERFUL TOWN. ANN FOLKE (Madame Liang) made her ' Grand Theat e debut as Bloody Mary in last8 . JEFF WARREN (Wang Ta) directed all the season's opening production of SOUTH 'IJ productions at the Grand last summer and is PACIFIC and remained in Sullivan to a pear + working in the same capacity this season. as Melba the girl reporter, in PAL JOE#. At- Mr. Warren got his first theatre job as tenor ~1eveland.s Musicarn~val, she was assoeiated , soloist with the tourin company of Kurt Weill's with such musicals as THE MOST HAPPY? LADY IN THE DAR% which starred Gertrude FQLLA. THE BALLAD OF BABY DOE,,,;,\'-. Lawrence. A month afier the opening of Kurt PORGY AND BESS and PETER PAN w3'h - Weill's next Broadway success, ONE TOUCH Martyn Greene. She is serving as preduction 1.5 OF VENJIS, he had the opportun~ty.that all stage manaeer for a11 the musical? at the &and:, ?:,: understud~esdream of-he went on during Kenny this season In addition to pe-formin earlier thl . p, Raker's extended illness to play opposite season as Sarah in PAINT ?O~RwA@0b:' the delightful Miss Marv Martin. It was while and the present role. Ann la a natrwe of 'r+ hc was engaged with GENTLEMEN PREFER Connecticut and holds a B.S. in Speech from.)< BLONDES that Mr.. Warren was offered the op- Northwestern University. portunitv of a earrn o posite Ethel Merman ' i in CALL ME #ADA% gr th-ee months while Russell Nype went to Hollywood. He was then JOANNE KOHEN (Helen Chao) decided rtkT' en-aged to create the same role in the London a very early a e that what she wentea to do most prcduc+ion of CALL ME MADAM and remained was sing for Rr supper. tty casme in Enrrland to play leading roles in WEDDING as a result of her studies% toht?iiiacdit9 of '; IN PARIS. This past winter, Jeff was as- Texas wherc she majored in music and voice sociated with the Carol Channing revue, SHOW and studied with Josephine Aqtbina pi tge ' GIRL. This season. Grand Theatre patrons have Metropolitan Opera. Her first B e sob oe- seen him as Nat Miller in TAKE ME ALONG curred while she was in Houston %ex= when Charlie Dalrymple in BRIGADOON and ~anild she portrayed Katie in PLAIN ~lbFA~$Y at in THE MERRY WIDOW. Theatre, Inc. After appearances with.the"Metro-- ' poptan Opera Workshop, Adis Kaphn mohd to M~lwaukeewhere she played a variety of roles BETTY CHAMBERS (Mei Li) appeared includin the title role in LAURA, Bi-a id in every product~onpreseyted at the Grand dur- KISS bf~KATE Fiona in BRIGADOON atr ing the seasons of 1957, 58, '59 and '60. This the Fred ~iller~6eatre for an extended engage- summer Betty has appeared in all of the shows ment and Laurey in the Plavhouse Under The1 with the exception of TAKE ME ALONG. Out- Stars production of OKLAHOMAI Miss Koehn standing portrayals this season have included has also appeared at Pazio's in Milwaukee with Meg in BRIGADOON. Elizabeth in PAINT the Florentine Opera Company and in the doston YOUR WAGON and Lo-Lo in THE MERRY Comic Opera production of THE MIKADO, and WIDOW. Dorinr the wrnter mon'hs she 1s last summer she played Hu ette in THE a busy professional dancer appearing at lead- VAGABOND KING with. ~onagRogers which ing supper clubs and hotel; in Boston, Atlantic was produced by the Milwaukee County Park City. New York and throughout the Eastern Commission for their "Music Under the Stan." part of the country. Off-Broadway saw Betfy Last December. Joanne journeyed to Miami to in IF THE SHOW FITS, and now movle anpear at the fabulous Coconut Grove Plavhouse audiences across the land will see her in as Magnolia in SHOW BOAT. and earlier this CURTAIN UP, which is an Ed Sullivan produc- summer, Joanne repeated her role of Magnolia +;on about sum-P- thratr-s. At the conlusion for three weeks at Melody Top in Ch~cago. of this season Betty will have ameared in 27d performances on the Grand stage.-- / (Please turn to page 10) . - AYLCO CHEMICAL COMPANY PLANTS LOCATED AT SULLIVAN-HARVEL-ROCHESTER-EL PASO, ILLINOIS GUY S. LITTLE, JR. Presents , "FLOWER DRUM SONG" MUSIC BY RICHARD RODGERS LYRICS BY OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN 2nd BOOK BY OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN 2nd and JOSEPH FIELDS Based on the novel by C. Y. LEE with Sylvia Copeland, Jeff Warren, Betty Chambers, Rusty Dore, Ann Folke, Joanne Koehn, and Robert Gwaltney DIRECTED by JEFF WARREN CHOREOGRAPHY by BETTY CHAMBERS MUSICAL DIRECTION by ELWOOD SMITH DESIGNED and LIGHTED by JACK W. KIRKBY COSTUMES by JESSIE and ROD FERNANDEZ ENTIRE PRODUCTION UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. LITTLE CAST (In order of appearance) Madam Liang .................................................... ANN FOLKE Liu Mau ...................................................... NINA TABOR Wang San ..................................................... CHARLES HARRIS Wang Ta ..................................................... JEFF WARREN Wang Chi Yang ...........................................ROBERT GWALTNEY Sammy Fong ..................................................... .RUSTY DORE Dr. Li .......................................................JAMES PANOWSKI Mei Li .................................................... BETTY CHAMBERS Linda Low .............................................. .SYLVIA COPELAND Mr. Lung (The Tailor) ....................................... WILLIAM HENKIN Mr. Huan (The Banker). ...................................... ROBERT LEOPOLD Helen Chao .............................................. JOANNE KOEHN Professor Cheng ............................................... TERRY SWARTS Frankie Wing ................................................. .DICK STEPHENS Head Waiter ................................................ DON RICHETTA Night Club Singer. ............................................GWEN ANDERSON Dr. Lu Fong ................................................... ROBERT BYARS Madam Fong ................................................... JANET SILVER George Chon ...................................................DAVID KELSON Commodore Low.. .............................................. SIDNEY SHAW Dancing Ensemble LAWRENCE BENNETT, JENNY COCHENNOUR, RICHARD WLPH, JUDY ERICKSON, CAROLEE GEARHART, CARROLL INGERSOLL, TERRY SOLDWEDEL, RUTH KAUFMAN, DIANE KOONS. Children.. ..........LESLIE ELDER, CARLA ELLIOTT, RAYMOND DEWS, DEBBIE LEACH, LANA MELVIN and CANDY TAYLOR. 0RCHESTRA:Two pianos-Elwood Smith and Eddie McCarty; Percussion-Hal Fair- weather; Bass-Frank Post; Clarinet--Jack Anderson; Trumpet-Harold Moats. By Arrangement with RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN in Association with JOSEPH FIELDS. I . FUNERAL HOME ' It r su LCIVAN, ILL~NOIS4! WAM'S COMMUNITY DRIVE-IN CLEANERS ..I INDUSTRIES, LTDe Cold Storuge Available WE ALSO CLEAN CARPETS F Russell Me Harshman Co. HULBERT'S - Sullivan, Ill. Phone 4235 READY MIX CEMENT PHARMACY .:," CONTRACTORS SULLIVAN - BETHAN+' Basements, Walks, Drives, "Your Health Is Foundations and Patios, Floors, Porches and Steps Our Business" \ 'Vd .'L 1 d Everything to Build Anything Gauger Lumber Co. i m INSURANCE CLAIMS +an be handled without red tape or delay when you insure with your local independent agent. WOOD INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. 7 West Harrison Street Sullivan, Illinois SYNOPSIS OF SCENES ACT ONE Scene 1. Living room in the house of Wang. Scene 2. A hill on San Francisco bay-that night. Scene 3. Living room in the house of Wang-next morning. Scene 4. Living room in the house of Wang-evening of the same day. Scene 5. The back garden of the house of Wang--later that night. Scene 6. Linda's dressing roam in the Celestial Bar. L Scene 7. The Celestial Bar-a few minutes later. .I ACT TWO Scene 1. Helen Chao's room-the following morning. Scene 2. Wang's living room-later that same morning. Scene 3. Sammy Fong's apartment. Scene 4. The Three Family Association. Scene 5. Sammy Fong's apartment.
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