ARUNACHAL A monthly english journal JUNE 2018 1 REVIEW A Glimpse of Arunachal ~Yumri Taipodia, Columnist based in Shillong runachal Pradesh is situ- tration through Political Zama- is working hard for unity and Aated in the North Eastern der and Political Interpreter as it is fulfilling gradually. History region of the Indian Sub-con- their representative. Under the records their migration in oral tinent. It is rich in natural re- leadership of Moji Riba and tradition, dances and songs. source, beauty and majesty. Mojie Riba, the Arunachalee Due to their migration in dif- Jawaharlal Nehru described hosted the tricolor flag on the ferent places the geographical it as an ‘Island of Peace’ for nation’s first Independence barrier arose, so some clan the peaceful and innocent life Day at Dipa village of the pres- (family) though they are from of indigenous people. Indira ent Lower Siang in 1947. The the same clan opted for a dif- Gandhi depicts her as ‘Drawn region was kept under the con- ferent tribe. Lit Mountain’ because of the trol of the union government Food Habit early sun rising in the region. and was granted statehood on Geographically, Ar- The state has a proud history 20th February 1987. unachal is filled with natural from the earliest time. Matmur Tribes habitation of flora and fauna. Jamoh’s team killed Captain The indigenous people It has been blessed with vari- Neol William British officer’s groups of Arunachal are tribal. eties of food stuff and rice is troop. This massacre was dis- She is a land of tribal having their staple meal. They eat rice cussed in the British parlia- around 26 tribes & more than three times a day. They love ment which led to the outbreak 42 sub-tribes. It spreads into bamboo shot and agya (which of Anglo-Abo war in 1911. In 21 districts, many towns and is made from soyabin by fer- the mountain clip of Kekar- villages. Numbers of districts menting them for at least two moyong and the villages along are internationally bordered weeks). They cook curry with the banks of the Siang River, with Bhutan, China, Tibet and water, eatable tree leaves, the Arunachalee fought against Myanmar. Each district is pop- chilly and salt without any oil the mighty war trained British ulated by a particular tribe. To and industrial product spices throng. To defend the sover- look after the welfare of the from the market. If they hap- eignty in the cold weather they people each tribe has their pen to go the forest, they cook wore sack clothes, used local own welfare society which rice and curry on the bamboo. bows & arrows and swords acts as the highest parliament For any mass gathering they and stood against the devel- of that particular tribe. Every use glasses made up of bam- oped force till their many war- ethnic group has its own dis- boo and plates of kokam (large riors shed blood by the bullet tinct culture & tradition yet they tree leaf). This kokam plate is of the enemy. The British were cheerfully respect each other’s meant for one time use but advanced and they burned customs and live joyfully. With the bamboo glass is washable their houses, granaries, killed the growth of Christianity in which is entirely used for that beasts and destroyed crops. the region, their communica- particular week long occasion. The consequences of war tions are developing which They eat meat/fish by burn- were that the British partially brings them closer. The Ar- ing it or boiling and preserving annexed the region and es- unachal Christian Forum, the it for months by roasting it on tablished her limited adminis- apex Christian organization smoke. 2 JUNE 2018 A monthly english journal ARUNACHAL REVIEW Issues to bottom and the Christians during recruitments, cash in There are several is- were tormented by either be- the leaders (officers) account sues faced by the people of ing made to parade naked or is mandatory to get a job as this state. They are Boundary being exiled from the state. each job has fixed rates and it disputes internally with the Since many years for develop- is enhanced in a yearly basis. bordering states and interna- ing holistic societies in spiritual In order to get a job an aspi- tionally with China as old as cause, some feel (especially rant should first connect ‘Line’ Arunachal’s history. There are Christian community) and they who has the link to ‘Calcula- no concrete walls or barbed even voiced that it should be tor’ of selection power. Then wire along the border line so removed by the state legisla- ‘Link’ keeps some amount for it has become a key problem. ture. himself while the rest of the From time to time the strong Corruption demanded amount is handed neighboring states internally The most burning sub- over to ‘Calculator.’ Higher and mighty China is encroach- ject in every stratum of societ- the post, higher is the rate. ing the actual line of control ies and its chief sources are It is an open secret in the re- and snatching the land inch by absence of transparency, use- cruitment process from where inch. If NGO’s or any organiza- less accountability methods, only scanty of toppers from tions from the state raise their deficiency of reporting devices, the merit list are exempted. voices then there could be fragile governance and scar- After joining the post to meet road blockades in which the city of truthful bureaucrats. In their expended money those life line of Arunachal depends. every step crystal clean rules officials receive bribe and Another issue is the imposition and straightforward officials in this way corruption multi- of AFSPA (Armed Forces Spe- are required to execute the plies. The election is akin to cial Power Acts) in some dis- office. It has to do noble think- corruption festival where the tricts. AFSPA confirm special ing by reducing the crave for candidates spend enormous power to the armed forces as personal gain by barring amount of cash to buy vot- they are required for security themselves from misusing the ers and once they are born reasons. In the name of their office such as to keep them- in the legislative body they duty for checking underground selves away from indulging in again loot the public money militant/ban ultra many inno- bribery (either by demand or to meet their election ex- cent civilians and government by receiving the bribe offered penses. This results in weak officials are tortured by the In- to them), extortion, nepo- developments. Every opposi- dian army personnel. With that tism and misappropriation of tion party voices against cor- APFRA (Arunachal Pradesh public properties/power. Well ruption but once they come to Freedom of Religion Acts deceit is done by the official power they too participate in 1978) is also one of the chief while bribing, extorting and the same game. Corruption controversial existing acts. As influencing the peddler in- only serves the basic human the days pass the relevancy volved -giver and taker. This tendency for greed of individ- of this act is reduced and it is practice has made them to uals. Nowadays people either the most stumbling blow for fittingly call some leaders as grab power to make money or peaceful existence. Based ‘Calculator’ or ‘Percent’ for snatch finance to be born in on this law in the olden days, the money they take from the the chair. It is a vicious cycle Churches were destroyed ei- contractors. In place of being in Arunachal Pradesh and the ther by being burned to ashes concerned with the public, the question is how to break that or by being stripped from top leaders are prowling. Even cycle. ARUNACHAL A monthly english journal JUNE 2018 3 REVIEW Scientific cultivation of Ginger in Arunachal Pradesh C.K.Singh, SMS (Agronomy) Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tawang High volatile oil-Sleeva washing of soil due to heavy rains. local,Naaarasapttam It is repeated @ 5.0 tonnes/ha. at Green ginger-China,Wynad 40th and 90th days after planting local,Maran,Varadha preferably at the time of weeding, Manuring in Ginger- Ginger hoeing and earthing up. requires heavy manuring. Applica- Weed control:- Two weed- tion of wellrotten F.Y.M/Compost ings are generally given to the crop. @ 6.5 to 7.5 tonnes/ha may be The first weeding just before the made as a basal dose while plant- second mulching and repeatd de- ing the rhizome. pending on the intensity of weed Land Preparation:-While growth. preparing the land minimum tillage Earthing up:- The soil around may be adopted. One ploughing is the plants is worked with the help done by turning plough and 2-3 of khurpi in the first week of Sep- inger is a very important com- ploughing is done by cultivator. tember. It helps to break the fi- Gmercial crop grown for its Sowing time:- 15 th May brous roots and thereby supports aromatic rhizones which is used to15th june. new growth. The soil near the rhi- both as a spice and a medicine. It Seed material and Sed rate:- zome becomes loose and friable is marketed in different forms such Carefully preserved seed rhizomes and helps in proper development as raw ginger, dry ginger bleached free from pests and diseases which of rhizomes. dry ginger, ginger powder, ginger are collected from Research cen- Pest and Disease manage- oil, ginger oleoresin, gingerale, tre. 15-20 quintals seed rhizomes ment:- Shoot borer is the major ginger candy,ginger beer,brined are required for one hectare.
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