INDEX ABRAHAM, Dorothy, 183; Mrs, 184 Bold (Lanes.), 10 academies, see schools Bold, Richard, 7, 10 Accrington (Lanes.), 200; football club, 158. 161 Bolton (Lanes.). 63, 71, 152; Bolton Ackers, George, 9 Wanderers F. C., 151, 153, 166, 168 Acts of Parliament: Capital Punishment Booth. Revd Bartholomew, 210-11, 213 Amendment Act (1868), 95-6, 98-9, 105; Borwick (Lanes.). 197. 200 'Cat and Mouse' Act (1913), 190; Electric Bolder. William le, 2 Lighting Act, 139; Liverpool Improvement Bournemouth (Hants), 121 Act, 206; Lytham Improvement Act, 147; bowling greens. 82 Municipal Reform Act (1835). 203; Prison Bradbury. Thomas. 86 Act (1877), 101. 108; St Annes Improvement Bradleyjoshua, 229 Acts, 138. 140; Sheriffs Act (1887), 114 Braganza, Catherine of, 85 Agricultural Protectionist Association, 127 Brassey, Dr Robert, provost of King's College, Aigburth (Lanes.), 11. 18(i Cambridge, 6 Aitken, William, 229 Bridgeman, John, bishop of Chester, 24, 30, 36-43 Alexander, David, 167 Bridges, Robert, 228 Allerton (Lanes.), 9 Briggs, - -, footballer, 169 Alliance League, 158 Brogden (Lanes.), 200 Altrincham (Ches.), 60 Bromborough (Ches.), 222 Anne, quren, 85 Bromwich, see West Bromwich Ansdell (Lanes.), 141 Brooke, Thomas, dean of Chester, 93 Ardwick (Lanes.), see Manchester: Manchester Budworth, see Great Budworth CityF.C. Bunting, Mark. 34 Arsenal F.C., see Royal Arsenal Burghley. Lord, see Cecil, William Ashton, Margaret. 229 Burnley (Lanes.), 63; football club, 153, 159, 166 association football, 151-70; agents, 167 8; Burns/Hugh, 107-8, 110-12 professional players. 166-9; and see names of Burslem (Staffs.): Burslem Port Vale F. C., 159 individual clubs Burton-upon-Trent (Staffs.): Burton Swifts Aston Villa EC., 169 F.C., 160 Athletic News Football Annual, 153 Burtonhead (Lanes.), see Sutton Bury (Lanes.), 59, 63, 71; football club, 169 BAILEY (Lanes.), 77 Buxton, Mr, Liverpool suffrage activist, I 76 Banister, Henry (alias Rutter), 225; Roger, 225 Byrom, Adam, 13 Barley Bank, see Darwrn Barmouth (Merion.), 15 CALLENDER, Mary. 183 Barnes, . footballer, 168 Cambridge: King's College, 6, 10 (provosts, see Barnsley (Yorks. VV. R.) F.C., 158, 169 Brassey, Goad); St John's College, master, Barren. Michael, 95-6 see Longworth Barthomley (Ches.), 78; rector, see Offley Cameron,John, 154 Bavand, Thomas, 15 Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 1 78 Beauchamp, Earl, see Lygon Canterbury, archbishop, see Land Beaumaris (Ang.), 15 Carlingford (Irel.), 15 bells, church, 10 Carlisle (Cumb.), 48 Bentley, , president of Football League, 165 Carrickfergus (Irel.), 15-16 Berkeley, Revd George, 80 Carty.John, 167 Beveridge, , footballer, 167 Caryll family, 82 Bexhill (Kent). 118 Case, Mr, J.P., 82 Bird, Richard, 10 Cassidy, William, 107-8 Birkdale (Lanes.), 134 Catherine of Braganza, see Braganza Birkenshaw,John, abbot of Chester, 22 Catholic Women's Suffrage Society, 171 Birmingham City F.C. (formerly Small Catholicism, see Roman Catholics Heath), 157 Catterall, Mr, of Darwen, 160 Birrell, Augustine, 1 79 Cavendish family, dukes of Devonshire, 119-20 Blackburn'(Lanes.), 63, 152, 160, 162, 166; Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 27, 29 Blackburn Rovers EC., 151, 153, 155-6, Chadwick, William, 229 158, 167: Ewood football ground. 155, Charity Commissioners, 149 160 Charles I, 85 Blackpool (Lanes.), 120-2, 124, 130. 142, 148 Charles II, 85 Blundell. Henry, 16; Nicholas, 81; and see Cheshire. 4, 28 9, 54, 59, 67-9, 71, 75; \Veld-Blundeil Anglo-Saxon. 221: clergy, 88: landowners, 244 Index 28; medieval settlement, 213; and see Croxteth (Lanes.), 19 individual place-names Cuerdley (Lanes.), 1.3 Chester, 37, 62, 66 7, 69, 71, 83; abbey, 21-3, Cunliffe, Sir Ellis, 208; Robert, 208 27-8, 31-2, 34-5, 39-40; abbots, 21-2, and ste customs, collector of, 210 Birkenshaw, Ripley; Assembly (corporation), 31, 37-8; bishops, set Bridgeman, Gastrell. DANCE OF DEATH. THE (opera), 189 Peploe; bishops' palace, 31, 40, 43; cathedral, Darwen (Lanes.), 151-70; Barley Bank football 21-43 (bakehouse, 35-7; bedesman, 24; ground, 157, 160; football club, 151-70 bishop's chapel, 41; brewhouse, 35-7, 39; Davey.John, 105 butler, 24; chapter, 25-6, 28, 36, 39; chapter Davies, Alice, 180, 186 house, 43; choir, 29, 38, 40-1, 43; choirmaster, Dawpool (Ches.), 223 24; choristers, 24; choristers' houses, 30; De La \Varr, Earls, see Sackville common hall, 24; conducts, 24; cooks, 24; Deacon, Mr, Preston solicitor, 103; and see consistory court, 30, 41; epistoler, 24; estates, Wilson and Deacon 28; finances, 27-9; furnishings, 25-6; gospeller, Derby, earls of, see Stanley 24; organ, 43; organist, 21; petty canons, 21, Derbyshire, 4 48. 88; porters, 24; prebendaries, 21, 24, 28 -9, Devereux, Walter, earl of Essex, 15 35, 37. 83, 88; precentor, 24; precinct, 30; Devonshire, dukes of, see Cavendish pulpit, 38; roof, 29; statutes, 24, 43; sub-dean, Ditchfield, Hamlet, 8; Margaret, 17; Robert, 42-3; under-sextons, 24); common hall, 30; 17; William, 16; family, 6 corporation, see Chester: Assembly; deans, Ditton (Lanes.), 8, 10, 16 21-2, 24-6, 29, 37-9, 93, and see Brooke, Dowson, Henry, 229 Longworth, Mallory; diocese, 89 (chancellor, Drogheda (Irel.), 15-16 88); grammar school, see schools; Holy Trinity Drummond, Flora, 188 church, 83, 92; mayor, 31, 37-8; mystery plays. Dublin (Irel.), 14-15, 100 222; St John's church. 23; St Nicholas's chapel. Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester, 29 22, 30-1; St Oswald's church, 22-3, 27, 30, Dundalk (Irel.), 15 37-8, 41; St Thomas's chapel, 35 Dundee (Scot.), 167 Childwall (Lanes.), 4-5, 10 Chirbury (Salop.), 78 EAST STIRLINGSHIRE EC., 167 Church League for Women's Suffrage, I 7 1 Eastbourne (Suss.), 119-21 Churchill, Catherine, 105 Eccleston (Lanes.), 8 cinema: Palais de Luxe, Liverpool, 188 Eccleston, Edward, 8 Clarendon, earl of, see Hyde, Edward Edinburgh (Scot.): Edinburgh Hibernian Clarke, Thomas, 21, 23 EC., 167 Clerkenwell, see London Edward VI, 23, 25-6 Clifton estate, 118, 133, 138^1, 143-7 elections, parliamentary: North Lancashire, 127 Clifton, John, 225; John Talbot, 124, 127; Lady; 124, Elizabeth I, 26, 84 126-8; Thomas, 122-4, 127-8, 147; Thomas Elizabeth, dau. ofjames I, 86 Henry, 143; family, 117-23, 144,149-50 Eltonhead, Richard, 7 Clitheroe (Lanes.), 60 Engineering Union, 179 Collier.John, 229 Essex, earl of, see Devereux colliers, 5, 8-9 Eton (Bucks.): College, see Old Etonians Colne (Lanes.), 62-3, 66 Everton (Lanes.): Everton F.C., 154, 156, 163 Commons, House of, see parliament Ewood, see Blackburn Congleton (Ches.), 48, 222 executions, 83, 95-1 15 Connors, James, 100 Cooper, William, 105 FAIR, James, 122, 124; Thomas, 127-9, 131, Copes' tobacco factory, see Liverpool 133, 136-8, 142-4 Corpus Christ!, feast of, 25 Fairhaven (Lanes.), see St Annes Cotton, Sir Richard, 28 Farnworth (near Widnes, Lanes.), 11 courts, see King's Bench; Lancaster: assizes; Felton, Henry, 91 Lancaster: duchy court; Liverpool: crown Fenians, 95 court; Ormskirk: quarter sessions; York: Fenn, Mr, socialist, 189 ecclesiastical court Fiddlers Ferry (Lanes.), 13 Crawford's biscuit factory, see Liverpool Fielding, Henry, 96-7 Crewe, earl of, see Crewe-Milnes First World War, 180 Crewe-Milnes, Robert Ofiley Ashburton, earl Fisher, Thomas, 16 of Crewe, 179 Flatman, Susan Ada, 179-82, 191 Croft, George, 79 Fleet prison, see London Crosby, see Great Crosby Fletcher, Ralph, 7 Cross, Richard Assheton, 101, 105-6, 113 (logging, judicial, 111 Index 245 football, see association football Holt, T, 164 Football Field, 160, 169-70 Home Office, 105, 108, 1 14 Football League, 152-1, 156-7, 159 Home Secretary, 101. 105-6, 111 Forfeited Estates Commission. 77. 88 Hopkins. Gerard, 228 Forrest, Jimmy, 1(57 Houghton. Lord, see Milnes Fox, Richard, 13 House of Commons, see parliament France, 86 House of Lords, see parliament Frodsham (Ches.), 13, 60 Hunt, Sam, 168 9 Fyldc (Lanes.), 117, 120 Huyton (Lanes.), 4-5, 10 Hyde, Anne, mar. James, duke of York (later GAINSBOROUGH (Lines.): football club, 160 James II). 85: Edward, earl of Clarendon, Garnett. Bertha, 102-4; William, 101-5, 107 8. 110-13, 115; William James, 101 Garston (Lanes.), 188 INCE BLUNDELL (Lanes.), 82 Gastrell. Francis, bishop of Chester, 87; Independent Labour Party, 175, 177-8, 180 Peregrine. 88 inventories, see probate records Gates, General Horatio, 2 12 Ireland, 14-15, 224; and see individual place- Gawthorpe. Mary, 1 78 names George I, 85 iron smelting, 10 Gibson, Edmund, bishop of London. 87. 90 Isle of Man, 181-2 Gillillan, - , footballer, 167-8 Gillibrand, , of Danven, 164 JACOBITES, 81. 83, 86, 92 Glasgow (Scot.), see Queen's Park EC. James II, 82, 85 6 Glossop (Dcrb.): Glossop North End EC.. 168 James, Old Pretender, 82 Gloucester, 90; bishop, see Warburton Johnson, John, 79; Thomas, 105;T.E, 162 Goad, Dr Roger, provost of King's College, Jollie, Helen, 180, 186 9 Cambridge, 7 Jowett, , of Danven, 162 Golighlly, Richard, 206 Goore, Mr, of Liverpool, 208 KEARNS, Patrick, 107-8, 110-12 Gordon, Thomas, 89 Kenney, Annie, I 75-6 Great Budworth (Ches.), 42 Ker, Alice, 183-6, 189: Margaret, 184-5, 187; Great Crosby (Lanes.), 82 Mary, 184 Great Lever (Lanes.): football club, 166 Kershaw, , prisoner, 111 Great Sankey (Lanes.), 11; Sankey bridge. 2 King's Bench, court of, 87 Greenwood, Mr, of Darwen, 163 King's school, Chester, see schools Grier, , footballer, 164-5 Kingsley, , footballer, 168 Grimsby (Lines.): football club, 158, 160 Kinsella, , footballer, 167-8 Kirkby (Lanes.), 19 HACKV. Miss, of Liverpool, 189 Kirkdale (Lanes.), 107, 110 12 Hale (Lanes.), 4, 13 Kirkdale, Miles, 11 Halewood (Lanes.), 10, 16 Knowsley (Lanes.), 19 Halliwell (Lanes.): football club, 166 Knutsford (Ches.), 62 Halsall (Lanes.), 200 Halsall, Henry, 9; Richard, 6, 9; Robert, I 7 IABOVR LEADER, 177 Halsnead, see Whiston Lambeth degrees, 86 Harold II, king (d. 1066), 222 Lancashire, 54, 59, 66, 70-1, 76, 101, 104-8, Harrington, Mr, 82 230; county council, 147; Roman Harrison, Laurence, 17 Catholicism, 76, 81-3, 94, 224, 226-7; and Haslingden (Lanes.), 63 see individual place-names Haydock, -, footballer, 168 Lancashire Combination, 169 Healiss.
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