PAGE TWO TUB LETHBRIDGE DAILY HERALD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914 TheHeraldWantad. -SITUATIONS VACANT THE''"CANADIAN ••- .'•*! ••;.'. * :,••; &••• v , • --.'. with Moyolo'to 'dollv ., cr.'.lha'Herald >to tho iiiist'; olllc.b n lll/tJbnd'You ajflald who HardiovlllO: ovory evening. Apiily a 4 o'clock to-'Mr. ,Cooq. ',.'•' 221—< Professional Cards will "i«omaV wall" reccm- , wfco wlii fit Into ArANTHD-T-Competent Borvant'iit 42! EMS INSTALLED CONTINUED>FROM: th'e,, hb'uso|i|6ld and provo 13'nj St.'South. : 2SO-H eplendlclpcervant, W&NTEU5—G it 1 to do genera) house "W heavy fortified positions. -\ The Rus- : :; woWv ou'farin 8 miles from town'. Ap MBD ,. DENTAL sians captured 150' gllns, and .the Auo- i. C.-Crosby, Phonu R 102. 32fr3 1 trlans ara'sald to have suffered enor- . 8. GALDlXlf SAFETY DEPOSIT 'BOXES. WAT D—Ko"ur good men wanted; DR. M. J. OIBaoN-lTei1U«t.-gHail»t«. mCfUS Josaaa. lii thio uottle tnTSc 'u! Surgeon, AccouyUer. flours 2—8; or Koyal Collego'of Dental Surgeoni must have little cash; uionoy mnkei 7—8 p.m. Odlce 814 Third Auanua LODGB YOUB army corps and part? of two otlwra for right party. Apply nt once. No Toronto, and holder of a Sato! Phono 1268. _ Derital CertlDcato. OfflostHoom" wans engaged. ; • '- other than hustlers need apiili*. Auto- matic Hose Coupler Co.; L,iu,. Room DR. McNAUtY— 305 'Sliorlock B1.MK t.ond. C. Bryan Biosk./ Bhone 1071. AVmiurs have puroucu « ClisriT Kesldbnce 126G Sliv.th Avenue. OUlon 117,.Sherlock Bldg. 184T-(I DR. L. T. ALLEN—(Successor to DrT , Title Deeds, Mortgages, Insurance Policies aeroplane over Paris. There was an hours U-12; 14;'7-8.80. OHVjs pUone Courtico und Gllchrlat)— Graduate exchange shots Jn the ,alr, but^the WANTED—Men and women to le&M 31U; Koaidence 1090. Barber Trade.., EJight, w.eeits, renulred; University of Maryland, Offlco noun German succeeded !ii" getting ''away, DR. C;'•"(;•, •''CKAGG—?ny£lc.;tn." Sur or other valuables in one of these boxes josltlbns or locations'secured iis soon ,: ^-C-, MjiodoimLd..aik...,Phono: ( ; geou, Aecouchpr. Office at residence 'Letlibrldge Alta, """ ' •- Ruealn admits n serious defeat In is compoteut; graduates niaKe big 1 cast Prussia, nt the nsnds of the Gc: money; catalogue and terms free. corner Ctb ATiihue Soutt'aua 7lK DBS. MARRS AND MAnRS—lieRtlfefs' ' mans. In. this battle two Russian Meier Barber.: Collage,'- 604A Centre Street Strath. Hours: 8-1); 1-3; '! to, -.eucccBsors to Drs. Stewart and Mo* S.80. Phone 1206...... , ;Clure. .Hours: 9 to $. 'Office, 'fllg- ' army corps were, badly cu^ up; and St;5':Cn!gary. V.. .,: 202-H) FOS FimT-STEB JUToViMXTIOS /iJTl V TO JnhothQm -Block. Phone fi74i' ".' \ three generals and a jiumben-of staff Oft. TAYLOR—Ear. Eye. Noso' and officers were killed. ; Throat; Dominion Building. Office DR. E. G. SlMMONDS-Dcatlst, mem- TO RENT hours 9,o6 to 12; 2-6; evenings by Lethbridge Branch - - R. T, Brymner, Igr, :Ber of Royal College ot SurBeona, The governor and othflr German of- npjiptufdjcnt. Phones, offlc* 341; i,? e;- Woeot'ito Royal -College pf flclsls of Samoa have been made pris- TO 'RENT—Comfortable room In prl- residence BM. Physicians (London) L.P.S. 1900 rate--home, suitable for one or two Hoaru: 9-1 JT 1.5 o'mre- eg viouslr recorded, excepting the tlirics- oners by t^io British and sent to the Post Fiji Islands, ladies. Apply 1205 Uth Ave. South. electwl Benedict IX.t there have been Phone 1722. : 221—fi (PTLOJH'TPIC PHASICIANl DELIA MESA altogether 105 Popes TTJJO were Roman,! Japan 'has -landed - 'thousands' of 10 ribiM-4>4J Sth bt S-, 7 rooms, on. L.- B;; MASON—llembor if Col' 100 Italian oUier than Roman, and f2 troops at the Chinese port of Lunq fully /modern-. Tine location - Apply trans-Alpine1 or transmarine. Kcvv, 100 miles north of Tsing-Tau, and loge PLvsicijns and Surgeom A' Heurv Oliver -Phone 751,- or -cali at bertfi Suite SIS IS Sherlock Bldg. L The full membership of the Sacred the German legation at Pekln has pro- flti b'th St 3 220-6 "HBR|DGC COMPANY College at present, in the order of tested to the Chinese .. -.off Ice .TO v'RENT—1>'0 small comfortable (The i Nitural System of Treatmen;t 0 8 eto) FROM rank,, is as follows: , against thit, alleged infringement of houses SiO and §12 monti fuinishcd PRIVATE HOSPITAL SSii iSr ,", """ Numhor I15 fafiao; Vannutelli,,. grand pens- China's neutrality The Doivslej Mulhern Land Co Rojal to •0 G p m. daily. 10 J or by appointment >..-^Cardinal Delia V.-*'• -- J Itentiary, '•,-- Italy;.-' Anthony Agliardi, "O— 6 RIVATE 'HOSPITAL-;:— .Mrs: Van iook. ie7_o Twenty of the present cardinals are j chancellor, Italy; Vincent' Vannutelli, TO ,KENT—Fully modern; seven' room Haarlem« Er'yato Hospital and 'troja -flye of the warring nations of prefect- of the-'Apostolic signature, house, full alee basement, Al cohdi- MMeriiltri Home. 704 Sixth: A»enu« ShitopX Austria-Hungary having six Italy; Francis de Paula Cassetta, pre- 1...C25 7th St: S. Phone A. E.,Du- Solijh ^bone 74B (Copyright, 19H. by De Forcit'PorterJ and;.Germany two, as against'a total fect of" tie congregation o£ studies, IS 1475. ' 218—C of'twelvfc, which 'might be satd_tQ r.e- Ita3y;.rCa3etai-peXRi,-secretary of.the TO RENT—Store promises on Third KINDERGARTEN . :.—Dominion present the "allies" ia,tho European congregation .io-V -the "Consistory,:; Italy; Avenue South now occupied by "The oerta Land Surveyor; Irriga- tion & Hydraulic Engineer RooS Joseph Sebastian Netto, resigned pat- Valet." Available Sept. 1st. Apply rtlSS ANNE PORTER will open a pri- HAD HE OF LIVES A. -'B.- Stan'orJ, Stafford Block. 217—0 vate kindergarten for 'ft limited J and 6. AVhltney Block, P, 0. Bos While the world has been led to ex- riarch of Lisbon .Portugal; James *>57. Phnnp 104?. ''',-;•• • - 1 WANTED—Miiteraitj- nursinR., (3ood number of ..children, between the pect that -the traditions of the Rom Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore, Un- TO RENT—Two seven roomed mod- FF references given, ..terras reasonable. ages ol- four and six years. A Kin- - -4 EDW A RD8~( Wm. M KrT fea Catholic Church Trill bs maintained ited States;"' Aug»lo di Pietro, datary ern houses, good location, 803-and 1 Fifth Avenue, South, echoed with Mrs. M. A. Mason. Warner, Alberta. ^ Ave. S., $20 per month each. dergarten' Musical Course will be wardi. B.A.Sc,, Dominion: aad Al- ' by^the elevation of an Italian and not oi; Pius X^'Italy; Michael Logue, arch- 1 n d Sll the shouts of merry boyhood last '- - 211-16 V. Gibbons & Co., Balmoral" Block, Includeij^junlbK and Intermediate I? ? ^f* " "'«yor: Donald A, a foreigner to the Papacy, the fact has bishop of Armagh, Ireland; Claudius puplls^ipr-- piano:'will also be ac- puff, C.a)-rCommorcIal blue print- nignt. when nearly half a hundred WANTED—Position as housekeeper Phoae 1191. 224—C Vaszary, former archbishop-of Gran, cepted:: Call or;,wrlte 1211.5th Ave. ing, civil engineering und mail EU^ been, generally overlooked that a large Herald newsboys assembled to par- to bachelor or widower by young wid- i'U KENT—Large airy room ill prl- South" on or before^S.ept. 1st. 307—0 Suite 20E'' -Bheriock'Uld" number of tha present Italian, princes Hungary; Andrew Ferrari,; archbishop take of the hospitality o£ llaypr and ow, good cook; have 'one boy aged I'ato 'house in 'best part ot city, board of the Church, from among vrhom tha of Milan, Italy; Jerome Mary Gotti, Mrs. Hardie. The [east was set for -Apply itjfcs 1st Ave. N. If desired; ail modern conveniences. Pope "was chosen, might lay claim to : of the propaganda, Italy; Dom- Write Box -13 Herald. 221—6 beiny cosmopolitan. inic Ferraia, secretary of the congre- Ap- TO KENT— Three houses. 333 and 329 Cardinal Seraflno Yaunutelli, dean gation of the Holy Of-tice, Italy; Jos- loth Si. K., 5 rooms 329, 512.00 per FOR SALE-^Cheap,. brass bed, Oster- M&fi Sacred College, spent almost a eph Prlsco, achblshop of Naples, Italy; to the Iront half an hour be!Qi?.time. month; 415 llth St. S. Apply Mrs. moor mattre»3i,3jfinus,'-!Ibrary table, V. • *"•*<"*—Proftacidl md CUT quarter of a century In Mexico, Mun- JosepTi Martin de Herrera, archbishop The verandah was filled with small Burgess, 423 llth St. S. 221— 6 wardrobe. oabrte:'ir6n.;bed, sanitary Uctmet iuclionoer. : Silo, Of til ich"; central and south America, Bel- of Compostella, Spain; Joseph Frari- tables and chairs, ami at S.30 the BOARD AND KOOil TO RENT—Cottage, modern, up-to- couchj window shiRdGB,. mahogany chif- klnfla conducted; : qn naunable :gium and. "Vienna, his brother, Card- cica-N'ava dl Bontife, archbishop of apportioning.of -the commisariat was date, centrally located, 515 per month fonier, dresser, 'oil. •: 6tov«, wicker term. Live stock' aid farm ia!ea BOARD AND ROOM—In private a aperfoity. Offlce at the Wilson ing!" Vincent Vannutelli, passed over in .full swing, and it was no small immediate possession. Ring 543, C. chairg'/.'screen, kitchen' utensils and Catania, Italy; Augustln Richelmy, . i • ji_ i • TT hometlOUie,, moderUIUUcinu conveniencesuuuvuuitfiiues., Appl-ijjiMjyr Kurnlt:ire Co., «4 13th St. North. task to kwp the supply, going. How- _ 3. Pagnuelo Co. 205—0 shelves, etc. Suite 2J-. Bryan Block. .twfcnty years in Holland, Belgium, archbishop of Turin, Italy; Sebastian 543 15th gt N corncr Gth Aye 219 6 219—6 Phona 1028. nesidence Phone C85. Constantinople and Lisbon; Cardinal iartineilL prefect of the congregation ever, the host and .hostess had mlly : = — TO RENT—Five .room semi modern rpwntowB ofll'ji; at the LctlitrlUse- FOR SALE—Ripe tomatoes delivered iAgiiari spent three years in India and of rites-*taly: Leo de Skrebnsky, anticipated the lesgth of the appe- FOR RENT—For a good room with ail cottase.
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