7. Which of the following are Geriatric Psychiatry test s of attention: Knowledge Test, Form 1 1. Halstead-Reitan 2. Digit Span 3. Bender-Gestalt 4. Continuous Performance Task The purpose of this exercise is to for termination of thera- 8. Geriatric psychotherapy is assess your knowledge of certain py usually: aspects of geriatric psychiatry. Five 3. Enhancing learning capa- 1. Brief broad areas are tested: psychody- bilities 2. Directive namics and psychotherapy, cogni- 4. Resolution of transfer- 3. Problem centered tive assessment, psychosocial and ence 4. Insight oriented developmental aspects, psycho pharmacology, and clinical syn- 2. Regarding the MMPI in the 9. Elderly people between age dromes. elderly: 65 and 74 are (choose only The test has 50 questions. An- 1. Norms are essentially one): swers are given in the table follow- the same in young and A. Less likely to be alco- ing the test. Some questions have old holic than middle-aged only one correct answer and are 2. The elderly generally subjects clearly marked "choose only one." score higher on hysteria B. More likely to be alco- The other questions are scored us- 3. Psychotic scales are holic than middle-aged ing the following key: higher with aging subjects A: 1, 2, and 3 are correct 4. Older individuals tend C. As likely to be alcoholic B: 1 and 3 are correct to endorse a more neu- as middle-aged subjects C: 2 and 4 are correct rotic picture D. Less likely to be alco- D: 4 alone is correct holic than teenagers E: All are correct 3. Most senile dementias ap To obtain your score for each proximate the symptom- 10. Dementia may occur in as- category, multiply the number of atology of: sociation with: correct answers in the category by 1. Korsakoff's syndrome 1. Pick's disease 2. Consult Table 1 on page xxxx 2. General paresis 2. Parkinson's disease for recommendations about fur- 3. Huntington's chorea 3. Alzheimer's disease ther study. To facilitate further 4. Alzheimer's disease 4. Barbiturate intoxication study, at the end of the test a reference is provided for each 4. Multi-infarct dementia is 11. Senile dementia patients question. characterized by: may have the following Please note that there are two 1. Stepwise deterioration symptoms: forms of the test, Form 1 and Form 2. Emotional lability 1. Apraxia 2. Form 2 will be published in the 3. Focal neurological signs 2. Aphasia December issue. 4. Senile plaques 3. Paranoia 1. In the depressed elderly, 4. Loss of short-term mem cognitive therapy should in- 5 . Thyrotoxicosis in the elder- ory clude: ly is often characterized by: 1. Educating the patient 1. Excitement 12. Individuals in older age about the treatment 2. An enlarged goiter groups are most eager to: 2. Adequate preparation 3. Ocular manifestations 1. Reduce close ties with 4. Apathy grown-up children 2. Develop a sense of au- This test was devised by Javaid 6. The Face-Hand test is: tonomy 1. Sheikh, M.D., and Jerome A. 1. A psychomotor test used 3. Maintain relations with Yesavage, M.D., of the depart- to test motor abilities contemporaries ment of psychiatry and behav- 2. Done with eyes open 4. Establish an equilibrium ioral sciences at Stanford Uni- and eyes closed of dependence and inde- versity School of Medicine. 3. A neurological test for pendence 5th cranial nerve palsy 4. A screening test for dif- fuse brain disease 13. Which of the following are heimer's Disease of seminal fluid true of the elderly: B. The 36-Hour Day 3. Increase in the length of 1. The majority have incomes C. Strategies for Treating Se- the refractory period below the poverty level nile Dementia 4. Absence of erections in 2. People tend to become more D. Living with Dementia REM sleep religious as they age 3. More than 15 percent of the 18. The average age of onset of 23. In demented patients, which of the U.S. population is age 65 and Pick's disease is (choose following sleep patterns are over only one): noticed on an EEG: 4. Older people usually take A. 50 1. Decrease in stage 4 sleep longer to learn something new B. 60 2. Decrease in amount of C. 70 spindle activity 14. What percent of the elderly D. 80 3. Decrease in REM sleep live in institutions (choose 19. On the WAIS, the motor 4. Increase in stage 4 sleep only one): scores of the elderly should A. 5 percent over 65 years old be (choose only one): 24. Distribution of psychotro- and 20 percent over 90 years A. The same as scores of pic drugs is altered in the old younger subjects elderly because of the fol- B. 12 percent over 65 years old B. 10 to 20 percent lower lowing: and 35 percent over 90 years than for younger sub 1. Relatively poor brain old jects perfusion C. 20 percent over 65 years old C. 20 to 30 percent lower 2. Increase in accumulation and 40 percent over 90 years than for younger sub of drugs in body fat old jects 3. Decrease in total body D. 30 percent over 65 years old D. 30 to 50 percent lower mass and 59 percent over 90 years than for younger sub 4. Decrease in protein old jects binding of drugs 15. Tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenics over age 40 is 20. Cataracts are found in what Which of the following occur in (choose only one): percentage of people over 25. paradoxical reactions A. 50 percent more common 60 (choose only one): than in younger A. 3 to benzodiazepines in the elderly: schizophrenics B. 9 1. Sudden, excessive dys- B. Twice as common as in C. 16 phoric stimulation younger schizophrenics D. 28 2. Hyperactivity C. Three times as common as in 21. Which of the following are younger schizophrenics among the false perceptions 3. Angry outbursts 4. Depersonalization D. Four times as common as in about the elderly: younger schizophrenics 26. Reversible organic brain 1. At least one-tenth are in 16. The most-prevalent cause of syndromes in the elderly stitutionalized impotence in the aging male may be caused'by: 2. At least 80 percent are is (choose only one): 1. Electrolyte disturbances healthy enough to per A. Adult onset diabetes 2. Dehydration form normal activities mellitus 3. Hypothermia 3. A majority are socially B. Peripheral neuropathy 4. Drug interactions isolated and lonely C. Fear of nonperformance 4. The elderly are involved D. Obesity 27. Routine psychometric test- in relatively fewer traffic accidents ing may not assess the true 17. A useful guide for families cognitive abilities of the el- caring for elders with de- 22. According to Masters and derly because of: mentia is (choose only one): Johnson, which of the fol- 1. Decreased performance A. A Family Guide to Alz- lowing are normal in the speed sexual response of the el- 2. Increased distractability derly male: 3. Decreased sensory func 1. Increase in the length of tion the plateau phase 4. Increased intraindividual 2. Decrease in the volume variability 28. Which of the following de- The doctor should: 2. Direct the family to ap- crease the steady-state plasma 1. Perform a medical evaluation propriate resources concentration of tricyclics in the or have one performed 3. Mobilize the family sys elderly: 2. Explain to the daughter that tem to solve problems 1. Barbiturates her mother is capable of 4. Work with the individual 2. Diazepam driving patient and his social 3. Smoking 3. Discuss with the daughter her resources 4. Chlorpromazine concerns about her mother 4. Talk to the mother and 39. Dihydroergotoxine mesy- 29. According to Lipowski, daughter about their mutual late (Hydergine) is (choose which of the following are true of concerns only one): delirium in the elderly: A. Indicated in selected symp- 1. It significantly increases toms associated with aging mortality in hospitalized B. A nonphenothiazine neu patients 34. Which of the following neu- roleptic 2. Transition to dementia is rochemical changes occur in the C. Not safe for the aged because quite common human brain with normal aging as of serious side effects measured by percent weight: D. Primarily an antidepres- 3. Organic etiologic factors 1. Increase in water sant can be identified in most 2. Increase in total lipids cases 3. Decrease in proteins, 40. According to Masters and 4. It is mostly caused by peptides, and enzymes Johnson, which of the fol- psychosocial stressors 4. Decrease in nucleic acids lowing are normal for elder- ly females: 35. Which of the following 30. A relatively optimistic out- 1. Vaginal lubrication takes might produce depressive look for psychotherapy with longer to develop symptoms in the elderly: elders was supported by: 2. Frequency of masturba- 1. Propranolol 1. Jung tion decreases 2. Digitalis 2. Anna Freud . 3. The orgasmic phase is 3. Chlorpromazine 3. Abraham shortened 4. Penicillin 4. Harry Stack Sullivan 4. The resolution phase is prolonged 31. Autopsy studies show in- 36. Clinical management of sus- 41. Which of the following creases with aging of which of the piciousness in the elderly might physiologic changes occur following enzymes in the brain: include: with normal aging: 1. Choline acetyltransferase 1. Situational and environ 1. Decrease in cardiac out 2. Dopamine beta-hydrox mental manipulations put by 30 to 40 percent ylase 2. Identification and re 2. Decrease in glomerular 3. COMT placement of loss filtration rate 4. MAO-B 3. Psychopharmacologic 3. Decrease in hepatic en strategies zymatic activity 32. Which of the following 4. Observation without over- 4.
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