Cf L> ~rk~,~~~l~” %DEF:y CASSVOLUME 90, NUMBER 32 YIAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1996 FIFTY CENTS 14 PAGES PLUS ONE SUPPLEMENT -‘;FPT,WGF‘::$T -;+l AqiG; - CHR 0NI CL,E School goal: more character education Character education of- Students already are par- adopted. district buildings can be ac- fered at Cass City Schools ticipating in many commu- The object is to coordinate credited. will be spotlighted as 011e of nity service volunteer pro- the program so that it offers Others include a long- 2 new goals endorsed by the grams, Supt. Ken Micklash the best in health and fitness range facility upgrade plan board of education at its noted, and these and other for students of all ages. completed by next July and meeting Tu&sday,~ct. 29. areas of character education A special meeting with a a cooperative and unified Board president Jim Turner will be reviewed. representative of theTuscola board of education dealing said that he was looking for The study is expected to be Intermediate School District With district residents. a new innovative program, concluded by the end of this is planned and any changes One of the goals will pxob- not religious, to develop school Year. in the physical education ably always remain out of character in students. The secoiid new goal con- program are expected to be reach. It’s that the school Current practices relating cerns physical education. formulated by next July. have a 100 percent gradua- to character education will Although physical education Several other goals estab- tion rate by the year 2000. be assessed. A survey of the is already offered through- lished by the hoard were re- When it was adopted sev- teaching staff is planned to out the school, a review of viewed and continued. One eral years ago, it was pointed determine what is already the K-12 Michigan Exem- was to have all students im- out that the goal was one being done and what sugges- plary Physical Education prove academic achieve- worth striving for even if, tions the staff may have for Program will be held to see rnent in reading, math, sci- practically, it was probably enhancing the program. if all or part of it can be ence and writing so that all impossible to achieve. Area teens sentenced for break-ins A PAIR OF ELKLANI) Township fire fighters pour water through the sec- A pair of area teens will ond-floor window of a Sherman $treet residence, which caught fire Friday spend 90 days in an alterna- afternoon, The house was saved, but the cause of the blaze remains under tive incarceration program and pay $1 1,439 each in res- investigation. titution for their roles in a series of burglaries in the Cass City area in July. Jonathan D. Fetterhoff, 18, r‘zrenzen limit loss in Cass City, and hamian G. Izydorek. 18, Decker, were sentenced last week in Tuscola County Circuit Cass City house fire Court for their pleas of guilty to charges of con- spiracy ,to commit breaking El kland Township fire contained to thc one bed- TKAI1,EK FIRE and entering with intent to fighters hattled a pair of‘ room. commit larceny, breaking blazes last week, including The cause remains 11 tidcr Thc Elklalid Township de- and entering and larceny in in invustigation. A sti1tc fire 1) ;i r t tile 11 t ex ti n gu is hed ii a house fire the village a huilding. Fr 1 day aftcr 11oo 11 tnarslial is cxpccted to in- mi lur horisc fire Halloweeri . The charges stem from Firemen wcrc callcd to spcct the house sonietimo night. a break-ins July 18 at the residence at 4454 Shcrniaii this week. Thc aliuiii came iti at about Seeger Street Market, 41 19 St., at ahout 1:4S p.m. Fri- The name of the honic 7 p.iii., according to day. owner had not heen dctcr- Contiolly, who said the Seeger St., Cass City, and July 1 at the Helen Stevens “We were prettv lucky we tilined as of‘ Monday. trailer is located on Muntz Meniorini Pool, also in Cass got right into it (house) atid Connolly said the house is Road, west of Kocpfgen City. got the tire out bclclrc it did I‘uriiished, hiit it appears tio rmiI onc was liviiig there wlicti Conriully said the trailcr Fetterhoff was placed un 5 a. .lot of daniage,” Firc years prohation and sen- thu tire hrukc out. \\‘;is old and abandoned. Hc Chief Milt Connolly said, tenced to one year in the adding thc hlazc started in Fire fightcrs reniaincd at callud it ii total loss, saying county jail, which was de- an upstairs bodrooni. tho sccnc for 2 hours. They the fire was suspicious. “We ferred pending his comple- Connolly had no cstiniate wcrc assisted by the siispcct it was probably a tion of 90 days in an alter- 011 thc doll^ value of d~~i- El 111wood-Gageto w 11 Fi re Hall oween praii kster,” he n at i ve in c arcer at i on pro- age, but hc said the fire was Deputnicnt. added, gram. Aside from restitu- tion, he was ordered to pay $1,800 in oversight fees, $1,000 in court costs and tines, and a $60 victim crime fee. Izydorek received an iden- Area dry bean crop seen tical sentence, hut must pay THE REV, MARK Todd is only 28 years old, but has already $500 in Costs and fines. He devoted 9 years of his life to the ministry. Sunday was his first pletewas alsohis high ordered school to educa- corn- day as pastor of the Living Word Worship Center in Cass City. tion and maintain a 3.0 grade as best in the countrv Please turn to back page. Story page 5. After a spring and suniiiier dry bean yields. “We esti- to iissess Ihcir fields to de- hit the t’ields and litted a lot marked by excesses - too mate we’re down a hag or termine how they should of heets over the past 4 much rain, too inany pests, 2; we’re running in the 12- p r oc ec d . days.” too much disease - t‘xuni- hag range,” she said. “Our Andrich agreed. “It’s a Braem said yields are av- ers have finally gotten a blacks art. running a little call-by-call om each field. eraging ahout 15 1/2 tons. break in the form of a string higher, prohahly around 13 Sonie fields were missed by That’s a little below average, of dry days. or 14 bags, but navies were corn bows arid others were hut it’s not had given a too- And they haven’t wasted ii a little under.” hit hard,” she said, adding wet spring and suninier, wment, according to area Andrich estimated Huron farmers need to weigh the which along with disease had I ,ISU Ex t e ti s i o n o ffi c i a I s , County farmers liar- cost oi’dryitig corn now vcr- claimed about 11 percent of who say thc harvest is pro- vested ahout 95 percent of‘ sus any additional tosses sux- the crop. gressing nicely. dry bcans as of Friday. 1,css tained hy waiting. “Sugar content’s been “We’re done with navy than ha1 t‘ of‘ttic soyhcan crop Andrich notcd nioisturo in good,” Braem added. “I beans, we’re well into the was off, but she predicicd thc corn isn’t iieiir tlic ideal would say we’ll end up right soybcans and 1 think we’re tiirmers would niakt. a greiit 15-percent mark required to iuound 17 1/2 percent.” on the downside of sugar deal of progress with contin- storc the grain. “We’re run- beets,” TUSCOI~CoIIIity EX- lied dry weather. ning 32 percurit, so thc niois- Whcn it’s all said and done, tension Ag ricu 1t ur al Agent “I think it (frost) prohably turc content is really high.’’ the success of this year’s Harold Rouget said Friday. affected sc)nit! of thc soys growing season will range “We’re probably going to that wertr planred really K OIIgc t i ti d i c it t cd 111 ost t‘roni poor to good, depend- ?ish (soybeans) up in the latu,” Rougrt continued. He fimiiers will bugin harvest- itig on the location ot‘a given next 2 or 3 days.” said the ticuing tenipera- ing corii oncc thcy’ve f‘iti- farm, Andrich concluded. Despite a wet spring and tures will also likcly result ished up with hcuts and soy- flooding in June, this year’s in lightur test wcights for hcans. “It’s hard to generalize this dry bean crop inTuscola and corn. year. If it wasn’t the Growers havcii’t wasted Sag i n aw c o 11 n tiL‘ b h ii s With fmiicrs 2 wccks be- weather, it was disease, and thc emerged a real winner. hind In the harvest. MSU ruccni string of dry days. it’ it wasn’t disease, it was accordiiig to Robcrt Rraeni, “We probably havc the best Ex t eii SIo 11 o f‘tici al s arc 11 rg - (corn) borers,” she said, not- heans in the country,” said ing thcni to harvest corn as vicu-president ot‘agricultiirc ing sonic farniers were also Co.. Rouget, who addcd yields sooti as possihle, iii part duc at Michigari Sugar hit hard by suninier hail were ahovc average at about to widespread corti borer Cart). storms. TUSCOLA COUNTY’S dry bean crop emerged a real winner this year, despite 5 bags.
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