THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION ' Hartford. for the Month of January, 1930 Partiy cloudy and sUg;htIy colder tonight; Saturday, partly cloudy and 5 , 5 4 7 anrlf^st^r iEti^ning colder. Members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1930. e ig h t e e n p a g e s PRICE t h r e e c e n t s (Classified Advertising on Page 16) VOL. XLIV., NO. 116. LOBBY PROBERS | Father Drinks Poison NAVAL PARLEY Where Blast Imperiled 2000 Pupils SEN. DILL ATTACKS TO INVESTIGATE I To Help Dying Child PROGRESSING, SUPREME COURT AS Oklahoma a ty , Feb. 14.— (AP) — ^ antidote for the poison by observ- TARDIEOSAVS MUSCII SHOALS , j j ' ine- the effect of the acid on himself A mother who made a mistake and 3^,allowed a dose of the PLAYING POLITICS a father who unhesitatingly risked pgigou death in an effort to save his baby Soon he noticed a burning sensa- French Premier Returns to Head of American Cyanamid today made plans for the funeral of tion. He waited, while the burang 1 their first born. grew more intense, then drank a j Paris; Declares Realities HUGHES W H l TAKE In Most Outspoken Address Company to Be Called Mabel Jeldy, 5 months old, died in glass of soda water. When relief | I a hospital at midnight last night came he hastily prepared another; ' from poison given to her through portion of the simple remedy and Are Now Being Faced by On Court in Recent His­ Next Week— Other Wit­ i error by Jier mother, gave it to the infant. OFHCE FEB. 24TH i Finding the child ill, the mother Soon the child’s suffering seemed tory, He Says No Power gave her what she believed was a to diminish and when a doctor ar- ; the Various Powers. nesses Also Summoned. I dose of a common remedy, but rived, he said the proper antidote i which was deadly acid. had been administered and that the London, Feb. — (AP)—Premier Nomination Confirmed by Can Keep It from Becom­ cAPi __' When efforts to get a doctor child would have recovered if a lung 14 Washington, Feb. 14. (A ) failed, Clarence Jeldy, the baby’s fa- congestion it could not resist, had Tardieu went back to Paris today Chairman Caraway of the faenate reasoned that he might find an not developed. j Foreign Minister Briand facing Vote of 52 to 26— Ex­ ing Political Issue If It Lobby committee announced today ; - — --------------------- ----------------------- ^ I debates in the Chamber of Deputies that W» B. Bell, of New York, | t W'.AR LORD WEDS ! but expressing satisfaction that the presses His Thanks. Exercises Control Over president of the American Cyanamid | ■ WIFE NUMBER 25 I London conference is now face to company, would be summoned be- i PLAN TO QUESTION face with realities after a week of Tokio, Feb. .—(AP)—Word Economic Questions. fore the committee during its in- | 14 real progress. Washington, Feb. 14.— (AP.) — that the much-married Chang vestigation of persons interested in | j 1 In circles close to the French Safely past the bander of Senate ^ MAGAZINE WRITER Tsung-Chang. fofmer war lord 1 Washington, Feb. 14.— (AP.) — Muscle Shoals legislation. of Shantung province, had ' delegation the general Impression approval, Charles Evans Hughes i His announcement was made after j ______ wedded again at Beppu, Kyushu, i prevailed that the real business of will take office on Monday, Feb. Undismayed by their failure to pre­ the committee had completed its e.y i i making a treaty has begun now j where for a year he had been 24, as the eleventh chief justice of vent the confirmation of Charles living as a refugee, reached \ that all of the powers concerned Evans Hughes as Chief Justice of ^^engineer the Tennessee Rive ! have made known their aims. So the United States. of ^ I Kansas Official to Cross-Ex Tokio today. the United States, members of the Improvement Association, which has The bride is a 17-year-old Chi­ far as the French are concerned A fiery four day denunciation of advocated acceptance of the pro­ nese beauty. Chank Chu, who yesterday’s memorandum, based on the distinguished statesman and Senate group which opposed him posal of the cyanamid company to ■ amine Walter Liggett on was brought to Japan recently what France cdhsiders her mini­ jurist as the very personification of leveled an attack today on the Su­ lease the pow:er and nitrate plant at | mum national needs in the face of the spirit of "big business” ended preme Court and decisions which from Dairen by Chang’s mother. it has rendered. Muscle Shoals. The wedding ceremony was per­ present day world conditions, repre­ last night in a vote of 52 to 26 for Bill Before Congress. Conditions in That State. sents her basis of negotiations. confirmation of his nomination. Almost as soon as the Senate formed last night. convened. Dill, Democrat, of Wash­ A bill is now before congress to ______ According to some accounts The French requirements as set Opposition, steadily growing and ington, was on his feet with the accept the cyanamid proposal. [ the new Madame Chang is wife out in their statement are not rela­ recalling in its intensity the battle charge that the court had placed The committee recessed today u n -; Washington, Feb. 14.— (AP) — number 25 for the Shantung tive, it was declared, but based on Like a scene on a war-torn battle front is the one pictured here 1 that developed in the Senate when itself in politics. Vandenberg, Re­ til Tuesday when it will question J.j i^epresenlative Lambertson, Rc- warrior. Others say she Is his careful consideration by the dele­ after an explosion of accumulated gas had wrecked a house in Brooklyn, I Andrew Jackson nominated Roger W. Worthington, chairman of ^^thethe i Kansas, announced today gates and experts of France’s geo­ N. Y., and rocked the school building shown in the background, injuring B. Taney, famed author of the publican, of Michigan, rushed to the twenty-ninth bride. j defense of the court with the cry executive committee of the lennes-i that Attorney General Smith of graphical position, her colonial pos­ more than 30 pupils, many of whom were taken to hospitals. Here you "Dred Scott decision” for the chief see River Improvement Association,: Kansas, would be given an oppor­ sessions and the length of her trade justiceship proved numerically in­ that he would not let such a chal­ see how roofs and walls of the dwelling were shattered by the terrific lenge go unanswered. who has been reported ill at Tate tunity next Wednesday to cross- routes. blast. ’Pwo thousand pupils were attending classes when the explosion capable of refusing confirmation. Key To Position Frankly gratified, Mr. Hughes in Then the debate became general, Springs, Tennessee. ! examine Walter W. Liggett, maga­ occurred. Chairman Caraway charged; zine writer, who told the House FORD WILL FOUND The hint in the final paragraph of ‘New York bespoke his appreciation drawing in Norris, Independent Re­ Worthington with feigning illness to judiciary committee he could get the French memorandum that ' of the high honor and vast respon­ publican, of Nebraska, a leader of "dodge” the committee. Worthing-1 liquor in any Kansas town 15 min­ France would make her naval needs sibility that had come to him and the Anti-Hughes forces, and Walsh ton, however, telegraphed Caraway; utes after his arrival. relative rather than absolute if the added a public acknowledgment of of Montana, the acting Democratic he would come to Washington over ■ SCHOOLS IN U. S. mutual guarantees of the nations his thanks for “ the generous expres­ leader, who voted against confirma­ Arrangements had been made tion. the objection of his physicians. with .Chairman Graham of the com­ should become more potent was HANDSHAKING WEDDING sion” that he said he had received mittee. Lambertson said, to permit pointed to by observers as another from all parts of the nation. "The ghost will be like Banquo’s ghost and come back to plague un­ the Kansas official to question the key to the French position. That til the people get absolute justice,” magazine writer. To Devote Rest of Life and would mean reversion to the funda­ THE OATH OF OFFICE mental French contention that real SURPRISES VERMONTERS Washington, Feb. 14 — (AP) shouted Norris. DEPOSITORS PAID | Liggett Must Agree disarmament, is dependent upon co­ Here is the oath Charles Evans Senate Silent It was indicated such an inter­ 100 Millions to Build ordinated action by the nations on Hughes will take as Chief Justice The Senate sat in tense silence. rogation could be made only if Lig­ sea, land and' air and through the of the United Stgtes: There was a hush in the galleries. BY BRISTOL b a n k ! gett agreed to it. While before the The renewal of the discussion which, League of Nations as the only exist­ Quakers Marry Themselves jSAILFlSH ELUDE "I do solemnly swear that I will committee, he said he was prepared Trade Schools. ing agency with the power to en­ i administer justice without respect has waged for days over the ap­ to prove his statemeot. force sanctions against aggressor pointment of Mr. Hughes to euc- Liggett was the first witness call­ nations. and Get Into the Lime­ ceod William Howard Taft, who had to give up his post because Of ed by the proponents of resolutions [ Fort Myers, Fla., Feb. 14.— (AP) Real Peace Instrument 1PRESIDENT’S U L U J I I / I a i l U 11HOOK! VV tm I impartially discharge Stockholders Will Stand Loss to repeal the 18th Amendment.
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