Member of COPS California Organization of !1 Police & Sheriffs 3 All SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION To Promote the Ideals, Policies and Accomplishments of the Association and its Members VOLUME 30 SAN FRANCISCO, JANUARY 1998 NUMBER 1 President's SFPD #1 in Combined Charities Ay John Ehrlich, Support Services tor rate of any large unit. This speaks well for our ace detectives who have Message The members of the SFPJ) contrib- not lost touch with the needs in the community. Last year in a different By Chris Cunnie, President uted more money than any other Department in the San Francisco unit Greg Corales had correspond- ingly high totals. swe close the books on 1997, City and County Combined Charity Teresa Valdivia helped include the let me express my extreme Campaign. We raised more than one Airport Bureau in the spirit and they Agratitude to all of you for your third more than the next highest gave over $9,000. They were the num- confidence and support throughout Department. While the final totals ber three unit in dollars donated. another difficult and challenging year are not yet in, over 1,000 people in Judy Hogan at Communications in the live, on-going saga of the San the SFPD gave over $92,000. organized a drive where over 50 of Francisco Police Officers' Associa- We have amazed people in the our dispatchers gave over $4,600. All tion. Charitable Community in that only three watches participated in the I often sit at my desk, telephone two years ago we were raising only a 500% increase in giving from last ringing, calls waiting, members sit- fraction of this amount. Last year year. ting in the lobby waiting to speak Captain Willis Garriott led over 469 Othr units also distinguished with me, and reflect on a favorite people into giving around $32,000. themselves. Sgt. Tom Lee had over saying of my mother: "Never a dull a victory in November. Thanks to This year we built on his foundation. 50 members at Bayview Station do- moment!" your landslide mandate approving Northern Station was the number nate. Lt. Gabe Harp, Captain Greg Never a dull moment indeed! Lead- the much needed dues increase we one unit in dollars given with over 90 Suhr and Mission Station's 80 con- ing this association and managing will be able to fund an absolute first- people donating over $12,500. Sgt. tributors did well. Traffic, Vice, Con- its affairs is pretty much a continu- rate campaign to achieve equitable Bill Darr did a great job in creating sent Decree, Ingleside, and Risk ous Code-33 activity. There are daily retirement benefits for all our mem- the atmosphere of giving. Not only was the total amount large but there Management all had above average emergencies and "hot runs" thatmust bers. totals. be abated as soon as possible. There Of course, I will continue to re- were quite a few people giving gener- Sgt. Joyce Watkins is the number are meet-and-confer sessions and main constantly vigilant to the pres- ous donations. one contributor in the SFPD. She meetings and legal battles enough ervation and/or improvement of the General Investigations under the contributes $75 a pay period to a for a whole platoon of Chris Cunnies. working conditions and employee leadership of Captain Kevin Dillon wide variety of causes. She also orga- I could not handle thisjob alone, and rights that our members deserve. To and with the hard work of Lt. Greg nized the drive at Risk Management. I thank all of you for providing me that end I have expressed to the Corales, had the most contributors We did quite well in the City raffles with a solid and unified team of ex- police administration, the Police with over 151 and the second highest ecutive officers and district/unit rep- Commission, and other employee contribution amount of over $11,000. (See CHARITIES, page 18) resentatives who are so selflessly labor groups my willingness to meet They also had the highest contribu- dedicated to this organization. with them at any time and place to 1998 is already shaping up to be confer over any aspect of the job another exciting and fast-paced year which will directly impact the mem- San Francisco Police Officers' over here at 51.0 7th Street. At the bership of this organization. Like- very top of our, "must do" list is the wise, my door is always open to any Association Mourns Fallen Officer development and implementation of member who has a concern or who a no-holds-barred political campaign has questions about the business of As were all members of the San Francisco Police Department, I was to up-grade Tier II retirement. We their association. saddened to learn of the death of California Highway Patrol Officer Scott have already begun the drive to Have a happy and safe new year, Greenly. Officer Greenly was killed by a suspected drunk driver on achieve that end, and I have put in and please be assured that your in- January 7th while on a traffic stop in the South bay. place ateam of experienced and savvy terests are the business of this office, On behalf of all San Francisco police officers and POA members I people to steer the campaign toward our staff, and the Board. wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy to Officer Greenly's family, and to his fellow officers and co-workers. Just as poet John Donne wrote that "any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Northern Station Officers Honored mankind;" so too does the death of any police officer diminish me, and all of us in the family of law enforcement and public service. Notebook Staff Report In his thank you address to the God bless, Scott Greenly. Commission, Officer Watkins self- - Chris Cunnie, President At the January 7th meeting of the lessly touted the good and conscien- San Francisco Police Officers' Association San Francisco Police Commission, tious police work done on a "nightly" Officers Brian Watkins and Joseph basis by hard-working officers as- Cordes received community, May- signed to patrol this city after the sun oral, and Commission commenda- goes down. "They are the ones who IN THIS ISSUE tions for their community policing deserve recognition." Watkins in- activities in the Jefferson Square and sisted. Widows and Orphans Page 2 Policing Old SF Page 10 lower Van Ness Avenue areas. The San Francisco Police Officers' Both officers, who patrol the area Association congratulates these two Vice President's Message Page 2 Letters Pagel5 on bicycles out of Northern Station, dedicated officers. Page 3 PAL Page 19 received presentations by ommnu- Around the Department I We regret that photographs ofBrian nity activist Ron McGlashan, Mayor Retired Members Page 4 Sports Pages 20-23 Brown's Criminal Justice Coordina- and Joe were unavailable at the time tor, Kim Burton, and the Police Com- we went to print. - Editor Cyber News Page 5 Funny But True Page 24 mission. Page 2 Notebook January 1998 Widows and Orphans Vice Aid Association President's Message - The regular monthly meeting of the aèademy to Portrero for 2 years. The Widows & Orphans Aid Associa- Charlie was then assigned to solo By Gary Delagnes, tion was called to order by President motorcycles. After 2 years there he Vice President Kurpinsky at 2:02 p.m., Wednesday was granted military leave. Upon his December 17, 1997 in Conference return he was once again assigned to would like to take this opportu- Room, Ingleside. the solos. Charlie spent the balance nity to thank the membership for Roll Call of Officers: Vice Presi- of his time in the department on the I their vote of confidence in approv- dent Forencich excused. All others solos until his retirement for service ing the dues increase. It is not easy present with members R. Crosat, L. 'in 1973 at age 61. He was 85 at the for us to come to you and ask for Duffy, J. Riewerts, & J. Sturken. time of his death. more money, and we thank you for Minutes of Last Meeting: Approved Report of Trustees: Bank of believing in what we are doing here, as presented, in writing, to the mem- America reported to Trustees by and for giving us a chance to prove bership. phone - unable to appear at meet- ourselves to you. Believe me when I ance in the desire to vindicate our New Members: From 186th Re- ing. Portfolio still holding, Asian "Flu" say that we do not take this increase members. emit Class - Wendy Bear, Simon has not affected it. No changes at this lightly, and will continue to do every- To those few members who voted Chan, Albern Civad, Britt Elmore, time. thing in our power to stay within the "No" on the dues increase let me say Gordon Gooch, Jesse Heredia, Gre- Unfinished Business: Election of confines of our budget. that we will continue to work hard to gory Latus, Armando Lopez, Frank Officers - There being no contest for I personally guarantee you that we regain your confidence in your asso- Machado, Noah Mallinger, Keita any of the Offices, the Secretary was will run a first class campaign to ciation. It became very apparent to Morinaki, Timothy Nichols, Angela instructed to cast a unanimous bal- upgrade Tier II, and also continue to us that we have to work harder at Reyes-Juarez, Sean Rogers, Walter lot. The following were elected: Presi- provide you with the top legal de- some stations because you are sim- Ware, Gregory Watts.
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