POLISH CHAMBER OF NATIONAL DEFENSE MANUFACTURERS No 1 (30) 2013 ISSN 1732-2103 Polish military sector needs better promotion Page No 10 Mammoth - Military Technical Support Page No 14 KTO Rosomak simulator Page No 26 Polish Defense Industry POLISH CHAMBER OF NATIONAL DEFENSE MANUFACTURERS CONTENTS No 1 (30) 2013 POLAND 4 Poland is situated in the central part of the European continent. It covers an area ISSN 1732-2103 of 312.683 square kilometres, placing Poland as 9th in Europe and 63rd the world. NEWS 8 The latest news from the polish defense industry. MAMMOTH - MILITARY TECHNICAL SUPPORT 14 Polish military sector The KWZT-1 Mammoth Heavy Wheeled Recovery and Technical Support Vehicle provides needs better promotion Page No 10 technical support for mechanized units in battlefield conditions. Mammoth - Military Technical Support Page No 14 TACTICAL TERMINALS 18 KTO Rosomak simulator Page No 26 JASMINE Network Centric Data Communication Platform tactical terminals family- the newest TELDAT solution, currently the only product of its kind in Poland and only one offew in the world. They meet all military standards in terms of climatic and environmen- talconditions. RAK 120MM CALIBER SE LF-PROPELLED ARTILLERY 22 PUBLISHER: POLISH CHAMBER OF NATIONAL In mid-2013 Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. plans to complete the research, development and DEFENCE MANUFACTURERS implementation stage of the Rak self-propelled 120 mm artillery modules project in POLSKA IZBA PRODUCENTÓW wheeled and tracked versions. Later this year, the company expects to receive the first NA RZECZ OBRONNOŚCI KRAJU orders for these products. EDITOR: TOMASZ ZDUNEK TECHNICAL MODERNIZATION OF THE ARMED FORCES 2013-2022 24 PUBLISHER’S ADDRESS: Signed on December 11, "Technical Modernization Plan" and approved earlier "Develop- 00-961 Warsaw, ment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland in the years 2013-2022 Program" 22 Fort Wola Street, POLAND; marked a new phase of modernization of the Polish army. e-mail: [email protected], tel./fax (+4822) 634-47-78, 634-47-79, 836-84-24 www.defense-industry.pl KTO ROSOMAK SIMULATOR 26 DISTRIBUTION AND SUBSCRIPTION: ADD VALUE DOROTA BURZEC Wojskowe Zakłady Mechaniczne S.A. developed a unique teaching aid in the form of KTO ul. Koszykowa 1/9 Rosomak driving simulator. What is more important, Jaskier simulator is the only device of 00-564 Warsaw this type in the world. MARKETING AND ADVERTISEMENT: TOMASZ KARWOWSKI TOPAZ FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM 30 phone. +48 22 412 42 04 TOPAZ is a system that supports artillery command, using the latest information and com- e-mail: [email protected] munication technology. TRANSLATION: Maciej CZUChNOWSKI | VERBA LAB THE POLISH INDUSTRY constructs SPY aircrafts 30 FOTO: FlyEye is the first unmanned reconnaissance and patrol aircraft, developed and built from ADD VALUE, BUMAR, hSW, LUBAWA SA, scratch by a Polish company, WB Electronics. ShUTTERSTOCK, WB ELECTRONICS, WZM, WZU Companies 34 DESIGN: ARTUR KLAMUT PRINT: DRUKARNIA KOLUMB Editorial staff reserves the right to abridge the content of articles, change titles and choose pic- Project co-financed by the European Union, tures. Editorial staff does not take any respon- Sub-measure 6.5.1 of the Innovative Economy Oretion Programme. sibility for the content and form of advertising, sponsorship articles and opinions in the articles, which are private opinions of the authors. 1 Polish Defence Industry Polish Defence Industry POLISH CHAMBER OF NAtionAL DEFENSE MANUFActUrers LADIES n the 11th September of 1995 a consti- lion Zloty, including the Chamber's contribution of AND GENTLEMEN tuent meeting was held, at which, a reso- 700.000 Zloty, to the Lithuanian part of the LITPOLBAT lution to establish the chamber, initiated battalion In 1998, the Chamber has been assigned to re- Sławomir by the representatives of the Polish de- present the Polish defense industry at the NATO Indu- Every company, especially operating in the arma- O KułaKowSKi fense industry, has been adopted. A temporary manage- strial Advisory Group (NIAG), and since December of ments sector, is trying to cope with the dynamic chan- ment and an auditing committee has been elected by the 2000 it has actively taken part in the meetings of Born on May 31st, 1952 in Jelenia ges and challenges brought by today's constant deve- representatives of the 67 founders, in the presence of the Group. Góra. Graduated from the Faculty of lopment. General henryk Mika from the Ministry of Defense and Law and Administration of the Nico- One of the areas that the defense equipment manu- the Colonel. Slawomir Kulakowski from the National Se- In 1999, the Chamber initiated an industrial cooperation curity Bureau. within the Visegrad Group. Two editions of the Polish and laus Copernicus University (1975), facturers are currently focused on are new technolo- Reserve Officers School (1976) and Czech defense industries were organized (1999 and gies allowing not only to cut costs, but also increase Postgraduate Studies at the General During the past 10 years, the Chamber has been initia- 2001), I Visegrad Group Defense Industries Forum Staff Academy (1989). Reserve colo- productivity.In a wider perspective, Polish producers ting activities to advance the technical level and product (2001) in Warsaw, II Forum (2002) in Trenczyn and III nel. Held many important functions in create innovative solutions through research and new quality for the national defense, promoted the coopera- Forum (2004) in Warsaw. the institutions of the Ministry of Na- technologies – they introduce new products, services tive relations, inspired projects which led to an increase tional Defense (1976-1992 and or even business collaboration models. in the production for the domestic and foreign markets, In Poland, in addition to the agreement on cooperation as well as has inspired and supported the restructuring with the Ministry of National Defense (12.08.1999), the 1996-98). Between 1992-1996 se- rved as adviser of the head of the Na- and modernization of the Polish industry while preparing Chamber signed cooperation agreements with the Army The wide range of possibilities offered by Polish ma- tional Security Bureau at the Presi- its integration with the European structures. Workers Trade Union (1997), "Solidarity" National Sec- dent of Poland Office for Economy nufacturers and the highest quality of their products tion of Defense Industry (1998), Polish-Arab Chamber and Defense Affairs. President of the provides customers with a full range of solutions and During that period, the organization of trainings for the of Commerce (2004), National Association of Equipment Polish Chamber of National Defense services tailored to the current and future needs of the representatives of the Polish industry and the facilitation Manufacturers (1999) and the Employers' Association since 2001. dynamically growing army. of foreign contacts has been a significant element of the of Defense and Aviation Industry Enterprises (2003). Chamber's activity Besides the above, it has organized experience exchange within the areas of technical, orga- In 1999, the Chamber issued the only catalogue of the In this edition of our Polish Chamber of National De- nizational and trade solutions Polish defense industry. In 1996 the Chamber started is- fense Magazine, we wish to share examples of first- suing the BULLETIN OF ThE ChAMBER. In 2003 the -class solutions, characterized by excellent quality and Since 1998, the Chamber has been a co-organizer of the Chamber started publishing a bimonthly POLISh DE- durability. BALT MILITARY EXPO exhibition in Gdansk, and has co- FENCE INDUSTRY (in English), and a quarterly ECONO- -organized the "Cło i Granica" (Border and Customs) Fa- MIC - DEFENCE REVIEW in 2005. ir in Warsaw since 2004. In 2000, the Chamber has ini- I wish you an enjoyable read, tiated and coordinated the Polish Defense Industry Days Currently, the Chamber associates 147 public and priva- in Lithuania, during which, the associated companies ha- te enterprises. These include market leaders such as BU- ve handed over equipment worth approximately 4 mil- MAR Sp. z o.o., the Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. (Po- Sławomir Kułakowski lish Aviation Works), {1the }Stalowa Wola S.A., MESKO President of the Polish S.A. and RADWAR as well as small businesses and priva- Chamber of National te companies. Defense Manufacturers 2 3 Polish Defense Industry Polish Defense Industry POPULATION IN COMPARISON SIZE IN COMPARISON Population Rank Rank Rank European country Rank European country Size (in km2) (mln) (in the world) (in the world) 1 Germany 82.1 12 1 Ukraine 603700 43 2 France 58.9 20 2 France 543958 47 POLAND 3 Great Britain 58.7 21 3 Spain 505992 50 4 Italy 57.3 22 4 Sweden 446964 54 Poland is the largest of the East European countries which joined the EU in May 2004. Poland is 5 Ukraine 50.7 23 5 Germany 357022 61 6 Spain 39.6 29 6 Finland 338145 63 comparable in size to Italy or Germany (in USA larger than New Mexico) and with a population of 7 Poland 38.7 30 7 Norway 323877 66 approximately 39 million (e.g. more than California) it ranks among the most influential and remarkable 8 Romania 22.4 44 8 Poland 312658W 67 countries in central and Eastern Europe. Poland is a stable democracy with a truly fascinating history, 9 Netherlands 15.7 56 9 Italy 301268 69 great cultural heritage and several areas of outstanding natural beauty. 10 Greece 10.4 70 10 Great Britain 244100 76 Ministry of Transport, Construction Ministry of Regional Development PARTICIPATION MEMBERSHIP IN MAJOR and Maritime Economy ul. Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warsaw, IN PEACEKEEPING MISSIONS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ul. Chałubińskiego 4/6, 00-928 Warsaw, tel.: 0-22 461 30 00, • European Union tel. 0-22 630-10-00, www.mrr.gov.pl, [email protected], rom the initiative of the United Nations and http://www.transport.gov.pl, [email protected] • United Nations other international organizations, activities Ministry of Treasury are carried out to maintain peace and prevent • Council of Baltic Sea States Ministry of Education ul.Krucza 36 / Wspólna 6; 00-522 Warsaw, F armed conflicts in the world.
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