The Southern Sky Guide, Third Edition David Ellyard and Wil Tirion Index More Information

The Southern Sky Guide, Third Edition David Ellyard and Wil Tirion Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71405-1 - The Southern Sky Guide, Third Edition David Ellyard and Wil Tirion Index More information ,QGH[ Columba the Dove 58 'AMMA6ELORUM50 -.'# 68 #OMA"ERENICES"ERENICES(AIR 'EMINITHE4WINS76 -68 80 Geminids meteor shower 76 -) 68 #OMA#LUSTER-ELOTTE 'IANTSTARS -$UMBBELL.EBULA 84 Comets 17 Globular clusters 18 -!NDROMEDA'ALAXY 72 Conjunction of planet 16 4UCANAE -.'# 72 ABSOLUTEMAGNITUDE Constellations 1 -. -.'# 72 !CHERNAR!LPHA%RIDANI Constellations, table of brightest -. -.'# 76 !CRUX 2–3 -. -.'# Adhara (Epsilon Canis Majoris) #ORONA"OREALISTHE.ORTHERN - -/RION.EBULA 58 60 Crown 82 -. -.'# !LCYONEIN0LEIADES Corvus the Crow 64 . -0RAESEPE 76 !LDEBARAN!LPHA4AURI #RAB.EBULA- 74 .'# -0LEIADES 74 !LGIEBA'AMMA,EONIS Crater the Cup 62 /MEGA#ENTAURI. -.'# !LGOL"ETA0ERSEI 8, 74 Crossing the meridian 9 Great Square of Pegasus, the 72, -.'# !LNASL'AMMA3AGITTARII #RUXTHE3OUTHERN #ROSS52 86 -.'# !LNATH"ETA4AURI 74 Cygnus the Swan 84 Grus the Crane 54, 70 -.'# 64 !LPHARD!LPHA(YDRAE 62 Dark nebulae 18 HADAR"ETA#ENTAURI -2ING.EBULA 84 Alpheratz (Alpha Andomedae) Declination 12 (AMAL!LPHA!RIETES -.'# 78 $ELPHINUSTHE$OLPHIN (ELICALRISING60 -.'# 78 !LTAIR!LPHA!QUILAE Delta Aquarids meteor shower 70 (ELIX.EBULA70 -.'# !NDROMEDA'ALAXY- $ENEB!LPHA#YGNI (ERCULES82 -.'# Andromeda the Chained Maiden $ENEBOLA"ETA,EONIS 78 (ERSCHEL -.'# 72, 86 Distances in sky 8 (ERSCHEL50 -@3OMBRERO(ATGALAXY !NTARES!LPHA3CORPII $ORADOTHE3WORDlSH (ERSCHEL50 Antlia the Air Pump 62 $ORADUS48 (IPPARCHOS -.'# 72 !PEXOFTHE3UNS-OTION Double stars 8 (OROLOGIUMTHE#LOCK Magellanic Clouds 48 Apparent magnitude 6 Draco the Dragon 82 (YADES74 Magnitude of stars 6 !PUSTHE"IRDOF0ARADISE $UNLOP)OTA0ICTORIS (YDRATHE&EMALE7ATER3NAKE60, -ANGER THE0RAESEPE !QUARIUSTHE7ATER #ARRIER70 $UNLOP54 62, 64 Maria 14 Aquila the Eagle 68, 84 Eclipses of Moon 14 (YDRUSTHE-ALE7ATER3NAKE48 -ARKAB!LPHA0EGASI Ara the Altar 52 Eclipses of Sun 14 I/MICRON6ELORUM Mars 16 !RCTURUS!LPHA"OOTIS Ecliptic 12 )50 -ELOTTE Argo Navis the Ship Argo 50 Emission nebulae 18 )82 -ELOTTE#OMA#LUSTER Aries the Ram 72 Enif (Epsilon Pegasi) 86 Indus the Indian 54 Menkar (Alpha Ceti) 56 Asterisms 1 Epsilon Lyrae 84 Inferior conjunction 16 -ENSATHE4ABLE-OUNTAIN Astronomical twilight 12 Equuleus the Colt 86 )OTA0ICTORIS$UNLOP Mercury 16 Auriga the Charioteer 74 %RIDANUSTHE2IVER 58 Irregular variable stars 9 Messier catalogue 19 BEEHIVE 4HE0RAESEPE - Eta Aquarids meteor shower 70 JEWEL"OX THE18, 52 -ETEORSHOWERS Eta Carinae 50 Jupiter 16 !RIETIDS "ELLATRIX'AMMA/RIONIS Evening star 16 KAPPA#RUCIS $ELTA!QUARIDS "ETA#ETI False Cross 50 Kaus Australis (Epsilon %TA!QUARIDS "ETA,YRAE84 &IRST0OINTOF!RIES72 3AGITTAURII 'EMINIDS "ETELGEUSE!LPHA/RIONIS &LAMSTEEDNUMBERS6 LACERTATHE,IZARD ,EONIDS "INOCULARS &LARESTARS9 ,ARGE-AGELLANIC#LOUD /RIONIDS "OOTESTHE(ERDSMAN80 &OMALHAUT!LPHA0ISCIS!USTRINI Leo the Lion 78 1UADRANTIDS CAELUMTHE%NGRAVING4OOL Leo Minor the Small Lion 78 TABLEOFBRIGHTEST #ALIFORNIA.EBULA. &ORNAXTHE&URNACE56 Leonids meteor shower 78 4AURIDS Cancer the Crab 76 Galactic equator 68 ,EPUSTHE(ARE58 Microscopium the Microscope 54 #ANES6ENATICITHE(UNTING$OGS 'ALAXIES Libra the Scales 66 -ILKY7AY THE18 80 . Light grasp 89 -IMOSA"ETA#RUCIS Canis Major the Great Dog 60 .- Light year 6 -INORPLANETS Canis Minor the Small Dog 60 .- ,UPUSTHE7OLF52 -IRA/MICRON#ETI #ANOPUS!LPHA#ARINAE .- !NDROMEDA ,YRATHE(ARP84 -IRZAM"ETA#ANIS-AJORIS #APELLA!LPHA!URIGAE 'ALAXY M#RAB.EBULA 74 Monoceros the Unicorn 60 #APRICORNUSTHE3EA 'OAT70 . -. Moon, main features of 14 Carina the Ship’s Keel 50 .- -(NGC 6121) 66 Morning star 16 #ASTOR!LPHA'EMINORUM .- -"UTTERmY#LUSTER 66 Multiple stars 8 Celestial equator 9 .- -.'# 66 !CRUX Celestial poles 9 .- M8 (Lagoon Nebula) 68 Adhara (Epsilon Canis Majoris) Celestial sphere 9 .- -7ILD$UCK.EBULA Centaurus A 52 .- -.'# 82 !LGEIBA'AMMA,EONIS Centaurus the Centaur 52 .#ENTAURUS! -86 !LPHA#ENTAURI Cepheid variables 8 .- -.'# 68 "ETA,YRAE Cetus the Sea Monster 56 . -3WAN.EBULA 68 #ASTOR #IRCINUSTHE#OMPASSES 'ALAXIES n -. 68 $ELTA/RIONIS #LOUDSOF-AGELLAN 'AMMA!QUILAE -4RIlD.EBULA 68 $UNLOP Coal Sack, the 18, 52 'AMMA#ANCERI -.'# 68 'AMMA!NDROMEDAE © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71405-1 - The Southern Sky Guide, Third Edition David Ellyard and Wil Tirion Index More information 'AMMA6ELORUM .'#64 Phases of Moon 13 Stars 1 (ERSCHEL .'#*EWEL"OX#LUSTER 0HOENISTHE0HOENIX Stars, table of brightest 7 (ERSCHEL 0ICTORTHE0AINTERS%ASEL 3TRUVE60 (ERSCHEL .'##ENTAURUS! 0ISCESTHE&ISH72 3TRUVE60 )OTA/RIONIS .'#/MEGA#ENTAURI 0ISCIS!USTRINUSTHE3OUTHERN&ISH 3UMMER3OLSTICE )OTA0ICTORIS$UNLOP .'#- 70 3UPERGIANTSTARS K0UPPIS .'#66 Planetary movements, table of Superior conjunction 16 -U#RUCIS .'#- 91–95 Supernovas 18 3TRUVE .'#2ING.EBULA 0LANETARYNEBULAE TAURIDSMETEORSHOWER 3TRUVE .'#54 $UMBBELL.EBULA 4AURUSTHE"ULL74 4HETA%RIDANI .'#54 (ELIX.EBULA. 4EAPOT THEIN3AGITTARIUS -USCATHE&LY52 .'#$UMBBELL.EBULA . 4ELESCOPES N- . 4ELESCOPIUMTHE4ELESCOPE54 .- .'#6EIL.EBULA 84 . 4ERMINATOR14 NAKED EYEDOUBLES .'#.ORTH!MERICA 2ING.EBULA 4HETA#ARINAE !LPHA,IBRAE Nebula) 84 Planets, identifying 16 4HETA%RIDANI56 %PSILON,YRAE .'#(ELIX.EBULA 70 Planets, movements of inner 16 4HETA/RIONIS58 3IGMA4AURI .ORMATHE3ET3QUARE Planets, movements of outer 4RAPEZIUM THE58 4HETA4AURI .ORTH'ALACTIC0OLE 14–16 4RIANGULUM72 .EBULAEn .ORTHERN#ROSS Pleiades 18, 74 4RIANGULUM!USTRALE52 #ALIFORNIA.EBULA. Novae 9, 66 Pointers, the 52 4RIlD.EBULA18, 68 #OAL3ACKDARK Occultation 16 Polaris 54 4ROPICOF#ANCER #RAB.EBULA- Octans the Octant 54 0OLLUX"ETA'EMINORUM 4ROPICOF#APRICORN70 %TA#ARINAE.EBULA. Omega Centauri 18, 52 0RAESEPE"EEHIVE#LUSTER - 4RUMPLER66 /MICRON6ELORUM 4UCANATHE4OUCAN +EYHOLE.EBULA. /PENCLUSTERSn 0RECESSIONOFTHE%QUINOXES13, 4UCANAE18, 48 ,AGOON.EBULA- "UTTERmY#LUSTER- 66, 72 URSA-AJORTHE'REAT"EAR78, 80 ,AMBDA#RUCIS #OLLINDER Procyon (Alpha Canis Minoris) Variable stars 8 -. #OMA#LUSTER-ELOTTE -IRA TYPE North America Nebula 0ROXIMA#ENTAURI8, 52 -IRA . (YADES Puppis the Ship’s Poop 60 2#AR /RION.EBULA. ) 0YXISTHE3HIPS#OMPASS60 2(OR 2OSETTE.EBULA. *EWEL"OX. Quarantids meteor shower 80 2,EO 3WAN.EBULA- -. RASALGETHI!LPHA(ERCULI 82 2,EP 4ARANTULA.EBULA. -. 2ASALHAGUE!LPHA/PHIUCHI 3#AR 4RIlD.EBULA- -. 2EmECTIONNEBULAE18 5/RI 6EIL.EBULA. -. 2EGULUS!LPHA,EONIS Eclipsing 7ILD$UCK.EBULA- -@STARCLOUD Resolution 89 !LGOL New General Catalogue 19 -) 2ETICULUMTHE2ETICLE "ETA,YRAE .'#56 -. Retrograding of planet 14–15 3EMI REGULAR .'#4UCANAE -. 2IGEL"ETA/RIONIS L0UPPIS .'#56 -. Right ascension 12 6EGA!LPHA,YRAE .'# -. 2IGIL+ENT!LPHA#ENTAURI 6ELATHE3HIPS3AIL50 .'#56 -. Rosette Nebula 60 6ENUS16 .'##ALIFORNIA.EBULA -. Royal Stars of Persia 70, 74, 78 6ERNALEQUINOX12, 72 74 -ELOTTE!LPHA0ERSEI Sagitta the Arrow 84 6IRGO#LUSTER64, 80 .'#- . Sagittarius the Archer 68 6IRGOTHE9OUNG-AIDEN .'#/RION.EBULA . Satellites 17 6ULPECULATHE&OX84 .'#58 . Saturn 16 White dwarf stars 8 .'# . 3AUCEPAN THE 7ILD$UCK.EBULA- .'#- . 3CHEAT"ETA0EGASI 7INTER4RIANGLE THE84 .'#4ARANTULA.EBULA . Scorpius the Scorpion 66 Zodiac 13 .'#- . Sculptor the Sculptor’s Chisel 56 .'#2OSETTE.EBULA 60 /MICRON6ELORUM) Scutum the Shield 68 .'#60 0LEIADES- 3ERPENS#APUTTHE3ERPENTS(EAD .'#60 0RAESEPE- 66 .'#60 4HETA#ARINAE) 3ERPENS#AUDATHE3ERPENTS4AIL .'#60 4RAPEZIUM4HETA/RIONIS 66, 68 .'#60 4RUMPLER 3EXTANSTHE3EXTANT62 .'#60 /PHIUCHUSTHE3ERPENT (OLDER Shaula (Gamma Scorpii) 66 .'#60 66, 82 Sidereal time 21 .'#- Opposition, planet at 15 Sigma Octantis 54 .'#62 /RION.EBULA- .'# 3IRIUS!LPHA#ANIS-AJORIS .'#%TA#ARINAE.EBULA 58 3MALL-AGELLANIC#LOUD /RIONTHE(UNTER 3OOTHIS3IRIUS .'# Pavo the Peacock 54 South celestial pole 9 .'#64 0EGASUSTHE&LYING(ORSE86 3OUTH'ALACTIC0OLE .'#64 0ERSEUS 86 3PICA!LPHA6IRGINIS 98 © Cambridge University Press

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